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Dean’s Letter
Dear Friends,
Always being student centered is the core value of Minnesota State University, Mankato and the College of Business. It’s been in our public university DNA for all of our 150-plus years. And our campus-wide focus on students was never more visible than during the pandemic this past year. It’s especially tting then to dedicate this year’s In Review magazine to our Maverick business students.
Within these pages, you’ll nd stories about students who give back (p. 20), students working toward a bright future (p. 40) and students who build each other up, li ing as they climb (p. 22). Our cover feature (p. 12) gives a few of our student leaders space to tell their College of Business stories. In it students share their accomplishments, perspectives and diverse experiences—all in their own words.
We’ve also dedicated space in this issue to celebrate our diverse faculty, sta , alumni and partners who make us the forward-looking Maverick business school that we are.
is past year tested us in so many ways. Our students in particular were challenged nancially, socially and emotionally. Here at the College of Business we focused on listening rst. We heard what our students needed and have used it to rethink the ways in which we approach teaching, advising and the student experience as a whole. We’re committed to being student ready. at means taking action to remove barriers to learning and create opportunities for all to strive and thrive.
e data shows that student populations continue to grow in diversity. Our region, state and world require educational opportunities that are responsive, accessible and innovative. Our urgent call is to equip the next generation of business and community leaders and entrepreneurs with the tools they need while providing our region continued support for economic and social prosperity. We embrace this challenge and invite you to join us as we embark on a steadfast, post-pandemic future lled with growth and diversity—in programs, people, perspective and partnerships.
Stay well,
Brenda Flannery, Ph.D. Dean, College of Business Professor of Management Dean Flannery listens to David Alimo’s ideas about developing the new College of Business student leadership program called the Student Executive Team launching in fall 2021. David served as the College of Business Student Government senator during the 20202021 academic year.