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Facilities and Services

Bicycle Storage and Maintenance

Bicycle racks are located near the main entrance or rear entrances of each residence community. In addition, bicycles may be kept in student rooms. Bicycles may not be stored in hallways, laundry facilities, lounges, or floor kitchens. Students will be held responsible for any damage caused by their bicycles; therefore, exercise caution in bringing them into buildings. The University assumes no responsibility for the theft of, or damage to, any personal property. This includes bicycles. Bikes left in other areas may be removed and stored by University Security. Bicycles left at the end of the academic year will be considered abandoned property and will be removed by University Security. A bike repair station is located between Preska Residence Community and Carkoski Commons. It has tools needed for basic bicycle repair, including air pumps.

Bus Services & University Shuttles

All students can ride the bus and campus shuttles for free using their MavCARD. To view schedules and see the live bus tracker, visit mankato.mnsu.edu/about-the-university/maps-and-transportation/buses-and-shuttles. Cooking Facilities

Food can be prepared in kitchens located on each floor of Crawford, Julia Sears, McElroy, and Preska. Floor kitchen amenities include a sink, microwave, stove/oven, table, and chairs. Door Viewer (Peephole)

The door viewer is a safety feature that enables you to identify visitors before opening your door to them. You should avoid opening your door to strangers or any time the door viewer is covered. If you need your door viewer replaced, submit a maintenance request (MR) online at link.mnsu.edu/repair. Elevators

Crawford, Julia Sears, McElroy, and Preska Residence Communities have elevators essential to the operation of the residence halls. Misuse is strictly prohibited and disciplinary action will be taken against anyone misusing an elevator. A malfunctioning elevator should be reported immediately to the Front Desk. If stranded in an elevator, do not climb out. Use the emergency alarm or telephone to request assistance from University personnel. Floor Lounge Usage

The purpose of the residence hall floor lounge includes studying, socializing, and floor/hall/RHA/NRHH/Learning Community events. Floor lounges cannot be reserved by student organizations or departments and may not be used for commercial solicitation. Front Desk

The Front Desk is the information center of the residence community it serves. The Crawford, Julia Sears, McElroy, and Preska Front Desks are staffed from 8 a.m. to 3 a.m. each day, except during break periods. Services available at the Front Desk include items available for checkout, administrative forms, guest parking permits, flat-bed carts, and snow shovels. In addition, Desk Assistants provide information to visitors and offer residents assistance in emergency situations. Residents who have questions or need assistance and cannot determine to whom they should direct their inquiry should seek assistance at the Front Desk. Staff offices are located near or adjacent to the Front Desk. • Crawford Front Desk - 507-389-6711 • Julia Sears Front Desk - 507-389-5620 • McElroy Front Desk - 507-389-6717 • Preska Front Desk - 507-389-1021 Furnishings

Room amenities in Crawford, Julia Sears, McElroy, and Preska include window blinds, a 36” x 80” mattress with loft, a dresser, a desk and desk chair, a closet, and a sink. Furnishings must remain in the space in which they were originally located. All furnishings must be returned to the original position in the living unit at the time the student checks out. Residents will be held financially responsible for furnishings removed from their living unit. Internet Connection

Residence hall rooms and common areas are equipped with WiFi and Ethernet. To connect to the wired network, plug your Ethernet cable into the wired jack in your room.

To connect to the residence hall internet, scan the QR code or visit mankato.apogee.us. 24/7 support is available through the methods below.

CALL: (833)-548-4743 TEXT: "ResNet" to 84700 CHAT: MyResNet.com 14

Facilities and Services


Washer and dryer use is included in your room rate and is for your personal use. Manufacturers recommend the use of liquid or pod detergent for best results. Washers and dryers are available in the following locations: • Crawford: Lower level laundry room • Julia Sears: On each floor • McElroy: Lower level laundry room (use F Hall stairwell) and on each floor in H Hall • Preska: Lower level laundry room and on each floor If a washer or dryer is not working properly, report the problem at https://www.cscsw.com/request-service/. Include the 6-digit code that is listed on the laundry machine, describe your issue, and submit your request.

Students may monitor the status of washers and dryers in laundry rooms (including how many machines are available and how many minutes are remaining on the laundry cycle) by going to www.laundryview.com/msum. Light Bulbs

Submit a maintenance request (MR) online at link.mnsu.edu/repair and a maintenance worker will bring a new bulb to your room and install it for you. Lofts

The University provides adjustable lofts for beds in Crawford, Julia Sears, McElroy, and Preska. Tools to adjust your loft can be checked out at your Front Desk. Neither beds nor lofts may be removed from the room. Lost and Found

Individuals who have lost an item should check with the Front Desk in their community to see if the missing item has been found. Similarly, any item is found in the public areas of the community, it should be brought to the Front Desk. Students may also inquire with University Security. Mail

Addresses In order to receive mail and packages, a resident’s name (as listed in E-services) and complete address needs to appear on items being sent. Mail and packages not accurately addressed will be returned to sender. Brochures, flyers, etc. that are wished to be delivered to students through mailboxes must follow USPS guidelines. Address Format - EXAMPLE:

Jane Doe McElroy E123 410 Ellis Avenue Mankato, MN 56001

Preferred Name If you have a preferred name on file with the University, Residential Life will use your preferred name by default when delivering mail. US mail addressed to your legal name may be delayed in reaching you. Packages addressed to your legal name may be returned to sender. If you wish to request that Residential Life use both your preferred name and your legal name in delivering your mail, e-mail reslife@mnsu.edu.

Residence Community Addresses

Crawford Residence Community A Hall - 720 Maywood Ave. B Hall - 730 Maywood Ave. C Hall - 710 Maywood Ave. D Hall - 740 Maywood Ave.

Julia A. Sears Residence Community 540 West Road #A - (Room number) 56001-7017 #B - (Room number) 56001-7018 #C - (Room number) 56001-7016 #D - (Room number) 56001-7019

# (Room number) 56001-7014

McElroy Residence Community E Hall - 410 Ellis Ave. F Hall - 400 Ellis Ave. G Hall - 420 Ellis Ave. H Hall - 430 Ellis Ave.

Preska Residence Community I Hall - 450 Ellis Ave. J Hall - 450 Ellis Ave. K Hall - 450 Ellis Ave. L Hall - 450 Ellis Ave. #E - (Room number) 56001-6006 #F - (Room number) 56001-6005 #G - (Room number) 56001-6007 #H - (Room number) 56001-6008

#I - (Room number) 56001-6009 #J - (Room number) 56001-6009 #K - (Room number) 56001-6009 #L - (Room number) 56001-6009

Mailboxes Room keys open mailboxes in Crawford, McElroy, Julia Sears, and Preska. The following items will not be placed in mailboxes: • Unaddressed advertising of any nature • Items which are not personally addressed Packages Package delivery notifications are emailed to the resident's MavMAIL. Mail Forwarding Residents are responsible for notifying businesses, individuals, and the University of their new address when moving from one location to another. • Fall, Winter, and Spring Breaks: Packages and mail will be distributed to your mailbox if you are signed up to live with us during these specific break periods. If you are not signed up to live with us during any of these break periods, mail and packages are held until the end of the break and are distributed to your mailbox when the residence halls reopen.

Mail received for a former resident is forwarded to the resident’s permanent address, as listed with the University. Permanent addresses can be viewed/changed by going to www.mnsu.edu/eservices. • Periodicals are forwarded for 60 days. • Priority and first-class mail is forwarded for 365 days.


Mattresses in Crawford, Julia Sears, McElroy, and Preska are 36” x 80”. These mattresses require extra-long twin sheets. Motorized Vehicles

Motorized bicycles, mopeds, or other motorized vehicles are not allowed in the buildings. Additionally, electric mobility devices (such as hoverboards, electric skateboards and scooters, drones, remote control devices or other motorized and/or battery-powered devices) are not allowed in the buildings. A personal assistive mobility device (e.g. motorized wheelchair, Segway, etc.) may only be used in order to accommodate a disability or on University business or to be moved directly to and from storage or recharging areas. Outdoor parking is available on a limited basis in designated areas. Parking

Motor vehicles should be parked in designated parking areas upon registration with the University. Parking privileges are purchased online through the Parking website (https://mankato.mnsu.edu/about-the-university/maps-and-transportation/parking). Students are not permitted to plug in their automobile to any residence hall room or outside building outlet. Residents should purchase a “Green” parking privilege to park their cars in designated lots, which allows them to leave their vehicle overnight.

Personal Items

Students provide their own bedding, pillows, towels, lamps, wastebaskets, and other personal items. Pest Control

Occasionally there is a problem with insects, even in the cleanest of buildings. Residential Life contracts with a commercial pest control company to address this occasional problem. If you see insects in your living unit, submit a maintenance request (MR) at link.mnsu.edu/repair. If service is required, it may be necessary for staff from the pest control company to enter your living unit. A room entry waiver is completed as part of your online maintenance request (MR). Recycling

The Department of Residential Life recycles aluminum cans, tin cans, plastic, cardboard, glass, and paper (all types). Recycling containers are located throughout the residence communities.

Repair and Maintenance

Your assistance in reporting maintenance or custodial conditions in your living unit or common area is essential. If you have concerns regarding maintenance or custodial conditions in a living unit or common area submit a maintenance request (MR) online at link.mnsu.edu/repair. Contact the Front Desk for assistance with any problems with this reporting procedure. If a requested repair is not completed within seven days, contact your Assistant Director of Residential Education for assistance.

ResTech Services

Students living in the residence communities have access to help from ResTech Services. Located in Room 006 in the lower level of Carkoski Commons, ResTech Services staff is here to help with computer problems. For more information, visit https://www.mnsu.edu/it-solutions/help-support/restech-services/ Room Sizes

Please visit our website at mnsu.edu/university-life/housing/residential-life/rooms for detailed information about room sizes. Storage

Residential Life does not provide storage space. All University-owned furnishings must remain in the assigned student space. Televisions

Public area televisions are located in Crawford, Julia Sears, McElroy, and Preska. These televisions are for the use of all students in the community, and may be used for video/computer games when it is a part of Community Council, RHA, or Residential Life sponsored event. Vending Machines

Vending machines are located in each residence community. Requests for refunds of money lost in Crawford, Julia Sears, McElroy, or Preska machines can be made at the Cashiers Office located in 128 Wigley Administration Center. Wireless Network

A wireless network is available in living units and public areas of the residence community. Devices that use a wireless signal will need to connect to the network by the following the instructions at the QR code or by visiting https://www. mnsu.edu/university-life/housing/residential-life/residents/housing-amenities-services/technology/wifi-internet. Connection instruction sheets may also be picked up at the Front Desk. Toilet Paper

Toilet paper is provided to all residence hall student bathrooms. Additional toilet paper is available at the Front Desk of your community (just ask when you're running low).

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