The Mystery of Iniquity Apostle Sergio G. Enriquez O. Fourth Service Guatemala, April 24th Year of Abundance
We have been studying about mounts; in some point the enemy will try to block us so we do not move forward victory and perfection that God wants us to reach. Among all things the Lord has shown us, we have seen that in Psalms 121:1 says I will lift up my eyes unto the mountains: From whence shall my help come? But in a different version says: Psalm 121:1 (KJV) <<A Song of degrees. I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. Let us notice that in this version states and do not question as we commonly interpret which comes to strengthen us while we are defeating the mountains that need to be removed from our way, in the name of Jesus. Now well with the coming of the Lord, many things must be shown that we have never seen; maybe mountains that have never blocked in our life are blocking now or new illnesses and others that already existed but have intensified. Another situation is that iniquity will come, represented as a woman, during the time of Elijah the Prophet when he will return to the Word; she will be Jezebel, because in the book of Revelation let us see Jezebel inferring that her wicked operation has not finished yet, spiritually and physically; the advantage that we always have had is that God is on our side and won’t let Jezebel reach us, if we are faithful to the word of the Lord Jesus Christ. About Elijah the Prophet, we can’t stop mentioning that he has an extraordinary mission over the families of the people of God; with the purpose that the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ be presented pure to the presence of God at the weddings of the Lamb, but after this the Elijah the Prophet with the second witness will return to the world to battle the antichrist, but at the middle of it they will be killed and all the world will celebrate their death by sending presents in that moment the power of Jezebel will be shown with her partner as the book of Zechariah says; referring to wickedness and iniquity, that in Jesus’s time in this world were presented by Herodias and Salome who seek the way to cut the head of John the Baptist. In this moment will be shown at Iraq, at the valley of Shinar, as we can read in Zachariah 5:11. Also we have to see that from the fall of humanity, women never had as much prominence as she does today. In ancient time women didn’t even have the right to vote for any type of elections at any country. With this we are not saying that we support the “machista” movement because we will be in the other side of the pendulum; we are not machistas neither feminist. But not because of this we will stop speaking while time moves forward, the mystery of iniquity keeps moving forward to unstable the Church of Christ and we don’t reach holiness if we are not constantly filling ourselves of the presence of God because our battle is not only against sin, the world or ourselves; now the battle intensifies because it is also against iniquity. God sent the highest power shown in His Son and the Holy Spirit; therefore, we have it to our reach the most powerful tool that no one else had have before; love, in order to fill ourselves with love while we are in this World and stopping the enemy not to reach its purposes. Matthew 24:12 (ESV) And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.
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The Mystery of Iniquity Apostle Sergio G. Enriquez O. Fourth Service Guatemala, April 24th Year of Abundance
So we must see iniquity as a character and not only as a practice; we must see it as a power from the darkness taking control of the mind of those people that have not dedicated their lives to follow the will of God; then iniquity arrives and makes these people to practice so wicked that we have never seen before, this is why we see that in Russia, very recently a woman, cut a little girls hear that was under her care and after doing this she went out in the street with the girl’s head in the hands; this situation, full of violence, but we have seen violence since the fall of humanity but we have not seen such things recently; we also understand that iniquity has been increasing, this is why we can’t underestimate the tool called love that God has sent us to protect our heart and mind in order not to be contaminated.
2 Thessalonians 2:7 (KJV) For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 2 Thessalonians 2: 3 (KJV) Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition… One way in which apostasy will show is by pretending that humanism takes the place that only belong to God. The world seeks to justify iniquity of people, for example: homosexuals; they seek to show their way of life as something normal but it is an aberration that this concept gets into the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. REVENGE AS INIQUITY Genesis 49:5 (ESV) "Simeon and Levi are brothers; weapons of violence are their swords. When we read the context of this verse we see that Dina, Jacob’s daughter, went out to the world to check how the women from the world behaved, but the prince from Shechem saw and raped her (Genesis 34). Jacob didn’t do anything until they arrive to Simeon and Levy house, when they knew about it, they planned their revenge; they asked all that people to be circumcised, since they were pagans. The prince trying to honor Dina he asked her to marry him and Jacob and his son agreed but planned their revenge by asking them to circumcise; they did it and on the third day, the day of the most pain, the sons of Jacob killed them. This action is considered iniquity under revenge in the heart of those people that maybe have this type of feeling in their heart, as many people of God, because of different situations they are living, but in this case, we must be careful of not contaminating; and we can do this if we are full of love.
The question today is: do we have the feeling of revenge in our heart because of injustice? If this is the case, we can say that it is a manifestation of how iniquity is at Church weakens it in its love. Obviously, this is only a manifestation of iniquity because when we explain this concept, we see that God does not approve thieves, how do we fall in this problem? Keeping to ourselves what belongs to God, and this is worshiping, but also tithes.
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The Mystery of Iniquity Apostle Sergio G. Enriquez O. Fourth Service Guatemala, April 24th Year of Abundance
COWARDICE AS INIQUITY 2 Samuel 3:34 (ASV) Thy hands were not bound, nor thy feet put into fetters: As a man falleth before the children of iniquity, so didst thou fall. And all the people wept again over him. In this verse we see David mourned for Abner’s death; who died by the sword of the chief official it was a death full of cowardice which is part of the manifestation of iniquity. The problem with this type of action is that in some moment we are called to work full time in God’s work I a certain place, where maybe only one family will come to start this work; suddenly doubt will come in how people will be maintained, is then when we do not have to forget who we really are, servants of God, He will hold us if God sent to a certain place and to do a determined activity in His work; He will backs us up even if the devil himself raises to block us, in this case the enemy will never reach his purposes because no one can be against God. Also if there are sheep being pastored that are not faithful to the Lord by tithing and offerings the Lord will send ravens to feed His servant if this person is faithful to the Lord. Let’s be faithful to God and never go back because if we do so this is a manifestation of cowardice which is not approved by God. FEAR AS INIQUITY 2 Samuel 22:5 (ESV) "For the waves of death encompassed me, the torrents of destruction assailed me; Iniquity will use fear as a tool, in Hebrews 2:14-15 we read that the enemy enslaved humanity with death, the Lord Jesus Christ came to take the keys of death to the devil so the ones who believe in Jesus could be truly free and eternal.
INIQUITY PLANNING WICKED ACTIONS BY A DECREE Psalm 94:20 (KJV)Can a throne of destruction be allied with Thee, One which devises mischief by decree? Psalm 94:20(ASV) Shall the throne of wickedness have fellowship with thee, Which frameth mischief by statute? Currently there are decrees against the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the greater problema is that some Christians are deceived and they will support this type of actions.
CHAINS OF INIQUITY Acts 8:23 (ESV)For I see that you are in the gall of bitterness and in the bond of iniquity.” We need to fulfill ourselves of the presence of God at all times, so we do not give any space to bitterness and consequently iniquity.
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The Mystery of Iniquity Apostle Sergio G. Enriquez O. Fourth Service Guatemala, April 24th Year of Abundance
TREASURES OF INIQUITY Micah 6:10 (ASV) Are there yet treasures of wickedness in the house of the wicked, and a scant measure that is abominable? The world has fulfilled of iniquity, however we have to remember that where sin is abundant; iniquity overflows; but God will overflow His grace for the end of times we are living.
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