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About Our Services
The Counseling Center provides a range of mental health services, from individual and group counseling to referrals. Services are free, comfortable, and confidential and we see students for any difficulties they are having personally, socially, or in school.
Our services are available to Minnesota State University, Mankato, students who are enrolled in the current semester and located in the state of Minnesota.
To get started with counseling or other services, please attend a drop-in screening appointment where you will complete paperwork and see a counselor before you leave.
Our office is located in the Centennial Student Union, Room 285. Questions? Please call us at 507-389-1455. If you are a remote learner, please call the Counseling Center to make other arrangements for screening.
Screening appointment times for the academic year are as follows:
• Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. • Monday - Friday: 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Screening appointments are 20-30 minutes long. During your screening, the counselor will clarify information from your screening paperwork, discuss your mental health and academic goals, and will then recommend a Care Plan.
Recommendations may include one or more of the varied services we offer at the Counseling Center, and/or we may refer students to campus and community resources as needed.
Screening appointments are available on a first-come, first-served basis; however, some exceptions may apply, such as if there is an emergency situation.
The required screening paperwork includes:
• informed consent for services • a brief mental health assessment • demographic information • reasons for seeking services (i.e., presenting concerns and relevant history)
This information is important and will be reviewed by the screening counselor prior to meeting with you.
As you proceed with your Care Plan, you are welcome to return for a screening appointment to revise your plan, as needed.
Please allow at least 60 minutes for your screening appointment.