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Tri Tri Fishers given capacity boost through the EnGenDER Project

In SVG, the Enabling Gender- Responsive Disaster Recovery Climate and Environmental Resilience (EnGenDER) project is jointly implemented by Economic Planning and the Gender Affairs division in the Ministry of National Mobilization. The project is aimed at improving climate and disaster resilience for key vulnerable populations, particularly youth and women/girls.

Given that Tri Tri Fishers were severely impacted by the eruption of the La Soufriere Volcano and are facing several environmental threats, the need to build the capacity of this group was realized. Therefore, approximately 54,000 US dollars was allocated to securing livelihood equipment: freezers, raincoats, buckets, aprons, submersible lights and water boots.


Some of the equipment was handed over on Tuesday 28th March, 2023 at the Chateaubelair Learning Resource Centre where we heard from several key speakers. Chief Fisheries Officer, Jennifer Cruickshank Howard stated that SVG’s Tri Tri industry is the most underdeveloped and exposed to a variety of climatic, coastal and geological threats. She pointed out that women make up 62% of the 350 registered fishers. She thanked the UNDP for recognizing the need to strengthen the resilience of Tri Tri fishers in order to secure the long-term viability of their livelihoods, poverty reduction and gender equality.

Environmental Resource Analyst, Economic Planning Unit, Nyasha Hamilton indicated that the project attempted to ensure that climate change and disaster reduction actions are better informed by an analysis of gender inequalities and to ensure that decisions taken by Government reduce those inequalities. The project implored the Government to take ownership of their disaster risks which allowed for the establishment of key objectives to achieve such. These objectives are:

· To advance gender responsive implementation of the National Adaptation Plan. (SVG’s National Adaptation Plan was approved in October 2019).

· To establish adaptation plans at the sector level according to national priorities.

· To focus on sectors that have greater beneficial impact for women and girls in Agriculture, Fisheries and Tourism.

· To support representation of the needs and perspectives of the most vulnerable population in cross sectorial inclusive of Governance and National Climate Change planning.

· To build Government capacity for gender relations intersectoral access to climate finance through innovative solutions and building on the work of other partners at a national level.

Ms. Hamilton also informed the gathering that the Government is extending a multitude of resources to combat the effects of climate change.

EnGenDER Project Manager, Dr. Marium Alleyne stressed the importance of advocating for youth and women involvement in climate resilient fisheries to allow for greater development of value chains, improved food security and increased sustainable livelihoods and access to income for vulnerable and disadvantaged groups. Dr Alleyne is of the belief that the success of the project will represent a step towards a climate resilient future and a world where no one is left behind.

British High Commission Kingstown, Political & Projects Officer, Mr. Seon Samuel stated that this donation will allow Tri Tri Fishers to safely ply their trade and improve catchment quality, improve sales and contribute significantly to the economic development of SVG.

Minister of National Mobilisation, Social Development, Family, Gender Affairs, Youth, Housing and Informal Settlement, Hon Orando Brewster pointed out that tri tri farming comprises a significant portion of Vincentian culture and is mostly dominated by women, however it is often the most overlooked trade. He expressed gratitude to the implementing agencies and took the opportunity to encourage the recipients to share the knowledge gained via this modern technological boost with persons who may be interested in the field.

The ceremony concluded with Shirla Robertson and Rayanna Burke expressing their gratitude for the donation.

The EnGenDer Project seeks to further integrate gender equality and human-rights based approaches into disaster risk reduction (DRR), climate change (CC) adaptation and environmental management frameworks and interventions and identify and address some of the gaps to ensure equal access to DRR and climate change and environment solutions for both men, women, boys and girls in nine Caribbean countries (Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Suriname).

The Project is jointly funded by the Canadian Government and the United Kingdom Government and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (Barbados) in collaboration with the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA), United Nations Women and the World Food Programme.

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