Architecture Portfolio 2024 Minjmaa Enkhbat

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architecture + design portfolio 2024

Minjmaa Enkhbat Finsbury House D04RW89 +353 089 2539017

overseas research


District Development Unit

Phase I. Single apartment house with private water tank and septic system

Phase II. New unit types added and connected to the existing water tank and septic system. The typologies include the Ger Plug in and a conjoined apartment house model to form an office building

Year: 2021 until 2023

Location: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Skills used: Site management and coordination, Research, Communication, Translation, Model making, Community engagement Programs used: Rhino, AutoCAD, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign Rural

Phase III. The terrain in evaluated and units are added as per the expansion requirements

I worked for DDU to carry out market research in ger districts in Ulaanbaatar to develop energy efficient, affordable housing as a replaceable, scaleable product in Mongolia. I worked to ensure the design complied to building regulation and code. The product had to be financially feasible. Changes had to made to obtain an immovable certificate against the house and many other financing options such as building through co operatives and sustainable loans in banks. The skills of contractors and material access dominated choices in material and infrastructure within the product.

The research culminated with a demo building of one typology of the energy efficient housing we developed. I took charge in project managing and site inspections. The project Ger Plug In 3.0 has won the Holcim Awards 2023 Silver for Asia Pacific.

overseas research


District Development Unit

Year: 2021 until 2023

Location: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Skills used: Site management and coordination, Research, Communication, Translation, Model making, Community engagement Programs used: Rhino, AutoCAD, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign Rural

Rural Urban Framework works with Gerhub, a non profit organization based in Ulaanbaatar city on improving Ger districts. In 2022 we worked to landscape the community center that they built together in 2019. I carried out all the drawings and communication and coordination between Gerhub and RUF.

Once the design was finalized I was in sole charge of helping source materials, site management and coordination with contractors for the landscaping of the community center.

TAKO vintage interior design

Skills used: Observation, Survey, Analysis, Drafting. Model making Programs used: Vectorworks, Revit, AutoCAD, InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator

Year: 2023

Location: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

The client wanted to renovate a one bed apartment with an extension into a vintage clothing store which could hold events and exhibit local artists work.

1. 2. 3.
Private Client 1.
Clothing store Exhibition space Bathroom

BIM modeller

IPS Integrated Project Services

Year: 2020 - 2021

Location: Dublin, Ireland

Skills used: Coordination, Client management, survey, BIM management Programs used: BIM 360, Revit, AutoCAD, CADWorx, FabCAD

IPS offers a full array of EPCMV services to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical devices industries. We design and deliver innovative business solutions through Revit and BIM technologies. I worked in multiple sectors while modelling, including clash detection, BIM 360 coordination and management of the bim models handeled by our multidisciplinary support companies.

masters thesis housing a nomad

M.Sc. Arch, Year 5, Sem 2

Supervisors: Leif Brodersen and Teres Selberg

Site: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Skills used: Research, Interview, Critical analysis, Documentation, Design development.

Programs used: Rhino, AutoCAD, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign

The thesis is a study of urban development of Ulaanbaatar City in Mongolia. Observations begin from historic research to a critical analysis of the future development plans 2020 to 2030 as proposed by the Department of Planning in Ulaanbaatar. A housing complex is designed at the periphery of the city core, informed by traditional nomadic dwellings called gers and brutalist Soviet architecture that makes up Ulaanbaatar City.

bachelors thesis research facility

Tutors: Marcus Donaghy and Will Dimond

Site: Co. Kildare, Ireland

Skills used: Research, Critical analysis, Responding to brief, Model making, Design development.

Programs used: Hand drawing, Handmade models

This final bachelors project is a high tech research facility designed in a rural research farming estate. Animals for the research, students, staff and Ph.D. researchers are to be accommodated. A hierarchy of users determined the levels of sanitation required for the research facility. The design utilizes the concept of micro climates, layers of user specific environments that responded to their respective functions.

B.Sc. Arch, Year 3, Sem 2

searching for 間

Year 5, Sem 1 Project 2

Site: Poblenou, Barcelona, Spain

Programs used: Rhino, Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator

Skills used: Survey, Analysis, Research, Design

Four ornamental facades enclose an abandoned site at one of the corners of the iconic Barcelona grid. A childrens community center with play as the main program is proposed. Open space is seen as the most powerful tool in this community space that cater for children. The four existing facades are encased in a continuous brick wall thickening and narrowing to form stairs, ramps, amphitheatres and seating. A folded steel building sits at a 45-degree angle at the center of an empty courtyard creating four large zones. A playful mix of floor patterns delineates space in the vast emptiness.

Tutors: Leif Brodersen and Konrad Krupinski

Robotics + Coding

Year 4, Sem 1 Project 2

Programs used: Processing, Arduino, Rhino, Grasshopper

Skills used:Programming, Analysis, Exploration

Project 3 was based on the collection of site data using agents and subsequently allowing the agents to alter the collected data in order to intervene and implement the summer camp design on Malmön. The intervention aspect was based heavily on ABM research – agent based models. An agent is aware of its surroundings and its abilities. When acting in a collective manner they exhibit swarm intelligence, the collective behavior of decentralised selforganised systems.

Tutors: Pablo Miranda Carranza + Annie Locke Scherer Site: Malmön, Sweden


School in Senegal

Group work: Susan Nakazibwe, Zainab Mehdi, Minjmaa Enkhbat

Personal work: Design, 3d modelling in Rhino to extract views and shadows, exploded axonometric drawing in Rhino with minor rendering in photoshop

Year: 2021

Location: Dublin, Ireland

The main design principal of this project is simplicity of construction, informed by the lifestyle and culture of the predominant Mandik tribe. Emphasis is also placed on water, its close proximity to site, its ritualistic nature and various daily uses. This project begins with deconstruction of existing structures and preservation of reuseable material.

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