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The Crisis in the Family Elder Ariel Rivera Guatemala, April 11th Year of Abundance

In Zach 5:11 KJ2000 says that we bring the evilness to our house when we build an altar for it, this entity is imitating the way we praise our Lord, this entity tries to establish itself in our house, in 1 Cor 3.16 KJ2000 says that we are temple of the Lord so we cannot let this entity to get in to ourselves and search if we are opening the door of our home to it. What do we have to do for the Lord dwells in our house? We need to praise Him, when we do not praise Him we are making fertile land for the evilness and even more when we open our house to music that is not worships God. The greatest idolatry is the egolatry, because when somebody sins only things about himself, the target of the evilness is to be worshiped by us, our attitudes contrary to God´s will is worship of the evilness, and when we do this we are opening the door to this evil entity, demons have no bodies; they get into bodies to get delight, when we get into a house and disciplers they carry a delegated authority, if we do it right the Lord supports us, we must declare peace to that house. When the evilness and the iniquity fell to this earth they lost their essence which is why they are searching for praise, their delight is when we do not do God´s will, they search make us sin because they get stronger in that way. Crisis according to the dictionary; is the change in the state of health of a person, judgment of something, lack of something, a difficult situation. We all know that one day we will be before the judgment seat of Christ as we read in 2 Co 5:10 KJ2000, and in Jn 3:19 KJ2000 says that men loved darkness rather than light, the cause of this condemnation is in basis to the light we have. Nowadays family is facing crisis because the light came to the world and unfortunately this world loved darkness, and we will be judged by the light we have, let us remember that in Genesis we read about children of God had light but when they sinned they lost that light, and God is the light of the World (Jn 8:12) and He also says that the one who is friend of the world is enemy of God. As long as much light we let into ourselves we won´t be judged for bad. In Prov 1:27 KJ2000 this is a period of grace but during the tribulation if we let the evilness which is the darkness come into our house we will live that terrible day and in that day there won´t be more grace and mercy. We must take that mercy and grace that the Lord has for us today. In Jos 24:15 KJ2000 this is when Joshua spoke to the people of Israel and told them that they had the chance to decide which god they will serve but he said that he and his family will serve the Lord, we need to run away from sin, 2Pe 1:18 KJ2000 we were redeemed from our vain way of living that we inherit from our parents. When we serve the Lord we are declaring to the evil entities that we are serving to the Almighty God, the one who does not serves the Lord is in danger of falling. In Jn18:18 KJ2000 there is no communion with people that do not have our same doctrine because it can drive us to confusion. In Jn 3:20 KJ2000 the one who does evil things is basically rejecting light, we must search the unity in family to serve the Lord. Prov 1:10 KJ2000 we must never listen to those who wants to take us away from the paths of the Lord, they are only searching making us sin. In Prov 1:13 KJ2000 stealing is a sin, the evilness is searching a residence; why a Christian steals? For instance the Lord says that the revenge in His but when we take revenge in our hands we are stealing God, a Christian steals for the lack of faith, when we believe more to a financial entity or a medicine before praying God in the midst of our affliction we are lacking of faith. In the ancient times people use to rise statues or AMULETOS to Lilith which is a demon which is represent as a woman for men and as a man for women, but they use to do this for fear. If we believe to other things which are not God we could be falling into this idolatry. Only by falling in love with the Word we will find God´s will, we must practice the truth, in Prov 1:23 KJ2000 the Lord calls us to return to His reproof and He will pour out His Spirit upon us, we must return to his reproof because in that way we will know when the evilness is trying to get into our houses.

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The Crisis in the Family Elder Ariel Rivera Guatemala, April 11th Year of Abundance

In Prov 1:33 KJ2000 if we hear the Lord we will live without fear of anything and dwell safely. 1 Pe 4:17 KJ2000, the judgment must start in our house, but what will happen to those who do not obey God, other versions says decision instead of judgment, so this means that we are the one who take de decision of doing God´s will or let this evilness get into our house. In Heb 10:39 KJ2000 we do not draw back unto the perdition, we must take the decision in our heart of serving the Lord. 2Ti 2:19 JK2000 the Lord know those who are His, and the iniquity will get apart from him, and he destruction will not get into our houses.

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