MN Bluegrass Magazine Sept 2016

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September 2016

Malina Brothers Tour Minnesota Inside:

From the President 3 | Letter to MBOTMA 7 Monroe Crossing Private Concert 9 | Cover Story: Malina Brothers 10 Washington County Bluegrass Festival 13 | Fiddle Tunes of West Central Minnesota 15 Folklore Village Sustainability Weekend 17 | Bluegrass Saturday Morning 19 MBOTMA Calendar of Events 21 | Coming Up 22 | Banjo Tab 26

September 2016 Vol. 43 No. 8 Newsstand: $3 Subscription: $35

MBOTMA Hot Line (to subscribe and for other information) 612-285-9133 or 800-635-3037 P.O. Box 16408, Mpls, MN 55416 Twitter: @mnbluegrass Facebook: minnesotabluegrass

MBOTMA Board of Directors President: Peter Albrecht, Vice President: Jana Metge, 952-996-6490, Treasurer: Greg Landkamer Secretary: Mary DuShane Board Members: Term expires 2016: Kenneth Bloch, Alan Jesperson, Philip Nusbaum Term expires 2017: Marilyn Bergum, Sarah Cagley, Ann Iijima, Quillan Roe Youth Representative: Theo Hougen-Eitzman, 1 Seat vacant For meeting minutes and other Board business, go to:

MBOTMA Staff Executive Director: Administrative Assistant: Bea Flaming, 612-285-9133

Minnesota Bluegrass Editor: Doug Lohman, Contributors: Joe Cronick, Meghan Dudle, Bea Flaming, Mary Pat Kleven, Philip Nusbaum, Denny O’Brien Coming Up: Loretta Simonet, Pam Bowers, John Brandberg Y’All Come: Bill Lindroos Wordmark: Katryn Conlin Photography: Doug Lohman Cover image: Back: Doug Lohman Deadline for submissions: The 1st of the month preceding publication Submit content or request advertising guidelines at: Minnesota Bluegrass is published monthly by The Minnesota Bluegrass & Old-Time Music Association™, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation, P.O. Box 16408, Mpls, MN 55416. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher. The publisher is not responsible for the loss or return of unsolicited photos, recordings, or manuscripts. ©2016 Minnesota Bluegrass. All rights reserved. ISBN 0891-0537. 2

Thank you, MBOTMA members Membership as of May 1, 2016: 932


Bridgit & Peter Albrecht Tony & Barbie Andreason Tony & Ann Anthonisen Mary Arntson Lenny & Colleen Baltus Gary & Karen Bartig Ron & Kathy Blade Kenneth Bloch Barry & Annie Brooks Doug Chasar Paul Christianson Laura Cooper Bob & Marilyn Dodd William Fancher Jennifer Faulkner Mark & Kathleen Fisher Jerry Frank Darrell & Marilyn Fuhr Tom Furrer Jon & Sharon Garon Art Geffen Gary & Jae Germond David Glatt Dale & Diane E. Gruber Michael & Paula Hildebrandt Mable Houle


Mary Ruth Alva Rod & Barb Anderson Paul Ashworth Fred Boyer Mark & Erdyne Briere Brenda Burger Susan Christensen-Wichmann Dan & Marilyn Cook Brian Cornell Bob & Vicki Dalager Hal Davis Doug Duncan Mary DuShane Matt Edwards Nathan Fjeld Jim Franczyk Warren Gumeson Timothy & Ginger Haaland Mary & Fred Harms Thomas Hollenhorst & Karin Kraemer David Holm Dick & Sue Hopperstad Ann Iijima & Myles Bakke

David Johnson Howie & Maggie Jorgenson Maxine Larson Richard Luckeroth Bob Lundeen Rudy & Jeanne Marti Rodger McBride Mary McSorley Douglas & Georgene Nesheim Katy Olson & Ron Roller Harold Pederson David & Betty Pfeiffer David Rogers Tom & Cathy Schaefer Thomas & Barbara Schommer Tom & Margaret Schuveiller Penelope Scialla David Tousley & Margaret Brandes Michael Valentiner Donna Velasco Rebecca Wagner & Dan Forsythe Tim Wankel Jane & Dobson West Jim Whitney John Wilcox

Chris Juettner Alan & Geriann Kagan Jim Lally Greg Landkamer & Jill Stefansen Lloyd & Beverly LaPlant James Lee Steve & Elaine LeVasseur Bill Lindroos & Rebecca Reifler Travis Lockwood Bill Merrill Susan & Joe Meyer James Natwick Dennis & Jan O’Brien Dominic Orrico Bob Ostlund Dan Robinson Bryan Ronning Leo & Ann Rosenstein Marty & Carol Schirber Howell Smith Lynn & Carolyn Thorson R. & Elizabeth Vaughan David & Bonnie Warner

September 2016

From the President What a great August Festival! What I have been hearing from nearly everyone (and feeling the same myself) is that it was one of the best ever. The weather finally cooperated, and people had a great time. Superb band and performer choices in several different musical genres made it a musical success. Perhaps most important, however, is the way in which the Festival Staff pulled together and made it happen under difficult circumstances. As you may know, our new executive director, Arne Brogger, submitted his resignation in early July. His resignation was not an easy decision and justice cannot be done to explaining it in the space allotted to this letter. But the executive director position was simply not a good fit, and I, as president and a member of the search committee, take responsibility for that. Nevertheless, the Festival Committee rose to the task of pulling everything together to present a terrific event. Those on the “inside” know the hundreds of challenges and difficulties the Committee faced, minute by minute, hour by hour, but to the average festival attendee everything appeared “normal.” In fact, several of us received unsolicited comments during the festival, some from the performers themselves, about how smoothly everything ran this year. In short, kudos to the Festival Committee and the many volunteers who worked more hours than ever. The board of directors has met with and listened to several MBOTMA members with significant experience and history regarding the position of executive director, and we are taking a step back to examine how that position might best be designed and filled, including the possiblility of dividing the tasks among more than one person. Finally, thank you to those who have written in response to my request for feedback on where we should be headed as far as musical genres. A very brief (perhaps only one sentence) poll will be sent to the entire membership before the end of the year, seeking as broad a response as possible. Peter Albrecht MBOTMA President


September 2016

The Minnesota Bluegrass & Old-Time Music Association is open to everyone. Our members include people who love to listen to music and people who love to make music. As a member, you’ll be invited to participate in bluegrass and old-time music events and celebrations. You’ll receive discounted prices on admission to events and merchandise, and you’ll receive a subscription to Minnesota Bluegrass magazine. Becoming a member of MBOTMA is easy and affordable. Your membership will not only nurture your own interests, but help to ensure that the bluegrass and old-time music tradition is sustained and grows in Minnesota. Individual $35

Includes Minnesota Bluegrass, events discounts for one person, and a free classified ad.

Family $50

Includes Minnesota Bluegrass, up to four discounted tickets per event, and a free classified ad. Includes Minnesota Bluegrass, advance booking information for MBOTMA events, a free classified ad, and listings in the MBOTMA member band directory in print and on our website.

Band $75

Sustaining Level $100

Patron Level $150

Includes Minnesota Bluegrass, first-class postage, events discounts, two free concert tickets, and a free classified ad. Includes Minnesota Bluegrass, first-class postage, events discounts, four free concert tickets, and a free classified ad.

Add $18 for First Class or foreign postage to individual, family or band membership. Go to and select the Membership tab to join online and pay with PayPal. Or mail in your personal information and payment to: MBOTMA, P.O. Box 16408, Minneapolis, MN 55416

From the President 3 Letter to MBOTMA 7 Monroe Crossing Private Concert 9 Cover Story: Malina Brothers 10 Washington County Bluegrass Festival 13 Fiddle Tunes of West Central Minnesota 15 Folklore Village Sustainability Weekend 17 Bluegrass Saturday Morning 19 MBOTMA Calendar of Events 21 Coming Up 22 Banjo Tab 26

Become a Member

Call 800-635-3037 or 612-285-9133 for details or if you would like to join by phone. Funding for MBOTMA provided in part by a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, through an appropriation by the Minnesota State Legislature, a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts, and private donors





Americana-Roots Band Contest

FIRST PLACE: $500 cash prize, 5 hours of studio time at Wild Sound, a feature article in Minnesota Bluegrass, a short paid set at the 2017 AmericanaRoots Duet Contest, State Fair Ribbons

FIRST PLACE: $1000 cash prize, a set at the 2017 Minnesota Bluegrass & Old-Time Music Festival, cover article in Minnesota Bluegrass, 5 hours of studio time at Wild Sound, video session at Baby Blue Arts

SECOND PLACE: $250 cash prize, State Fair Ribbons

SECOND PLACE: $500 cash prize, main stage set at the 2017 Minnesota Homegrown Kickoff festival, State Fair Ribbons

THIRD PLACE: $100 cash prize, State Fair Ribbons




Americana-Roots Duet Contest Friday, September 2, 2016 3:00–5:45 PM West End Market Stage, Minnesota State Fair ENTRY FEE: $20 per duet, LIMIT 10 duets



Saturday, September 3, 2016 3:00-5:45 PM West End Market Stage, Minnesota State Fair ENTRY FEE: $50 per band, LIMIT 8 bands

THIRD PLACE: $250 cash prize, State Fair Ribbons

GOLD SPONSORS Baby Blue Arts David Vincent Guitars & Mandolins Nechville Banjos The Podium Wild Sound Recording Studio SILVER SPONSORS G. Edward Lutherie Hoffman Guitars LaPlant Instruments Willie’s American Guitars

Sign up ASAP - the contests are filling up quickly. Go to for information and to register. 4

September 2016

MBOTMA Boards Elections In Novemeber If you are interested in being a board member please contact MBOTMA, send an email, or stop in and visit the Sept Board Meeting on the first TUESDAY. For a Time Commitment there is a 3 hour board meeting monthly and board members also participate with the events, fundraisers, write Magazine articles and Board Committees (like Finance or planning a Fundraiser’). To learn about the responsibility of being a non profit board member, you can pull up the Minnesota Council of Non Profits or the Minnesota Attorney General Charities Division websites. Many great details about the Roles & Responsibilities are on those sites.

Basically, a board member: • Takes care of and protects the Organization’s Assets • Monitors the work of those hired to work for MBOTMA • Oversees fiscal responsibility (makes sure bills are paid, monitors how funds are used, makes sure money comes into the organization, sets and monitors the budget, makes sure there is enough money to pay all the bills, and makes sure that standard accounting principles are utilized.) • Serves as an Ambassador for the Organization • Promotes the Work & Priorities of the Membership who gives the Board their Authority.

MBOTMA needs you! Please consider running for the Board. Thanks!

MBOTMA is celebrating Give to the Max Day Thursday November 17!

Mark this Date and Contribute to MBOTMA! Keep our programs & festivals going strong. September 2016


Come to the FREE 18th Annual

Minnehaha Park “Laughing Waters”

s s a r g e u l B ! l a v i t Fes Labor Day Monday, September 5, 2016 1:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Bruce Jaeger 2005


1:00 1:50 2:40 3:30 4:20 5:10

Pat Paulsen for President

More info:

The Pride of the Prairie The Sawtooth Brothers The Middle Spunk Creek Boys The Platte Valley Boys King Wilkie’s Dream Robbie Fulks



Concert at Minnehaha Park. Located at East Minnehaha Parkway and Hiawatha Avenue. FREE ADMISSION! Stage and park facilities provided by the Park and Recreation Board of the City of Minneapolis. 6

September 2016


September 2016

We could start small with a session or two devoted to other types of music. Tex-Mex music is interesting because Mexican immigrants adopted the European accordion to accompany their traditional stringed instruments and enhanced their singing, playing, and dancing. It is lively and fairly easy to accompany. All you need is some Spanish, and Minnesota has a large number of Spanish speaking people. Every reader has probably experienced the blues in some form, a genre that has informed nearly all of rock and folk music from their beginning. Even that great Minnesota musician, Bob Dylan was heavily influenced by that tradition. The blues originated in rural poverty and slavery, and found its way to the big cities of America: Chicago, Detroit, New York, and Minneapolis to name a few, where it still has its main home. Of all the types of roots music, the blues (along with jazz) was born in our country and is the envy of the world. If you want to play, sing, or listen to the blues, you only need to feel it. If you want to do more with it, of course, you have to learn how. All of us have experienced death. Fathers and mothers, spouses, relatives, children, and friends have passed on. Many MBOTMA members are in denial, thinking things will change for the better if the weather improves for outdoor

venues for example, or new money will shake out of a money tree, or (and this is my most recent favorite) El Rancho cleans up the horse droppings on time. Dying is like that, we don’t like it so we pretend it isn’t so. I honestly admit my own selfish interest in seeing the organization survive and thrive. I have been able to develop my own musical gifts largely because of relationships formed within MBOTMA. It is, in my view, an ironclad rule that an organization changes, sometimes radically or dies. I have often heard the response to my suggestions, “oh no we can’t do that,” or “we have never done anything like that.” At age 40 it is time for MBOTMA to try new things. Survival is usually a good motivator. Dr. Joseph Hallman, University of St. Thomas, Emeritus.

LaPlant Instruments maker of fine mandolins & guitars

For MBOTMA – August 9, 2016 As a member of MBOTMA for 15 years, I have attended many festivals and learned to play bluegrass guitar, singing and picking melodies and counter melodies that I have dreamed up at jams, usually on the spot, for better and sometimes for worse. When I moved here from West Virginia in 1981, I was amazed to find such interest in old time and bluegrass music in the northland, and am extremely grateful for all the organization has contributed to my musical development. I have always loved music of all sorts, growing up in a rich musical family, otherwise poor, in the woods of northeastern Wisconsin. It is public knowledge that the organization is currently dying by all measures of which I am aware. Membership has declined and the median age of remaining members seems very high, a bad sign. Young people and those whose backgrounds are not formed by the European roots of bluegrass, old time or country music, sing and play in other ways, sometimes in other languages. Because we are a land of immigrants, even to this day, I maintain that America has the richest and most interesting tradition of music in the world. Songs in France and Germany, for example, are just that: French and German songs. I imagine the same is true the world over. American music is truly diverse in the right sense, a two-century year old natural diversity spawned by artistic creativity, not social engineering. It is as though the very displacement of people like my grandparents who were unhappy late nineteenth century Europeans, opened their eyes to new forms of music after they came to America. In order to expand interest and membership, I suggest that we widen our musical umbrella to include more of the wonderful roots music our country created, creates and enjoys. I suggest we include some blues and Tex-Mex music for example. It is nice to have Cajun music represented, but why stop there?

Buy - Trade Sell - Repair (stringed instruments)

31751 LaPlant Road Grand Rapids, MN 55744 218-326-4456 7

September on Tour Across the Midwest Thursday, September 1, 2016

7:30 pm

Grand Marais Playhouse Presents Arrowhead Center for the Arts, 51 West Fifth Street

Grand Marais, MN

Friday, September 9

7:30 pm

Valley City State University Vangstad Auditorium, 101 College Street SW

Valley City, ND

Saturday, September 10

Time(s) TBA

Tioga Farm Festival -Tioga Farm Festival Building

Tioga, ND


Sunday, September 11

Time(s) TBA

Community Bluegrass & Gospel Concert The City Auditorium , 27 Railway Street

Enderlin, ND


Friday, September 16

1:00, 3:00 & 5:00 pm

Carlos Creek Winery Grape Stomp 6693 County Road 34 NW

Alexandria, MN

Saturday, September 17

7:30 pm

The Mabel Tainter Center for the Arts 205 Main Street

Menomonie, WI

Private Party

Minneapolis, MN

Tuesday, September 20

218-387-1284 701-845-7141

320-846-5443 715-235-0001

Thursday, September 22

Time(s) TBA Event: 5-8 pm

Cancer Benedit Fund Concert Surly Brewing Company, 520 Malcolm Avenue SE

Minneapolis, MN


Saturday, September 24

7:30 pm

Festival Theatre Presents Alliance Church of the Valley, 1259 State Road 35

St Croix Falls, WI


Great River Public Library — Elk River 13020 Orono Parkway

Elk River , MN


Thursday, September 29 6:30 pm

Go to for detailed information on all our concerts! Booking: Art Blackburn, 763-213-1349


September 2016

Monroe Crossing provides a private concert by Denny O’Brien

September 2016

Well, there was 1 more day and Tom was able to push me around in a wheel chair. We interviewed some of the artist and then came the interview with Marty Raybon. He was a terrific man and gave a great interview. He then asked me about my leg and told me that he had heard about me. Marty is a very religious man. He stood over me with his hand on my shoulder and, for what seemed like 3

minutes, he gave me a personal prayer of getting well. I want to tell you about receiving. Yes, I missed a lot of the acts but I have a great amount of gratitude for those who care and this seems to be an awful lot of the bluegrass community. Thanks to all. I Love Bluegrass, Denny O’Brien, Co Host Inside Bluegrass Radio

The bluegrass family is a great bunch of people. I’ve been around the festivals and the music for a long time. I am happy to call these people my friends. Four years ago I had a bad accident and severely damaged my leg. During that time I was restricted to the house because I couldn’t use my leg. I sat in Minnesota for 6 months from February until August. I lost a Minnesota summer. Last year my wife and I went with my Inside Bluegrass Radio Co-host Tom Schuveiller and his wife on the Danny Stewart Bluegrass cruise from Tampa Bay to Cozumel. Here is the story that makes me even more grateful for the people of Bluegrass. After the ship sets sail, the first order of business is the Life Boat drill. As we stood there on deck I told my wife that something was wrong with my leg and I needed to see the doctor on the ship. We hadn’t been on the water for 2 hours. Well, the doctor told me right away that I shouldn’t even be on the ship as I had a 102 degree temp and a serious infection, cellulitis, in my leg. I was then told that I must stay in my room with my leg up and every 12 hours to come back to the clinic for an antibiotic IV. This went on for 3 of the 5 days on the cruise. I missed all the bluegrass acts that had performed so far. Now the heartwarming part of the trip. Tom and the wives had gone to the various shows and during the Monroe Crossing show Tom spoke to Mark Anderson and explained what had happened. Later I had received a phone call from Mark and he told me to make sure I pants on because he and his wife were going to come to my room and visit. They did along with the rest of the band. They proceeded to give me a mini concert in the room. That’s all 5 of the band and 4 of us. Those rooms are small. I requested songs and they played them. I don’t want to be to mushy but you just have to understand how heartwarming that was and I was so very grateful. Hat’s off to the great band and great music of Monroe Crossing.


Cover story

It’s a small world: Czech bluegrass connections with Minnesota lead to September tour for The Malina Brothers By Bea Flaming

Over the years I have had the great fortune to develop close ties to some of the top bluegrass bands from the Czech Republic. Many of you are already familiar with Druha Trava, who performed at the MBOTMA festival in August 2007 and headlined the Harvest Jam in 2011. I am pleased to tell you that this year their banjo player, Lubos Malina, is coming to the U.S. on tour with another of his bands, Malina Brothers. As one of the Czech Republic’s top banjo players Lubos is already well known in Minnesota. On guitar is Lubos’ brother Pavel Malina. He is an amazing guitar player in a variety of styles and was the original guitar player with Druha Trava. He visited the U.S. in 2010 where we enjoyed hosting a jam session with him at our house in Minneapolis with members Mark Anderson and Lisa Fuglie of Monroe Crossing, Katryn Conlin, and Ben Manning, Benji Flaming and his

friend Nathan Wilson. Afterwards Pavel and friends headed north to Park Rapids to my family’s cottage for some relaxation and 4th of July fireworks, then Lloyd LaPlant’s house, and on to Duluth and the Monson’s. Pavel was very impressed with all of Lloyd LaPlant’s instruments and he

Pavel Malina on guitar with Minnesota friends in 2010. 10

enjoyed trying out several of them! We missed a turn after leaving the LaPlants for Duluth, and ended up driving by Hibbing, much to Pavel’s delight, since it is the hometown of one of his musical heroes, Bob Dylan. He had me stop the car so he could take a picture of the town sign. We were somewhat late for the Fish Heads concert in Duluth, but Mike and Kim Curtis-Monson were wonderful hosts! Lubos’ and Pavel’s younger brother, Pepa Malina, is also in the band. A classically trained violinist, Pepa plays fiddle and is a great bluegrass musician. Back around 2000, Becky Buller had met Pepa and loaned me an album called Fifty Fingers. I thought he looked like Pavel and Lubos, so I was not surprised to find out he was their brother! In another “small world” coincidence, Ben Manning and Katryn Conlin met Pepa in Prague when they happened upon him in a music store and started chatting about bluegrass. (Lubos has often wished they had room to bring their younger brother along on tours to the US with Druha Trava.) September 2016

I met the bass player, Pavel Peroutka, in 2004 at a Druha Trava concert during my visit to Czech Republic that year. He has been in a number of very popular Czech bluegrass bands and I have enjoyed hearing him play in several of them. This will be his first trip to the United States. This September, you will have a chance to meet these wonderful musicians and hear them play in three Minnesota house concerts. On Friday, September 16, Malina Brothers will be in Lake City at Ben Manning and Katryn Conlin’s home at 7 pm. You can reach Ben at The next evening, Saturday September 17, there will be a house concert in Inver Grove Heights at 7 pm sponsored by Czech & Slovak Cultural Center at the home of Brian & Cynthia Abery. If you are interested in attending, please contact Renata Ticha at The final Minnesota concert will be in Duluth on Sunday, September 18 at 3 pm at the home of Mike and Kim Curtis- Monson. Contact Kim at 218-831-5181 or If you’d like more information about Malina Brothers or their tour, you can go to their Czech website: www. “Hudba” means “music” and you can click on that link to listen. There is also a website being set up at which will be in English and have U.S. tour information. I will be at all three concerts with Malina Brothers and it would be great to see you there!

-Kakos -Kennedy -Kopp -Kronbauer -Morris -Santa Cruz -Walden -Walker

New location! 4151 Minnehaha Avenue, Minneapolis (612) 767-2800

-Bourgeois -Breedlove -Carmel -Fairbanks -Goodall -Hoffman -Huss&Dalton -Hill

Premium Guitars, Amplifiers, and Repair September 2016


Sponsored by Minnesota Bluegrass & Old-Time Music Association 12

September 2016

Preparations underway for 15th annual Washington County Bluegrass Festival at Lake Elmo Park Reserve Sept. 10

September 2016

Sound is by Doug Lohman of Armadillo Sound & Design. 
 This event is free. All vehicles entering are required to have a valid park vehicle permit, ($5/day or $25/annual). Park permits may be purchased at any park contact station during regular business hours.
Near by the picnic pavilion is a large playground area, biking trails, and a boat launch for additional activities on this day. Camping reservations are also available; reservations are not required to attend. Dog are not allowed at the festival or in the campgrounds. For more information on park permits and reservations, see www. Annual park permits are valid for 12 months at all Washington County, Carver County, and Anoka County parks. “Go Green” and enter the park for free (no permit required) by biking or walking.
Lake Elmo Park Reserve is in the east metro at the intersection of County Road 19 and County Road 10 (one mile north of Interstate 94) in Lake Elmo. For additional information and festival details, see or call the park contact station at 651-430-8370.
Let’s be social! Washington County Parks is on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram posting our events and more!

Washington County invites the community to the scenic Lake Elmo Park Reserve 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 10, for the 15th annual Washington County Bluegrass Festival.
The Bluegrass Festival fuses community, the great outdoors and local musicians. It’s a way to celebrate a successful summer season and give thanks to everyone for supporting Washington County Parks. The music lineup will be: · • Borderstone - 2pm; • Bernie King and the Guilty Pleasures - 3pm; 
 • The High 48’s - 4pm;
 • Pushing Chain - 5pm 
 Located within the 2,200-acre Lake Elmo Park Reserve, the venue provides a naturally peaceful outdoor setting, perfect for large groups. The festival is at the South Picnic Pavilion. The pavilion provides shaded seating with picnic tables and open space; all other seating is on the grass on the picnic pavilion grounds in full sun. Visitors are encouraged to bring camping chairs and blankets for comfortable seating. This is a family-friendly event and will feature a variety of food vendors, merchandise, face-painting, and more. 
Sponsors of the event are the Minnesota Bluegrass & OldTime Music Association and Jazz 88 FM.



September 2016

Fiddle Tunes from West Central Minnesota By Mary Pat Kleven

September 2016

was written down; we didn’t have many recordings to go from,” said Kleven. “The videos will showcase a wide variety of approaches to this music, which should make it very interesting to review.” Videos will be posted on YouTube this fall in conjunction with three workshops offered by different fiddlers teaching tunes from the book. One of the most interesting aspects of the collection are the notes that Elmo wrote about the fiddlers who played the tunes. MSFA Vice President Walter Sigtermans has volunteered countless hours researching these stories to provide additional historical insights. The tunes are primarily from the early 1900’s and most of the fiddlers featured in the book lived near Sunburg, MN, a small town near Willmar. Elmo writes a lot about his father (Andrew) and grandfather (Edward) and his accompanist Arlan Erickson, but he also features the Amundsons (Harris and Carl) and the Henschien brothers, Otto and Vernie, whose family donated land to Sibley State Park. Most notable of the fiddlers are those of the Sagedahl family: Ole, Elling, Oliver and Henry. Elling is referred to by other sources as well as a well-known master

fiddler of his day. The most intriguing note that Elmo left was about Olaus Jorgensen, who was known to play the guitar with his feet while playing the fiddle at the same time. This puzzle was answered when Walter spoke to a family member who produced a picture of Olaus using a foot-powered device that strummed a guitar The final part of the grant will be the presentation of three workshops at the Willmar Community Center (October 9), Bloomington at Applewood Pointe of Bloomington Valley West (October 16) and the First Congregational Church of Cannon Falls (October 30). Each workshop will be taught by different fiddlers involved in the project. More information is available at www. or by contact Mary Pat Kleven at or 507-298-3016. This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

Long-time fiddler and founder of the Minnesota State Fiddlers Association (MSFA), Elmo Wick heard a lot of fiddle music and stories from his family and neighbors growing up in Sunburg, Minnesota. In his fifties, he taught himself how to write music so he could preserve these heirloom fiddle tunes. He donated his collection to the MSFA before he passed away in 2009, which sat dormant until January, 2014. “Orpha Radford called me because she was cleaning out her basement and wanted me to pick up some boxes for the MSFA that she had stored there,” says president Mary Pat Kleven. “When I took it all home and looked through it all, I couldn’t believe what a treasure I had found.” A call to a family member verified that Elmo indeed wrote down tunes from memory and intended for the MSFA to have the collection. “Our motto is to ‘Keep the Heritage of Fiddling Alive’ and I couldn’t think of a better way to do this than to get the collection published,” says Kleven. The first hurdle was to organize the music. MSFA members and volunteers Jeanette Ruff and Carla Manning spent a year sorting and cataloguing the nearly 1,800 sheets of papers with over 700 tunes. Carla and Jeanette, along with Walter Sigtermans and Mary Pat Kleven reviewed the collection and identified over 100 tunes that they could not find in other old time music sources. “It’s always possible that the tune is out there under a different name, but we felt that we at least had fairly original versions” according to Kleven. Kleven received an artist grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board and volunteer and financial support from the Minnesota State Fiddlers Association to create a tune book of at least 30 of these tunes, video record the tunes, and teach tunes at three different workshops. Over a dozen fiddlers received stipends to help with learning, recording and teaching the tunes. “Our challenge was that the music


Wegen’s Guitar Picks Ž

6625 Penn Ave. S. Richfield, MN 55423 (612) 861-3308 and you can find us on Facebook

Making the world safe for discerning fans of Traditional Music since 1979


Michel Wegen is a recognized Dutch model maker using sculpting and airbrush art techniques to meet the needs of clients such as theme parks, ad agencies and museums. In his search for new markets, Michel some years ago took on the design of the lowly pick. The results have been phenomenal. Wegen Picks endanger no animal species, and they are a fraction of the price of the illegal picks that do. We have eight models for guitar and mandolin on hand in a variety of thicknesses. Try one out on your next visit.

September 2016

A New Festival Approach In The Driftless Sustainability Weekend, September 9-11 By Meghan Dudle

September 2016

facility, Farwell Hall. Tenting and bunks are available, although there are close lodging options in town. We offer part and full time options and have four dishwashing scholarships available for full time attendees. Registration, scholarships and more are available for

download at or give a call at 608-924-4000 or email Come join us this fall in the Driftless for a unique music and dance festival that breaks the mold and offers you new challenges and inspiration!


Minneapolis, MN - Serving the acoustic music community for over 30 years.

Complete production services, sound and lights.

This fall in the beautiful area known as The Driftless, Folklore Village will be hosting their 2nd annual Sustainability Weekend, September 9th-11th. This unique festival approach blends the cultural traditions of old-time American dance and music with concepts of environmental sustainability, making the holistic pitch that sustainability must involve both realms. This festival has components in: architecture/historic preservation and energy efficient building, prairie and land heritage, homesteading practices, and cultural sustainability; including old-time music and dance calling workshops from The Red Squirrel Chasers and caller Rina Rossi. Students will be able to learn a multitude of practical and musical skills, including log work on our 1848-era log cabin. Meals will be largely organic and locally sourced, and we will feature a special Saturday night farm-to-table dinner provided by Circle M Farm. Composed of Stephanie Coleman on fiddle, Jim Collier on mandolin, Jim Nelson on guitar, and Dedo Norris on bass, the Red Squirrel Chasers will be teaching workshops throughout the day, and playing for your dancing pleasure in the evening. This driving and powerful string band inhabits that hazy musical boundary between the old-time string bands of the 1920s and the bluegrass sounds that emerged in the 1940s. Expect workshops in red-hot fiddling and mandolin playing, bass and old-time rhythm guitar in addition to jamming. Other workshop opportunities include: how to dry foods, make herbal oils, use European-style scythes, an Autumn cooking class, clogging, how to call square dances, a tour of The Underhill House, building a historic log cabin, and a guided prairie walk. Folklore Village is a rural and lovely 94 acre site with two historic buildings and a restored tall grass prairie, in addition to our 5,500 square foot

Complete studio and live multi-track recording with Protools©. You know Doug’s attention to detail in the live concert… Let him help you craft your next recording project. 612-306-3490 –



September 2016

Bluegrass Saturday Morning By Phil Nusbaum

September 2016

set by the Clay Hess Band. And by the way, jammed between all of his workshops and this stage show, Clay found time to conduct an interview with me regarding the evolution of bluegrass guitar and the influences on his style. I’ll be heard on the Bluegrass Review show later this year. Business Support for Radio Bluegrass The Bluegrass Review is supported by a combination of grants and business supporters. To promote your business locally, statewide or nationally through the Bluegrass Review, contact Phil Nusbaum (651/245-1527; For promotion through Bluegrass Saturday Morning, your contact is Kevin Barnes (612/668-1735; Bluegrass Review Supporters • Hoffman Guitars (hand crafted Hoffman guitars, authorized Martin repairs) • Minnesota Bluegrass and Old Time Music Association (membership organization supporting bluegrass experiences) • John Waddle Violins: (Dealer of international & domestic, new & old violins, bows, cases) • Deep Roots Mountain Revival: (Bluegrass-based music festival Sept 25-28, 2016) Weekly Playlists Bluegrass Review playlists are located at www. Just use the “playlists” link you’ll find at the top of the page. Then click on “archives.” Bluegrass Saturday Morning playlists are located at www. At the top of the home page, select “programs,” then click on “programs A-I.” Then search the right-hand column for “Bluegrass Saturday Morning.” Link to on-demand Bluegrass Review segments from the KBEM-FM home page. The Bluegrass Review is made possible in part by a grant the National Endowment for the Arts.

The Bluegrass Review in Minnesota Check for a complete station list. Station



KLQP-FM, 92.1 Madison


8 PM

KMSU-FM, 89.7 Mankato; 91.3 Austin


10 AM

KBEM-FM, 88.5 Minneapolis


11 AM

KSRQ-FM, 90.1 Thief River Falls


11 AM

KQAL-FM, 89.5 Winona


9 AM

KDDG-FM, 105.5 Albany


9 PM

WTIP-FM, 90.7 Grand Marais


10 PM

KUMD-FM, 103.3 Duluth


4 PM

KRWC-AM, 1360 Buffalo


5 PM

KOJB-FM, 90.1 Cass Lake


6 PM 19

Reflections on the August Festival This is written Sunday August 14, 2016, the final day of this year’s August festival. Travel plans limited my attendance to one day, Friday August 12, and I’m at my desk in my home now. The experience on Friday re-affirmed my faith in the bluegrass festival movement. Bluegrass is more than a style that occupies a bit of space on the shelf in the music store. It is more the case that bluegrass is a musical culture. When you go to a bluegrass festival, you are not consuming bluegrass as much as you are participating in it. While I was at the festival, I volunteered for a short time at the membership/raffle table of the Minnesota Bluegrass and old-Time Music Association. At least I think it was a short time, but I know that the time went by fast. The other volunteers and I talked about bluegrass shows we’d seen in the past, about our families, an all kinds of other stuff. When you commit time to a bluegrass festival, you do a lot of community-oriented things. It might be volunteering, it might just be hanging out with others under a shade tree, or it could be pursuing bluegrass music. I shadowed Clay Hess at this year’s festival. He was part of three straight presentations on Friday. First there was a guitarist showcase with Derek Johnson (Monroe Crossing), Bill Cagley and Tony Rook. The guitarists took turns playing leads on fiddle tunes, and you could clearly hear the differences in their styles. Then, Clay was off to play the guitar at a bass playing workshop. (You cannot properly give a bass workshop without an additional instrument to accompany.) Following that, Clay gave a workshop on guitar playing, where he talked about his soloing. It stuck in my mind that he pre-plans only the beginning and ending notes of his solos. Clay gave out a lot of ideas about using the blues pentatonic scale in soloing, and I would expect that Clay’s thoughts will inspire many of the guitarists present. Every bluegrass festival gives bluegrass community members extended opportunities to get together in a setting where bluegrass music is a big part of everyone’s frame of reference. At times, it’s serious, at times frivolous, it can be heated and sometimes, everybody is laughing out loud. Every bluegrass festival is memorable. As I write this, I have no idea of the size of the turnout for the event. But turnout can be weather-sensitive. Earlier in the week of the festival, weather reports had the rain ending on the Thursday of the event. But when I arrived in the middle of Friday morning, there had just been a downpour. The part of me that is a board member of MBOTMA was thinking that we hold this event in August because there is little chance of rain, but in recent years, there has been a lot of it in August. But the part of me that loves the bluegrass community could not help but notice that despite the muggy air and rain, people kept coming all day long. After about 5pm on Friday, the muggy air moved out, and the air that moved in was of the crisp variety that memories of north woods summers are made of. I kicked back and listened to a marvelous

Don’t miss these future


Presented by The Minnesota Bluegrass & Old-Time Music Association

Funding for MBOTMA provided in part by a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, through an appropriation by the Minnesota State Legislature, a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts, and private donors

The Minnesota Bluegrass & Old-Time Music Association (MBOTMA), a 501c3 nonprofit, volunteer-based organization serving Minnesota and the Midwest. Our mission is to preserve and promote bluegrass and oldtime string band music in Minnesota. Our activities include five annual festivals, plus numerous concerts, dances, jam sessions, workshops, and educational programs. Our events and programs keep people who love to play and listen to traditional acoustic music busy all year around throughout the state of Minnesota. Check out our calendar of events for a full list of what is coming up. We encourage you to become a member of MBOTMA and welcome you at all

The 10th Annual

The 37th Annual

The 13th Annual

Nov 18-20 2016 Marriott Mpls West 9960 Wayzata Blvd, Minneapolis MN

March 3-5, 2016 Crowne Plaza Hotel I-494 & Hwy 55 in Minneapolis

• Saturday Night Headline Concert: • Saturday Afternoon Race For A Place Band Contest • Saturday Night Pre- Show Dinner • Comprehensive Band Development Workshop Series • Kipp’s Live Open Mic Fri & Sat • Sunday Morning Gospel Show • More Jamming Areas • Reduced Lodging Room Rate! Marriott Minneapolis West 9960 Wayzata Blvd, Golden Valley Call 952-544-4400 for room reservations and ask for the Minnesota Bluegrass Festival rate.

MBOTMA’s Winter Bluegrass Weekend is a Festival of Bluegrass & Old-Time Stringband Music & Dance. The Showcase of Bands features more than 50 groups on 2 stages all 3 days. The Saturday Night Headline Concert will feature a national band! The Old-Time Music & Dance Hall will feature a national old-time music band and will have dances both Friday and Saturday. Plus the Gathering Place, “Spotlight On” series, workshops, Grass Seeds Academy, instrument exhibitors, and jam sessions around the clock! All at the beautiful Crowne Plaza in Plymouth, Minnesota (on the NW edge of Mpls).

April 14-16 2017 Radisson Lakeview Hotel Duluth, MN The newest of MBOTMA’s festivals, this event is growing leaps and bounds. We moved back to the Radisson Hotel in downtown Duluth, where they will let us jam all night long (yippeeee!). We’re planning stage shows, a draw band contest, workshops, a Saturday headline concert with TBA, and lots of jam sessions. Get your reservation in now before all the rooms are gone! Call the Radisson for our special lodging rate at 218-727-8981 and tell them you have “Cabin Fever.”

For More Info: 800-635-3037 or

These festivals are presented by the Minnesota Bluegrass & Old-Time Music Association (MBOTMA), a non-profit 501c3 organization, and made possible in part by a grant provided by the Minnesota State Arts Board through appropriation by the Minnesota State Legislature and a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. Call and ask to be on our mailing list. 20

September 2016

MBOTMA Calendar of Events Concerts and events presented or supported by the Minnesota Bluegrass & Old-Time Music Association

The following events are presented by the Minnesota Bluegrass & Old-Time Music Association (MBOTMA) or supported in part by MBOTMA, and made possible in part by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

Friday and Saturday, September 2 and 3, 2016, St. Paul MN: 2016 Minnesota Americana-Roots Music Contests at the Minnesota State Fair, St. Paul, MN. For more information 800-635-3037 or www.MinnesotaBluegrass. org. Presented by the Minnesota Bluegrass & Old-Time Music Association (MBOTMA).

Monday, September 5, 2016, Minneapolis, MN: Laughing Waters Bluegrass Festival, 1:00-6:30pm,

Minnehaha Pakrk. Sponsored by the Minnesota Bluegrass & Old-Time Music Association (MBOTMA)

Saturday, September 10, 2016, Lake Elmo, MN: Washington County Bluegrass Festival, 2:00-6:00pm,

Lake Elmo Park Reserve at the intersection of County Road 19 and County Road 10 (one mile north of Interstate 94) in Lake Elmo. For additional information and festival details, see www. or call the park contact station at 651-430-8370. Sponsored by the Minnesota Bluegrass & OldTime Music Association (MBOTMA)

Friday through Sunday November 18-20, 2016, St Louis Park MN: Harvest Jam Acoustic Music Experience, Marriott Minneapolis West Hotel (9960 Wayzata

Blvd). This 11th annual event will feature stage shows Friday night, all day Saturday, and Sunday morning featuring topnotch bands to be announced. Plus the Race For A Place Band

Contest on Saturday from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, the Saturday Banquet Dinner (get the best seats for the evening concert), Kip’s Live Open Mic in Kip’s Irish Pub throughout the weekend, workshops, musical exhibitors, a Sunday morning gospel show, and lots of jam sessions. For more information 800-635-3037 or To book lodging contact the Marriott at 952-544-4400 and ask for the special Minnesota Bluegrass rate. Presented by the Minnesota Bluegrass & OldTime Music Association (MBOTMA).

Help Wanted: T-shirt team

The MBOTMA T-shirt team is looking for new members. They are in extreme need of volunteers to take charge of the merchandise booth at the Winter Bluegrass Weekend and the Minnesota Homegrown Kickoff. Working at the t-shirt booth is a great way to meet people and support MBOTMA. If you’d like to coordinate the booth at a festival or co-run it with a teammate, please let us know. The team will gather in January to plan for the coming year. And thanks to the current committee members: MBTOMA August Festival booth coordinator Barb Schommer, volunteer recruiter Maggie Jorgenson, and Bea Flaming who oversees it all. Email Bea at or call 800-6353037 if you’d like more information or would like to volunteer.

In the next couple of months, MBOTMA will be updating and converting its jam schedule to a link connected to our website. That way it will be available 24 -7 at your fingertips. If you head up a jam, attend a jam, or know of a jam, please contact Tony Stachnik at tdjejs@msn. com. Thank you and keep on jamming!

September 2016

Jamming at the 2016 MBOTMA Festival 21


Coming Up Venue abbreviations 318: The 318 Café, 318 Water Street, Excelsior, 952-401-7902, 331C: 331 Club, 331 13th Ave NE, Mpls, 612-331-1746, AGr: Amazing Grace Bakery & Cafe, 394 S Lake Ave, Duluth, 218-723-0075, APHC: “A Prairie Home Companion,” Minnesota Public Radio AST: Aster Cafe, 125 SE Main St, Mpls, 612-379-3138, www. BSC: Black Sheep Coffee Cafe, 705 Southview Blvd., South St. Paul, BTC: Lake Superior Big Top Chautauqua, Bayfield, WI, 888-244-8368, BoDD: BoDiddley’s Pub and Deli, 129 25th Ave S, St. Cloud, 320-252-9475 CED: Cedar Cultural Center, 415 Cedar Ave S, Mpls, 612-3382674, CJ: Celtic Junction, 836 Prior Ave, St Paul, 651-330-4685, www. CrH: Creek House Concerts,, 651-633-5353. MUST call and reserve for these events. DAK: Dakota Jazz Club, 1010 Mall, Mpls, 612-332-1010, www. DUL: Dulono’s Pizza, 607 W Lake St, Mpls, 612-827-1726, www. DuG: Dunn Brothers on Grand, 1569 Grand Ave, St. Paul EAG: Eagles Club, 2507 E 25th St, Mpls, 612-729-4469,

FITZ: Fitzgerald Theater, 10 E Exchange St, St Paul, 651-2901200, GINK: Ginkgo Coffeehouse, 721 N Snelling Ave, St Paul, 651-645-2647, GKb: Grand Kabaret, 210 N Minnesota St, New Ulm, 507-3599222, HB: Harriet Brewing, 3036 Minnehaha Ave, Minneapolis HOB: The Loft at Hobgoblin Music, 920 State Hwy 19, Red Wing, 877-866-3936, MER: Merlins Rest, 3601 E Lake St, Mpls, 612-216-2419 OAK: Oak Center General Store, 67011 Hwy 63, Lake City, 507-753-2080, RIV: Riverview Café & Wine Bar, 3747 42nd Ave S, Mpls, 612-7294200, ROCK: Rockwoods, 9100 Quaday Ave NE, Elk River, 763-2224353, SHL: Sheldon Theatre, 443 W 3rd St, Red Wing, 800-899-5759, TAP: Tapestry Folkdance Center, 3748 Minnehaha Ave S, Mpls, 612-722-2914, UMC: Underground Music Café, 1579 Hamline Ave N, Falcon Hts, 651-644-9959, VC: Vieux Carre, 408 St Peter St, St Paul, 651-291-2715, WmH: The Warming House, 4001 Bryant Ave S, lower level, Minneapolis, 877-987-6487, ZUM: Crossings at Carnegie, 320 East Ave, Zumbrota, 507-7327616,

To post gigs and events to this calendar, request the link to our online submission form to

SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS September 5 Monday Laughing Waters Bluegrass Festival

Minnehaha Park, Mpls, 1-7pm

See ad page 6

8/29 – Monday • Cafe Accordion Orchestra, Interna-

tional Bazaar Stage, State Fair, 3:15pm, 4:30pm, 5:45pm • Chris HIllman & Herb Pederson, Leinie Lodge Bandshell, State Fair, 1pm, 2:30pm • Minnesota Mandolin Orchestra, Lake Harriet Bandshell, 4135 W Harriet Pkwy, Mpls, 7:30pm • Sherwin Linton & the Cotton Kings,


September 10 Saturday Washington County Bluegrass Festival

Lake Elmo Park Reserve, 2-6pm

See ad page 12

West End Market, State Fair, 3pm, 4pm, 5pm • Switched at Birth, Ramberg Senior Center, State Fair, 10:30am, 11:45am, 1pm • We Banjo 3, Leinie Lodge Bandshell, State Fair, 3:30pm, 4:45pm

8/30 - Tuesday • Cafe Accordion Orchestra, Interna-

tional Bazaar Stage, State Fair, 3:15pm, 4:30pm, 5:45pm

September 24-25 Saturday-Sunday Bigfoot Bluegrass Festival

107 Mill St, Remer, MN FFI: 952-393-3700

• Chris HIllman & Herb Pederson, Leinie Lodge Bandshell, State Fair, 1pm, 2:30pm • Sherwin Linton & the Cotton Kings, West End Market, State Fair, 3pm, 4pm, 5pm • St Dominic’s Trio, Driftwood Char Bar, 4415 Nicollet Ave, Mpls, 9pm • Switched at Birth, Ramberg Senior Center, State Fair, 3:15pm, 4:30pm, 5:45pm

September 2016

• We Banjo 3, Leinie Lodge Bandshell, State Fair, 3:30pm, 4:45pm

8/31 – Wednesday • Barefoot Becky & The Ivanhoe Dutch-

men, West End Market, State Fair, 3pm, 4pm, 5pm • moe, and Yonder Mountain String Band, BTC, 7:30pm • Mother Banjo, Minnehaha Park, 4801 S Minnehaha Dr, Minneapolis, 7pm • Sourdough Slim, West End Market, State Fair, 1:30am, 12:30pm, 1:30pm • The Irish Brigade, International Bazaar Stage, State Fair, 10:45am, 12pm, 1:15pm • The Quebe Sisters, Leinie Lodge Bandshell, State Fair, 1pm, 2:30pm

9/01 – Thursday • The Fish Heads, Sawbill Canoe Outfitters, Tofte, 7pm

• Monroe Crossing, Grand Marais

Playhouse, 51 W 5th St, Grand Marais, 7:30pm • Barefoot Becky & The Ivanhoe Dutchmen, West End Market, State Fair, 3pm, 4pm, 5pm • Sourdough Slim, West End Market, State Fair, 11:30am, 12:30pm, 1:30pm • Swamp Poppas, EAG, 7:30pm • The Irish Brigade, International Bazaar Stage, State Fair, 10:45am, 12pm, 1:15pm • The Quebe Sisters, Leinie Lodge Bandshell, State Fair, 1pm, 2:30pm • Tiller Black, Como Dockside, 1360 Lexington Ave, St Paul, 7pm

9/2 – Friday • Americana-Roots Duet Contest,

September 2016

Market, State Fair, 11:30am, 12:30pm, 1pm

9/03 – Saturday • Minnesota Americana-Roots Band

Contest, West End Market, State Fair, 3pm • King Wilkie’s Dream, Brookside Bar, Marine on St. Croix, 651-433-1112, 3pm • Alternate Route, BSC, 10am • Beausoleil avec Michael Doucet, Leinie Lodge Bandshell, State Fair, 3:30pm, 4:45pm • Contra Dance with Pat O’Louglin & Friends, TAP, 7:30pm • Curtis & Loretta, Tumbleweed Music Festival, Richland, WA • Dominic Gaudious, International Bazaar Stage, State Fair, 3:15pm, 4:30pm, 5:45pm • Jack & Kitty, Family Fair Stage, State Fair, 10:30am, 11:30am, 3pm • Pushing Chain, Ramberg Senior Center, State Fair, 3:15pm, 4:30pm, 5:45pm • The Okee Dokee Brothers, West End Market, State Fair, 11:30am, 12:30pm, 1pm

9/4 – Sunday • Becky Schlegel Trio, West End Market, State Fair, 3pm, 4pm, 5pm

• Curtis & Loretta, Tumbleweed Music Festival, Richland, WA

• Dan Schwartz, Lake Harriet Bandshell, 4135 W Harriet Pkwy, Minneapolis, 2pm • Singleton Street, Fort Snelling Chapel, Minneapolis, 11am

9/5 – Monday • Laughing Waters Bluegrass Festival

with Middle Spunk Creek Boys, more, Minnehaha Park, Mpls, 1pm - 7pm • Becky Schlegel Trio, West End Market, State Fair, 3pm, 4pm, 5pm • St Dominic’s Trio, Driftwood Char Bar, 4415 Nicollet Ave, Mpls, 9pm

9/7 – Tuesday • Portland Cello Project, CED, 7:30pm 9/8 – Wednesday • Dick Kimmel, Pleasant Grove Pizza

presented by MBOTMA, West End Market, State Fair, 3pm • Beausoleil avec Michael Doucet, Leinie Lodge Bandshell, State Fair, 3:30pm, 4:45pm • Bernie King and the Guilty Pleasures with guests, EAG, 9pm • Dominic Gaudious, International Bazaar Stage, State Fair, 3:15pm, 4:30pm, 5:45pm • Jack & Kitty, Family Fair Stage, State Fair, 10:30am, 11:30am, 3pm • Kent DuChaine, New York Mills Cultural Center, 24 N Main Ave, New York Mills, 218-385-3339, 7:30pm • Pert Near Sandstone, West End Market, State Fair, 8pm • Pushing Chain, Ramberg Senior Center, State Fair, 10:30am, 11:45am, 1pm • The Minnesota Show-Garrison Keillor, Grandstand, State Fair, 7:45pm

• The Okee Dokee Brothers, West End

Farm, Waseca

9/8 - Thursday • South Side Aces, EAG, 8pm 9/9 – Friday • King Wilkie’s Dream, The Breakwater Wine Bar, Pepin, WI, 715-442-2250, 7pm


Gloryland Gospel Band announces the release of their 3rd CD.

Thursday, October 13, 2016 - 7:00pm

Wooddale Church, 6630 Shady Oak Road, Eden Prairie, MN Door #2 The Great Room This CD will be released at a ForEver Friends event, which is a ministry of JRG Ministries for adults with mental disabilities. • Red Squirrel Chasers, Sustainability

Weekend, Folklore Village, See article page 15 • The Fish Heads, Richard Bong Veteran’s Memorial, Superior, Wi, 5pm • Roe Family Singers, Sea Salt Eatery, Minnehaha Falls Park, Mpls, 6pm • Blue Groove, DUL, 8pm • Alash (Tuvan Throat Singers), CED, 8pm • Curtis & Loretta, Pacific Northwest Folk Society, Seattle, WA • Chris Cunningham, Wes Kirkpatrick, WmH, 8:30pm

9/10 – Saturday • Washington County Bluegrass Festi-

val, Lake Elmo Park Reserve, 2pm, See ad page 12 • Red Squirrel Chasers, Sustainability Weekend, Folklore Village, See article page 15 • The Fish Heads, Sweetheart’s Bluff, 9th Annual Radio Waves Music Festival, Grand Marais, 3pm • Roe Family Singers, Sea Salt Eatery, Minnehaha Falls Park, Mpls, 6pm • The Seldom Heard, DUL, 8pm • One Ukulele, Fulton Farmers Market, 4901 Chowen Ave S, Mpls, 10am • Alternate Route, BSC, 10am • Contra Dance with Ken Steffenson’s Band, TAP, 7:30pm • Curtis & Loretta, Concerts in the Woods, Coyle, WA • Dick Kimmel, Arts’n’More Festival, Amboy • Juni Fisher, CrH • The Eddies, St Paul Farmers Market, 290 E 5th St, St Paul, 9am

9/11 – Sunday • Gloryland Gospel Band, Westridge

Senior Residence, 11201 Fairfield Rd. W., Minnetonka, 2:30pm


• King Wilkie’s Dream, Dean & Sue’s

Bar, 2002 Midway Rd, Menomonie, WI, 715-235-9940, 6pm • Curtis & Loretta, Tall Timbers Presents, Hoodsport, WA • Sonny Landreth & Cindy Cashdollar, CED, 7:30pm

9/12 – Monday • Cajun Dance with Blake Miller, Amelia Biere & Friends, EAG, 7:30pm

• Sondorgo with Jaerv (Hungarian/Balkan), CED, 7:30pm

9/13 – Tuesday • St Dominic’s Trio, Driftwood Char Bar, 4415 Nicollet Ave, Mpls, 9pm

9/14 – Wednesday • The Roe Family Singers, Nokomis Farmers Market, 5pm

9/15 – Thursday • Roots Music Showcase with Bill Cagley, UMC, 7pm

• Eelpout Stringers, Central Park Gazebo, Milltown, WI, 7pm

9/16 – Friday • The Fish Heads, KTWH 99.5 Live

Raio, KTWH 99.5 Live Radio Show, Two Harbors, 7pm • The Chris Silver Band, Belle Vinez Winery, River Falls, WI, 1pm • Monroe Crossing, Carlos Creek Winery, 6693 Cty Rd 34 NW Alexandria, 1,3, & 5pm • May North, Como Dockside, 1360 Lexington Pkwy, St Paul, 5pm • Broken Spoke, Charlie’s Irish Pub, 101 Water St S, Stillwater, 7:30pm • Elephant Revival with Mandolin Orange, BTC, 7:30pm

9/17 – Saturday • King Wilkie’s Dream, Fairview Cov-

enant Church, Music@Fairview Park on Saga Hill, Mound, 952-472-3128, 11am

• The Gated Community, EAG, 9pm • Monroe Crossing, Mabel Tainter

Center For The Arts, 205 Main St Menominee, WI, 7:30pm • Alternate Route, BSC, 10am • Broken Spoke, Charlie’s Irish Pub, 101 Water St S, Stillwater, 7:30pm • Contra Dance with Moonlight Trio, TAP, 7:30pm • Curtis & Loretta, Artichoke Music, Portland, OR • Dennis Warner, Roots Cellar Music Series, University Baptist Church, 1219 University Ave SE, Mpls, 612331-1768, 7pm • Singleton Street, Prairie Burn Music Festival at Camp St Croix, Hudson, WI, 11am • Singleton Street, Fairview Covenant Church, Music@Fairview Park on Saga Hill, Mound, 952-472-3128 • Bob & Lynn Dixon, Fulton Farmers Market, 4901 Chowen Ave S, Mpls, 10am

09/18 – Sunday • Borderstone, UMD Food & Farm

Festival, UMD Sustainable Agriculture Project Farm, 3566 Riley Road, Duluth, 11am • Claudia Schmidt & Dean McGraw, The Phipps, 109 Locust St, Hudson, WI, 7pm

9/19 – Monday • Global Roots Festival, CED, 7:30pm 9/20 – Tuesday • Global Roots Festival, CED, 7:30pm • St Dominic’s Trio, Driftwood Char Bar, 4415 Nicollet Ave, Mpls, 9pm

9/21 – Wednesday • Global Roots Festival, CED, 7:30pm 9/22 – Thursday • Monroe Crossing, Cancer Benefit Fund, Surly Brewing, 520 Malcolm Ave SE Mpls

Minnesota Bluegrass

October 2016

Articles, Ads, Coming Up, and News Clips

Deadline: September 1, 2016 Send to:

September 2016

• The Rockin’ Pinecones, EAG, 7:30pm 9/23 – Friday • Roe Family Singers, Midtown Global Market Family Night, 920 E Lake St G10, Mpls, 5:30pm • Curtis & Loretta, Conway Muse, Conway, WA • Dick Kimmel’s History of Bluegrass, Remer, MN • Red Tail Ring, Aallotar, WmH, 8pm

9/24 – Saturday • Monroe Crossing, Festival Theatre

Presents, 1259 State Rd 35, St Croix Falls, WI, 7:30pm • The May North, Party in the Prairie, Richardson Nature Center Bloomington, 5pm • Bill Giese and the Pedestrians, DUL, 8pm • Alternate Route, BSC, 10am • Cheryl Wheeler, CED, 7pm • Contra Dance with Light of the Moon, TAP, 7:30pm • Curtis & Loretta, Old Liberty Theater, Ridgefield, WA • Dick Kimmel & Co, Roe Family Singers, Bigfoot Bluegrass Festival, Remer, MN • Prairiegrass, Millner Heritage Winery, 32025 State Hwy 15, Kimball, 320-398-2081, 2pm • Gritpickers Old Time String Band, Applejack Orchards, Delano, 1pm 4pm

9/25 – Sunday • Roe Family Singers, Kingfield Farm-

ers Market, 43rd and Nicollet Mpls, 9:30am • Lori Jean with Dick Kimmel, Pleasant Grove Pizza Farm, Waseca • Prairiegrass, Millner Heritage Winery, 32025 State Hwy 15, Kimball, 320-398-2081, 2pm • The Gritpickers Old Time String Band, Applejack Orchards, Delano, 1pm - 4pm

9/26 – Monday • New Riverside Ramblers, EAG,

Library, Elk River, 6:30pm

• Greenwood Tree , UMC, 7pm 9/30 – Friday • King Wilkie’s Dream, North Folk

Winery, Harris, 651-674-7548, 5pm

• The Fish Heads, Sir Benedicts Tavern, Duluth, 218-728-1192, 6pm

• The Barley Jacks, Musicians Corner

House Concerts, 8844 Acacia Rd, Woodbury, 6pm • Alan Munde Trio (with Dick Kimmel and Adam Granger), The Pantry, New Ulm, 7:30pm • Curtis & Loretta, Best Cellar Coffeehouse, Corvallis, OR • Martin Sexton, CED, 8pm • Celtic Thunder Legacy, State Theatre, 805 Hennepin Ave, Mpls, 800-9822787, 8pm

10/1/ - Saturday • Alan Munde Trio (with Dick Kimmel

and Adam Granger), Ritche Parrish Ritche (formerly Tanglefoot), & more! Big Island Rendezvous, Albert Lea, Rendezvous • Alternate Route, BSC, 10am

10/2 – Sunday • Alan Munde Trio (with Dick Kimmel

and Adam Granger), Ritche Parrish Ritche (formerly Tanglefoot), & more! Big Island Rendezvous, Albert Lea, Rendezvous, • Curtis & Loretta, “Please Stand By” on KPIG Radio, Santa Cruz, CA - Online at, 10am • Curtis & Loretta, Fiddling Cricket, Santa Cruz, CA • John McCutcheon, CED, 7:30pm



C.F. Martin Sigma Gibson Epiphone

CHARLES A. HOFFMAN, INC. 2219 East Franklin Ave. Minneapolis, MN 55404 612–338–1079

Contribute to Minnesota Bluegrass Magazine.


9/29 – Thursday • Monroe Crossing, Great River Public

• Foghorn Stringband with Spider John Koerner, CED, 7:30pm

9/27 – Tuesday • Gloryland Gospel Band, Wayzata

Free Church, 705 CR101 North in Plymouth, MN, 7:00pm • Bluegrass Showcase w/Sarah Cagley, UMC, 7pm • St Dominic’s Trio, Driftwood Char Bar, 4415 Nicollet Ave, Mpls, 9pm

September 2016

Write a Review of a Favorite concert or CD. Write an article about your Favorite jam. Tell us about how you came to like Bluegrass and Old-Time String Band Music.


Banjo Tab: Why Do You Treat Me So Unkind By Joe Cronick

What a great time we had at the MBOTMA summer festival. Many thanks to the organizers and all the hard working volunteers who make it one of the best bluegrass festivals in the midwest. I had the pleasure of teaching the beginning banjo workshop and I brought along a tab I’d like to share. The song, Why Do You Treat Me So Unkind, was played by Dale Reichert, on our newest CD, Lonesome Moonshine Man. At the song’s end there is a very cool ascending lick while the band is playing a descending lick. The tune in its entirety can be heard on our website, Hope you banjo players enjoy! Joe Cronick

Why Do You Treat Me So Unkind? Joe Cronick


2 2





2 3


2 3















2 3

G7 3


2 3




C 7


















4 5



0 2







4 3 0


3 2





12 12




0 3


B  dim

G 8


2 3











Cm 9
















2 3 0




3 2



















2 3



2 3








2 3












Key of A - Capo 2 Arangement by Dale Reichert





D7 15







G 13




September 2016

607 W Lake St Minneapolis MN 612.827.1726

September Fri 9 - Blue Groove Sat 10 - Rarely Herd Fri 16 - Erik Brandt and the

Attention All Bands If you want to sell your music, you need a good band. If you want to sell your band, you need good smiles!

Lloyd “Doc” Wallin, D.D.S. Cosmetic Dentistry Burnsville, MN 55337 952-892-5050 (Free Consultation for MBOTMA Members)

Urban Hillybilly Quartet Fri 23 - Scouting Report Sat 24 - Bill Giese and


the Pedestrians

Fri 7 - No Man’s String Band Sat 8 - Middle Spunk Creek Boys Fri 14 - Phil Nusbaum & Sherry Minnick Sat 15 - The Bar Room Clowns Fri 21 - Chris Silver & the Good Intentions Sat 22 - Mary DuShane & Nick Jordan Fri 28 - Detroit Don King Sat 29 - Big Trees September 2016


Non-ProямБt Org. U.S. Postage PAID Twin Cities, MN Permit 343



Jamming at the 2016 Minnesota Bluegrass & Old-Time Music Festival

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