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Preparing ourselves for His returning Apostle Sergio G. Enriquez O. Guatemala, April 20th Year of Abundance

Most people overlook the prompt coming of the Lord, however the days after the red moons, and the events around the world that the preparation of the soul of each one of us; even with things which we have not overcome in our soul, as it happened to Joseph toward his brothers, and Elijah, and his fear tours Jezebel, therefore we have to go tours our perfection, because the Lord gave us an order to be perfect, and because we all have imperfection in us, with hidden things in our soul, that we have to let go from their root. The days of the coming of the Lord are closer that what we things, and with the last earthquakes taking place all over the earth, and never before as many as the last days, the earth is trembling, because the Lord said that before His coming there would be many great earthquakes, and it is happening now, therefore, we must be conscious of what is going on, and that’s why we want to learn how to be prepare for His coming, and the emphasis is that, the Lord is coming soon. There are three words which we need to underline (1John 2:2). Like to remain, to manifest, and His coming, and (1 The 4:17; 4:15), the word to remain in Him when talking about the coming of the Lord when it is said that the leaving who have remained, that is what the original writings say. And it does not say, the alive that remained; there will be a lot of people who does not desire to understand, and they will be left behind ashamed. And if we remain in Him (1John 2-6), have to be like He did, and in we are going to remain in Him, we have to be like He did, because we are the leaving who remained, and when in that category, then we will be rapture and that will not be possible if we do not have a manifestation of an revival of a spirit of grace over our life that will surround us taking from us all wrongs we have, situations that we have to work in our own souls like lies in our hearts and our answers and lust in our thoughts; but in the spiritual way to be and remain like He did, will be recognizing the priorities Jesus had, and to recognize His priorities, we will be able to be like He did, and what was necessary and important for Him, and for our preparation for His coming, and then analyzing His needs, we will know His priorities, and let the Holy Spirit touch our heart, and when we are able to fit in the needs He had, we will find ourselves walking in His path, and we will be able to go in the rapture. And the Need of Jesus is: Mt 16:21. The importance for Jesus was necessary to go to Jerusalem, to suffer and be resurrected at the third day. Let’s remember that there are three Jerusalem, the physical, the spiritual and the celestial Jerusalem, for us it is necessary the spiritual Jerusalem, Zion, and then the church is the spiritual Jerusalem, therefore, the church is the place where we will be able to render our rights, and be able to suffer and to die to our carnalities (Luke 2:49). It was necessary to be in my Father, as to say, in communion with Him, that is what the original Scriptures says in that verse, and in other words He had to have communion with His Father, and therefore, we have to understand that to be able to have communion with Him by calling Him Father, because we were given an adoption spirit, by which we cry out, Abba Father, and the communion is He the Father, we His sons, and not just anybody can call Him Father, that is why it is necessary for us to address Him as our Father, because society unfortunately has spoil our communion with the Father, and it is necessary to call to Him as our Father, and not only as my God, the Lord, because He is all of that, but is also our Father, because the intentions of the enemy is to brake the loving bond of the family, and that is why the many cannot find that link and the flavor of calling Him daddy, because they did not have a good relation with the father, giving priority only to the mother and not to the father, and that is one of the reasons that it is difficult to have that paternity desire with our Heavenly Father, and therefore, the healing of our This study is allowed to be copied and printed by any mean, only if the source of the information is quoted.



Preparing ourselves for His returning Apostle Sergio G. Enriquez O. Guatemala, April 20th Year of Abundance

relation with our biological father, and it is so important because that will make us able to call , to call God, our daddy, our lovingly Father .and be in communion with Him.

This study is allowed to be copied and printed by any mean, only if the source of the information is quoted.



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