Fulfilling the Charter

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The Charter for Governance is this administration’s blueprint for change, which was released in 2012. The document is a comprehensive compilation of the plans and initiatives that this Government intends to implement in order to bring real change and reformation to The Bahamas. Every aspect of our society was covered, inclusive of issues affecting the Environment and Housing for which I have been given charge. In my tenure as Minister responsible thus far, I have used the Charter for Governance as my guide in advancing legislation, policy and initiatives within my ministry understanding that the Charter for Governance is the mandate on which we were elected. Fulfilling the Charter is a mid term report of what we have been able to accomplish at the Ministry of the Environment and Housing to action the commitments made by the Government to the people of The Bahamas in the Charter for Governance. My ministry has paid close attention to many areas of my portfolio ensuring that change and modernization were brought to bear. In the last three years some of the major thrusts of the Ministry of the Environment and Housing has been the advancement of renewable energy deployment in the country, bringing awareness to climate change and lessening our collective carbon footprint. We have joined major international organizations and signed on to treaties and agreements in an effort to show the world that we are serious about climate change here in The Bahamas. Legislation has been drafted and some passed through Parliament in favour of the Protection of the environment such as the Bahamas Protected Area Fund Act which has been passed and the Department of Environmental Planning and Protection Bill which has been drafted and released to the public for commentary. We have also paid special attention to waste management and the collection of garbage especially in New Providence. There has been great strides made and innovative agreements entered into that have taken pressure off of the public purse and has propelled this nation forward in the areas of recycling. In the process we have also been able to empower Bahamian entrepreneurs who have provided jobs for many young Bahamians. As to the Housing side of my portfolio, we have been able to accomplish much in the modernization of the processes and procedures associated with the application for the Government Housing Programme. There has also been the introduction of new building methods utilized in order to make housing more affordable to the average Bahamian. To date we have not been able to construct many houses through the Department of Housing but using the other mechanisms available through the Bahamas Mortgage Corporation, the Government has been able to facilitate the construction and purchase of hundreds of homes since May 2012. In the coming months, the Bahamian people will bear witness to the work that has been going on internally when the Government’s Housing Programme takes full bloom. We will be constructing hundreds of homes through public-private partnership that any Bahamian family would be proud to call home. The publication of this document by no means is meant to infer that my job is done. There is still much to do as the protection of the environment and assisting Bahamians in gaining home ownership will forever be needed in The Bahamas. This document is an accounting of my efforts thus far and is being produced to inform all and sundry of the importance of the work of the Ministry of the Environment and Housing to this country. I am grateful for the opportunity that I have been given to serve my country and its people. I am proud of what the staff at my ministry has been able to accomplish in the last few years and commit to doubling our efforts to ensure that we can continue to serve the Bahamian people.

CHARTER COMMITMENT “Restructure the Forestry Division of the Department of Agriculture for a focus of forestry development on the islands of Abaco, Grand Bahama, New Providence and Exuma.” ACCOMPLISHMENTS

The importance of forests cannot be understated. The development of forestry in The Bahamas is a very important component in lessening our carbon footprint. It is also a virtually untapped industry that can provide green jobs for the Bahamian people along with entrepreneurial opportunities. The Ministry of the Environment and Housing has placed special emphasis on enhancing the Forestry Unit. In recent years the following initiatives have been embarked upon.

Forestry Unit Tree Planting at Anatol Rodgers High School

The Forestry Act Amended In January of 2013, the Forestry Act was amended to allow for lands to be vested in the Minister responsible, “that he may be able to declare the National Forest Estate for classification as forest reserves, protected forests and conservation forests.” Minister Dorsett has stated of forestry, “it is believed that by expanding the utilization of our natural resources like the pine forests in a sustainable manner, our country can reduce our dependence on certain wood products being imported.” He has also promoted the opportunity for rural employment, Eco-Tourism, wild life management and the establishment of hunting and game reserves.


Forestry Unit Tree Planting at Harry C. Moore Library at C.O.B.

Building capacity within the Forestry Unit of the Ministry It is important for the continuity of the Forestry Unit that we prioritize the training and development of new and existing staff members. This year for example, one of the workshops held in conjunction with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) was on the ‘Prescribed Burning of Forests’. Efforts have also been made to increase the number of staff members within the Forestry Unit to ensure the Logging in Abaco advancement of this vital sector. The Forestry Unit has also been doing a wonderful job in building awareness in the general public on the importance of forests. In commemoration of World Forest Day and Forestry Awareness Week 2015, the team toured a number of schools planting trees. There was also a documentary on Forestry produced and a ‘selfie’ competition for school students.

THE PRIMEVAL FOREST ESTABLISHED UNDER THE BAHAMAS NATIONAL TRUST The Bahamas National Trust officially opened the Primeval Forest in March of 2014. The National Park is located on the southwestern end of New Providence. The park has walking trails and number of sink holes over a 7.5 acre property.

LOGGING IN ABACO Lindar Industries was granted a logging concession extension in 2013 to harvest pine trees on the island of Abaco. The trees which are cut down are processed and used as flooring, crown moulding etc. RESIN TAPPING IN ANDROS There is potential for a resin tapping to evolve on the island of Andros. Presently, the Government is considering a proposal made by a company that would Minister Dorsett visits the Primeval Forest. like to harvest resin from trees on the island of Andros for export. The Government would receive royalty per ton of resin. Resin is a compound of consumer products such as paint, paint thinner, inks and perfumes 4

CHARTER COMMITMENT “Emphasize the importance of the protection of our environment and the conservation of our natural resources, oceans and undeveloped land.” ACCOMPLISHMENTS Caribbean Challenge Initiative The Caribbean Challenge Initiative (CCI) was launched in May 2008 with Caribbean countries such as The Bahamas, Jamaica, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and the Dominican Republic committing to protect twenty percent of their respective marine and coastal habitats by the year 2020. This is to be done through the establishment of protected area systems. The CCI was created to safeguard jobs within the fisheries and tourism sectors for citizens of the Caribbean, to provide funding for the management of the protected areas and to protect Caribbean biodiversity. An example of this was Cabinet’s approval, in 2014, for the expansion of the protected area system to ten percent. Minister Dorsett has also engaged in discussions with stakeholders on prospective areas to enable The Bahamas to meet the twenty percent goal before 2020. Minister Dorsett at the Caribbean Challenge Initiative Summit of Political and Business Leaders held in the British Virgin Islands.

Minister Dorsett at the Our Ocean Conference, Washington DC.

FIRST NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONCLAVE Bahamas Protected Areas Fund Legislation

The nation’s first national environmental conclave was held in New Providence for two days beginning January 29th, 2014. The gathering attracted many stakeholders who fight to protect the environment from the public and private sectors. The Bahamas Protected Areas Fund Minister Dorsett addressed the body at the official opening ceremony stating, Act was passed by Parliament in “we must move forward with the understanding that though we may not always January 2013. The act established agree on the details, we are all working towards one common goal, which is the the legal framework for sustainable protection of the Bahamian environment. With this in mind we should leave financing for the management of the this conclave on one accord concerning the way forward and resolved to ensure protected areas system in the country. that our respective departments, agencies and organizations work together in the furtherance of this most noble cause.” 5

UNITED NATIONS SHARK COALITION In December 2013, The Bahamas assumed the Chairmanship of the United Nations Shark Coalition. His Excellency Elliston Rahming accepted the post on behalf of the country. The Bahamas became a shark sanctuary in 2011 with the banning of commercial shark fishing. THE OCEANS SUMMIT In June 2014, Minister Dorsett traveled to Washington D.C. where he participated in the Our Ocean Conference hosted by US Secretary of State, John Kerry. The conference brought together leaders of Government, business and other sectors to discuss the issue of protecting the oceans of the world. While at the conference, Minister Dorsett told those assembled that Minister Dorsett at the United Nations COP 19/CMP 9 Meeting, Warsaw Poland The Bahamas would designate additional marine protected areas by the end of 2014, bringing the country’s existing network of marine protected areas to at least 10% from the then standing of 3% of it’s near shore marine environment. United Nations Climate Change Summit Minister Dorsett was apart of a delegation headed by Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. Perry Christie which attended the United Nations Climate Change Summit. The Summit was convened at UN Headquarters in New York City under the theme, ‘Catalyzing Action’. It was stated that the “summit would serve as a public platform for leaders at the highest level – all UN Member States, as well as finance, business, civil society and local leaders from public and private sectors – to catalyze ambitious action on the ground to reduce emissions and strengthen climate resilience and mobilize political will for an ambitious global agreement by 2015 that limits the world to a less than 2-degree Celsius rise in global temperature.” Prime Minister Christie delivered the country statement on behalf of The Bahamas at the gathering of world leaders. Mr. Christie made clear the importance of climate change action to The Bahamas. He said that, “eighty (80) percent of my nation’s land mass will be lost if the sea level rises 1.5 meters. They also say that with a warming of 3.7-4.8°C by 2100, as currently predicted, The Bahamas we know would be no more. It is with this sense of urgency that I address you today.”

UNITED NATIONS COP 19/CMP 9 Minister Dorsett traveled to Warsaw, Poland in November of 2013 to participate in the United Nations COP 19/CMP 9. While at the gathering the Minister delivered a presentation on behalf of The Bahamas. A key issue considered by the Conference was the issue of loss and damage as a result of climate change. Significant progress was made on the issue at the conference held in Doha, Qatar in 2012, where a decision was taken to establish an international mechanism to address loss and damage. Minister Dorsett along with three (3) other Ministers of Environment from the Alliance of Small Island States led negotiations with the Developed Country parties, seeking “concrete decisions” to address loss and damage.


Removal of Shanty Towns The Shanty Town Report was released in 2013. The document outlined many legal and environment infractions occurring in Shanty Towns across the country. While for many decades these illegal communities were thought to be predominantly occupied by illegals, it was discovered that over time this was no longer the case. Bahamians were also residents or frequent guests. The Report was compiled by Department of Environmental Health Services officials who visited Shanty Towns across the country; While many environmental issues were found, the most alarming was the lack of proper toilet facilities, the presence of faecal coliform in water, the many derelict vehicles on the properties and the improper disposal of garbage. Because of this, the Ministry of the Environment and Housing, the Ministry of Works and Urban Renewal along with other relevant ministries and Government agencies began the dismantling of Shanty Towns beginning in New Providence. Many makeshift structures were removed from large properties such as Joe Farrington Road, Faith Avenue North and Sea Breeze Lane in New Providence and Treasure Cay in Abaco. At the start of the millennium, countries around the world agreed to the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, which is a time line in which the world agreed to address poverty. In December of 2013, Minister Dorsett traveled to New York City where he participated in a United Nations Habitat Meeting under the theme, “Sustainable City Days”. While there Minister Dorsett said, “it becomes critically important for us (The Bahamas) in view of the Millennium Development Goals to have a sustained effort in respect to reducing and or eradicating those slum communities. The majority of which represent public health concerns and issues for us. But it is part and parcel of the Government’s mandate to improve the living standards of our people.”

Minister Dorsett attends the UN Habitat ”Sustainble City Days” meeting in December 2013 along with Ambassador, H.E. Elliston Rahming and Ministry of Environment and Housing Sr. Undersecretary, David Cates.


The Bahamas received a visit from Mr. Alain Grimard, UN Habitat representative in 2014. Mr. Grimard paid a courtesy call on Minister Dorsett and held meetings with Government officials in the Ministry and Department of Housing and met with Prime Minister Christie. While in country, Mr. Grimard also toured the island of New Providence visiting slum communities or shanty towns.

Mr. Alain Grimand, UN Habitat representative with Prime Minister Christie and Minister Dorsett.

ESTABLISHMENT OF THE NATURAL RESOURCES UNIT The Ministry of the Environment and Housing has within it’s portfolio the oversight of many of the natural resources of the Bahamas. It is responsible for regulation of oil and natural gas exploration, coral reefs and blue holes (including the world’s third largest barrier reef ), aragonite mining, renewable energy, plant protection, forestry and salt. The time has come for focused attention to be given to the sustainable development of the natural resources of The Bahamas. We must ascertain what we have and what we can do with it.

Vehicle Emissions Legislation Drafted Legislation was drafted to address and regulate the emission of smoke from vehicles utilized on the streets in The Bahamas. The draft legislation calls for all passenger vehicles excluding antique vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles with electric motor attached or motor scooters to undergo emissions testing. The owners of motor vehicles would be required to present their vehicles for testing on an annual basis. Such test would be conducted under the guidance of the Controller of the Road Traffic Department. Should the vehicle pass the emissions test a certificate of standard will be issued which should be affixed to the motor vehicle. Should the vehicle not meet the set standard a grace period of four weeks will be granted in order to become compliant. There are also penalties for persons failing to present their vehicles for emissions testing at the prescribed time. This intended legislation also contains a schedule of the maximum permissible emissions for passenger vehicles, light trucks, heavy trucks and diesel fueled vehicles. There is also a schedule of fees to be levied for the annual emissions testing. A copy of the bill was released to the public through the media for commentary. Department of Environmental Planning and Protection Drafted There has long been the call for a statutory body to be the watch dog for the Bahamian environment. Recently a draft bill was released to the public for commentary which would establish the Department of Environmental Planning and Protection (DEPP) and the Environmental Advisory Council. The DEPP would have supervision over a number of environmental issue inclusive of: • • • •

Environmental Protection Standards Regulations for the Discharge of Waste at Sea Environmental Emergency Programme Environmental Information, Research, Education and Training

This legislation would also ensure that The Bahamas has it own acceptable environmental standard which must be followed by law.


CHARTER COMMITMENT “Maintain and Establish New “Green Space” Zones.” ACCOMPLISHMENTS Bahamas Public Parks and Public Beaches Authority There has been research conducted on the therapeutic benefits of green spaces for human beings. Research has found that “contact with natural environments promote psychological restoration, improved mood, improved attention, and reduced stress and anxiety.” Legislation was tabled and passed in Parliament in 2014 establishing the Bahamas Public Parks and Public Beaches Authority. This Authority was created to ensure that the Bahamian people have access to well kept beaches and recreational spaces across the nation. There will now be a more organized approach to the management and upkeep of our beaches and parks. This will contribute to the enhancement of the quality of life of Bahamians and will aid in the mitigation of climate change. The Authority will also create new green jobs for people, with the introduction of a trained workforce of park wardens to properly manage these facilities. They will ensure that our parks and beaches become family oriented for recreational, commercial and touristic use. The legislation also ensures that all Bahamians have access to green spaces and beaches to de-stress, unwind, to be educated, to commune with nature and to congregate. Part of the mandate of the Bahamas Public Parks and Public Beaches Authority is the revitalization of the Nassau Botanical Gardens. Over the years, the Gardens have sustained damage from various hurricanes and normal wear and tear which have partially destroyed the walking paths and uprooted some of the flora. Recently, the Ministry begun the work necessary at the Gardens to bring it back to it’s glory days by repaving the driveway and repairing the fountains and waterfalls. In his address to Parliament moving the legislation to establish the Bahamas Public Parks and Public Beaches Authority, Minister Dorsett stated that, “revitalized Nassau Botanical Gardens can serve as the ‘Central Park’ of New Providence. Given its position next to Clifford Park, the entire space could become a magnificent spot for recreation, education and entertainment on the island. This park could offer residents and visitors a place to relax, congregate and commune with nature.” Minister Dorsett went further saying, “it could be a place where concerts and theatrical shows can be held with an amphitheater and concession areas. It could also continue to be the place where indigenous trees and flowering plants are grown and displayed. These plants could be transplanted to beautify other spaces and verges around the island. The collection of indigenous trees is important when you take into consideration that some of the young people of this nation do not know of some of the trees and flowering plants that we grew up sitting under and swinging or eating from. It is the vision of this government that this new Authority will lead the charge in making the aforementioned plans a reality.”

CHARTER COMMITMENT “The spraying of chemicals for rodents and other pests will be done on a regular basis.” ACCOMPLISHMENTS • The Vector Control Unit of the Department of Environmental Health Services (DEHS) should be commended for satisfactorily keeping the spread of Dengue Fever, Chikungunya and other diseases spread by mosquitoes and other pests at a minimum. • Private vehicles were rented to facilitate mosquito fogging in New Providence in light of the depleted fleet of trucks at the DEHS • The free distribution of rat poison is ongoing at the DEHS. This programme has helped with the control of rodents. • In addressing the complaints of residents, efforts have been enhanced to control the rodent population in specific areas around New Providence by the DEHS. 9

CHARTER COMMITMENT “Seek to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels by encouraging the use of alternative energy sources.” ACCOMPLISHMENTS

Minister Dorsett and Dr. Rhianna Neely-Murphy at IRENA Conference in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Since assuming office as Minister in 2012, Mr. Dorsett, has taken many steps to move the country away from solely depending on fossil fuels.




IRENA is “an intergovernmental organization that supports countries in their transition to a sustainable energy future, and serves as the principal platform for international cooperation, a centre of excellence, and a repository of policy, technology, resource and financial knowledge on renewable energy”. Minister Dorsett has said of IRENA that it “is a very important component for The Bahamas’ road map for the deployment of renewable energy technologies. One of the reasons we joined IRENA is because of their advancement of international standards associated with renewable energy technologies. IRENA has assured us that they are willing to work with The Bahamas in developing our national standards as regards renewable energy technologies. IRENA is also advancing a new Lighthouse Initiative in which they will work with countries, such as ours, in developing road maps for transition into the deployment of renewable energy technologies. We have also had discussions with IRENA to ensure that as we move into the net billing grid tied connection framework, that they assist us in developing that programme not only for residential scale, but to further ensure that as we move into utility scale

deployment of renewables, it is done in a way where we protect the integrity of the technology and that it is done correctly. At the last meeting of IRENA in Abu Dhabi The Bahamas was named to the council for the year 2016.

The Carbon War Room The Government has entered a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Carbon War Room (CWR). For those who do not know, the Carbon War Room is a non-profit organization, founded by a stellar group of Corporate Leaders, the most notable of which is, Sir Richard Branson. The CWR is based in Washington D.C. It’s mission is to “accelerate the adoption of business solutions that reduce carbon emissions at gigaton scale and advance the low carbon economy. • Amongst other things, the MOU executed between the Government and the CWR solidifies The Bahamas intention to join the CWR’s Ten Island Challenge. This initiative was formed to assist island nations with the transition from “heavy dependence on fossil fuels to the use of renewable energy resources.” The MOU also outlines the CWR’s commitment to assist the Bahamas with the following projects: 10

and executing an RFP process for the implementation of a country wide LED street lighting retrofit project. • The CWR will support the Government in exploring and potentially developing a ‘pay as you go’ metering and billing system for BEC, which should dramatically reduce our accounts receivables issues at BEC and help consumers better manage their energy consumption. Once completed these projects will create the prototypes for similar initiatives to be conducted across The Bahamas. More schools can be taken off the grid, private sector business could conduct their own energy audits and solar power can be used by more sectors of our society. UNITED NATIONS SMALL ISLAND DEVELOPING STATES

Minister Dorsett was apart of a delegation led by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Works and Urban Development, Hon. Philip Davis, which attended the UN Third Conference of Small Island Developing States held in Apia, Samoa. While at the conference Minister Dorsett signed the SIDS DOCK on behalf of The Bahamas Government. The document was described to be a treaty to assist small island developing states to financing the achievement of 25% increase in energy efficiency, generation of at least 50% of electric power from renewable energy resources and a 25% decrease in conventional fuel use. The DOCK provides the Bahamas with access to grant funding consisting of contributions from developed nations.

Sir Richard Branson, Founder of the Carbon War Room.

• The CWR will facilitate an energy efficiency audit and a Solar PV installation viability assessment at the Anatol Rodgers School. • The Government in partnership with the CWR will work together to develop solar farm programmes of up to 20MW across a number of islands. The islands which have been identified for this programme are: Eleuthera, Andros, Cat Island, Acklins, Bimini, Inagua, Crooked Island, Exuma, and Long Island. This programme will be initiated by a technical analysis and pre- feasibility assessment to be undertaken by the CWR and the Government and will be implemented once approved by the Government • The CWR will support the Government in developing and executing a RFP process for the implementation of a solar PV farm at the BAMSI complex in Andros. • The CWR will support the Government in developing 11

Minister Dorsett signing the SIDS DOCK at the UN SIDS Conference in Apia, Samoa.

THE ELECTRICITY ACT AMENDED The Electricity Amendment Bill was debated in Parliament this past January. The bill, which is now law, provides for persons and businesses generating energy through alternative energy sources powered by solar or wind technologies to tie into the current electrical grid and to receive a credit for excess electricity fed into the grid. This programme is called the Residential Energy Self Generation (RESG) Programme. This legislation is meant to encourage the continued growth of the alternative energy industry in

the country. It also provides incentives to those who can purchase and use solar and wind technologies to do so thereby lessening the demand for energy and lowering their month electricity costs. This legislation also calls for all solar and wind systems in the country to be registered with the Government, the process for registration began in May 2015 with plans to commenced accepting applications for grid tie in as of September 2015.

BAHAMAS NATIONAL ENERGY POLICY 2013-2033 This document presents the vision and goals of the Government for a reformed energy sector. It was compiled in consultation with industry stakeholders and is available for all to review online. I want to publicly thank the Chamber place of Commerce and Employers Confederation for their assistance and contribution to the Policy. The vision for energy sector reform is to create, “a modern, diversified and efficient energy sector, providing Bahamians with affordable energy supplies and long term energy security towards enhancing international competitiveness and sustainable prosperity.� The National Energy Policy is based on four main goals: 1. Bahamians will become well aware of the importance of energy conservation, use energy wisely and continuously pursue opportunities for improving energy efficiencies, with key economic sectors embracing Eco-efficiency. 2. The Bahamas will have a modern energy infrastructure that enhances energy generation capacity and ensures that energy supplies are safely, reliably and affordably transported to homes, communities and the productive sectors on a sustainable basis. 3. The Bahamas will be a world leader in the development and implementation of sustainable energy opportunities and continuously pursue a diverse range of well researched and regulated, environmentally sensitive and sustainable energy programmes, built upon our geographical, climatic and traditional economic strengths. 4. The Bahamas will have a dynamic and appropriate governance, institutional, legal and regulatory framework advancing future developments in the energy sector underpinned by high levels of consultation, citizen participation and public-private sector partnerships.

US-CARIBBEAN ENERGY SUMMIT Vice President of the United States, Joe Biden, hosted Caribbean leaders this past January in Washington DC for the inaugural US-Caribbean Energy Summit. The Summit was convened to discuss topics such as energy security, energy diversification and cleaner energy sources. Minister Dorsett accompanied Prime Minister, Perry Christie as part of the Bahamian delegation. At the meeting Prime Minister Christie also served in his capacity as the Chairman of the CARICOM. He addressed the body in the capacity and emphasized the case for Caribbean countries to receive assistance, making the case that countries are being judged on their per capita income. The meetings concluded with a joint statement of outcomes being released by the White House.

Prime Minister Christie and Vice President Joe Biden confer at the US-Caribbean Energy Summit held in Washington DC.


“ We must not be afraid to be innovative.”

“Securing our energy future can only be achieved with a concerted effort from the public and private sectors along with the citizens of this nation.”

“We are working everyday towards a brighter and stronger Bahamas for us all. Every law made, every policy advanced and every initiative introduced is for this purpose.” “ Our country cannot become stronger without there being a partnership between the Government and the people.”

“The environment of The Bahamas is it’s greatest blessing”

“The beauty and diversity which the Bahamian environment holds should be protected zealously for and by the Bahamian people.”

-The Hon. Kenred M. A. Dorsett 13

"We all have a duty as a people to keep our environs clean, therefore contributing to a safer and stronger Bahamas."


CHARTER COMMITMENT “The disposal of waste will be closely monitored and conducted on a timely basis. We will also review our options for a more aggressive recycling programme.�

ACCOMPLISHMENTS TRASH COLLECTION SCHEDULE In 2013, the Department of the Environmental Health Services (DEHS) released a trash collection schedule to the public. The schedule was compiled by constituency and polling division. This was the first time that the DEHS had released a schedule to the public in an effort to regularize the collection of garbage so that the general public can adequately prepare their trash by ensuring that bins were properly positioned at the roadside for collection.

RENEW BAHAMAS JOINT VENTURE PARTNERSHIP Wife of the Prime Minister, Mrs. Bernadette Christie unveils the commemorative plaque commissioning the Materials Recycling Facility.

The Ministry of the Environment and Housing entered a joint venture agreement with Renew Bahamas for the private management of the New Providence Landfill. The deal included the construction of a Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) which was commissioned on May 28th, 2015. Over the decades, the New Providence Landfill was managed solely by the central government. While the arrangement was adequate in the past, in recent times it was revealed to be an incredible strain on the public purse. Under Government management there was not very much being done to bring scientific innovation or remediation to the Landfill. It was also prone to large fires and frequented by scavengers. Since the change in management, the Bahamas Government will save approximately $6 million per year. New weighbridges (owned by the Government) have also been installed which these weighbridges determine the charge for tipping fees to persons/companies who offload garbage at the Landfill. The Government expended approximately $600,000 between January and June of 2014 for the extinguishing of various fires at the Landfill. Renew Bahamas is now responsible for all fire related issues inclusive of the cost to extinguish. They have been able to reduce the frequency and burning time of the fires which have occurred under their watch. They have also remediated some eight acres of land at the Landfill, part of which now houses the brand new 125,000 sq.ft MRF, which was constructed at a cost of $7 million and can process and sort up to 80 tons of waste per hour.

LEADING ACCOUNTING FIRM MANAGES TIPPING FEES One of the ways in which the Government collects revenue from the Landfill is by charging for the dumping of garbage. This charge is called a tipping fee. A vehicle is weighed on an industrial scale specially built for weighing vehicles and heavy equipment before and after the contents of the vehicle is offloaded. In the past, the consistency of charges was the best and there was a need to replace the weighbridges at the Landfill in order to ensure accurate readings and accountability. The weighbridges were replaced by Renew Bahamas and the financial obligations for billing and collections were contracted by the Government to leading local accounting firm, Baker Tilly Gomez after a bidding process. Since this arrangement began, it is estimated that tipping fee revenue has increased by 60 to 70 percent. 15

PRIVATE CONTRACTS FOR RESIDENTIAL TRASH COLLECTION Government contracted private companies to supplement the residential trash collection services provided by the DEHS. In 2012, the fleet of publicly owned garbage trucks was in a severe state of disrepair. This situation led the Government to a decision to offer month to month contracts to private collection companies to ensure the timely and efficient collection of garbage from residences all over the island of New Providence. This decision not only empowered Bahamian entrepreneurs, it also provided much need jobs for Bahamians, improved collection and helps the Government streamline costs.

CHARTER COMMITMENT “Incentives will be provided to reduce the demand for energy measures such as increased uses of solar and wind energy, tankless water heaters and the most efficient systems of air conditioning, and other means.” The initiative will include: 1. Retrofitting of government buildings for wider use of solar power. 2. Converting street lights to LED fixtures to greatly improve visibility and reduce costs. 3. Encouraging businesses to conduct independent energy audits, whose cost will be deductible from the revenues that form the basis on which the business must pay its business license fees for the year the audit is carried out. ACCOMPLISHMENTS Global Environment Facility Pilot Programme • A pilot programme was conducted through the assistance of Global Environment Facility (GEF) to outfit Government built homes with solar water heaters and solar panels.

Carbon War Room • The Ministry of Environment and Housing in conjunction with the Carbon War Room will assess the viability of solar installation and conduct an energy efficiency audit at the Anatol Rodgers High School. • The Carbon War Room has agreed to assist that Government in a Request for Proposals process for the implementation of a country wide LED street lighting retrofit project. • There are plans to create a 2.6 MWs solar facility at the Bahamas Agricultural and Marine Science Institute (BAMSI) on North Andros in two phases of 1.3 MWs. 16

Tariffs were eliminated on solar panels, inverters and LED bulbs and appliances • In the 2013-2014 Budget Communication tariffs on inverters for solar panels and LED appliances were eliminated. This was done to ensure that more our citizens would be able to afford these energy saving devices.

GOVERNMENT CORPORATION UTILIZES SOLAR ENERGY The Bahamas Agricultural and Industrial Corporation (BAIC) completed the construction of its new headquarters building in 2014. The building is the first “green building” to be built for the Government. The building is outfitted with solar panels and LED and solar lighting. ISLAND SOLAR FARM PROJECT • In conjunction with the Carbon War Room, the Ministry of the Environment and Housing is planning a pilot solar farm project for up to 20MWs on the following islands: Eleuthera, Andros, Cat Island, Acklins, Bimini, Inagua, Crooked Island, Exuma and Long Island. NET BILLING • The introduction of net billing is in the works. This proposed programme would allow persons to pre-pay for their electricity services. A pilot programme is being advanced with Government Homes to install meters that work on debit cards similar to those use for pre-paid telephone service.


CHARTER COMMITMENT “We will expand the Department of the Environment personnel and resources to regulate and monitor the environmental impact on industrial activities in Grand Bahama more effectively.”

ACCOMPLISHMENTS FREEPORT NATURAL RESOURCES PROTECTION BYE LAWS The Ministry of the Environment and Housing is the in the process of drafting the Natural Resources Protection Bye Laws specifically for the island of Grand Bahama. As per the draft this legislation seeks to 1. Promote efficient management of coastal resources, particularly sand, coral, and other calcareous substances; 2. Promote land-use master planning and floodplain management in coastal areas, which are compatible with the existing environment; and 3. Protect ecologically significant coastal areas for their contribution to marine productivity and for the value as habitats, preserving the functions and integrity of reefs, dune systems, marine meadows, salt ponds, mangroves and other sensitive coastal ecosystems or features.

CHARTER COMMITMENT “Hold public town meetings to present environmental impact assessments for purposed developments.” ACCOMPLISHMENTS town meetings The holding of town meetings around the country is a frequent occurrence. In recent years town meetings have been held to inform the general public for their input on the various proposed Marine Protected Areas (MPA) around the nation. Town meetings have also recently been held and attended by officials of the Ministry of the Environment and Housing to discuss a gas spill, its extent and ramifications in New Providence.


Minister Dorsett participates in a beach clean up project with the students of Naomi Blatch Pre-School.

CHARTER COMMITMENT “Make the privately conducted “Operation Love Your Country” programme into a national annual competition for the best kept yard and surroundings.” ACCOMPLISHMENTS Plans are underway to begin talks with the creators of the programme, Jones Communications, to ascertain how this programme/contest can be transformed into a national campaign. It is vitally important that the citizens of The Bahamas take pride in their immediate environment by keeping it clean and by planting trees and flowering plants. We are of the view that this initiative, which began privately, is a great basis on which we can build a national programme which will entice all Bahamians to love the environment of their country. Minister Dorsett plants a tree along with the Hon. Leslie Miller in the Tall Pines constituency. On hand were Ms. Joanna Johnson of Bahamas National Pride as well as Director of Forestry, Mr.Christopher Russell and Mrs. Coral Miller of the Ministry of the Environment and Housing.


CHARTER COMMITMENT “Conduct research to determine the potential environmental impact of all development projects and collaborate with investors on the elimination of major environmental concerns and the continued monitoring of such issues.”

Minister Dorsett along with BEST Director, Mr. Philip Weech on a tour of the Exuma Land and Sea Park.


Presently this is within the remit of the BEST Commission. They have been doing a great job at reviewing Environmental Impact Assessments and advising the Government on the same. It is the intention of Minister Dorsett to strengthen the Government’s research, science and assessment capabilities with the introduction of a Natural Resources Unit. This unit along with the proposed Department of Environmental Planning and Protection would put The Bahamas in a position to ensure that the environment of our country, which is the basis of our lives and livelihoods receives the focused attention that it deserves. It will also ensure that the country makes decisions based on scientific data and that we plan our country’s development in the most sustainable and environmentally friendly way possible.


HOUSING Successive Governments of The Bahamas have placed great emphasis on the construction of affordable homes for Bahamian citizens to purchase. This began with the Pindling administration’s construction of the Elizabeth Estates, Big Pond and the Yellow Elder Gardens Subdivisions. Since that time every Government has diverted much financial resources to the construction of homes resulting in thousands of families being placed into dwelling homes. The Pindling administration also established the Bahamas Mortgage Corporation (BMC) in 1983. This is the institution which acts as the Government’s mortgage lender. It has helped thousands of people secure mortgage financing for the purchase or construction of homes, the purchase of vacant land and the renovation of existing properties. In this section of the report we will detail what the Ministry has been able to accomplish in regard to the continuing advancement of the Government’s Housing Programme.

Minister Dorsett and Mr. Kendal Butler, Acting Chief Housing Officer on a site visit of the Strachan’s Hill Housing Development.



CHARTER COMMITMENT “Increase the quantity of developed land available for affordable housing by the use of the Acquisitions of Land Act for the purchase of vacant and abandoned land in historically populated areas, where infrastructure already exists.” ACCOMPLISHMENTS SUBDIVISION COMPLETION

• Minister Dorsett toured the island of Bimini in search of available land for housing given the influx of Bahamians in search of work at the Resorts World property.

• The build out of the Strachan’s Hill Subdivision has been completed. In 2014, twenty three contracts were signed with local contractors to construct homes of various sizes on the lots that were vacant with this community and the incomplete homes were finished and occupied.

• The Sunset Close Subdivision was completed and officially opened in June 2014. There are plans underway to complete the build out of this completion with the addition of ten new houses.

• The Fire Trail Subdivision was outfitted with the proper electrical and water infrastructure in 2013 which allowed families to occupy the homes.

A Memorandum of Understanding was with the National Insurance Board in 2013 for the construction of homes. Prime Minister Christie unveil the sign officially opening the Sunset Close Subdivision.

• The Ministry is advancing the compulsory acquisition of land on Romer Street in Fox Hill for the construction of homes.

• The Department of Housing is in the process of building on the islands of San Salvador, Abaco and Grand Bahama. In New Providence there are nine houses for Dignity Crescent.

SHANTY TOWN REMOVAL IMPACTS HOUSING The Shanty Town which occupied a tract of land on the western side of Faith Avenue North for many years was demolished. The vacant five acre property will now be used for the Government’s Housing Programme.

CHARTER COMMITMENT “Reduce the cost of housing construction with a thorough review of the building code and related regulations to provide a better balance between costs and safety.” ACCOMPLISHMENTS The Department of Housing has explored new building methods in order to lower the cost of construction. Three homes were constructed in the Strachan’s Hill Subdivision as part of a pilot programme using a non-traditional building system. Homes which have been completed in the past three years have been outfitted with driveways and have had lawns installed to provide more value to the homeowner. 23

CHARTER COMMITMENT “Work with the private sector to provide crown land for the development of new communities with affordable houses and green spaces. This would facilitate new home designs and more efficient construction of houses and spaces.� ACCOMPLISHMENTS The Ministry of the Environment and Housing is advancing private/public sector partnerships to develop Carmichael Village and further develop Adastra Gardens. These projects provide new home designs and introduce new construction methodologies in Carmichael Village. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the Bahamas Real Estate Association to collaborate on providing affordable housing options for Bahamians. The Ministry has re-established agreements with private lending institutions to provide financing to prospective home owners for the purchase of Government built homes. Greater emphasis was placed on the promotion of the private lending available at the Bahamas Mortgage Corporation which has led to more than 200 persons/families being able to purchase homes with loans totaling approximately $24.5 million. Minister Dorsett and Bahamas Real Estate Association (BREA) President, Mr. Franon Wilson at the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding signing between BREA and the Ministry of the Environment and Housing.



MOVING FORWARD As we move forward, my ministry will continue to focus on completing the projects that are in various stages of development presently. We have accomplished much since the last change in administration but the journey continues. We will continue as well to bring the needed change and modernization to the protection of our environment through legislation, policy advancement and the introduction of new initiatives. In particular, I will be advancing the establishment of the Department of Environmental Planning and Protection (DEPP). It is in the best interest of our country that we put in place the necessary statutory safeguards to protect our environment. The DEPP will play a vital role in environmental monitoring and protection as we move into the regulation of the Upstream and Downstream Petroleum Industries. This Department will change the way we police and regularize our environment for the better and ensure that the next generation of Bahamians can enjoy the same tranquil and majestic Bahamas that we do now. Our efforts to advance the establishment of a court dedicated to the prosecution of environmental infractions will also continue. Many people in our society seem not to be cognizant of the incredible and important role which the environment plays in our lives and livelihoods. As human beings, the environment gives us oxygen to breathe and also provides food. As Bahamians, it is, one of if not, the greatest asset of our largest industry, Tourism. It is important that people who would willfully damage or destroy our environment are punished and or made to cause for remediation by law. Our greatest strides to date have been made in the quest for greater renewable energy deployment. Since 2012, we have done so much and so many more Bahamians are now aware of the alternative energy sources available for their use. Our commitment to this initiative will continue until we have reached our goals set out in the National Energy Policy 2013-2033. Our biggest accomplishment has been the amendment of the Electricity Act to provide the legal framework for grid tie in and net metering. This act along with the elimination of tariffs on solar and LED devices has encouraged Bahamians to utilize this technology to not only lower their electricity costs but to lessen their carbon footprint. We will continue to work to bring our planned initiatives, in partnership with the Carbon War Room, to fruition such as the creation of solar farms on various Family Islands, the installation of alternative energy at Anatol Rodgers High School and our LED street lights project amongst other things. In Housing, we have many plans on the drawing board which will lead to my ministry being able to place Bahamian families in homes. The Carmichael Village public-private partnership project is moving along and will be a beautiful community when completed. We are completing the build out of Adastra Gardens in a public-private partnership. These projects will provide new housing models, modern building methods and give the prospective home owners value for money. We are also building houses; on some of the Family Islands. Before this term ends I will also advance a plan for the much needed and much anticipated rent-toown programme. I think that such an initiative would bring relief to many Bahamians who are willing and can pay a mortgage but for whatever reason do not qualify. A programme of this magnitude would have to be well planned and executed to protect the interest of both the Government and the prospective renters. I fully intend to assembly a team to put forth viable plans for the introduction of the rent-to-own programme. I have sought in this section to give you a peek into what my ministry and I will be working on for the rest of this term of office by highlighting a few of the plans currently being worked on. It is my intention to ensure that each of these items is completed or in advance stages of development by 2017. Our environment is too important to our existence for us not to zealously protect it and homeownership is too important to our people and our economy to not advance and modernize the Government’s Home Programme. We work diligently everyday to fulfill the commitments we made to the Bahamian people and to leave this country in an entirely better state than we met it. Thank you.


“We can no longer trade on the triumphs of those who came before us but must blaze new trails for those who follow us.�

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Minister Kenred Dorsett

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