Minnesota Bluegrass May 2016

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May 2016

Homegrown Kickoff Festival

Inside: From the President 3 | Letter 5 | Homegrown Kickoff 6 | Bands at the Kickoff 10 | Bluff Country Gathering 16 | CD Review 20 | Concert Review 22 | Bluegrass Saturday Morning 25 | MBOTMA Calendar of Events 27 | Coming Up 28

May 2016 Vol. 42 No. 4

Newsstand: $3 Subscription: $35

MBOTMA Hot Line (to subscribe and for other information) 612-285-9133 or 800-635-3037 info@minnesotabluegrass.org P.O. Box 16408, Mpls, MN 55416 www.minnesotabluegrass.org Twitter: @mnbluegrass Facebook: minnesotabluegrass

MBOTMA Board of Directors President: Peter Albrecht, henrypeteralbrecht@gmail.com Vice President: Jana Metge, 952-996-6490, singdancesavetheworld@gmail.com Treasurer: Greg Landkamer Secretary: Mary DuShane Board Members: Term expires 2016: Kenneth Bloch, Alan Jesperson, Philip Nusbaum Term expires 2017: Marilyn Bergum, Sarah Cagley, Ann Iijima, Quillan Roe Youth Representative: Seat vacant For meeting minutes and other Board business, go to: minnesotabluegrass.org/as_Board

MBOTMA Staff Executive Director: Arne Brogger, executivedirector@minnesotabluegrass.org Administrative Assistant: Bea Flaming, 612-285-9133

Minnesota Bluegrass


Editor: Doug Lohman, editor@minnesotabluegrass.org Contributors: Bob Bovee, Adam Granger, Ann Iijima, Matt Johnson, Philip Nusbaum Coming Up: Loretta Simonet, Pam Bowers, John Brandberg Y’All Come: Bill Lindroos Wordmark: Katryn Conlin Photography: Michelle Perrin, Doug Lohman, Cover image: Michelle Perrin Back: Michelle Perrin Deadline for submissions: The 1st of the month preceding publication Submit content or request advertising guidelines at: editor@minnesotabluegrass.org. Minnesota Bluegrass is published monthly by The Minnesota Bluegrass & Old-Time Music Association™, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation, P.O. Box 16408, Mpls, MN 55416. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher. The publisher is not responsible for the loss or return of unsolicited photos, recordings, or manuscripts. ©2016 Minnesota Bluegrass. All rights reserved. ISBN 0891-0537. 2

Thank you, MBOTMA members Membership as of April 1, 2016: 932


Bridgit & Peter Albrecht Tony & Barbie Andreason Tony & Ann Anthonisen Mary Arntson Lenny & Colleen Baltus Gary & Karen Bartig Ron & Kathy Blade Kenneth Bloch Ann & Barry Brooks Doug Chasar Paul Christianson Laura Cooper Bob & Marilyn Dodd William Fancher Jennifer Faulkner Mark & Kathleen Fisher Jerry Frank Darrell & Marilyn Fuhr Tom Furrer Jon & Sharon Garon Gary & Jae Germond David Glatt Dale & Diane E. Gruber Michael & Paula Hildebrandt Mable Houle David Johnson

Howie & Maggie Jorgenson Russell Lane Maxine Larson Richard Luckeroth Bob Lundeen Rudy & Jeanne Marti Rodger McBride Mary McSorley Douglas & Georgene Nesheim Katy Olson & Ron Roller Harold Pederson David & Betty Pfeiffer David Rogers Tom & Cathy Schaefer Thomas & Barbara Schommer Tom & Margaret Schuveiller Penelope Scialla David Tousley & Margaret Brandes Michael Valentiner Donna Velasco Rebecca Wagner & Dan Forsythe Tim Wankel Jane & Dobson West Jim Whitney John Wilcox


Rod & Barb Anderson Paul Ashworth Fred Boyer Mark & Erdyne Briere Brenda Burger Bill & Ann Bushnell Susan Christensen-Wichmann Dan & Marilyn Cook Brian Cornell Bob & Vicki Dalager Hal Davis Doug Duncan Mary DuShane Matt Edwards Nathan Fjeld Jim Franczyk Warren Gumeson Timothy & Ginger Haaland Mary & Fred Harms Thomas Hollenhorst & Karin Kraemer David Holm Dick & Sue Hopperstad Ann Iijima & Myles Bakke Chris Juettner

Alan & Geriann Kagan Jim Lally Greg Landkamer & Jill Stefansen Lloyd & Beverly LaPlant James Lee Steve & Elaine LeVasseur Bill Lindroos & Rebecca Reifler Travis Lockwood Bill Merrill Susan & Joe Meyer James Natwick Dennis & Jan O’Brien Dominic Orrico Bob Ostlund Dan Robinson Dan Robinson Leo & Ann Rosenstein Marty & Carol Schirber Wendy Schoen Howell Smith Lynn & Carolyn Thorson R. & Elizabeth Vaughan David & Bonnie Warner

May 2016

From the President Dear MBOTMA Community, I am going to start trying to communicate with you more, and do so more regularly. Thus, this “Dear MBOTMA” letter, which addresses one of the two main issues facing MBOTMA: declining attendance and revenue ( for the other main issue you’re going to have to wait for the next issue of Minnesota Bluegrass). You are aware of it. The Board of Directors is aware of it. We all see it at events and festivals. It stares the Board of Directors square in the face each month as we review financial reports. The attendance at virtually all of our festivals and events has been steadily declining for several years. This is probably the biggest issue facing us in the long run, in part a result of a “graying” demographic of our membership (myself included, if one counts the two or three hairs I have left). The Board has been wrestling with this for some time now, and the solution appears to be largely a question of how to attract new, younger members. We are working on that. We are also working, largely through the leadership and inspiration of Board member Marilyn Bergum, on increasing membership in general. But we would also appreciate your thoughts, criticism and suggestions. What do you think are the causes of our decline in attendance, and what suggestions do you have to try to correct it? There are so many creative minds, so much experience in many different fields, and so much dedication in our general membership. The Board of Directors would welcome any input you might have. If you have ideas on how to address this issue, please e-mail either our new Executive Director, Arne Brogger, or me. My e-mail address is henrypeteralbrecht@gmail.com. Arne’s is in care of MBOTMA and included at the front of this magazine. Thank you, and let’s hope this weather (I write this during the glorious weather leading up to Cabin Fever) can come again during the Kick Off. I look forward to seeing you there. Peter Albrecht President, MBOTMA

Become a Member

The Minnesota Bluegrass & Old-Time Music Association is open to everyone. Our members include people who love to listen to music and people who love to make music. As a member, you’ll be invited to participate in bluegrass and old-time music events and celebrations. You’ll receive discounted prices on admission to events and merchandise, and you’ll receive a subscription to Minnesota Bluegrass magazine. Becoming a member of MBOTMA is easy and affordable. Your membership will not only nurture your own interests, but help to ensure that the bluegrass and old-time music tradition is sustained and grows in Minnesota. Individual $35

Includes Minnesota Bluegrass, events discounts for one person, and a free classified ad.

Family $50

Includes Minnesota Bluegrass, up to four discounted tickets per event, and a free classified ad. Includes Minnesota Bluegrass, advance booking information for MBOTMA events, a free classified ad, and listings in the MBOTMA member band directory in print and on our website.

Band $75

Sustaining Level $100

Patron Level $150

Includes Minnesota Bluegrass, first-class postage, events discounts, two free concert tickets, and a free classified ad. Includes Minnesota Bluegrass, first-class postage, events discounts, four free concert tickets, and a free classified ad.

Add $18 for First Class or foreign postage to individual, family or band membership. Go to minnesotabluegrass.org and select the Membership tab to join online and pay with PayPal. Or mail in your personal information and payment to: MBOTMA, P.O. Box 16408, Minneapolis, MN 55416

Inside: From the President 3 | Letter 5 |

May 2016


Homegrown Kickoff 6 | Bands at the Kickoff 10 | Bluff Country Gathering 16 | CD Review 20 | Concert Review 22 | Bluegrass Saturday Morning 25 | MBOTMA Calendar of Events 27 | Coming Up 28

Call 800-635-3037 or 612-285-9133 for details or if you would like to join by phone. Funding for MBOTMA provided in part by a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, through an appropriation by the Minnesota State Legislature, a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts, and private donors


On the Road and Off to Europe in 2016! Saturday, May 7, 7 pm Sunday, May 8, 4 pm

The World Beloved: A Bluegrass Mass with The Battenkill Chorale Immaculate Conception Church, 67 Main Street (info: 518-677-8233)

Hoosick Falls, NY

Spring European Tour Germany

Friday, May 13

Time(s) TBA


Saturday, May 14

12.30-13.00 Uhr Bühler Bluegrass Festival, Johannesplatz-Bühne


Saturday, May 14 - 21.00 Uhr Sunday, May 15 - TBA

GrevenGrass Bluegrass Festival Hallenbad Greven

Greven, DE

The Netherlands

Monday, May 16

Time TBA

Big Bear Festival

Zuidlaren, NL


Tuesday, May 17

20:00 Uhr

Kino METROPOL, Lederstrasee 5

Kusterdingen, DE


Wednesday, May 18

Time TBA

Illertal Cowboy, Sandbergweg 17

Vöhringen, DE


Friday, May 20, 2016

20:00 Uhr

Gablonzer Haus 87600 Kaufbeuren-Neugablonz Bürgerplatz 1

Kaufbeuren, DE

Saturday, May 21, 2016

16:30 & 22:45

Spring Bluegrass Festival, Swiss Agricultural Museum

Willisau, CH

Wednesday, May 25

20:00 Uhr

Partycentrum, 1715 GZ Spanbroek

Wadway, NL

Friday, May 27

Time TBA

Karens Minde Kulturhus

Copenhagen, DK

Switzerland The Netherlands MinnesotaBluegrass.org


Bühler Bluegrass Festival, Bürgerhaus Neuer Markt

Bühl, DE Bühl, DE

Go to www.MonroeCrossing.com for detailed information on all our concerts! Booking: Art Blackburn, 844-monroeX or 763-213-1349, art@monroecrossing.com 4

May 2016

Letters: WHY I LIKE BLUEGRASS Two years ago, I didn’t know what bluegrass was. But I knew I liked gospel music, so when a friend invited me to attend a bluegrass concert, I thought, “Why not?” Was it love at first tune? Well…no, not exactly. Although the songs got me tapping my toes, I can’t say I was overly excited. But it perked my interest just enough to attend another concert, then another and another. Soon, I found myself attending regional events that feature numerous artists. It was then I began to notice a difference in performers: I liked some better than others and began learning the names of various groups so I could target my favorites when attending events. I also enjoy listening in on the jamming sessions and wish I could participate.

by Larry Ahlman

But a musician I will never be. Just a listener. Recently I began to notice another feature of bluegrass: the people. When I walk around an event, it seems everyone is wearing a smile. People I don’t know often greet me. Of the hundreds I’ve met, I’ve yet to encounter a bluegrass fan that I would classify as being a “jerk.” And, one other observation: Last August, while walking the campgrounds of Cushon’s Peak, I noticed something others might overlook: The total absence of litter. Even with hundreds of people milling around, there wasn’t a single scrap of litter on the ground. Are bluegrass people (and their music) a cut above the general population? I’m not sure yet, but I think I’ll stick around a bit longer and find out.


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May 2016


Minnesota Homegrown Kickoff Festival, June 3-5


by Matt Johnson and Ann Iijima

Due to the easy Fiddle with Catie Jo Pidel Minnesota winter and our and Tom Schaefer. If you love early spring, I’m sure the fiddling, you know these two! weather is going to be great Fiddlers at all levels will want to this year for the 25th Annual come and work on their playing Minnesota Homegrown technique, musicianship, ear Kickoff Festival at El Rancho training, and repertoire. Manana. I’m really looking Clawhammer banjo with forward to setting up my tent, Quillan Roe, an award winning, watching the local member nationally touring musician bands get on the stage to and the co-leader of the Roe do their thing, then getting Family Singers. This workshop together for some pickin’ will cover the basics of around the campfire. It’s one Clawhammer, or frailing, banjo: of my favorite festivals and I hand position, arm and wrist 2015 Homegrown Kickoff Festival - Sawtooth Brothers look forward to it all year. I movement, thumb use, and the Photo: Michelle Perrin can’t wait to introduce our bum-diddy rhythm pattern that new Executive Director Arne defines Clawhammer banjo on Guitar with Lew Tousignant. Lew’s Brogger to this one of a kind gathering. playing. popular workshop will focus primarily Main Stage Ukelele – The 2016 Great Minnesota on chords with some reference to leads. The main stage is the place to Uke Gathering will once again run Although it is aimed at intermediate catch wonderful bluegrass, old-time, concurrently with the Kickoff, so there players, beginners also would find it and Americana music played by our will be a wealth of ukulele workshops to useful. MBOTMA bands. Twenty member bands choose from: Learn to Play Ukulele; Ukes Mandolin with Sophie Galep, are playing this year, beginning at 6 & More: U Can Play Jug Music; Essential an ETSU Bluegrass major. Mandolin PM on Friday. We’re excited to watch Strums, Strokes and Tricks; and Novelty players of any level will benefit from this the Platte Valley Boys with the twin Songs. workshop. Stop by to learn tips and tricks fiddles of Catie Jo and Tom Schaeffer, the Songwriters of all levels will enjoy on rhythm, building solos, and taking Mark Kreitzer Band, Ivory Bridge, and these two workshops: your playing to the next step. the runners up from the 2015 Harvest Songwriters’ Round Robin with Festival, Blue Groove. This year’s lineup also includes the Wild Goose Cloggers, who put on quite a show. This is the second year for the Great Minnesota Uke Gathering (GMUG) held in conjunction with the Homegrown Kickoff and we are happy they are coming back. This is a Minnesota ukulele weekend celebration and a get together for all ukulele players. We’ll have a special ukulele performance by Lil’ Rev on the Main Stage on Saturday. Workshops Take a break from listening and come do some doin’ – you’re sure to have fun and learn something new at the Minnesota Homegrown Kickoff workshops and JamWith-The-Band sessions! If you play an instrument and want to work on your skills, we have a number of great workshops planned: 2015 Homegrown Kickoff Festival - Platte Valley Boys, Photo: Michelle Perrin Playing Up the Neck, i.e. Cheating 6

May 2016

Paul Schulte. Come share your own work and hear what others have written! Participants will go around the circle, each person taking a few minutes to introduce and play an original song. Participation is limited to 12 songwriters, but all are welcome to come listen to the fine songs that are being created by members of our own community. Songwriting with Bill and Kate Isles, a nationally-touring singer/songwriter duo based in Duluth. In 1993, Bill survived sudden cardiac arrest. Instead of ending his life, it jump-started his creative energies, resulting in a 150 show-per-year itinerary, presenting his profoundly meaningful songs, including “Hobos in the Roundhouse.” He will be joined by Kate, his wife, co-writer, and musical collaborator. JAMS: Folks who love to jam (or think they might) will have many opportunities to do so: New to jamming? No problem! Bill Cagley again will be leading his perennially popular Jamming Workshops (beginning and intermediate). This is a totally safe jamming environment, and you’ll learn enough to jam along with hundreds of songs! Truth be told, these sessions are so much fun that beginning, intermediate, and advanced players all show up to play.

You’ll also have opportunities to jam with established groups. The Platte Valley Boys – Ron Colby (banjo), Scott Stebbins (mandolin), Tony Andreason (guitar), Catie Jo Pidel (fiddle), and Ross Willets (bass) – have been playing traditional bluegrass since 1975 and will lead you through some of your favorites. The Gritpickers Old Time String Band – Don Jacques (fiddle/guitar), Rob Daves (banjo), and Gene Willms (guitar) will get your fingers pickin’ and your toes tappin’ at the old-time jam. Grab your ukulele and join the Yellow & Blue Ukulele Jam, or join Lil’ Rev, who will be stopping through on one of his North American tours to perform on the Main Stage and to lead a uke jam. And, as is traditional at all MBOTMA festivals, there will be open jamming throughout the camping areas all weekend. The workshops and jams-withthe bands generally will be held in the Gathering Place, the Workshop Tent, and the Uke Tent. Check out the website for updated locations and times (Minnesotabluegrass.org). Ranch House Live The Ranch House Live (RHL) provides a less formal venue for anyone interested in performing in front of folks. The RHL is a single mic set-up that

Photo: Michelle Perrin takes place at the El Rancho Manana Ranch House from 8 p.m. to midnight on Friday and Saturday. There will be a sign up genius on the MBOTMA Kickoff webpage <add website ref>. Matt Johnson is the Chair and Ann Iijima a member of the Homegrown Kickoff Festival Committee.


2015 Homegrown Kickoff Festival, Roe Family Singers, Photo: Michelle Perrin May 2016


The Minnesota Bluegrass & Old-Time Music Association presents…

THE MINNESOTA HOMEGROWN KICKOFF MUSIC FESTIVAL June 3-5, 2016 El Rancho Mañana Campground Richmond, MN 30 Min W of St Cloud MN, From I-94 take exit #153 (Avon), then S on County 9 and E on Mañana Rd

Roe Family Singers Bernie King & The Guilty Pleasures Bill & Kate Isles Band Broken Heartland String Band Blue Groove Ivory Bridge Mark Kreitzer Band Moonlight Duo Platte Valley Boys Mother Banjo Get Two Festivals In One! The Long Shots The Great Minnesota Uke Gathering The Gritpickers Workshops, Jams, Sing-Alongs Pickin’ Up Steam Same Weekend, Same Place Switched At Birth Same Ticket Middle Spunk Creek Boys Scrapegoat Skin & Bones Singleton Street Wild Goose Chase Cloggers Rosby Corner The Biscuit Boys


Main Stage Showtimes: & Ticket Prices: Friday - 6 PM to 11 PM, Saturday - 12 PM to 11 PM, Sunday - 11 AM to 4 PM. One Day Ticket (no camping): $20 advance, $15 MBOTMA member advance, gate is $20 Fri, $25 Sat, $10 Sun. Saturday & Sunday Ticket (w/Sat camping): $45 advance, $36 MBOTMA members in advance, $50 gate. Weekend Ticket (all 3 days w/Fri & Sat camping): $52 advance, $42 MBOTMA members in advance, $60 gate. Teens $5 any or all days. Children 12 & under free with paid adult. Bring lawn chairs of blankets. No display of alcohol allowed in concert area.

Call: 800-635-3037 or 612-285-9133 Visit: www.MinnesotaBluegrass.org This activity is made possible in part by a grant provided by the Minnesota State Arts Board, through an appropriation by the Minnesota State Legislature and a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.



Workshops Jam With the Bands Ranch House Live The Gathering Place May 2016

2016 Kickoff Tentative Entertainment Schedule MAIN STAGE

FRIDAY Open Mic: 8:00pm, 8:30, 9:00, 9:30, 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, & 11:30

SATURDAY 2:15-­‐‑4:30 PM Ukulele Open Mic with Emily and Doug Wright. Open Mic: 8:00, 8:30, 9:00, 9:30, 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, & 11:30


FRIDAY 6:00 Songwriter Round Robin with Paul Schute SATURDAY 1:00 Mandolin with Sophie Galep 2:00 Fiddle with Tom Shaefer and Catie Jo Pidel 3:00 Claw Hammer Banjo with Quillan Roe 4:00 Guitar with Lew Tousignant 5:00 Songwriting with Bill and Kate Isles


FRIDAY 6:00 Learn to play the Ukulele with Tony Anthonisen 7:30 Yellow & Blue Book Ukulele Jam with Twin Cities Ukulele Club

SATURDAY 9:00 Uke Jam with Lil’ Rev 11:00 Beginner’s Slow Jam with Bill Cagley 1:00 Jam with The Grit Pickers 2:00 Jam With The Band with The Platte Valley Boys 3:00 Intermediate Level Slow Jam with Bill Cagley 5:00 Yellow & Blue Book Ukulele Jam 9:30 Non-­‐‑Denominational Service with Jack Trosen

For More Information: www.MinnesotaBluegrass.org May 2016

GREAT MN UKE GATHERING FRIDAY 6:00-­‐‑7:00 PM (Gathering Place) Learn to play the Ukulele with Tony Anthonisen. For all skill levels with help for beginners. 7:30-­‐‑9:00PM (Gathering Place) Yellow & Blue Book Ukulele Jam with Twin Cities Ukulele Club

SATURDAY 9:00-­‐‑10:30 AM (Gathering Place) Uke Jam with Lil’ Rev. For all skill levels with help for beginners. 11:00-­‐‑12:00 PM (Uke Tent). Ukes & More -­‐‑ U Can Play Jug Music with Cid Skaalrud & the U Can Jug or Nots. 1:00-­‐‑2:00 PM (Uke Tent). Essential Strums, Strokes and Tricks with Lil’ Rev 1:00-­‐‑2:00PM (Ranch House) Learn to play the Ukulele with Tony Anthonisen. Beginners. 2:00-­‐‑4:30 PM (Ranch House). Ukulele Open Mic with Nancy Mattson and
 Bonnie Schwalbe For all skill levels. 4:30-­‐‑5:30PM (Uke Tent). Life and Music of Woody Guthrie for Ukulele with Lil’ Rev 8:30-­‐‑10:0 PM (Gathering Place). Yellow & Blue Book Ukulele Jam with StrumMN. For all skill levels with help for beginners.



FRIDAY MC: 6:10 Mark Kreitzer Band 7:00 Moonlight Duo 7:50 The Grit Pickers MC: 8:40 Switched at Birth 9:30 Mark Kreitzer Band 10:20 Roe Family Singers SATURDAY MC: 12:20 Mother Banjo 1:10 Rosby Corner 2:00 Singleton Street MC: 2:50 The Long Shots 3:40 Pickin’ Up Steam 4:30 Wild Goose Chase Cloggers MC: 6:00 The Long Shots 6:45 Bill & Kate Isles 7:30 Lil’ Rev 8:15 Blue Groove MC: 9:00 Platte Valley Boys 9:45 Ivory Bridge 10:30 Bernie King & the Guilty Pleasures SUNDAY MC: 10:50 The Biscuit Boys 11:40 Platte Valley Boys 12:30 Wild Goose Chase Cloggers MC: 1:20 Scapegoat Skin & Bones 2:10 Ivory Bridge 3:00 Broken Heartland String Band


800-635-3037 9

The Homegrown Kickoff Bands Bernie King and the Guilty Pleasures

Bernie King and the Guilty Pleasures may be tough to bracket but they sure are easy to enjoy. A little bit blues, a little bit bluegrass, a little bit rock and a little bit kitchen sink. A style of music that some fans have come to call “blues-grass”. You will hear some great original songs inspired by the styles of Shane McGowan, Johnny Cash, The Rolling Stones and Bill Monroe. With a rough-and-tumble mix of guitar, banjo, mandolin, bass, washboard, snare drum and accordion. Bernie King on guitar and vocals, John Kurtis Dehn on guitar, mandolin, banjo, vocals, Julie King on percussion, accordion, Bradley Smith on bass. Bernie King and the Guilty Pleasures are exactly what the doctor ordered.

harmony singers. Enlisting the help of the singers he found in various open jam sessions in the Twin Cities area. First competed in the Minnesota Bluegrass and Old-Time Music Association “Race for a Place” in fall of 2012. The band consists of Dan ‘Buttermilk’ Fish, Tim ‘Buckwheat’ Wankel, Nathan ‘Hotrise’ Fjeld and Mike ‘Sourdough’ Steele. The Biscuit Boys blend three part harmony into most of the repertoire. The band has Guitar, Bass, Banjo and Mandolin. This group is often found about campfire jams whenever available and proudly invite all to join. We have all been playing music of various genres for a long time, so each player brings something different to the band. It’s all about the song and the community. Hope to see you at an event or jam near you.

Blue Groove


The Biscuit Boys

The Biscuit Boys were formed in 2012 over the love of bluegrass music. The early brother acts, (Stanley, Louvin, Monroe, Delmore, Osborne and Gibson) blending a vocal harmony that we think needs to be continued. Dan Fish, sophisticated purveyor of biscuits and gravy, founded the group seeking 10

Blue Groove is a bluegrass band that hails from Minneapolis/St Paul, and was awarded “First Runner Up” at the Minnesota Bluegrass & Old-Time Music Association’s (MBOTMA) Race for a Place contest in November, 2015. The band covers material from a number of past and current bluegrass artists, and presents a few originals as well. The Blue Groove sound leans towards a more contemporary vibe (Alison Krauss, Rhonda Vincent), while maintaining ties to traditional bluegrass (Bill Monroe, Flatt & Scruggs) and all of its drive, improvisation and harmony singing! The band is comprised of experienced veteran players and singers, as well as some new faces in the local bluegrass

scene. The band members are Adelle Hyrkas, lead vocals and rhythm guitar; Brent Fuqua, mandolin and lead vocal; David Smith, banjo and vocal harmony; Bob Doe, lead guitar, dobro, and vocals; and Joe Meyer, upright bass. You can find out more about Blue Groove at www.bluegroovebluegrass.

The Broken Heartland String Band

Hailing from the Twin Cities, Minnesota, The Broken Heartland String Band plays music that is wholly American in its roots. With anchors in blues, oldtime, bluegrass, and honky-tonk, the band brings energy and soul with a selection of cover tunes and originals blended from the diverse musical backgrounds of the band’s five members. With a variety of voices, and the sometimes dancing, sometimes battling interplay between the fiddle, guitar, bass, banjo, and harmonicas the Broken Heartland String Band is out to provide a good time with wholesome, partner-swaying, knee-slapping, hootin’ and hollerin’ tunes.

The Gritpickers

May 2016

May 2016

Bill & Kate Isles

Bill & Kate Isles are an acoustic singer/songwriter duo based in Duluth, Minnesota. Using a wide variety of musical styles, their performances carry audiences through a broad landscape of experiences from metaphorical worlds to small town family stories and to zany comedy. Consummate performers, they are known for their catchy melodies and memorable songs. They have a deep-seated love for the audience, and each other, and it shines before, during, and after the performance. They tour nationally, presenting their profound songs for audiences large and small, from house concerts to festival stages and everything in between. Words like “Mesmerizing”, “Transcendent”, and even, “Hysterical” are common descriptions from audience reviews and audiences members feel that they are listening to stories of their own lives, told by two of their best friends. They are joined by Sarah Birkeland on Upright Bass.

swing and contemporary Americana, mostly composed by the band members themselves. The members of Ivory Bridge are as diverse as the music they play. Kathleen Liners on bass and lead vocals, hails from Anchorage Alaska and created Ivory Bridge in 1986. She is the main song writer for the group and her rock-solid meter on the bass is responsible for the steady drive of the band. Kathe and former band mate Lincoln Potter placed first in the 2008 Minnesota Bluegrass and Old Time Music Association’s Vocal Duet Contest at the Minnesota State Fair. Bill Liners on guitar and vocals, is a Minnesota native and an original member of Ivory Bridge. Bill is a multiple winner of the Minnesota State Flatpicking Championship. John Bodle on banjo and vocals, is also a native son of Minnesota and is the newest member of the group. John is also a master of the mandolin and the guitar and took second place in the Minnesota State Flatpicking Championship in 2012. He has performed with bluegrass legend Larry Rice, and also played with Endless Highway, and Acoustic Alliance.

Mark Kreitzer Band

Ivory Bridge

Ivory Bridge plays original music with all acoustic bluegrass instrumentation. vocally, the band features powerful solo, duet and trio harmony arrangements. Ivory Bridge also presents a unique repertoire of musical styles that include: progressive hard driving bluegrass, blues, spiritual, old time, western

The Mark Kreitzer Band brings together exceptional musicians who, combined, can play at least a dozen instruments. Their take-no-prisoners bluegrass will get your feet tapping and hearts pounding, from the traditional sounds of the Stanley Brothers and Flatt and Scruggs, to original songs that draw on influences from Bill Monroe to the Beatles. The Mark Kreitzer Band have performed in a wide variety of settings, from Carleton College’s concert hall, to festivals, cafes, to barn-style weddings. In 2013 the band toured out-state Minnesota 11


Crank up the fiddle and banjo, and crank up the fun! The Gritpickers Old Time String Band weaves hot fiddle-and-banjo tunes with songs that feature terrific two- and three-part harmonies, and Gene Willms’ guitar for a rock-solid bottom. Sets are peppered with Southern stories and humor that adds a grin to the toes already tapping. They play for weddings, barn dances, block parties, restaurant shows, community events, garage door openers, and other hallmark cultural events. What’s a Gritpicker? The Gritpickers are Don Jacques on fiddle and guitar, Rob Daves on banjo and Gene Willms on guitar. Playing for dances is one love, and the band now includes minstrel and other show tunes from the 1700s to the 1900s. And if you prod them, you’ll find traditional waltzes, polkas and perhaps a schottisch or two in their repertoire – mainly from traditional Midwest and Southern fiddlers. Minnesota native Don Jacques picked up the guitar and fiddle late in life and admits to a short, dalliance with Bluegrass before falling in love with traditional old-time music. But don’t let that fool you: The Gritpickers have many early Bluegrass tunes and songs in their musical quiver. Rob hails from North Carolina where he grew up listening to traditional music on radio and TV in the 1950s, and where he first started picking. He spent almost a decade playing for Minnesota’s own Wild Goose Chase Cloggers, and now teaches clawhammer banjo at Blackbirds Music in Minneapolis. Gene is a trained luthier from Chanhassen, Minnesota, who enjoys the old parlor ballads – especially when high harmonies are involved. They released their first CD, Harmony Grits, in 2011. As Adam Granger, a long-time performer, teacher and musicologist in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul said, “The Gritpickers can hang with any of ‘em and be proud. This is a fine first album by a group of committed musicians.” Want to visit The Gritpickers before the festival? Listen to the music on CDBaby.com/TheGritpickers, and on iTunes. Visit them on Facebook. And by

for the Minnesota Bluegrass & Old-Time Music Association, performing in New York Mills, Grand Rapids, and Pequot Lakes. In 2011, it released its album, The Mark Kreitzer Band, containing 12 original songs by Mark Kreitzer. The band members, Mark Kreitzer (vocals, gui¬tar, man¬dolin), Anthony Ihrig (banjo, dobro, gui¬tar, per¬cus¬sion, vocals), “Doctor Tom” Schaefer (fiddle), and Chuck Kreitzer (bass, vocals), bring to the band musical backgrounds in jazz (traditional and gypsy), swing, rock, folk, Irish, and classical. Many of these influences creep into their bluegrass, giving it a particular depth and life. The band was having so much fun playing swing music that, in 2013, Mark created an alter-ego for the band. The band members plugged in, started playing country-swing/rockabilly music for enthusiastic dancers, and called themselves the ’53 Swingbillies. (1953 was an auspicious year for the band: that year, Mark and Tom were born, and two important influences, Django Reinhardt and Hank Williams, passed away.)


The Long Shots

“After taking a break as a group while members went off to college, The Long Shots are back for one of their favorite MBOTMA events. This young band will be back with with new arrangements, repertoire, and musical insight. Having gained experience in the music industry over the course of their adolescence has shaped the skilled and award-winning instrumentation in this energetic and powerful band. Join some of MBOTMA’s beloved youngsters for a reunion at 6:10pm on Saturday evening.” 12

The Middle Spunk Creek Boys

The Middle Spunk Creek Boys were formed in 1968 by Alan Jesperson, Ron Colby and Craig (“C.J.”) Anderson—the same year that McDonald’s introduced the Big Mac. And while that hamburger has never achieved much in the way of popularity or fame, the Middle Spunk Creek Boys sure have, making tens of dollars (and counting!) playing bluegrass music in the Twin Cities and surrounding area. The current Middle Spunk Creek Boys are founder Alan Jesperson on guitar (since 1968), Bruce Jaeger on mandolin and fiddle (1982), Janine Kemmer on bass (2010), and Joel Olson on banjo (2012). Everyone sings, with the caveat that a restraining order prohibits Mr. Jaeger from singing in buildings with loose or cracking mortar. The band and its repertoire are a product of the different styles and likes of the musicians that have been part of it over time. Songs are still performed as arranged by Rudy Darling, Peter Ostroushko, the late Jerry Flynn, Mark Kreitzer, Ken Sherman, the late Andy Thompson, and, well, pretty much by everyone that’s ever been in the band.

Mary DuShane & Nick Jordan Moonlight Duo

Mary DuShane was the fiddler for the original Powdermilk Biscuit Band on the Prairie Home Companion radio show and has performed at MBOTMA events with Mad Jack and the Black Label Boys, the Buffalo Gals, and the DL Cajun Band. With Nick Jordan on vocals, guitar, mandolin, flute, whistle and foot percussion, the duo presents old time, Irish, Cajun and vintage swing tunes and songs.

Mother Banjo

Featuring Ellen Stanley on banjo and vocals, Mother Banjo is a New England-raised, Minneapolis-based songwriter. Called “an outstanding poet” (Inside Bluegrass), she was a Midwest Finalist for the prestigious Mountain Stage NewSong Contest and has been featured nationally on SiriusXM Radio and CMT. com. She and her band combine a soulful blend of folk, bluegrass and traditional gospel music. Following up on the success of her CDs Stray Songs and The Sad and Found (named the #10 album of the year by the St. Paul Pioneer Press), she released her highly anticipated new album The Devil Hasn’t Won to much critical acclaim, landing her an official showcase at the Folk Alliance International Conference in Kansas City. An Americana gospel collection produced by Steve Kaul (The Brass Kings), it showcases her all-star 5-piece band that includes guitarist Dan Gaarder (Trailer Trash, The Roe Family Singers), bassist Eric Paulson (The Roe Family Singers), mandolin player Jim Parker (Ukrainian Village Band, Town Hall Stompers) and pianist/drummer Ben Cook-Feltz (The Federales, Art Vandalay). Featuring lively originals and unique May 2016

covers of songs that she calls “pub gospel,” the new album shows why Mother Banjo has been hailed for her poetic songwriting and powerful vocals. An engaging live performer, Mother Banjo weaves humorous stories with fun covers and her own original material. Her song “The Devil Hasn’t Won” was recently featured on the House of Mercy gospel collection Devil Music, featuring such artists as Charlie Parr, The Tune Jerks, Daddy Squeeze Newton and The Roe Family Singers. More information at www.motherbanjo.com.

Pickin up Steam

Pickin up Steam is Barry St. Mane Banjo, Lincoln Potter Guitar, Harmonica and Vocals, Pete Brooks Bass and Vocals and Dale Martell Mandolin, Guitar and Vocals. Pickin’ up Steam plays high energy bluegrass with blazing solos, crisp harmonies, and thoughtful unique arrangements. Each artist brings to the group a wide variety of influences, including rock, jazz, blues, folk, country and traditional bluegrass. The group also places great emphasis on the vocal aspect of its performance singing in wellblended three-part harmony.

The Platte Valley Boys

organized & produced several musical concerts being Bluegrass or Folk-Rock oriented. He sings Lead and Bass parts. The Platte Valley Boys were the first Bluegrass band inducted into the Minnesota Rock & Country Hall of Fame in 2007. They like to keep their Bluegrass traditional and hard driving with tight vocal harmonies and a lot of Bluegrass Soul.

The Roe Family Singers

“The Roe Family Singers are a GoodTime, Old-Time Hillbilly band from the tiny community of Kirkwood Hollow, MN. Led by wife & husband Kim Roe (Best Female Vocalist, City Pages/ Village Voice) and Quillan Roe (Accident Clearinghouse), the band marries oldtime sounds from barn-dances, fiddle pulls, and county fairs with the rock & roll passion of youth. Featuring banjo, autoharp, guitar, and Appalachian clogging, the band and family of fans have been regularly filling Minneapolis’ 331 Club every Monday night since 2005. They’ve shared the stage with Doc Watson, Ralph Stanley, Mike Seeger, Del McCoury, the Grascals, and Jim Kweskin & Geoff Muldaur. In 2011 the band was awarded the prestigious McKnight Fellowship for Performing Musicians; they won the title of “World’s Best Jug Band” twice, in 2010 & 2012 at the annual Battle of the Jug Bands; and, in 2012, won the Minnesota Duet Contest at the MN State Fair. The Roe Family Singers mix original music and contemporary takes on oldtime, traditional, and gospel tunes into one roiling & rollicking river of fresh yet familiar American music. Every performance raises a ruckus.” 13


May 2016

The Platte Valley Boys formed in 1975 and in 2016 will celebrate 41 years playing some of the best Traditional Style Bluegrass Music in the Upper Midwest. Ron Colby on banjo is the last of the founding members. Ron got his Bluegrass foundation while serving with the U S Army in Berlin Germany, beginning as the Bass Player for the Berlin Bluegrass boys. Returning home, he was influential in developing interest in Bluegrass Music and furthering its growth in Minnesota, for which he was inducted into the Minnesota Music Hall of Fame. He has founded or co-founded several Bluegrass bands and has written many songs, most of which are Gospel. Ron sings tenor and hi-baritone. Scott Stebbins on mandolin, joined the band in 1985, taking over on mandolin from his father, Jim, who switched to guitar. He became the band’s primary Lead Singer and is considered one of the area’s finest Bluegrass vocalists. Scott also writes many songs that the band performs and records. Tony Andreason on guitar, is known to many as the lead guitarist with the legendary rock n’ roll group, The Trashmen, who toured extensively in the 60s and had the mega-hit recording “Surfin’ Bird”. Tony is a member of many Hall of Fames. He now plays a very fine lead acoustic guitar and sings Lead, Baritone, and Tenor as well as writing many songs. Catie Jo Pidel on fiddle, began filling in with the PVBs when she only 15 and became a regular member about four years ago. Catie Jo is in much demand to play with other bands or teach fiddle when the PVBs schedule allows. She will be graduating from the University of Minnesota in the next year or so and has also spent some months in Europe this past year following her career path. Catie Jo, sometimes known as “Jumpin’ Jo” is very excitable and when playing a Hot Fiddle Break may launch 2 or 3 feet above the stage when she speeds it up. She also sings Tenor. Ross Willets on bass, joined the band nearly two years ago and has been a welcome addition. He has played with several bands and has a background in Theatre Management. Ross also has

Rosby Corner

Rosby Corner is a Bluegrass Band offering performances of published and original works, with a focus on three and four part harmonies. With the newly released first CD, Grace Lake Jig, the band is offering audio samples and videos of performances on their website www. rosbycorner.com . Originally founded by sisters Jeanne Marti on mandolin, vocals and Lynn Thoreson Eschbach on guitar, vocals. The band is rounded off with the support of Greg Landkamer on guitar, mandolin, vocals, and Kenny Bloch on bass, guitar, mandolin, vocals

Scrapegoat Skin & Bones

Scrapegoat sings lead and plays guitar, banjo and harmonica. Tommy Phelps, who is also an old-time blacksmith and metal artist, provides percussion and backup vocals (and props). Veteran country and bluegrass fiddler Robbi Podrug brings her years of musical experience to the mix, while Holle Brian lays down the bottom on the upright bass and supporting vocals. Scrapegoat Skin & Bones is a fun, energetic band for dancing or listening. For more information visit www. scrapegoatproductions.com.



The Wild Goose Chase Cloggers

Singleton Street

Singleton Street plays Bluegrass, Celtic, Old Time and Gospel music. We’ve been fortunate to play around the 5 state area for over a decade now. Whatever and wherever we play, we follow one simple rule: If you have fun and we have fun, it’s time well spent. We’re proud to have a new CD out just in time for the Homegrown Kickoff!

Switched At Birth

Scrapegoat Skin & Bones is a fourpiece country/Americana band based in the St. Croix Valley area. Led by singer/ songwriter Scrapegoat, the band plays a mix of original music and crowd-pleasing favorites from all three Hanks, Old Crow Medicine Show, The Devil Makes Three, Sun Volt and many others. Over the past five years, the band has brought their “untraditional acoustic”, high-energy music to country honky tonks, wineries and breweries and the very popular boat cruises on the St. Croix River. They were second runner-up at MBOTMA’s “Race for a Place” contest at the 2015 Harvest Jam.

featuring guest musicians) and “Live: Now & Then” (a collection of live recordings featuring past and present band members). Members are Rick Anderson –guitar, banjo & vocals, Pam Kolupailo-guitar & vocals, Mark Brieremandolin & vocals, Mark Rizzardi-bass & vocals, and Catie Jo Pidel on fiddle & vocals.

Since 1998, Switched At Birth has been entertaining folks with their wide array of musical styles. On any given performance, you can expect to hear Bluegrass, Folk, Blues, Country, Cajun, Irish, and Rock & Roll. The groups mission is to have fun, and it shows! Two recordings are available: “First Born” (Pam & Ricks studio duet recording

The Wild Goose Chase Cloggers is a non-profit educational organization based in Minnesota. Our mission is to promote and sustain interest in traditional Appalachian clogging by offering concerts and workshops anywhere we can find an audience. The Geese offer school programs, workshops for all ages, and performances of 15 minutes to full 1 1/2-hour concerts. The Wild Goose Chase Cloggers was established in 1979 and consist of 12 energetic dancers accompanied by the lively music of our 5-piece String Band. The Wild Goose Chase Cloggers characteristically get our choreography from varied sources, including social dancing outside of the group, frequently contra or square dancing. If group members think that a certain movement would have a good appearance when done by dancers in formation, then the movement might find a home in our repertoire. What makes the bulk of our work traditional in character is the type of rhythmic accompaniment expressed by the foot movements. Occasionally, we adapt tap or Irish step dancing to the clogging style, an approach that is more daring because it requires the group to change the rhythmic aspect of the foot movements. In addition to dances in formation, the group also features special dances allowing members to improvise or dance their fanciest steps. May 2016



May 2016

Bluff Country Gathering 2016 - A Celebration of Tradition


By Bob Bovee

Another year has rolled around and it’s time for the new festival season to start. For the old time music community in the Midwest the Bluff Country Gathering is the grand opening. 2016 will be the 18th year that the Gathering has taken place on the weekend before the Memorial Day weekend, meaning May 19-22 this year. A Celebration of American Traditional Music, the festival brings to the Bluff Country masters of old time music from around the country to perform and teach. The event features a Concert on Friday May 20 at 8:00 PM and a Barn Dance on Saturday May 21 at 8:00 PM, both open to the public. These are still reasonably priced with concert tickets only $12 and barn dance admission $8. The dance features mostly called dances, such as squares, big circles and reels, along with a few couples dances, with three different bands and a caller to teach the dances first and then lead the dancers through the figures. No experience is needed and you don’t have to bring a partner. The concert presents all the master musicians playing music that is our cultural heritage. The Bluff Country Gathering includes two full days of workshops that are only offered to registered participants. These run from 9 AM to 5 PM on both Friday and Saturday featuring sessions on fiddle, banjo, guitar, harmonica, bass, ukulele, mandolin, ballad singing, square dance calling, clog dancing and more. Aimed primarily at enhancing the abilities and knowledge of those already playing traditional music, there are also workshops for beginners. Full registration, which includes the workshops, concert, dance and Friday and Saturday lunches is $225. This year the Gathering is happy to present the Vacutones, a five piece stringband from Maryland and Ohio. In 2001 and 2003 the winner of the traditional band contest at Clifftop, WV (the Appalachian String Band Contest) was the Hoover Uprights and now, with Ann Porcella replacing John Schwab on guitar, the band has changed their name 16

The Vacutones to the Vacutones. The band plays songs and tunes from all over the South and Midwest, music learned from 78rpm records and archival recordings. Kate Brett (banjo), Kevin Enoch (banjo-uke and bass), Bill Schmidt (fiddle) and Dave Rice (harmonica) played together in the Hoover Uprights for more than 20 years and this new version of the band is just as exciting. The Old-Time Herald published a feature story of the monthly old-time

brunch in the Washington, D.C. area that Kate and Kevin have hosted in their home for almost many years. Ann and Bill met there, and the social and musical relationship between the two couples has grown together naturally. Dave Rice joins the group as often as possible from 300 miles away in Ohio. They have forged a strong musical and personal bond over the years, and Vacutones sessions feature as much laughter as music.

Beverly Smith and John Grimm May 2016

Based in Dahlonega, Georgia, Beverly Smith and John Grimm play music of the rural south, but they are coming to the northern outpost of Lanesboro for this year’s Gathering. Beverly has long been a fixture on the old time music scene, as a member of the Heartbeats and later as the singer/guitarist in Big Hoedown with Bruce Molsky and Rafe Stefanini, followed by a long duo run with mandolinist/ songwriter Carl Jones, before her current partnership with John. A sought-after backup guitarist, as well as a fine fiddler, singer and square dance caller, Beverly will put the dancers through their paces at the Saturday night Barn Dance. John is an award winning fiddler and multi-instrumentalist (banjo, mandolin, guitar) and a recent recipient of the Dr. Gene Wiggins Award in recognition of long and significant contributions to traditional music in North Georgia. John played the role of Fiddling John Carson in the PBS film “The People vs. Leo Frank”. Together John and Beverly have toured the US, Canada and Europe doing concerts and workshops and have taught at music camps the world over. Raised to be a trombone player, it didn’t take Paul Ritscher very long to discover that he preferred an instrument that one doesn’t have spit into to make it work. Initially encouraged in playing

banjo by an active group of folk and old-time country musicians in Lincoln, Nebraska, he eventually found his way to Nashville, Tennessee. He met and learned old southern songs and tunes from some of the early pioneers of the Grand Ole Opry, serving a musical apprenticeship with Mr. Kirk McGee, who with his brother Sam had played on the Opry for over 50 years and had recorded and toured with Uncle Dave Macon. Ritscher played banjo and sang lead for the nowlegendary Stillhouse Reelers for ten years. He currently resides near Monterey, California with his banjos close at hand and is coming to Lanesboro for the first time.

performer, dance fiddler, and instructor. Howard Rains is a native Texan whose two obsessions are painting and playing traditional American fiddle music, rare, old tunes learned from friends, family, mentors, and old recordings. His paintings, especially those of traditional music masters, have also been gaining Howard much recognition. Together, Spencer & Rains have performed and taught nationally and internationally, playing old time fiddle tunes and singing old songs in the style of their home states while also exploring other American regional styles. Dick Kimmel, well-known to all MBOTMA folks, will be at the Bluff

Tricia Spencer & Howard Rains

May 2016

Country Gathering imparting some of his expertise on the mandolin. Though many know Dick primarily as a bluegrass player, he is a fine old time mandolin player and clawhammer banjo picker who is a great addition to our teaching staff. So for the eighteenth year, the streets and halls of Lanesboro will ring with the joyous sounds of old time fiddles and banjos, harmonicas and guitars, mandolins, ukes, basses and voices belting out traditional songs. Jamming goes long into the night and most participants vow at the end to return the next year to see their friends, both old and new, and share more music and good times. 17


Paul Ritscher

Spencer and Rains have been taking the old time music scene by storm from coast to coast. Tricia Spencer is a Kansas fiddler who grew up learning the tradition of old time music from her grandparents. At an early age, she was perched up on some stage tapping her foot to the beat of fiddles, banjos, mandolins and guitars. While growing up, her free time was spent traveling to festivals and fiddling contest throughout the Midwest where she learned from the likes of Pete McMahan, Cyril Stinnet, Lymon Enloe, Dwight Lamb, Amos Chase, and Lucy Pierce. Tricia is multi-instrumentalist who has studied with some of the great masters in old time and is highly sought after as a

Contribute to Minnesota Bluegrass Magazine. Write a Review of a Favorite concert or CD. Write an article about your Favorite jam. Tell us about how you came to like Bluegrass and Old-Time String Band Music.



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Two Big Week e n d s in 2016

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2008 !

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M EMOR I AL W EEKE N D Ma y 2 6 -2 9 , 20 1 6


L ABOR D AY W EEKEND Se p t . 1- 4 , 20 1 6

Thursday through Sunday

Thursday through Sunday

29 ½ hours of acoustic Bluegrass

29 ½ hours of acoustic Bluegrass

Special Consensus

Gra s c a l s

Danny Paisley, Becky Buller

Dry Branch Fire Squad

Nu Blu, Shotgun Holler, Blue River, Echo Valley, Circa Blue Dyer Switch, Steam Powered Grass

Feller & Hill, Donna Ulisse

Suzuki Fiddlers, Workshops Band Scramble Sat., Gospel sing on Sun. AM

Freight Hoppers, Jeff Brown Kevin Prater, Cumberland Gap Connection Scott Bros., Backwoods Bluegrass Calabogie Road, Workshops Band Scramble Sat., Gospel sing on Sun. AM

 Free drive-in community night, 6:30-10p  $10 6-10:30p weekend ticket $30  $20 11a-10:45p  $15 10:30a-10:15p

Weekend ticket includes camping Fr/Sa/Su leave Mon. Camp together, arrive together; no advanced reservations; camping before Fri. $10/day 400 electric outlets, water near buildings, 15 amp electric is a one time $10 charge Three hot shower rooms, RV dump station and honey wagon service Personal golf carts are allowed; licensed drivers only, owner assumes liability. Two large covered areas at the stage — BRING LOW BACK LAWN CHAIRS — Best Western Motel , within sight of the fairgrounds , 260-347-5263 or Holiday Inn Express 1 mile east, 260-343-0000 make reservations VERY early; ask for festival discount      


NIBGA 5034 Wapiti Court. Ft. Wayne, IN 46804-4946 260-918-4790  SF16@nibga.com Continuous updates at http://www . B l u e g r a s s U S A . n e t



Sponsored in part by:

     

May 2016


A Review

Tony Rook - The Road Back Home


by Adam Granger

When I started playing bluegrass in 1967, there was a finite number of musicians in the genre, and even fewer good ones. Any fan with a halfway decent job could buy all of the bluegrass releases issued each month. When MBOTMA was formed in the mid-70s, there were, I’m guessing, a dozen bands in the organization, and everyone knew everyone else. Today, some forty years on, the worldwide proliferation of good bluegrass bands—and of the musicians who spawn them—seems to know no bounds. I limit the amount of free writing I do, including reviews for this magazine. Other entities I write and have written for—National Lampoon Magazine, Flatpicking Guitar Magazine, A Prairie Home Companion, The Park Bugle, and Recycled greeting cards—are all paying gigs and, until we adopt the 30-hour day, I only have time to do so much pro bono writing. So, when guitarist, mandolinist and bandleader Dick Kimmel asked me to review a solo album by the guitar player in his band, Dick Kimmel and Co, I agreed, strictly as a favor to him. And thus was I sent The Road Back Home, a solo album by New Prague denizen Tony Rook. This is an ambitious and inspired album, cleanly and crisply performed and recorded, and it more than fulfills the purpose of a solo album, which is to showcase the skills of its protagonist. Rook uses a variety of great players, recorded in sessions in New Prague and Nashville. He plays rhythm guitar in the finest bluegrass tradition and throws in a few classic flatpicking solos as a bonus. Banjo chores are shared by Graham Somes, who is one of the most underrated banjo players in the country, and Rook, no slouch on the 5-string 20

himself. Mandolinists are Tim Carter, Dick Kimmel and Matt Flinner, and St James native Becky Buller plays fabulous fiddle on five cuts. Kimmel and Co member Terry Johnson and, on one cut, Rook, are the bassists. All of the vocals—leads and harmonies—are sung by Tony. Overdubbing the same voice is risky: the result can sound like someone singing through a vocal harmonizer— aggravatingly synthetic. Fortunately for him and us, Rook avoids that. The attentive ear can instantly perceive that the voices are all from one throat, but there is sufficient variation in tone and timbre to avoid irritation. Eight of the twelve tracks on The Road Back Home were written or co-written by Tony under his nom de composition, Philip A. Rook. The first cut, I’ll Make Time is a straightforward please-love-me bluegrass song. It’s followed by Lauralee, a latter-day Civil War lamentation sung from the Confederate perspective; the pleasant romp Appalachian Springtime; and Tim Hardin’s 1965 chestnut, Reason to Believe, done up bluegrass-style. Four more Rook originals follow: Down This Road starts on the IV chord, which is usually a fun thing, except that in this instance it leads into a lyric describing a troubled relationship. Just

about the time we’re getting really concerned about the future of the singer and his partner, Rook segues into an instrumental passage, after which—spoiler alert—the pair does, in fact, break up. It’s not anyone’s fault. It happens. Next comes House of Prayer, which one expects, from the title, to be gospel but which turns out to be an elegant love song. That’s followed by the album’s only instrumental, Blueridge Breakdown, and Simple People, an ultimately tragic homage to minimalism and veneration (in which, speaking of overdubbing, we get to hear not one, but two, Becky

Bullers). Heading down the home stretch, Keep on Tryin’, by ex-Eagles bassist Timothy B Schmit makes a graceful transition to bluegrass in Rook’s hands, and Darlin’ Now’s Not the Time is a song of unrequited love composed by ace singer-songwriter Louisa Branscomb. In the eponymous The Road Back Home, Rook reflects and wonders, and then another fine Branscomb offering, Wearin’ the Blues, wraps up the album, and we’re happy to have spent 45 minutes with Tony Rook and his talent and enthusiasm. Anyone who has recorded albums knows what an absurd amount of work they are. From concept and original creation of the material through learning that material to corralling and rehearsing musicians to scheduling and conducting recording sessions, album creation takes a chunk out of ya. Whatever toil and treasure he expended in its creation, The Road Back Home shows Tony Rook to be one of those really good musicians you may never have heard of—the ones I was talking about at the start of this review. Good compositions, good lead and rhythm playing, good singing (leads and harmonies), good musicians, and good recording, mixing and mastering. Good job, brother Rook, and thank you, Mr Kimmel, for hooking me up with this album. May 2016



May 2016

A Review

Ricky Skaggs and Kentucky Thunder Paramount Theater, St. Cloud, MN - February 12, 2016


by Doug Lohman

It was a sunny day in February. A short trip up old I94 to St. Cloud. Dinner at Jule’s Bistro. Concert featuring Ricky Skaggs and Kentucky Thunder at the Paramount Theater. It was a grand evening. That’s about it folks… well, that’s the short version. There are many people in the generation after the pioneers of bluegrass (Bill Monroe and others), who have made contributions to the genre and community. But, I think, for many, Ricky Skaggs comes right to the forefront when we think about that 2nd generation. Starting at a very young age and continuing to today, Skaggs continues to prove in concert that he loves the music and knows how to put his heart and soul into it. The hour plus drive to St. Cloud was beautiful. The show was held at the Paramount Theater in downtown St. Cloud. We had dinner right next door at Jule’s Bistro. The food, the ambiance, the company were all stellar. I would highly recommend Jule’s Bistro. The Paramount Theater is a fine example of the old theater restored. It is great to see cities choosing not to tear these buildings down, but restoring them and making them live and breathe again. No prima donna making us wait, Ricky and Kentucky Thunder hit the stage right at 7:30pm! They hit the ground running with two Bill Monroe classics, “Why, Oh, Why Did You Wander?” and “Toy Heart.” Many people became aware of Skaggs in the 80s when he put together country bands that, in some people’s opinions, tried to put the country back in country music. He was extremely successful at blending traditional country music and bluegrass, as after all, they are cousins. He had many hits in that era. 14 Grammy awards speaks for itself and he has been a giant in the gospel music industry, garnering many more awards and accolades. So, after opening with a 22

nod to the Father of Bluegrass, Ricky gave a short bluegrass history lesson, talking about Bill, Lester, Earl, Ralph and Carter. He spoke fondly of his time playing with the Stanleys and Keith Whitley. He recounted a trip down an ever narrowing country road, so Curly could get some moonshine. He was in his teens and said he would leave out stories like that when speaking to his mother about traveling with the Stanleys. Then he ripped into “A Lonesome Road to Travel,” a fast instrumental whose name escapes me, and “Mother’s

Only Sleeping.” Here, he made a poignant reference to his faith. After his mother passed, someone said they were sorry that he had lost his mom. He replied, “She’s not lost. We know right where she is!” No preaching, just a simple statement of faith. It hit home. After playing “Rosin up the Bow,” he introduced the band. Paul Brewster, guitar; Andy Leftwich, fiddle; Eddie Farris, guitar; Scott Mulvahill, upright bass; Russ Carson, banjo; Jake Workman, guitar. Skaggs has done a very good job assembling Kentucky Thunder. May 2016

Earl’s Breakdown showcased Russ Carson on banjo followed by 20/20 Vision and then one of his country hits, “I Wouldn’t Change You If I Could.” “Tennessee Stud,” “Gone Home,” “Mosaic.” The hits just kept on coming! Scott Mulvahill sang a moving rendition of “Glory to His Name,” and they showcased their gospel harmony singing. They followed that with the “Kentucky Waltz,” featuring Paul Brewster’s wonderful singing. He tore it up. I’ve heard Bill Monroe and Bobby Osbourne do the song, but I may remember this one more. Paul showed why he’s worked with Skaggs for all these years; he put his soul into the song. They ended the show with “Uncle Pen,” and “Black Eyed Susie.” The encore was his big country hit “Highway 40 Blues,” putting an exclamation mark on why they they’re probably in the top five of all the touring bluegrass acts currently. The sound was excellent. I have heard him before when I wished I would have had ear plugs, so it was nice to listen and hear them without feeling like I was

being beaten back into my seat. At the meet and greet after the show, I thanked him for all his years of great music. He said, “well, I had to make a living somehow.” I’m glad he made his living doing this! Stunning, soulful vocals; tasty licks; a genuine love and appreciation for bluegrass and gospel music by the band;

a great setting in the Paramount – all contributed to a wonderful evening of music. It was a gift to be at the show. A special thanks to Centra Care Health who were sponsors of the Ricky Skaggs and Kentucky Thunder shows at the Paramount. Photos by Doug Lohman.

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May 2016

In his search for new markets, Michel some years ago took on the design of the lowly pick. The results have been phenomenal. Wegen Picks endanger no animal species, and they are a fraction of the price of the illegal picks that do. We have eight models for guitar and mandolin on hand in a variety of thicknesses. Try one out on your next visit.


Making the world safe for discerning fans of Traditional Music since 1979

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9th Annual Northwoods Bluegrass Festival June 10 & 11, 2016 Join us at the Rusk County Fairgrounds in Ladysmith WI


Friday, June 10, 2016 6 pm - 10 pm

Saturday, June 11, 2016 9 am - 9 pm Ticket Prices: Advance Sales: Fri. & Sat. $20.00 Gate Prices: Fri. only $10.00 * Sat. only $15.00 Age 15 & under FREE with paid adult admission     

Bluegrass Instrument Workshops Sat. Open mic on Saturday Rusk County Historical Society events and Dairy Breakfast on Saturday This is a family friendly, no alcohol event Camping on the fairgrounds Fri. & Sat.

Band Lineup includes:

Art Stevenson & High Water The WoodPicks High 48’s Porcupine Creek The Eelpout Stringers Highview Bluegrass Band www.northwoodsbluegrassfestival.com

Presented by the Greater Ladysmith Area Chamber of Commerce & Rusk County Tourism.


For more information call 715-532-7328. Email: manager@ladysmithchamber.com or www.ladysmithchamber.com.


May 2016

Bluegrass Saturday Morning By Phil Nusbaum

For the Record Fund Raising is vitally important to KBEM-FM, but I have to admit that I welcome getting back to normal. We’ve not announced in these pages how it came out. KBEM had a goal of $75,000 and we finished the drive within a few hundred dollars of the goal. So I am calling it good. As far as the ten hours of bluegrass broadcast during the drive, the total was about $18,000, which is considered a success. I’m not the only one who thinks so, as I found a chocolate pie in the KBEM break room a short time after the fund drive was over with. I took that as a reward for the efforts. Thanks to those who answered phones and helped pitch on the air. KBEM staffers think we have a better, more listenable fund drive now than a few years ago. I’d enjoy taking listeners’ perspectives on what it was like to listen to our programming during the drive. Programming In late April, I had a lot of fun playing songs about cars on the Bluegrass Review show #1617, heard on KBEM on April 23 at 11am. Among my favorites is The Nashville Bluegrass Band’s Blue Highway, about a guy, fresh out of prison who is tempted by a beautiful blue Caddy in a car lot. Does he pass it by, or does he attempt to heist it. The song relates the story beautifully. Then there is Shade Tree Mechanic by Larry Cordle. It’s about a guy whose passion is running his own private car parts department. Everything is “stored” on his property, and he is on a first name basis with every part that is laid out. Gotta love him! We’ll be talking about the close convergence between some bluegrass, old time music and Americana music going on today. Today’s songs can be about many types of topics, and I’m so glad. Bluegrass Review and Bluegrass Saturday Morning Online Whenever You Want. Both Bluegrass Saturday Morning and the Bluegrass Review are archived at the website of KBEM-FM, www.jazz88fm.com. You can also download show segments to listen, once the show is over on KBEM-FM, 12 noon on Saturday.

May 2016

Bluegrass Review Supporters 1. Hoffman Guitars www.hoffmanguitars.com (hand crafted Hoffman guitars, authorized Martin repairs) 2. Minnesota Bluegrass and Old Time Music Association w w w.minnesotabluegrass.org (membership organization supporting bluegrass experiences) 3. John Waddle Violins: www.waddleviolins.com (Dealer of international & domestic, new & old violins, bows, cases) The Bluegrass Review is made possible in part by a grant the National Endowment for the Arts. Weekly Playlists Bluegrass Review playlists are located at www. bluegrassreview.com. Just use the “playlists” link you’ll find at the top of the page. Then click on “archives.”

The Bluegrass Review in Minnesota Check www.bluegrassreview.com for a complete station list. Station



KLQP-FM, 92.1 Madison


8 PM

KMSU-FM, 89.7 Mankato; 91.3 Austin


10 AM

KBEM-FM, 88.5 Minneapolis


11 AM

KSRQ-FM, 90.1 Thief River Falls


11 AM

KQAL-FM, 89.5 Winona


9 AM

KDDG-FM, 105.5 Albany


9 PM

WTIP-FM, 90.7 Grand Marais


10 PM

KUMD-FM, 103.3 Duluth


4 PM

KRWC-AM, 1360 Buffalo


5 PM

KOJB-FM, 90.1 Cass Lake


6 PM

KSCR-FM, 93.5 Benson


6 AM


Bluegrass Review and Bluegrass Saturday Morning Online By the way to catch any bluegrass review show, go to www. bluegrassreview.com. Click on the “programs” link at the top of the page and you w1ll then have access to many show playlists. Scroll to the bottom of any playlist and you’ll see a player as well as a web address where the show is posted. Also, both Bluegrass Saturday Morning and the Bluegrass Review are archived at the website of KBEM-FM, www.jazz88fm.com. At the Jazz88 website, you can also download show segments to listen to once the show is over on KBEM-FM, 12 noon on Saturday.

Business Support The Bluegrass Review is supported by a combination of grants and business supporters. To promote your business locally, statewide or nationally through the Bluegrass Review, contact Phil Nusbaum (651/245-1527; pnusbaum@bitstream.net). For promotion through Bluegrass Saturday Morning, your contact is Kevin Barnes (612/668-1735; kbar264@aol.com).


Four Time IBMA Event Of The Year Nominee!

August 11-14, 2016 - El Rancho Mañana

Richmond MN, 30 Minutes W of St Cloud (I-94 Exit #153 at Avon, 9 mi S on County 9)


THE HORSENECKS – CANOTE BROTHERS – MONROE CROSSING plus The Revelers, Hogslop Stringband, Bob & Lynn Dixon, Poor Benny, Pushing Chain, Sarah Mae & The Birkeland Boys, Hand Picked Bluegrass, Dick Kimmel & Co, Long Time Gone, King Wilkie’s Dream, Halvorson Family Band, No Man’s Stringband, More TBA Beautiful Main Stage  Shaded Seating Area  35 Hours of Concerts  Nightly Dances  Instrument Showcases Children’s Activities  Over 20 Workshops  Plenty of Campground Jam Sessions  30 Merchant & Food Booths Campground with Showers & Beach  Shuttle Transportation  A Welcome & Safe Environment  Kids Are Free!

Come for the Day – Camp for the Weekend – Call for Brochure Thu-Sun Camping Package (per person) Admission Thu thru Sun plus unimproved camping Thu, Fri, & Sat nights, $95 Gate, $85 Adv, $75 Member Adv

Single Day Tickets (per person) Admission one day, no camping, $20 Thu or Sun Gate, $30 Fri or Sat Gate, $25 Adv (any day) $20 Member Adv (any day) MinnesotaBluegrass.org



Presented by the Minnesota Bluegrass & Old-Time Music Association and made possible in part by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.


May 2016

MBOTMA Calendar of Events Concerts and events presented or supported by the Minnesota Bluegrass & Old-Time Music Association

The following events are presented by the Minnesota Bluegrass & Old-Time Music Association (MBOTMA) or supported in part by MBOTMA, and made possible in part by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

Band, Monroe Crossing, The Revelers, The Horsenecks, Canote Brothers, and many more TBA. Mainstage showtimes are 6:00 PM to 11:00 PM Thursday, 1:00 PM to 11:00 PM Friday, 1:00 PM to 11:00 PM Saturday, and 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM Sunday. $20 to $30 daily at gate or $85 for all four days in advance including camping ($79 before March 1). Teens are only $10 and kids are free. For information or tickets call 800-635-3037 or visit www.MinnesotaBluegrass.org. Presented by the Minnesota Bluegrass & Old-Time Music Association

Friday through Sunday, June 3-5, 2016, Richmond MN: Minnesota Homegrown Kickoff Music Festival, El

Rancho Mañana Campground & Riding Stable (27302B Ranch Rd 56368, 20 mi W of St Cloud, I-94 exit #153 at Avon, 9 mi S on County 9, L on Mañana Rd). Three-day outdoor music and camping festival with twenty regional groups performing bluegrass, old-time stringband, and related forms of acoustic music. Showtimes are 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM Friday, 11:00 AM to 11:00 PM Saturday, and 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM Sunday. Advance tickets are $52 for the weekend including camping ($42 for members) or $20 daily ($15 member). Gate prices are $60 for the weekend including camping and $20/Fri $25/Sat and $10/Sun. Teens are always only $5 and kids are free. For information and tickets call 800-635-3037 or visit www.MinnesotaBluegrass. org. Presented by the Minnesota Bluegrass & Old-Time Music Association.

Help Wanted: T-shirt team

The MBOTMA T-shirt team is looking for new members. They are in extreme need of volunteers to take charge of the merchandise booth at the Winter Bluegrass Weekend and the Minnesota Homegrown Kickoff. Working at the t-shirt booth is a great way to meet people and support MBOTMA. If you’d like to coordinate the booth at a festival or co-run it with a teammate, please let us know. The team will gather in January to plan for the coming year. And thanks to the current committee members: MBTOMA August Festival booth coordinator Barb Schommer, volunteer recruiter Maggie Jorgenson, and Bea Flaming who oversees it all. Email Bea at bea@minnesotabluegrass.org or call 800-6353037 if you’d like more information or would like to volunteer.

Thursday through Sunday, August 11-14, 2016, Richmond MN: The Minnesota Bluegrass & Old-Time Music Festival, El Rancho Mañana Campground & Riding

Stable (27302B Ranch Rd 56368, 20 mi W of St Cloud, I-94 exit #153 at Avon, 9 mi S on Cty 9, L on Mañana Rd). Four-day outdoor music and camping festival with stage shows, dances, workshops, showcases, children’s shows, demonstrations, crafts, and good food in five stage areas. Five time IBMA Event of the Year nominee. 2016 performers will include The Clay Hess





KAKABEKA FALLS BLUEGRASS & OLD TYME FESTIVAL (14 mi west of Thunder Bay, ON, Canada)

JUNE 24, 25, 26, 2016





plus many more local musicians… Held rain or shine in a rustic building. Camping & food concessions on site. Motels, shops, restaurants & provincial park within 1 mile. Visit our beautiful “Niagara of the North”, Old Fort William & “the Sleeping Giant”! For more info contact: Eddy Van Ramshorst

email: gemvan@tbaytel.net Toll free: 1-888-688-9582 www.kakabekafallsbluegrassfestival.weebly.com May 2016


Coming Up Venue abbreviations 318: The 318 Café, 318 Water Street, Excelsior, 952-401-7902, www.three-eighteen.com 331C: 331 Club, 331 13th Ave NE, Mpls, 612-331-1746, www.331.mn ACA: Acadia Cafe, 329 Cedar Ave, Mpls, 612-874-8702, www. acadiacafe.com AGr: Amazing Grace Bakery & Cafe, 394 S Lake Ave, Duluth, 218-723-0075, www.amazinggraceduluth.com APHC: “A Prairie Home Companion,” Minnesota Public Radio AST: Aster Cafe, 125 SE Main St, Mpls, 612-379-3138, www. astercafe.com BSC: 705 Southview Blvd., South St. Paul, MN 55075 BTC: Lake Superior Big Top Chautauqua, Bayfield, WI, 888-244-8368, www.bigtop.org BoDD: BoDiddley’s Pub and Deli, 129 25th Ave S, St. Cloud, 320-252-9475 CED: Cedar Cultural Center, 415 Cedar Ave S, Mpls, 612-3382674, www.thecedar.org CJ: Celtic Junction, 836 Prior Ave, St Paul, 651-330-4685, www. thecelticjunction.com CrH: Creek House Concerts, www.creekhouseconcerts.com, 651-633-5353. MUST call and reserve for these events. DAK: Dakota Jazz Club, 1010 Mall, Mpls, 612-332-1010, www. dakotacooks.com DUL: 607 W Lake St, Mpls, 612-827-1726, www.dulonos.com DuG: Dunn Brothers on Grand, 1569 Grand Ave, St. Paul EAG: Eagles Club, 2507 E 25th St, Mpls, 612-729-4469, www. Mplseagles34.org

FITZ: Fitzgerald Theater, 10 E Exchange St, St Paul, 651-2901200, www.fitzgeraldtheater.publicradio.org GINK: Ginkgo Coffeehouse, 721 N Snelling Ave, St Paul, 651-645-2647, www.ginkgocoffee.com GKb: Grand Kabaret, 210 N Minnesota St, New Ulm, 507-3599222, www.thegrandnewulm.com HB: Harriet Brewing, 3036 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis HOB: The Loft at Hobgoblin Music, 920 State Hwy 19, Red Wing, 877-866-3936, www.stoneyend.com HOPK: Hopkins Center for the Arts, 1111 Mainstreet, Hopkins, 952-979-1111, www.hopkinsartscenter.com KIP: Kieran’s Irish Pub, 85 6th St N, Mpls, 612-339-4499, www. kierans.com OAK: Oak Center General Store, 67011 Hwy 63, Lake City, 507-753-2080, www.oakcentergeneralstore.com RIV: Riverview Café & Wine Bar, 3747 42nd Ave S, Mpls, 612-7294200, theriverview.com ROCK: Rockwoods, 9100 Quaday Ave NE, Elk River, 763-2224353, www.nograsslimit.com/RockwoodsCalendar.html SHL: Sheldon Theatre, 443 W 3rd St, Red Wing, 800-899-5759, www.sheldontheatre.org TAP: Tapestry Folkdance Center, 3748 Minnehaha Ave S, Mpls, 612-722-2914, www.tapestryfolkdance.org UMC: Underground Music Café, 1579 Hamline Ave N, Falcon Hts, 651-644-9959, undergroundmusiccafe.com ZUM: Crossings at Carnegie, 320 East Ave, Zumbrota, 507-7327616, www.crossingsatcarnegie.com

To post gigs and events to this calendar, request the link to our online submission form to editor@minnesotabluegrass.org


1010 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN 7pm April 24-Sunday MinnesotaBluegrass.org

Swing Brunch with Patty and the Buttons, AST, 11am

April 25-Monday • •

New Riverside Ramblers, EAG, 7:30pm Roe Family Singers, 331C, 8pm

April 27-Wednesday • • 28

Minnesota Songwriter Showcase, AST, 8pm Lenz & Frenz, 331C, 9:30pm

May 20-22 - Fri-Sun

May 14 - Saturday

April 27 - Wednesday

SEMBA May Festival

Lucy Kaplansky with Dan Israel

Cushions Peak Campgrounds, 18696 State Hwy 16, Houston, MN

The Cedar Cultural Center 415 Cedar Ave S, Mpls, 612-338-2674, www.thecedar.org 8pm • •

Judy Collins, Dak, 7pm King Wilke’s Dream, UMC, ,-9pm

• •

The Lowest Pair with Adam Kiesling, CED, 7:30pm The Rockin’ Pinecones, EAG, 7:30pm Emily West, Dak, 7pm Sluggers, RIV, 7pm

Sherry Minnick and Phil Nusbaum,

April 28 –Thursday •

April 29-Friday

(See ad in April issue)

• • • • • •

DUL, 8pm New Riverside Ramblers, Vieux Carré, 408 St. Peter St., St Paul, 9pm Genna & Jesse, BoDD, 7:30pm Marah in the Mainsail, AST, 9pm The May North, Acoustic Cafe for Midwest Music Festival, Various Venues, Guitar Night, DAK, 7pm Phil Nusbaum & Sherry Minnick, DUL, 8pm May 2016

April 30-Saturday • • • • • •

Alternate Route, BSC, 10am APHC, broadcast from The Grand 1894 Opera House, Galveston, TX, 4:45pm Bob Bovee, The Root Note, La Crosse, WI, 8:30pm Community Contra Dance with Ken Steffenson, TAP, 7:30pm Becky Schlegel, The Canadian Honker, 1203 2nd St SW Rochester MN 55902, 7:30pm Big Trees, DUL, 8pm

• • • • •

May 1-Sunday

Swing Brunch with Patty and the Buttons, AST, 11am Singleton Street, Fort Snelling Chapel, 1 Federal Dr, Fort Snelling MN 55111, 11am Bill Geise, AST, 8pm

Jugg Sluggers, RIV , 7pm

• •

May 3-Tuesday

May 4-Wednesday

Minnesota Songwriter Showcase, AST, 8pm

May 5-Thursday • • •

• •

Timbre Junction, The Acoustic Cafe, 505 S. Barstow Street, Eau Claire, WI 54701, 7 pm Mad Ripple Hootenanny, HB, 6:30pm Minnesota Songwriter’s Showcase, hosted by Dick Kimmel, with songwriters Dick Kimmel, Lori Jean, Tony Rook, Public Library, New Ulm, The Swamp Poppas, EAG, 8pm Paul Thorn, DAK, 7pm

May 6-Friday • • • • • •

May 7-Saturday • • •

Sherry Minnick and Phil Nusbaum, Spring-a-Ding, Lakefront Park, 5000 Kop Parkway, Prior Lake, 10 a.m. King Wilkie’s Dream, Breakwater Wine Bar, 400 First St., Pepin, WI, 7pm Singleton Street, Schram Vineyards,

May 2016

• •

May 8-Sunday • •

• •

Prairiegrass, Millner Heritage Winery, Kingston, MN, 12-3 pm Borderstone, Duluth Homegrown Music Festival, Canal Park Brewery, 300 Canal Park Dr., Duluth, MN 55802, (218) 464-4790, 3:30pm Gated Community, AST, 8pm Swing Brunch with Patty and the Buttons, AST, 11am

Don Scott and Curtis Blake, 331C, 7pm

May 12-Thursday • • • • • •

Dick Kimmel, Pleasant Grove Pizza Farm, Waseca, Lucy Kaplansky, BoDD, 7:30pm Mad Ripple Hootenanny, HB, 6:30pm South Side Aces, EAG, 8pm Wilkinson James, AST, 9pm Beneath the Crow, 331C, 9:30pm

May 13-Friday • • •

• •

David Mallett, CrH Dick Kimmel (CD Release), The Pantry, 209 N Minnesota St, New Ulm, (507) 354-5552, 6pm Music from the Heartland 2nd Harvest Fundraiser, with The Beavers, Jackie and the Boat Rockers, Bernie King and the Guilty Pleasures, Chemistry Set , EAG, , 8pm Lucy Kaplansky, ZuM, 8pm Jackson & the Roosterts, DUL, 8pm

May 14-Saturday • • • •

• • •

Timbre Junction, Thirsty Pagan Brewing, 1623 Broadway, Superior, WI 54880, 8pm The Barley Jacks with Brian Wicklund , DUL, 8pm Alternate Route, BSC, 705 Southview Blvd., South St. Paul, MN 55075, 10am APHC with Elvin Bishop’s Big Fun Trio, featuring Bob Welsh and Willy Jordan Jr, Aoife O’Donovan, INB Performing Arts Center, Spokane, WA, 4:45pm Contra Dance with Light of the Moon, TAP, 7:30pm Curtis & Loretta, UMC, 7pm Lucy Kaplansky with Dan Israel, CED, 8pm Paul Simon, Orpheum Theater, Minneapolis, 8pm Betty and Ocho, GKb, 7:30pm The May North, Leo and Leona’s Tavern, W1436 State Rd 33 Bangor WI 54614, 7:30pm

May 9-Monday

May 10-Tuesday

• •

May 15-Sunday

Creole Stomp, EAG, 7:30pm

New Riverside Ramblers, Loon Liquors, 1325 Armstrong Rd, Northfield, MN 55057, 7pm King Wilkie’s Dream, Como Dockside, 1360 Lexington Pkwy N, St. Paul, MN, 7pm Jugg Sluggers, RIV, 7pm

May 11-Wednesday • •

Timbre Junction, Knights of Columbus, 1114 W. American Blvd., Bloomington, MN 55420, 7:30 pm Minnesota Songwriter Showcase, AST, 8pm

• • •

Gloryland Gospel Band, Beacon Hill Senior Home, 5300 Beacon Hill Road Minnetonka 55345, 4:00pm Paul Simon, Orpheum Theater, Minneapolis, 8pm Swing Brunch with Patty and the Buttons, AST, 11am

May 17-Tuesday



Blue Groove, The Steeple Center, Rosemount, 14375 South Robert Trail, Rosemount MN 55068, 7pm Bill & Kate Isles, Crystal River Inn, Waupaca, WI, 7pm Bill & Kate Isles, Neenah Public Library, Neenah, WI, 2pm Billy Johnson, AST, 9pm Mark Stuart, BoDD, 7:30pm Chris Silver and the Good Intentions, Juniors, 100 Spring St. River Falls WI 54022, 8pm

8785 Airport Road, Waconia MN, 7pm The Fish Heads, Sara’s Table Chester Creek Cafe, 1902 E. 8th St, Duluth, Mn, 11am The Fish Heads, Foster’s Sports Bar, 4767 Arrowhead Road, Duluth, Mn, 8pm Alternate Route, BSC, 10am APHC with Heather Masse, Aoife O’Donovan, Stuart Duncan, Ryman Auditorium, Nashville, 4:45pm Bill & Kate Isles, Teatro Zuccone Duluth Homegrown Music Festival, Duluth, MN, 11:30pm Contra Dance with Compass Rose, TAP, 7:30pm Siama’s Afrobilly - MacPhail’s Free Family Music Series, MacPhail Center for Music, 501 S 2nd St, Minneapolis, 612-321-0100, 10am Andrea Lynn with Bonita and the Gringos, GKb, 7:30pm The May North, Old Salem Hall, 240 Salem Dr SE, Bemidji MN 56601, 7pm Greenwood Tree, Prior Lake Farmers Market, Downtown Main Street., 9am-12pm Deep North, Trotters, 232 Cleveland Ave N. St Paul, MN 55104 Papa John & the Hot Club, Merlins Rest, 8:30pm

Jugg Sluggers, RIV, 7pm

Minnesota Songwriter Showcase, AST, 8pm

May 18-Wednesday May 19-Thursday • • •

New Riverside Ramblers, EAG , 7:30 pm Mad Ripple Hootenanny, HB, 6:30pm Peter Mayer, BoDD, 7:30pm

May 20-Friday •

• • •

Timbre Junction, SEMBA May Festival, Cushions Peak Campgrounds, 18696 State Hwy 16, Houston, MN The Barley Jacks with Brian Wicklund, Junior’s Bar & Restaurant, 100 Spring St Rivers Falls, WI 54022, 8pm Bluff Country Gathering Concert, Community Center, Lanesboro, MN, 507-498-5452, 8pm Barley Jacks, Juniors, 100 Spring St. River Falls WI 54022, 8pm Detroit Don King, DUL, 8pm

May 21-Saturday •

• • • •

Timbre Junction, SEMBA May Festival, Cushions Peak Campgrounds, 18696 State Hwy 16, Houston, MN The Barley Jacks with Brian Wicklund , The Station, 2171 4th Street White Bear Lake, MN 55110, 9pm APHC with Jearlyn and Jevetta Steele, State Theatre, Minneapolis, 4:45pm Bluff Country Gathering Barn Dance, Community Center, Lanesboro, MN, 507-498-5452, 8pm Contra Dance with Greenwood Tree, TAP, 7:30pm The Okee Dokee Brothers CD

• •

release, FITZ, 11AM and 2PM Peter Mayer, ZuM, 8pm Cousin Dad, DUL, 8pm

May 22-Sunday

Entwyned, TAP, 7:30pm Phil Bergig, Falconer Vineyards, 3572 Old Tyler Rd, Red Wing MN 55066, 5pm Ivory Bridge, DUL, 8pm

SEMBA May Festival, Cushions Peak Campgrounds, 18696 State Hwy 16, Houston, MN Swing Brunch with Patty and the Buttons, AST, 11am The Flemming Fold, St. Peter Lutheran Church, 3030 Navajo Avenue, Watertown, MN, 10:30am

New Riverside Ramblers, EAG, 7:30pm

May 20-Monday

Jugg Sluggers, RIV, 7pm

May 31-Tuesday

Minnesota Songwriter Showcase, AST, 8pm Paul Barry, 331C, 7pm

June 2-Thursday

• • •

May 23-Monday •

May 24-Tuesday

May 25-Wednesday •

May 26-Thursday • • •

Mother Banjo, 331C, 9pm Mad Ripple Hootenanny, HB, 6:30pm The Rockin’ Pinecones, EAG, 7:30pm

May 27-Friday • • •

• • •

Martin Hayes and Dennis Cahill, CED, 7:30pm Swing Brunch with Patty and the Buttons, AST, 11am Chris Holm, Falconer Vineyards, 3572 Old Tyler Rd, Red Wing, MN 55066, 2pm Shawn Glidden and Friends, EAG, 7:30pm

Jugg Sluggers, RIV, 7pm

Swamp Poppas, EAG, 8pm

Minnesota Homegrown Kickoff Music Festival, El Rancho Manana, Richmond

June 3-Friday

June 4-Saturday •

New Riverside Ramblers, Wheatland Traditional Arts Weekend, Remus, MI through Sunday May 29 The Fish Heads, Sir Benedicts Tavern, 805 E. Superior St., Duluth, 6:00 pm Jon Garon & Clint Birtzer, DUL, 8pm

APHC with Heather Masse, Chris Thile, Vince Giordano and the Nighthawks, The Filene Center at Wolf Trap, Vienna, VA, 4:45pm Contra Dance with Guest Band

May 28-Saturday •

May 29-Sunday

Minnesota Homegrown Kickoff Music Festival, El Rancho Manana, Richmond Jumpin Jo and the Catie Cats, DUL, 7pm The Barley Jacks with Brian Wicklund, Willow River Blues and Brew Fest, New Richmond, WI 54017, 6pm The Fish Heads, GKb - Grand Kabaret, 210 North Minnesota St., New Ulm, Mn, 7pm APHC with Ricky Skaggs and Kentucky Thunder, Christine DiGiallonardo, Broadcast live from The Fox Theatre in Atlanta, GA, 4:45pm

LaPlant Instruments


maker of fine mandolins & guitars




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Buy - Trade Sell - Repair (stringed instruments)

31751 LaPlant Road Grand Rapids, MN 55744 May 2016

607 W Lake St Minneapolis MN 612.827.1726


Friday 13 - Jackson & The Roosters Saturday 14 - Brian Wicklund & The Barley Jacks Friday 20 - Detroit Don King Saturday21- Cousin Dad Friday 27 - Jon Garon & Clint Birtzer Saturday 28th - Ivory Bridge


www.dulonospizza.com May 2016

Attention All Bands If you want to sell your music, you need a good band. If you want to sell your band, you need good smiles!


FRI 10 - Jumpin Jo & The Catie Cats SAT 11 - The BarRoom Clowns FRI 17 - Dan Newton & Pat Donahue SAT 18 - Pushing Chain FRI 24 - Mississippi Hot Club SAT 25 - Ian Kimmel & The Heard

Lloyd “Doc” Wallin, D.D.S. Cosmetic Dentistry Burnsville, MN 55337 952-892-5050 (Free Consultation for MBOTMA Members) 31

Non-ProямБt Org. U.S. Postage PAID Twin Cities, MN Permit 343



2015 Homegrown Kickoff Festival

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