1 minute read

What Faculty and Students Had to Say

“Vicki was welcoming and helpful when I transitioned from practicing law to teaching at Minnesota State University, Mankato. I needed to build my teaching portfolio one class at a time. Vicki graciously allowed me to teach the classes that best fit with my professional experience, even when they were classes that she historically taught. She also helped me find my footing in my scholarship by introducing me to the leading organizations and conferences in our field and identifying academic journals and outlets that fit my research interests. She was a supportive peer and her mentorship and guidance helped make my transition to academics seamless.”

“Professor Luoma was an innovative thought leader with both her scholarship and teaching. She was a pioneer for providing high quality online education and anticipating the needed changes in higher education. Her knowledge and insight were invaluable to our program and students.”

“Vicki was very welcoming and supportive as I joined Minnesota State, Mankato as a new faculty member. She was a strong advocate on my behalf, ensuring that I had the necessary resources and support to achieve my desired teaching and research goals.”

“Professor Luoma had a significant influence on our department because of her devotion to service. She was instrumental in providing guidance during times of challenge and mentorship to all faculty through her continued service on the personnel committee.”

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