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The Day of The Apocalypse (II) Second Service Apostle Sergio G. Enríquez O. Guatemala, May 1st Year of Abundance

As Christians we have the strong conviction that our Lord Jesus Christ will come soon, but what would happen if He is not coming anymore? We have already talked about this many times because some ministers are saying that the Lord will not come back even in 400 years from now; such thing is completely wrong because according to the Bible we know that His coming is near. The signs that we see in the Word confirm that He is coming, the events that are taking place around the world also reflect this, this is not the result of our imagination, but the confirmation of what the Lord said when He lived in Israel. Just to mention a couple of examples: Israel is negotiating the Golan heights with Syria, on the other hand we see several volcanoes erupting, and many earthquakes occurring around the world. The political situation of all nations is actually like a boiling pot that could explode in to a world war; added to this we see new diseases appearing with no control over them. The population growth is causing the biggest nations to limit the number of children per family. All of these are signs that we are living in the days of the Apocalypse, just as Noah did when the whole earth was flooded but he and his family were saved. In the days of Lot there was a judgment over Sodom and Gomorrah, God sent fire and brimstone from heaven over these cities, and the same thing will happen in the final days; before the days of Lot come the days of Noah must begin, and we are actually living in them. During the days of Lot, the Bible says that the people were buying and selling (Luke 17:28), but the question is: how can buying and selling be a sign of the end of time? Let´s see some verses that will help us to understand this: Ezekiel 28:16 (BLA) By the abundance of your trading you became filled with violence within, and you sinned; Therefore I cast you as a profane thing out of the mountain of God; And I destroyed you, o covering cherub, from the midst of the fiery stones. One of the conclusions we can say about Luzbel is that if he had not begun trading probably he would still be a covering cherub; the problem was that he negotiated with bodies, souls and wills; he convinced many angels to rebel against God, he even tried to make a deal with Jesus when he offered Him all the kingdoms of the earth, proposition which our Lord rejected. On the other hand we see how Abraham rejected the King of Sodom´s offer, when he wanted to trade the souls in exchange for riches, and we also see how Abraham knew that God was going to make him rich. We can give the same answer to the devil when he tries to deceive us, especially when we are in great need. We must know that we are rich in God and will be even more. In past generations and even in our days, many men have made pacts with the devil selling their generations, this explains why in some families we see many tragic deaths. For this reason we must ask God for revelation, lest our ancestors made some of these pacts, which can be broken by the power of the Name of Jesus our Savior. Revelation 13:17 (LBA) and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. If we go back to the sign of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, when He said that many were going to buy and sell, we now see how the commerce is using worldwide a bar code to make

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The Day of The Apocalypse (II) Second Service Apostle Sergio G. EnrĂ­quez O. Guatemala, May 1st Year of Abundance

transactions. The problem is that, at a certain point every person will have to use a number or a bar code installed in his body to be able to buy and sell. A recent example of this scenario iwas mentioned in the newspapers about the Panama Papers, this showed that many companies were making their transactions without any control. When this came to light many nations opposed because they were losing power over the world. Therefore the world is desperately seeking to establish the New World Order to be able to have absolute power over all nations, which means that the antichrist will soon appear to lead this movement; in other words, the whole scenario is almost ready to see the prophecy of His coming fulfilled. All of this means that the Church must be prepared to depart from this earth, and this will require our sanctification by the Word and our obedience to the Father through His Holy Spirit.

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