Those who didn´t learn Elder Juan Luis Elías Guatemala, April 17th Year of Abundance
Jn 1:5 (KJV) “And the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not.” By analyzing this verse, we realize that the darkness were before our time and that over it the light shined but they didn´t understand it; other versions of the Bible say that they (the darkness) didn´t understand it. When we review different biblical dictionaries, we see that the word “comprehend” we can see that it was like they had the opportunity to learning something but they didn´t want to. Isa. 28:9 (BBE) to whom will he give knowledge? And to whom will he make clear the world? Will it be to those who have newly given up milk? And who have only now been taken from the breast? This transmit the idea that someone is sending knowledge that we need to learn from, considering that all that comes from God to our life we cannot underestimate, so if God sends His knowledge is for us to make the most of it, we cannot let any of His wards fall to earth because if we are willing to learn from Him, He will take care of our life so we can assimilate all His word and reach the purpose He has designed for our life. Let´s also consider that a doctor or a military have in mind all that is their calling, professionally speaking, and we can tell that they will always have the same way of thinking. If we accept the change of mind that God wishes for our life, we will thing as He thinks, and walk as He walks. Isa. 14:13-14 (BBE) “For you said in your heart, I will go up to heaven, I will make my seat higher that the stars of God, I will take my place on the mountain of the meeting-place of the gods, in the inmost part of the norths, I will go higher than the clouds, I will be like the Most High” The problem with Lucifer is that he didn´t learn that he couldn´t be higher than the Most High, though he was exposed to knowledge but He interpreted it as he wanted because he was contaminated by evil and iniquity. Gn. 2:17 “But of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you may not take; for on the day when you take of it, death will certainly come to you” Here we can see the instruction of the knowledge of God, let´s see now the following verse with the interpretation that the devil gave to the woman, making her sin. Gn.3:3-4 (BBE) “But of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, God has said, if you take of it or put your hands on it, death will come to you. And the snake said, Death will not certainly come to you. We notice here the lies from the enemy that made man fall. Let´s continue seeing other examples in the Bible regarding those who didn´t want to learn: Nm. 24:15-16 “And he took up his discourse and said, ‘The oracle of Balaam the son of Beor, the oracle of the man whose eye is opened, the oracle of him who hears the words of God, and knows the knowledge of the Most High, who sees the vision of the Almighty, falling down with his eyes uncovered’” This study is allowed to be copied and printed by any mean, only if the source of the information is quoted.
Those who didn´t learn Elder Juan Luis Elías Guatemala, April 17th Year of Abundance
Another example of the knowledge that many have received, but they didn´t assimilate the wisdom contained in that knowledge. 2 Ti. 3:2-3 “For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good” Now, humanity has search for a knowledge with an impact on people´s mind so no matter which doctrine it is, they reach their goal no matter what it is, because for every knowledge there was a properly ordered structure, and in the development every knowledge has gotten, it had a very small percentage of possibilities that it would fail; if someone is indoctrinated in evil, that person will do what he or she was taught. Obviously, any knowledge is assimilated by the brain, which has areas that respond to a determined function and if one of those areas is canceled, that knowledge won´t complete the full circuit of learning. When one person was brain damage due to tobacco, alcohol or drugs, the knowledge that person could acquire won´t complete the full circuit of learning, explaining why some people receive some knowledge but are unable to develop what they learned. Medically speaking, we can say that there are processes in which need to go through so their mind can be changed, a process that starts by changing their genes; how? Let´s see: Jer. 13:23 “Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard his spots? Then also you can do good who are accustomed to do evil” Let´s note that if physically nobody can change, because that person is like that genetically; the same happens spiritually, people is immersed in sin because there was a genetic disruption spiritually speaking. Any learning we may have will change any spiritual genetic that may have been disrupted. Gn. 3:11 “He said, "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten of the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?” In this verse, God is asking Adam who changed his genetic, because the knowledge that the devil gave to Eve made Adam fall. MEDICAL REPORTS The people who were traumatized during the genocide of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, tend to be children with depression and anxiety, among other things; the children of the Australian veterans of the Vietnam war have the highest suicide rates than the general population. ARN SPERM CARRY TRAUMA MARKS In a recent study, Isabelle Mansuy, a neuroscientist from the University of Zurich, in Switzerland, and his colleagues, periodically separated some mother mice from their offspring and were exposed to stress situations – putting them in cold water or physically restricting them. Those separations were made every day, some days erratically, so that the mother could not face their young (named generation F1) with additional caress like before the separation. Under this same treatment, the fathers show depression and tended to underestimate risks; their
This study is allowed to be copied and printed by any mean, only if the source of the information is quoted.
Those who didn´t learn Elder Juan Luis Elías Guatemala, April 17th Year of Abundance
sperm also showed an abnormal high expression of microRNAs five. One of those, miR-375, has been related to stress and metabolism regulation. This was a scientific experiment that showed how the offspring of mice were genetically disrupted with determined lack of affection from their parents; this gives us an idea of how someone can be changed due to the lack of affection in their home, and that their sperm can be produced under said circumstances and their descendants until the fourth generation can inherit the same characteristic, this has been proven scientifically. Then, any change or disruption made to a person, can cause difficulty to learn, including the time when that person was in the womb; this is why since the ‘60s this world has been sending to the population´s mind the message of dysfunctional homes, and as a consequence we see so many sexual problems, totally deviated and people who has been affected won´t listen to reason, because their genes were disrupted. Is. 1:16-17 “Wash yourselves; make yourselves clean; remove the evil of your deeds from before my eyes; cease to do evil, learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause.” We see in the Bible that God told us to ready His word day and night because the things that are constantly in our lives may change our genetic, then we will be able to turn away from evil and start doing good; we will be clean before God and will learn good, but all this must start in our heart, inside us, so we can manifest it in our environment. It´s necessary that we learn from God´s Word, that we seek Him in every way possible, because He keeps sending His Word; if we keep fighting the same things we have been fighting for so many years, it may be because we haven´t assimilated the change in our genes that God is providing, let´s remember that if we do what´s possible, God will do the impossible. The “rhema” of this preach is that we learn from God because if He has gathered even if our mother or father had left us, we need to assimilate His fatherhood that he has manifested to our lives.
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