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The lordship of abundance Pastor Julio Hernández Guatemala, April 14th Year of Abundance

As the Lord´s servants, this year we have been scrutinizing the Word with relation to the abundance, and it is impressive the way the Lord speaks to us, and in such a way that we have understood that it’s not just material abundance but complete. However, there are some who have not assimilated the Proclaim, because they have not experience the abundance for different motives and that is why they do not see the importance of it. In the Scriptures we can see different groups who were separated from the abundance, for example: the spies who were sent to recognize the land of Canaan, who seen the giants were full of fear and that kept them from finding the abundance. The same way, with the disciples who experimented the miraculous catch of fish, and who were told just before that the Lord was going to resurrect, and that was an impediment to find abundance, until the Lord presented Himself to them. Also the leper men, narrated in the Book of 2 Kings, chapter seven who, because of the law that prohibited them to enter the city to enjoy of the abundance. It is necessary to let go of fears, frustrations and legalism that could be prevent us to enjoy of the spiritual abundance that God has for us. Abundance is also a sort of honor coming from God, but we rather look for the honor of men. However, we can see how Joseph was advancement, from being a loyal servant for Potiphar to bottler of his household, and then, he became jailer, and afterwards, to his administrator; and the Bible calls him as father of Pharos, lord and lastly he was called the governor of the whole land. God Himself allowed his evolution, but not by the things he did, and to this respect, it is necessary for us to reflect and see if we are doing something only to have the recognition of men, and not because we have a calling from God. Joseph became the lordship of the places where he took over: in his father´s house, in Potiphar’s house, in jail, and in the Egyptian government. Let us see Gen 49:22-24: saying that Joseph was as a horse jumping over a wall, meaning that he had the attitude to rise above all obstacles before him, because he got over many adverse situations. Raised by a spring, the Bible speaks of being sustained having joy over the Word of God (Psalm 1:3) and also to place our faith only in Him (Jer: 17:8). Joseph depended only in the Lord, since he had to let go of what was his, like his family, his house and even the garments given to him, and when he wanted to place his faith in a man, (the cup bearer) he forgot about him, causing him to remain two years more in jail. Of the woman of the Song of Solomon, it says that her eyes were as doves next to a spring, bathed in milk (Song 5:12) meaning that our vision has to come from God having a doctrinal foundation; the same way, as the Word mentions of the willow trees next to the river, where the people of God hanged their harps in Babylon (Psalm 137:2) speaking to us about praise and worship. In the transition of his life Joseph was called “lord”: 1. - Lord of dreams (Baal kjalóm) when he went to meet his brothers, 2. - Lord of the household and goods (Adón bayit, Mashál quinyán) 3. - Lord of the land (Salit erets). We shall focus in the Lordship of the goods (Mashál quinyán) as he was called in Pharos house, as found in the next verse. The word Mashál H4910 means(Psalm 105:21): to govern, to dominate, prince, to rule, lordship, while the word quinyán H7075 it means to buy, riches, goods, to gain, position, coming from the root H7060: caná, meaning to build to create, to procure to acquirer a field; which leads us to the next verse: (Gen 47:20) and Joseph bought the lands from the Egyptians, and that’s how the Scriptures, shows different fields we have to buy: (Mt 13:44) This field makes reference This study is allowed to be copied and printed by any mean, only if the source of the information is quoted.



The lordship of abundance Pastor Julio Hernández Guatemala, April 14th Year of Abundance

to the treasure of our salvation, that Christ bought on the Calvary Cross, and by which it is necessary to announce this message and each time we have the opportunity to invite people to integrate their life to the Lord. Pro 27: 23-26 Here, we see that to be able to buy this field it is necessary to sell the goats. In other studies, we have learned that the goats are attitudes we have to change by means of ministration because, it could be that because of them, we cannot enjoy of the abundance. (Gen: 49:29-30) This is the field of the sepulcher; its name is Macpela, which means sheepfold, double heritage. When we gather these three meanings we could say that: the sheepfold is double heritage, but to enjoy it is necessary to die and voluntarily to give our life, especially if we desire to be sued by the Lord, though if we have died to our own self, we will not glory of anything. In this field were buried the bones belonging to Joseph (Joshua 24:32), who was before in Siquem, which means shoulder, which speaks of responsibility. We have also to consider that Joseph pass through the desert already dead, therefore we was never unhappy with anything, as the others did, therefore when we feel unhappy about any situation, the solution is to die to our desires to understand that we have to wait for the time God has for us. Other fields mentioned by the Scriptures are The Porterfield which speaks about formation (Mt 27: 6-7) where Jacob bought his tent, speaks of stability (Gen 33:19) the field of the family importance (Pro 31:16) To be the Lordship of goods and be able to administer the abundance that the Lord gives to us, it is necessary to buy these fields; and lets think which one of these we have to acquire still, but not in the material ways, but in the areas of our life still to be conquered. If we have been brought up next to the spring nothing will detain us, therefore let´s not allow that any obstacles in the way, but let´s overcome any situation and be able to go beyond.

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