The beginnings of the Lord Apostle Sergio G. EnrĂquez O. Guatemala, April 21th Year of Abundance
As noted in the previous study, earthquakes have increased across the Earth as part of the signs of the end of times; which should have our attention to our life and the way in which the Church is walking with the Lord. In addition to this, we can also remember that after the attack on the Twin Towers in New York (2001), a stronger spiritual attack begun to the pentagon of the people of God; this came through false ministers that the enemy sent. This in order that the Church of Christ be diverted from the road and reach the end of an irreversible apostasy. Also, we can see in the final of the times another signals. The Bible says that there will be an increased in science, which has allowed the emergence of genetic manipulation that is gaining more and more strength for the purpose which genes are disrupted and that humanity is completely manipulated, for good or for evil, but as humanity is dominated by darkness, would have to be a trend toward darkness. Similarly we can speak in the spiritual realm, it is precisely where we need to analyze and discern under the guidance of the Holy Spirit in order that the enemy does not achieve its purposes. That's why we need to go back to the old way to eternal path that God left us for that DNA can be disrupted spiritually speaking, you may have a restart and achieve that for which were achieved. In this opportunity, in this study, we will see things that Jesus did when he began his ministry: Luk 3:23 (KJV) And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli. In this verse we can see that at some point we have assumed many things, for example, the age, Jesus was 30 years, but the Bible says he was about 30 years; his identity as son of Joseph, says the relationship between them as was supposed paternal link. We need to understand that at the time when Jesus said the harvest was great and the laborers are few, there were many people all over the Earth; today is to make life in our hearts that situation in order to take the responsibility that corresponds to us in a serious way before God, because today is very unfortunate that some ministers consider his call for riches on earth rather than do that for which they were called. Many people want to start immediately their work in the mission of the Lord, the problem is that they are children, they are not prepared enough, like Jesus was prepared. We need to see what he did, so we can copy his actions and do the same; so we can have his model and apply it in our everyday life. We need to go to the cross, in a spiritual way, we need to die to ourselves. God prepared ourselves and when we walk with him, he asks us for things or actions, so we can surrender them. In our walk with him, he decides what is necessary for us, he leads us to the way that he wants for us; so we can be mature and be part of the people that he has prepared to be a good minister. It is very important to wait the time of the Lord for us; he in his perfect time is going to call us to be his ministers. The point is that if at that time the harvest was great, what would it be today? However, the responsibility of those who are in charge of a mission should be firm, with the purpose of being responsible for knowing who to send to the harvest of God spoke back then; besides that we need to see that Jesus was about 30 years, as we said, when he began his ministry, but to reach that point, I had the corresponding preparation that the Father allowed, did not begin His ministry as a child.
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The beginnings of the Lord Apostle Sergio G. Enríquez O. Guatemala, April 21th Year of Abundance
If we ahead of the time, surely it will be impulse by our soul and we are not going to have the backrest of the Lord. It is very important and necessary that we walk according the God´s will, like Jesus did. If we do the opposite, we are going to find in our life obstacles like: feeling disappointed, or even suffering depression, because there is the feeling that we are not flowing in the God´s plans. We need to have in communion with him, it is the best for us. He in his perfect time will call us to achieve what he has for us. Returning to the point that we are talking about genetics; we know that there was manipulation in world of stem cells, which were marketed to people who have been able to buy and achieve regeneration in their body for areas that may need them. As servants of God, we can say that we can rely on stem cells but spiritually speaking, with which can have a restart in our life and get back to the point where God finished hence form ourselves that we can choose to restart in our life and then think and We walk according to the will of God. So, let´s see what the beginnings of Jesus were: PREACHING Mat 4:17 (KJV) From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. What we have to do? Preach the message of God. There is a big problem; today, we see that a lot of people that has a professional title is in the place of the ministers. These people take the charge, they please the church and not give what they need. They pleased the soul desires of the people. We have to stop this type of movements and not accommodate to these situations. We need to take our responsibility in the preaching of the gospel, which cannot get it away from our lives and from the call that the Lord has given to us. And this, to edify his vineyard. Respond with love to that call. Fulfil yourself with his Holy presence, in the measurement that you look for it, he will reveal you more about the mysteries of his Holy word, so you can edify and bless yourself and his church. ¿What we are going to preach? Jesus began to say to repent, by what? Today we need to repent of the way of thinking to change our life, all the things we learned or taught us in our parents' house or perhaps in the world in general; we can discard them and then think according to the will of God, which will make us also walk as Jesus walks, understand with this walk in holiness. But then everything will start to change the way of thinking, this will lead us to see that in the mind of the human being, there is a workshop where if you are thinking about the things of God, we will be like, but if you pay attention to the things of the world we will have a devil's workshop. Then we change our way of thinking to the way in which our Lord Jesus Christ thinks. The Heavenly Kingdom Once Jesus told them to repent, he also told them that the kingdom of heaven had come, what is the kingdom of heaven? Justice, peace and joy. We could also say that to know what is the kingdom of heaven, we can start by researching what is not the kingdom and then we have the antithesis of what it is; it would like to learn against a mirror because we will see in the reverse This study is allowed to be copied and printed by any mean, only if the source of the information is quoted.
The beginnings of the Lord Apostle Sergio G. EnrĂquez O. Guatemala, April 21th Year of Abundance
direction of reality. Obviously we need to investigate all based on the Bible and not a humanist precepts. Die to our Ego Mat 16:21 (KJV) from that time forth began Jesus to shew unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day. One of the things we can see in this verse is the fact that we will be faced with religious people who pretend to ourselves at a point where we are prohibiting many things almost self-righteous manner. We will not get to argue with that kind of religious because possibly in the light of the word win an argument, one may quizzing, but in reality we need to learn is to die to ourselves for not seeking glory in front of those people but not shut up and accept what they tell us; How do we avoid dying?, both ourselves because if we do not die, we cannot live. So we need to learn that the congregation got to die and not be demanding rights assumptions that we can exercise. Jesus Ministered Mat 26:37 (KJV) and he took with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, and began to be sorrowful and very heavy. We can see that the mystical body of Christ, Jesus will end as it began. What we see here is that Jesus ministered His soul. This teaches us that being primary ministers, we must also minister to us, maybe not with a sheep, but we can do with another minister of the gospel in which we can trust and then open our soul to those situations that we are in the way, can be uprooted from our heart and we have no impediments to enter the full joy of our God. It could be that at some point we get to a place that suddenly bring us bad memories of any situation; perhaps a sin that we wanted to leave in the past, but continued to keep our soul because we never light of Jesus so that the enemy did not have anything to accuse; but today I must assume our responsibility as Jesus did and do what we should do but also doing it as we should do, remembering that we can come before our eternal advocate with the Father, who is our Lord, Savior and elder brother in we can trust, His name Jesus Christ.
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