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Student Leadership

Residence Hall Association (RHA)

Residence Hall Association (RHA) is the campus-wide government for students living in the residence communities. The mission of RHA includes the following purpose statements: • Voice the opinions and concerns of the students living in the residence halls to Residential Life and University administration. • Provide a variety of social and educational programs and events for all residents through RHA initiatives and the sponsorship of each

Community Council, and the National Residence Hall Honorary. • Promote the development of positive residence communities, which contribute to the happiness and well-being of students. • Support the academic success of residents. All students living in the residence communities are automatically members of the Residence Hall Association. The Floor President from each fl oor community and Building President at Stadium Heights represents the views and opinions of their constituents as a voting member at RHA General Assembly Meetings. The Presidents make up the voting membership of the Residence Hall Association. The RHA General Assembly meets weekly on Mondays at 4 p.m. in Preska 126. All members are welcome to attend and participate in RHA meetings to express their opinions and concerns about any aspect of living on campus. RHA is led by an Executive Board of volunteer student leaders elected by the RHA General Assembly. The RHA Executive Board Offi ce is located in the Leadership Resource Center, Room 002 in Carkoski Commons. For additional information, visit mankato.mnsu.edu/university-life/housing/residential-life/student-leadership/residence-hall-association. Community Councils

Each fl oor community has a Community Council, which provide activities for its residents. Community Council positions include, but are not limited to, the following: Floor/President (Building President at Stadium Heights) and Event Coordinator(s). National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH)

The National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) is an organization that provides recognition for individuals living in the residence halls, including Stadium Heights Residence Community, who have demonstrated outstanding service to their residence community and/or the University community. The mission and purpose of NRHH is to recognize students living on campus for their contributions and to provide leadership training for students. The organization exists to provide opportunities for student leaders to continue to develop other leaders on campus, by acting as a resource and giving support and training to other student leaders. NRHH coordinates the Maverick Award recognition program and the “Of the Month” Awards (OTMs). For additional information, visit mankato.mnsu.edu/university-life/housing/residential-life/student-leadership/national-residence-hall-honorary.

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