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The Coming of the Son of Man Pastor Ramiro Sagastume Guatemala, April 17th Year of Abundance

Be living in these final times implies something beautiful but also dangerous, mainly because we can be deceived if we are not seeking the Lord´s face continually, if we are not searching the fullness of His presence. By doing so, darkness will not be able to find a receptor in our lives. Revelation 8:13 (PSH) “And I looked, and I heard an eagle with a tail of blood flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, “Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet of the three angels who are about to sound!” What we can see here is that the eagle will be flying when the fourth trumpet is sounding. We must remember that there are going to be different periods: a beginning of sorrows, a pretribulation, a tribulation and the great tribulation; these are events that we will not experience, but it is necessary to analyze them mainly because the time we are living in is filled with many signs that shall be completed before the Church is taken above, where also Christ´s tribunal will take place. Mathew 24:27 (SRV) “For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be”. It is interesting to see how God compares the coming of the Son of man with a lightning; especially because not everybody can notice it, suddenly there is a flash but when we see carefully there is nothing; in the same manner the coming of the Son of Man will happen, the world will hear a sound but when they try to understand, it will have passed. We will then review the 6 eschatological scenarios that we have studied before: CHURCH SCENARIO When we refer to the Church scenario, we are talking about the true Church. Nowadays we see news where Christians are being persecuted, not only to cast them out of some places but also killing them due to their faith in Christ. Recently many reports have emerged that talk about how homosexuality is fiercely entering the Church; even worse because many servants of God, are approving gay marriages. BABYLON SCENARIO This scenario is divided into 7 facets: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Ancestral Religious Military Economical Political Geographical Historical

All of these facets work together as an octopus´ tentacles that try to embrace and destroy Israel, both spiritually and physically. This study is allowed to be copied and printed by any mean, only if the source of the information is quoted.



The Coming of the Son of Man Pastor Ramiro Sagastume Guatemala, April 17th Year of Abundance

ISRAEL SCENARIO Here we see how Israel, in the midst of many political problems, is approaching a war against the Arab world; no one can stop Israel in its effort to re-build the third temple and all that this entails. That is why many Jews around the world are returning to the land God gave them as inheritance; not only adults, but young people are going back to Israel, which is a sign of the last days. WORLD SCENARIO We can see how 7 years after the economical crash of the United States, it continues to claim victims, not as people but in many different areas, to this we can combine the fact that this country has been suffering due to the effect of climate change, affecting their economy. Obviously, if this nation is having problems, also those countries that trade with it will also be affected, in fact the whole world will suffer the consequences. COSMOS SCENARIO Regarding this, we can say that signs in heaven have existed since ancient times, as we can see in Matthew 2:1: “Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, saying, Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.” Combined with this fact, the scientists cannot explain how an invisible shield protects the earth from asteroids coming into it, but we know that God´s hand is always covering us and manifesting His signs in heaven. EARTH SCENARIO Many earthquakes have happened around the world, and with them many unknown animals have appeared, especially in the sea. In some other places rats the size of a cat are emerging. Young people can say that this is normal but 20 years ago these things didn’t happen. The number of earthquakes has increased significantly, and we can confirm this with the Biblical prophecy that says: “And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.” Mt 24:7, this is a confirmed sign of the end of the age. Mark 13:8 (LBA) For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be famines and troubles. These are the beginnings of sorrows. Many people say that earthquakes are not a sign because they have always occurred, but if we compare the actual statistics of these events with reports from 20 to 30 years ago, we can see that the number of them has dramatically increased. In fact, 3 to 5 earthquakes are reported daily around the world; the first half of April 2016, 134 earthquakes have been reported. Now, analyzing the eschatological scenarios we understand that one scenario activates other scenarios, for example, when earthquakes take place, parallel to this we can see many This study is allowed to be copied and printed by any mean, only if the source of the information is quoted.



The Coming of the Son of Man Pastor Ramiro Sagastume Guatemala, April 17th Year of Abundance

Christians being deceived by false doctrines, partaking with other religions, even some ministers that God has used, are falling into the tentacles of the religious Babylon. Titus 2:13 (SRV) Looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. This is the hope we have today and by which we are held daily, no matter the storm we are going through, nothing makes us turn back because God´s love keeps us going forward seeking His face; we must ask God, that for His Name´s sake we can be totally transformed in order to be worthy to partake in the marriage supper of the Lamb, Rev 19:9.

This study is allowed to be copied and printed by any mean, only if the source of the information is quoted.



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