2014 GSN Yearbook of Airport/Seaport/Border Security Award Recipients

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GSN’s 2014 Digital Yearbook Of

Airport/Seaport/Border Security Awards Recipients


About this GSN Awards Program The GSN Airport/Seaport/Border Security Awards Program was organized to honor the distinguished vendors of IT and physical security products, solutions and services used in airport, seaport and border security, as well as the dedicated executives and officials working in airport, seaport and border security authorities and government agencies at federal, state, county and municipal levels, whose combined efforts protect the country, its people and its economy every day of the year.

continues to benefit from remarkable security and technology breakthroughs, as well as increasingly sophisticated programs and strategies for dealing with all security threats, whether manmade or natural, domestic or foreign in origin. GSN is very pleased to honor some of the great achievements of the last year in the highly interrelated fields of Airport, Seaport and Border Security. Adrian Courtenay Managing Partner, CEO Government Security News

As a result of this highly successful public-private partnership between industry and government, the country


GSN 2014 Airport, Seaport, Border Security Awards

Winners & Finalists

Access Control/Identification

Detection Solutions

Best Biometric Identification/ Authentication Facility

Best Cargo/Vehicle or Persons Screening

Winner -- L-3 Security and Detection

Winner -- IRIS ID

Finalist -- Rapiscan Systems

Best ePassport Solution

Winner -- Entrust, Inc

Best Explosives/Narcotics/Contraband Detection

Best Physical/Logical Privileged Access Solution

Winner -- Teknoscan Best Metal Detection

Winner -- San Diego International Airport (SDIA), Identiv Physical Access and Security

Winner -- AutoClear Best Nuclear/Radiation Detection

Finalist -- Global Elite

Winner -- Rapiscan Systems

Best Secure Chemical Biometric Reader (biometric, biographic or both)

Best Security Checkpoint Solution (persons, baggage, parcels)

No Entries

Winner -- Global Elite Finalist -- Morpho Trust


Communications Solutions

Panel of Distinguished Judges

Best Wireless Communications System/ Data Transfer No Entries

Chuck Brooks

Best Long Range Acoustic Hailing Service

Xerox VP of Homeland Security, Founder and Head of the two largest Discussion Groups on Homeland Security on LinkedIn

Winner -- LRAD Corporation Best Mass Notification Solution

Winner -- ATI Systems

Janice Kephart

Finalist -- LRAD Corporation

Founder of the Security ID & Biometrics Association and frequent advisor to Congress on access control, biometrics, and immigration

Ralston MacDonnell CEO of MacDonnell Group, Canada, providing engineering services, consulting and Port Security training and accreditation


GSN 2014 Airport I Seaport I Border Security Awards Recipients


Iris ID Systems Inc. 2014 WINNER Category: Best Biometric Identification/Authentication Facility Name of Nominated Organization: Iris ID Systems Inc.

3000, iCAM 4000, iCAM 7000 series, iCAM TD100, iCAM D1000, and iCAM T10. Iris ID IrisAccess™ systems provide

Name of Nominated Product, Service or Solution:

high integrity mass enrolment applications, physical access security for airports, national ID programs, secure

LG IrisAccess™ and iCAM Series

border crossings, data centers, biotech labs and HAZMAT environments, as well as other critical infrastructures. The

Reason this Entry deserves to win:

only biometric technology designed for operation in one-

Iris ID™ (formerly LG Iris) has been active in the develop-

traditional system architectures which may include smart-

ment and deployment of iris recognition technology since

cards as well as other tokens or PINs. Readily accommo-

1997. The LG IrisAccess™ platform has been widely de-

dating expansion and scalability in terms of system and

ployed around the world. Iris ID’s first generation product

database size requirements, Iris ID continues to advance

was the IrisAccess™ 2200 iris recognition system released

the “doorway to desktop” and global security solution that

in 1999, which paved the way for the first successful com-

enterprise and governments seek today, as well as offer-

mercialization of iris recognition. This generation was

ing the robust authentication that will be required in an

subsequently followed by the releases of the IrisAccess™

increasingly wireless world. Iris ID has been providing iris

to-many search mode, the technology also integrates with

technology solutions for aviation and border security for


past 14 years. Iris ID products and solutions are currently

mass-produced iris recognition cameras. The illumination

used in more than 50 airports around the world for em-

technology is 100% eye safe. 4. IrisID continues to build

ployee access control and border security. Recently Iris ID

on the LG Iris experience in consumer electronics guided

was awarded the honor of providing a border security so-

human factors engineering in the design of user interfaces

lution for Canada Border Security Agency (CBSA) and Ham-

for its iris platforms. This focus has led to the proximity-

mad International Airport, Doha Qatar. CBSA is using iris

activated auto-focus/auto-zoom camera with audio and

to allow Canadian and US citizens to cross the border in

visual cues in the IrisAccess™ models. IrisID is currently

to and out of Canada with looking at the iris. There are

involved in collaborative research funded by government

kiosks available for the citizens to present their passport

agencies to improve integration with other platforms and

and simply look into the camera to validate their iden-

to broaden the use of iris recognition.

tity and cross the border. In Doha similarly every visitor or citizen coming into the country or exiting the country

Link to Web Page of Nominated Organization:

is required to validate their identity with the assistance of


Iris ID iCAM D1000 solution. The database size is currently approaching 13 million identities and each identity is vali-

Link to additional information on product, service or

dated against the entire repository in a very fast 1:N search

program, with brief description:

mode. This entire process takes less than 2 seconds. While


security, the core of Iris ID’s business, provides impetus for continued growth, convenience, privacy and productivity

Name and organization of nominating contact for this

have become increasingly important drivers for adoption.

entry, including name, title, organization:

Identity dependent applications ranging from Civil ID, POS

Mohammed Murad, VP Business Development, Iris ID System

transaction authentication, club management, loyalty pro-


grams and time and attendance all show signs of growth. Iris ID is responsible for many pioneering efforts in optics,

Nominating contact’s office telephone and cell phone:

imaging and algorithms. Warranting special mention as

Tel: 1.609.819.4721

specific contributions to iris technology innovation include

Cell: 1.215.519.0060

the following: 1. IrisID Systems Inc. has developed optics, hardware and software based countermeasures that se-

Nominating contact’s email address:

curity experts concede sets the standard for the industry.


These developments provide the strongest deterrence against “spoofing” attempts with 2-D iris representations

Address of nominating contact’s organization:

and 3-dimensional iris prostheses. 2. IrisID Systems is con-

Iris ID Systems, Inc.

tinuously testing and enhancing the performance of key

7 Clarke Drive Cranbury, NJ 08512

algorithms to provide speed and accuracy to scale with application requirements. 3. Illumination technology developed by IrisID allows use of lower intensity IR than other


GSN 2014 Airport I Seaport I Border Security Awards Recipients



2014 WINNER Category:

Interoperable, scalable and validated by third-party testing, Entrust ePassport solutions provide the necessary

Best ePassport Solution

capabilities — whether via a hosted or in-house model — for the proper issuance and inspection of today’s advanced

Name of Nominated Organization:



The ePassport Standard Entrust is the pioneer of PKI technology, which serves as the back-bone for securing sensitive information on today’s

Name of Nominated Product, Service or Solution:

ePassports. And Entrust is one of the few vendors capable of handling the scale, complexity and reliability demanded

Entrust ePassport

by the Extended Access Control (EAC) framework.

Reason this Entry deserves to win:

Integrated Entrust provides seamless integration into the ICAO

Security concerns, developing technologies and emerging

Public Key Directory (PKD), which is critical to verify the

standards have led governments worldwide to pursue the

authenticity of ePassports from other countries. Entrust

issuance of more sophisticated machine-readable travel

can also establish integration with a border agency’s own

documents (MRTD) to their citizens. Commonly known as

domestic no-fly lists. This helps keep individuals of interest

“ePassports,” these documents contain a chip that stores

from crossing borders without additional investigation,

information that is verified against the data on the

improving border security for all countries.



Trusted Worldwide

• Only vendor capable of handling the scale, complexity and reliability demanded by EAC

Entrust’s PKI technology is dependable, and is currently

• Flexible four-tier (CVCA, DVCA, Concentrator and

used by more than 35 governments to secure the largest, most complex ‘trust’ environments across the world.

IS Workstations) EAC solution with advanced

Entrust has a 15-year track record helping customers

management features and GUI that simplify the

achieve critical, scalable PKI in complex, cross-border

display of complex EAC environmental relationships


Link to Web Page of Nominated Organization: http://www.entrust.com/ Link to additional information on product, service or program, with brief description: www.entrust.com/epassport Name and organization of nominating contact for this entry, including name, title, organization: Julie Underwood, Corporate Marketing Manager, Entrust

Solution Benefits

Nominating contact’s office telephone and cell phone: Tel: 972.728.0389 Cell: 303.522.7949

• Used by 35-plus governments to secure the largest, most complex trust environments

Nominating contact’s email address:

• 15-year track record helping customers achieve


scalable, critical PKI in complex, cross-border environments

Address of nominating contact’s organization:

• Only PKI solution that enables governments to


upgrade security seamlessly

Three Lincoln Centre

• Extensive partnerships with the world’s leading

5430 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1250

ePassport and technology vendors

Dallas, TX. 75240

• Active player in international standards development


GSN 2014 Airport I Seaport I Border Security Awards Recipients


Identiv and San Diego International Airport

2014 WINNER Category: Best Physical/Logical Priviledged Access Solution Name of Nominated Organization: Identiv and San Diego International Airport

Reason this Entry deserves to win: Identiv provided integrated premises access and security for San Diego International Airport’s (SDIA) newly rede-

including airports, federal and state agencies, courthouses

signed Terminal 2, also known as “The Green Build” for its

as well as San Diego International Airport.”

focus on environmental sustainability.

Identiv’s program with SDIA is an example of a partnership

“We are honored to be recognized for providing the high-

that provides invaluable security technology to an airport.

assurance integrated premises access and security solu-

Identiv and SDIA have partnered for nearly 16 years, with

tion for San Diego International Airport’s new Terminal 2,”

the Identiv access control system growing with the airport

said Jason Hart, Identiv CEO. “Airport security is obviously

to meet its evolving security needs. The access control sys-

critical and entry points are a key area of attack. Identiv’s

tem complies with all relevant federal requirements and

premises solution provides high security with strong levels

technology standards and supports pre-hire clearance of

of identity verification to controlled and restricted areas,

airport workers.

as evidenced by our extensive government customer list,


Identiv’s premises solution secures more than 200 key entry points and restricted areas at the new terminal, which is used by 10,000 airline and airport employees and contractors, with ten new gates, enabling the airport to move up to four million additional passengers a year. The solution enables a range of authentication methods including ID cards, smart cards, PIN codes and biometrics. Security management software provides centralized control and monitoring of all access points, integrates with third-party video and relays information from the access control subsystem to SDIA’s high-level command and control system, alerting airport management to any access control events. “Our customers recognize the need to strengthen access control and Identiv is focused on creating a platform for

Nominating contact’s office telephone and cell phone:

enabling strong identity across both premises and infor-

Tel: 888.809.8880

mation access,” Hart added. Nominating contact’s email address: Link to Web Page of Nominated Organization:


www.san.org Address of nominating contact’s organization: Link to additional information on product, service or

1900 Carnegie Ave.

program, with brief description:

Santa Ana, CA 92705

Identiv is a global security technology company that establishes trust in the connected world, including premises, information, and everyday items. CIOs, CSOs, and product departments rely upon Identiv’s trust solutions to reduce risk, achieve compliance, and protect brand identity. Identiv’s trust solutions are implemented using standards-driven products and technology, such as digital certificates, mobility, and cloud services. For more information, visit identiv.com Name and organization of nominating contact for this entry, including name, title, organization: Anja Pellegrino, Sr. Content Manager, Identiv


GSN 2014 Airport I Seaport I Border Security Awards Recipients


L-3 Security & Detection Systems 2014 WINNER Category:

and ceramics, as well as sheet and bulk explosives). The system meets both ECAC Standard 1 and 2 qualifications

Best Cargo/Vehicle or Persons Screening

offering airports unmatched flexibility in meeting regulatory and operational requirements. The ProVision 2’s low

Name of Nominated Organization:

height and narrow width make it accessible to smaller

L-3 Security & Detection Systems

outside conserves space while the inside area remains vir-

checkpoint venues. Thanks to this streamlined design, the tually identical to earlier ProVision models. The system is currently deployed at airports in the U.K., the Netherlands

Name of Nominated Product, Service or Solution:

and Germany, with additional installations and trials ongoing in airports and non-aviation environments through-

L-3 ProVision® 2

out the world. Its millimeter wave (MMW) technology uses safe radio waves that are free of health and safety risks.

Reason this Entry deserves to win:

Radio waves pass through all types of clothing, but reflect off of the body and are captured by the system’s sensors.

Checkpoints need fast, safe, image-free and compact

The ProVision 2 does not use ionizing radiation, such as X-

screening systems that detect an ever-expanding list of

rays, and is tens of thousands of times less powerful than

threats of any type of material – both metallic and non-

other commercial radio frequency devices such as cell

metallic. The ProVision® 2, the second-generation secu-

phones, wireless handsets and other standard household

rity scanner from L-3 Security & Detection Systems (L-3

devices. The system is convenient, straightforward and

SDS), is a compact version of the widely deployed ProVi-

easy to use. It only requires that a passenger assume a

sion ATD, detects metals (guns, knives, etc.) and non-me-

single, stationary position during a 1.5-second scan, with

tallic threats (liquids, gels, rubber, wire, powder, plastics

no special movements or motions needed. The ProVision


2 software analyzes data without human intervention to

emerging threats. Customer expectations are met with

determine if any threats are present. No need for analysts

safe, superior detection, high throughput and outstanding

or images to review. The system operator views a generic

reliability, backed by one of the industry’s largest and most

mannequin image that is the same for everyone. If noth-

experienced global service teams.

ing is detected, a green screen with an “OK” appears and security personnel can clear the individual. Threats or con-

Link to Web Page of Nominated Organization:

traband are indicated by colored boxes on the mannequin.


Security personnel can then assess the situation, facilitating a very directed search and limiting or eliminating time-

Link to additional information on product, service or

consuming and intrusive pat-downs. Its proven automated

program, with brief description:

detection technology ensures privacy and does not gener-


ate or store any images. This operational model ensures a


high throughput of up to 300 airport passengers per hour, per scanner, at the checkpoint. The ProVision platform is

Address of nominating contact’s organization:

fully networkable and integrates with airport information

L-3 Security & Detection Systems 10 Commerce Way

infrastructure to deliver real-time data and statistical re-

Woburn, MA 01801

porting. Optional support for remote alarm resolution is also available to accelerate throughput. The ProVision 2 is adaptable to airport security strategies, with units currently deployed in both primary and secondary screening positions. Similar to many solutions offered by L-3 Security & Detection Systems, the ProVision 2 addresses the current requirements of aviation security with a software-based architecture that is upgradable to address future and


GSN 2014 Airport I Seaport I Border Security Awards Recipients


Rapiscan Systems 2014 FINALIST Category: Best Cargo/Vehicle or Persons Screening Name of Nominated Organization: Rapiscan Systems Name of Nominated Product, Service or Solution:

cargo-borne threat. Any disruption to a rail line can grind a national (and international) supply chain to a halt. This

Rapiscan Eagle R60HS high-speed rail scanner

same logistical importance means that rail lines are often under-served when it comes to security screening, as any slowdown to inspect or scan cargo can cost hundreds of

Reason this Entry deserves to win:

thousands, if not millions of dollars, in lost productivity. Each year, billions of tons of cargo are transported around

And managing security screening is about to get more dif-

the world on more than a million miles of track – making

ficult, as forecasts show that the number of tons carried

rail lines, arguably, one of the most vital components of

by freight train has the potential to double by 2030. Dutch

any nation’s supply chain infrastructure. Despite this im-

Customs knew that the Port of Rotterdam – already the

portance, to a terrorist, railways and rail cargo are soft

heaviest trafficked port in Europe – would need a ground-

targets, thanks to thousands of miles of unattended

breaking solution that could address critical security needs

tracks and frequent stops at various towns and supply

without sacrificing economic viability in order to keep pace

depots, improving the chances of delivering a successful

with the projected influx in cargo. Enter the Rapiscan Eagle R60HS high-speed rail scanner. Dutch Customs integrated


the Rapiscan Eagle R60HS, a groundbreaking system that

Name and organization of nominating contact for this

allows for the scanning of every freight car entering the Port

entry, including name, title, organization:

of Rotterdam via high-energy X-ray. While scanning every

Andrew Goldsmith, Vice President, Global Marketing,

car might not seem an impressive feat – it is in comparison

Rapiscan Systems

to former methods. Previously, rail security screening at the majority of ports was done via a sample size method,

Nominating contact’s office telephone and cell phone:

with only a portion of a rail car (or an entire trainload) be-

Tel: 703.287.7823

ing screened for potential threats or contraband. The new Eagle R60HS system can automatically scan hundreds of

Nominating contact’s email address:

thousands of cargo containers per annum as they travel


at speeds of up to sixty kilometers (or 35 miles) per hour. With the high speed, efficient solution, containers do not have to be unloaded or diverted individually to a cargo in-

Address of nominating contact’s organization:

spection facility. Instead, the containers are screened dur-

2900 Crystal Drive, Suite 910

ing the normal movement of cargo, vastly increasing the

Arlington, VA 22202

speed of cargo throughput into the Port of Rotterdam. Additionally, the Eagle R60HS is designed to detect and identify a wide range of threats and suspect materials including contraband goods such as narcotics and weapons. Using a high power 6 MeV X-ray source, a clear X-ray image of even the densest rail cargo is produced – which would otherwise have to be manually inspected. The system can X-ray a forty-foot container in only 0.8 of a second. The Rapiscan Eagle R60HS has allowed Dutch Customs to drastically improve their security and duty collection – without slowing down the supply chain. The Eagle R60HS technology is the first of its kind and represents the new frontier for highspeed cargo inspection. Link to Web Page of Nominated Organization: http://www.rapiscansystems.com/ Link to additional information on product, service or program, with brief description: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x32cQo29aZM


GSN 2014 Airport I Seaport I Border Security Awards Recipients


Autoclear LLC 2014 WINNER Category: Best Metal Detection Name of Nominated Organization: Autoclear LLC Name of Nominated Product, Service or Solution: In the early 1930s, radio pioneer RCA designed a detector Scintrex Trace, Control Screening, Fedlabs, Checkgate

that used high frequency electromagnetic waves to identify metal objects. Later in that decade, Federal Laboratories

Reason this Entry deserves to win:

purchased the patent from RCA and engineered the very

Over the past seven decades, Autoclear and its Scintrex

on that technology.

first metal detectors for correctional facility security based

Trace and Fed-Labs divisions have created and refined

During that same era, Philips began production of its land-

some of the world’s most enduring and widely-used screen-

mark medical X-ray systems, and in the years that followed

ing technologies. Autoclear follows in the footsteps of leg-

developed that technology for industrial and security

endary innovators RCA and Philips, whose groundbreaking

screening applications.

technologies provide the foundation for our present-day success.

In 1988 and 1989, Autoclear, then under the name Control Screening, purchased North American Philips Securi-


ty Screening division (including Scantech and Dynavision

Nominating contact’s email address:

brands of security X-ray scanners) and Federal Laborato-


ries CheckGate division (high-performance metal detection technology). In 2001 we acquired Scintrex Limited and CPAD Holdings from Intelligent Detection Systems Inc., ex-

Address of nominating contact’s organization:

panding our offering to include explosives and narcotics

300 Parkdale Ave

trace detection technology. In 2005, Control Screening was

Ottawa, Ontario K1Y1G2 Canada

rebranded Autoclear. Fed-Labs metal detection equipment secures high-traffic, high-risk venues such as government buildings, correctional facilities, courthouses and schools. From walkthrough portals capable of spotting hard-to-find weapons and threats as small as a needle to a selection of versatile handheld units, these detectors deliver outstanding performance. Whether performing high-traffic entry and exit screening to searching for hidden weapons or preventing theft, there’s a Fed-Labs metal detector that meets the most rigorous target discrimination and throughput specifications. Link to Web Page of Nominated Organization: www.a-clear.com Link to additional information on product, service or program, with brief description: http://a-clear.com/products-page/metal-detection Name and organization of nominating contact for this entry, including name, title, organization: Dao Hinh Nguyen, Ph.D., VP Engineering and Product Development Nominating contact’s office telephone and cell phone: Tel: 613.224.1061 x230


GSN 2014 Airport I Seaport I Border Security Awards Recipients


Rapiscan Systems 2014 WINNER Category:

deployed at key international land border crossings, airports and seaports. Since 2004, TSA Systems (acquired by

Best Nuclear/Radiation Detection

Rapiscan Systems in 2011) has been the primary U.S. provider of radiation detection systems to the SLD program.

Name of Nominated Organization:

Currently, there are approximately 3,000 Rapiscan radia-

Rapiscan Systems

ings and airports in more than 50 countries around the

tion detection systems deployed at seaports, border crossworld. And for ten years now, these systems have reliably delivered exceptional performance – ensuring that special

Reason this Entry deserves to win:

nuclear and radiological materials are detected quickly and effectively. Rapiscan has supplied the SLD program with a

It goes without saying that nuclear and radiological materi-

variety of radiation detection systems for all applications,

als in the hands of terrorists pose a severe threat to the

including: • Vehicle monitors to inspect cars, trucks and

people, infrastructure and economy of the United States.

trains as they move through the border crossing • Pedes-

So severe is the threat, that in April 2009, President Obama

trian monitors to inspect people • Conveyor monitors to

called the danger of a terrorist acquiring nuclear weapons

inspect baggage and parcels • Mobile monitors installed in

“the most immediate and extreme threat to global security.”

vehicles that perform radiation inspections wherever and

In response to this very real danger, the U.S. Department of

whenever needed • Handheld monitors to search for and

Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA)

confirm the presence of radioactive material • RAVEN™

developed a program with the primary goal of interdict-

(Radiation Alarm and Video Event Notification) computer

ing special nuclear and radiological weapons and materi-

systems, which provide capabilities to remotely oversee

als to prevent them from entering international smuggling

the operation of one or more radiation monitors and to

routes. Under the NNSA’s Second Line of Defense (SLD)

support the response to a radiation alarm Each of these

program, a fleet of radiation detection systems have been


products was developed by TSA Systems and is manufac-

program, with brief description:

tured at the Rapiscan Radiation Detection Products facility


in Longmont, CO. The systems have been rigorously tested

detection; Rapiscan Radiation Detection Solutions

to meet the strict requirements of the SLD program. These units nominally operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week

Name and organization of nominating contact for this

at sites around the world – in a wide range of climates and

entry, including name, title, organization:

other environmental conditions. An analysis of field data

Andrew Goldsmith, Vice President, Global Marketing,

from hundreds of deployed units confirms their excep-

Rapiscan Systems

tional reliability. Rapiscan radiation detection solutions are currently completing their tenth year of service under the

Nominating contact’s office telephone and cell phone:

SLD program. The experience to date has demonstrated

Tel: 703.287.7823

that these products reliably fulfill their important mission to prevent special nuclear and radiological materials from

Nominating contact’s email address:

being used as weapons. We are confident that they will


continue to deliver this same optimal level of performance well into the future – making for not only a safer United

Address of nominating contact’s organization:

States but a more secure world.

2900 Crystal Drive, Suite 910 Arlington, VA 22202

Link to Web Page of Nominated Organization: http://www.rapiscansystems.com/ Link to additional information on product, service or


GSN 2014 Airport I Seaport I Border Security Awards Recipients


MorphoTrust USA 2014 FINALIST Category: Best Security Checkpoint Solution (persons, baggage, parcels) Name of Nominated Organization: need to optimize passenger throughput. However, the

MorphoTrust USA

unique needs of deploying CAT for the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) at U.S. airports presented

Name of Nominated Product, Service or Solution:

many challenges. Over 1.8 million passengers are vetted every day in over 450 airports of all sizes, with a growing

MorphoTrust® E-CAT

number of passenger volumes over a wide geography; this required a solution that is simple, yet flexible. The solution needed to have minimal impact on passenger traffic flow,

Reason this Entry deserves to win: MorphoTrust®



with only a few seconds allocated to authenticating each


credential, with the ability to recognize a wide variety of


documents and accounting for normal wear-and-tear.

Authentication Technology (CAT) over 20 years ago. It

Finally, with a large number of lanes to be equipped, the

has over 10,000 systems deployed worldwide and a team

per-unit cost and total-cost-of-ownership needed to be

of experts continually tuning the system with a library

low. MorphoTrust had to improve its latest generation

of over 2,800 credentials from all over the world. With

system to meet TSA’s needs, particularly improving the

many systems deployed for border control applications, MorphoTrust




speed of ID card scanning and credential authentication.


Last year, MorphoTrust re-engineered its CAT system

experience in airport environments and understands the

and called it E-CAT (for Enhanced CAT). The company re-


from Secure Flight, TSA’s passenger information system, without the need to present a boarding pass. The result is a speedy and streamlined screening process that increases airport security through accurate machine authentication. E-CAT is the culmination of many years of work to address airport security requirements following the 9/11 tragedy, while simplifying travel for American citizens. It is also just the beginning of MorphoTrust’s vision for what’s possible in air travel, creating a future in which passengers can move easily and securely from the curb to the gate without boarding passes or security lines. Link to Web Page of Nominated Organization: http://www.morphotrust.com/ Link to additional information on product, service or program, with brief description: http://www.morphotrust.com/IdentitySolutions/ForAviation/ MorphoTrustE-CAT.aspx Name and organization of nominating contact for this entry, including name, title, organization:

prioritized some of the credential authentication tests

Saro Saravanan, Senior Director, Strategic Solutions,

to meet the need for increased speed. Every aspect of

MorphoTrust USA

the user experience, including the stand-up touchscreen interface, was tuned to make operation extremely simple

Nominating contact’s office telephone and cell phone:

and intuitive -- with minimal skills and training required.

Tel: 978-215-2708

The results for E-CAT have been great. MorphoTrust was able to more than double the throughput and set a new

Nominating contact’s email address:

industry standard. Subsequently, the solution was selected


for award by TSA through a competitive process. E-CAT expedites passenger screening while improving security

Address of nominating contact’s organization:

through the use of technology versus visual inspection.

MorphoTrust USA

E-CAT scans and automatically checks multiple security

296 Concord Road, Suite #300

features on driver licenses and passports to ensure they

Billerica MA 01821 USA

have not been altered or are counterfeit. This information is quickly compared with passenger boarding information


GSN 2014 Airport I Seaport I Border Security Awards Recipients


LRAD Corporation 2014 WINNER Category: Best Long Range Acoustic Hailing Devices Name of Nominated Organization: LRAD Corporation Name of Nominated Product, Service or Solution: The LRAD® 2000X – The World’s Loudest and Longest Range to just being able to see a potential threat, LRAD 2000X operators have the ability to issue clear, authoritative verHailing Device bal commands, followed by powerful deterrent tones, to Reason this Entry deserves to win: enhance response capabilities. With a maximum output of 162dB (measured at one meter) and directed coverage up

The LRAD 2000X, manufactured by LRAD Corporation, is

to 5,500 meters, the LRAD 2000X ensures that operators

the world’s loudest and longest range acoustic hailing de-

instructions will be heard. When the LRAD 2000X is fully

vice. Designed to be equipped with a camera, radar and

equipped as described above, it is a perfect, cost effective

high-powered white light, the LRAD 2000X is a fully-inte-

sensor solution for Port and Border Security.

grated long range security sensor. Operated from a command and control center, the LRAD 2000X provides a cost


effective way to protect perimeters of high-risk assets such


as utility, chemical and nuclear power plants. As opposed



Link to Web Page of Nominated Organization: www.lradx.com Link to additional information on product, service or program, with brief description: http://www.lradx.com/site/content/view/2051/110/ Name and organization of nominating contact for this entry, including name, title, organization: Brian Harvey, Director of Capital Markets and Investor Relations, LRAD Corporation Nominating contact’s office telephone and cell phone: Tel: 858.753.8974 Nominating contact’s email address: ebharvey@lradx.com Address of nominating contact’s organization: 16990 Goldentop Road Suite A San Diego, CA 92127


GSN 2014 Airport I Seaport I Border Security Awards Recipients


ATI Systems 2014 WINNER Category: Best Mass Notification Solution Name of Nominated Organization: ATI Systems Name of Nominated Product, Service or Solution: ATI MassAlert® Reason this Entry deserves to win: Acoustic Technology, Inc. (ATI Systems) has succeeded to

tions that include hardware and software for audible and

develop, design, manufacture and install highly integrated

visual warning via multiple layers. The solutions consist of

and advanced mass notification systems for the campus,

a simple-compact design, flexible user-friendly software

community, industrial and military markets since 1981.

and communications method to include RF, P25, IP, Fiber,

With on-staff expertise in acoustic modeling and GIS, ATI

DSL, Cellular, or Satellite. MassAlert® is ATI’s easy-to-use

provides superior sound coverage and intelligibility for

and configurable GUI software. The software controls and

both outdoor and indoor areas to ensure the safety of

monitors the system from either an on-site control station

these markets. ATI provides complete end-to-end solu-

or from anywhere in the world. MassAlert can trigger any


type of alert to an outdoor and/or indoor coverage area,


and to computers or handheld devices via SMS, email, tele-

This link includes case studies, a presentation and additional

phone, or computer popups. To deliver the alerts to indoor

information as to why ATI Systems manufactures and installs

and outdoor areas, ATI provides high-powered sirens and

the Best Mass Notification System

indoor PA equipment that drives speakers, strobes, message signs, and TV screens. ATI’s products are designed

Name and organization of nominating contact for this

with the ability to easily integrate with any other system

entry, including name, title, organization:

or equipment via Common Alerting Protocol (CAP), IPAWS,

Tarek Bassiouni, Business Development, ATI Systems

dry contact, RS232, or analog. ATI products can also be interfaced with any type of digital or analog radio, modem,

Nominating contact’s office telephone and cell phone:

or media converter. ATI’s decades of experience in system

Tel: 617.567.4969

consulting, acoustic design, manufacturing and integration

Cell: 917.373.8873

makes it the only company providing reliable mass notification solutions that utilizes every channel of communi-

Nominating contact’s email address:

cation available to ensure that end users receive critical


lifesaving information and direction. Address of nominating contact’s organization: Link to Web Page of Nominated Organization:

30 Jeffries St


Boston, MA 02128

Link to additional information on product, service or program, with brief description:


GSN 2014 Airport I Seaport I Border Security Awards Recipients


LRAD Corporation 2014 FINALIST Category: Best Mass Notification Solution Name of Nominated Organization: LRAD Corporation Name of Nominated Product, Service or Solution: The LRAD® 360X Mobile Mass Notification System Reason this Entry deserves to win: fires. The Mobile System can be transported where it is The standard LRAD 360X Mobile Mass Notification Sys-

needed and fully deployed in minutes. The Mobile System’s

tem (“Mobile System”) is a fully integrated, self-contained,

battery bank can be charged using the built in AC powered

ruggedized trailer that uses a telescoping/folding mast to

battery charger. Other power options, such as solar, are

deploy an LRAD 360X to reach a maximum height of 30

available. Depending on configuration, a 360X emitter can

feet, with area coverage up to 5.3 kilometers. The system

provide up to 15 square miles of coverage for clear com-

was developed to provide emergency warnings and com-

munications. Each system can be customized with differ-

munications for a number of applications including natural

ent speaker arrays. In times of emergency, critical com-

disasters such as tornados, hurricanes, flooding and wild-

munications infrastructure such as power lines, telephone


lines and cell phone towers, is often rendered inoperable.

Nominating contact’s office telephone and cell phone:

The ability to quickly deploy a mass notification system to

Tel: 858.753.8974

affected areas that can broadcast crystal clear voice messages, lifesaving instructions and assistance information,

Nominating contact’s email address:

is crucial to ensuring the safety of the public. The Depart-


ment of Homeland Security, National Guard, FEMA are just a few of the departments and agencies that this product

Address of nominating contact’s organization:

should be part of their capability set.

16990 Goldentop Road Suite A San Diego, CA 92127

Link to Web Page of Nominated Organization: www.lradx.com Link to additional information on product, service or program, with brief description: http://www.lradx.com/site/content/view/2188/110/ Name and organization of nominating contact for this entry, including name, title, organization: Brian Harvey, Director of Capital Markets and Investor Relations, LRAD Corporation


GSN 2014 Airport, Seaport, Border Security Awards

Winners & Finalists

Surveillance Solutions

Best Airport/Seaport/Border Security Fencing Barriers, Perimeter Protection

Best Airport/Seaport or Border Security Video Solution

Winner -- AXIS Communications

Best Security Fencing

Best Covert Video Solution

Winner -- SecureUSA Corporation

No Entries

Best Airport/Seaport/Border Security Guard Booths

Best Video Tracking/Wide Area Long Range Surveillance

Winner -- BIG Enterprises

Winner -- HGH Infrared Systems SpynelX

Best Crash Barriers, Bollards, Gates

Winner -- Meridian Rapid Defense Group

Best Thermal/NightVision/Infrared Surveillance

Winner -- Vancouver International Airport/FLIR Systems

Finalist -- SecureUSA Corporation

Best Audio Surveillance and Security Solution

Winner -- Global Elite

Best Guard Service/Facility Protection

Winner -- Louroe Electronics 28

Best Integrated Perimeter Protection System

Panel of Distinguished Judges

Winner -- Portland (ME) International Jetport/Tyco Integrated Security Finalist -- Cinch Systems

Chuck Brooks

Finalist -- LRAD Corporation

Xerox VP of Homeland Security, Founder and Head of the two largest Discussion Groups on Homeland Security on LinkedIn

Janice Kephart Founder of the Security ID & Biometrics Association and frequent advisor to Congress on access control, biometrics, and immigration

Ralston MacDonnell CEO of MacDonnell Group, Canada, providing engineering services, consulting and Port Security training and accreditation


GSN 2014 Airport I Seaport I Border Security Awards Recipients


HGH Infrared Systems’ Spynel-X 2014 WINNER Category:

algorithms for 360 degree situational awareness, the SPYNEL X will set new records for high definition panoramic

Best Video Tracking/Wide Area/Long Range Surveillance

sensors. The SPYNEL X provides continuous and powerful situational awareness over 360 degrees, in real time, over

Name of Nominated Organization:

areas as wide as a 16km-diameter. Thanks to its superior

HGH Infrared Systems

ed and uninterrupted surveillance against conventional

120 Mpix resolution, the SPYNEL X provides unprecedentand asymmetrical threats through any type of weather or environment. Despite its highly advanced technical capa-

Name of Nominated Product, Service or Solution:

bilities, the SPYNEL X is completely compact, easy to set up and user-friendly and can be quickly deployed. Together

360 Degree Spynel-X

with its innovative, custom software developed over the course of 10 years, Cyclope, the SPYNEL X can identify and

Reason this Entry deserves to win:

track an unlimited number of targets through highly resolved images including UAVs, stealth aircrafts, crawling

HGH Infrared Systems, a global provider of 360 degree ther-

men, RHIBs, wooden boats and swimmers. The Cyclope

mal imaging systems nominates their soon to be released

software allows for early and immediate intrusion alerts

SPYNEL X in the Video Tracking/Wide Area/Long Range Sur-

over very large, cluttered areas in total darkness, through

veillance category. The SPYNEL X is a unique, panoramic,

fog or smoke. SPYNEL’s rugged, robust design have been

wide-area surveillance system that is the ideal solution for

tested and proven in theater in Afghanistan for FOB pro-

long range detection and tracking of targets. With the lon-

tection. Since their inception 30 years ago, HGH Infrared

gest detection range on the market at up to 8km for a hu-

Systems has established itself as an international refer-

man and 30km for a ship and the most mature detection

ence for infrared technology innovation through the devel-


Link to Web Page of Nominated Organization: www.infrared360.com Link to additional information on product, service or program, with brief description: http://www.infrared360.com/spynel/ Name and organization of nominating contact for this entry, including name, title, organization: Katie Shea, Sales and Marketing Associate, HGH Infrared Systems Nominating contact’s office telephone and cell phone: Tel: 617.401.2196 Cell: 617.417.2740 Nominating contact’s email address: Katie.Shea@hgh-infrared.com Address of nominating contact’s organization: 1 Broadway, 14th Floor Cambridge, MA 02142 opment of multiple advanced thermal sensors; SPYNEL X is the newest addition to the award winning SPYNEL family among which its award-winning real-time 360 degree thermal camera, the Spynel-C - 2008 Product of the Year from Photonics Tech Briefs, 2010 Innovation Prize from the EuroNaval Committee, 2011 Kummerman Award from the French Academy of Marine, 2012 GovSec Platinum Award. HGH’s highly qualified engineering team is comprised of experts in optics, software, mechanics and electronics and operates in the US out of Boston, MA. HGH strives to provide advanced and innovative infrared equipment to protect their clients all around the world, while keeping the agility and dedication of a small and passionate team.


GSN 2014 Airport I Seaport I Border Security Awards Recipients


Vancouver Intl. Airport 2014 WINNER Category: Best Thermal/Night Vision/Infrared Surveillance Name of Nominated Organization: Vancouver International Airport (YVR) Name of Nominated Product, Service or Solution: FLIR’s state of the art Perimeter Intrusion Detection System fully integrated system. The heart of this integrated sys-

Reason this Entry deserves to win:

tem, known as CommandSpace™, unifies a variety of fieldproven, FLIR deployed technologies including high preci-

Vancouver International Airport (YVR) has completed the

sion Ground Surveillance Radars, Thermal Imagers, CCTV

installation of FLIR’s state-of-the-art comprehensive Pe-

cameras and intelligent software in a user-friendly com-

rimeter Intrusion Detection System around the airport.

mand and control center. CommandSpace™ allows airport

The installation greatly enhances the security capabilities

security personnel to simultaneously and automatically

at YVR, helping to ensure their world-class operations for

monitor the entire perimeter of the airport for intrusions

passengers, cargo, and staff. Working closely with airport

or suspicious activity. The high performance sensors reli-

officials, FLIR completed the initial system design, followed

ably detect and identify even small targets with very few

by the installation, validation, and commissioning of this

false alarms. The system automatically tracks and moni-


tors numerous targets at once, reducing the workload on operators while simultaneously improving their ability to assess threat levels and respond more effectively. Link to Web Page of Nominated Organization: http://www.yvr.ca/en/default.aspx Link to additional information on product, service or program, with brief description: http://gs.flir.com/integrated-systems/commandspace/ adaptive-c2 Name and organization of nominating contact for this entry, including name, title, organization: FLIR Systems - Haley Ellison Nominating contact’s office telephone and cell phone: Tel: 503.919.0696 Cell: 503.498.3293 Nominating contact’s email address: haley.ellilson@flir.com Address of nominating contact’s organization: FLIR Systems, Inc.


GSN 2014 Airport I Seaport I Border Security Awards Recipients


Louroe Electronics 2014 WINNER Category:

tured in Van Nuys, California since the company’s inception in 1979. Louroe’s signature product lines are the Verifact®

Best Audio Surveillance and Security Solutions

and ASK4® kits, a series of pre-amplified microphones, complementing base stations, and communication acces-

Name of Nominated Organization:

sories that provide audio output to interface with other

Louroe Electronics

are compatible with recorders, cameras and IP video sys-

security devices. The microphones are easy to install and tems. There are more than 800,000 Verifacts in use today. Louroe’s audio monitoring solutions serve both the pri-

Name of Nominated Product, Service or Solution:

vate sector and government applications. The company’s technology is used in many verticals including law enforce-

Verifact® and ASK4® kits

ment, security, education, hospitality, retail, medical therapy, QSR, banking and transportation. Louroe exports more

Reason this Entry deserves to win:

than 100 products to 45 countries. The company has received multiple awards including the “Best in Commercial

Louroe Electronics is the industry leader in the audio se-

and Monitoring Solutions ” award at the 2013 ISC and was

curity industry, providing first-class audio monitoring and

named the “NIST NEP Make it in America Manufacturer of

safety solutions that assist in protecting people and prop-

the Week” in April 2014. Louroe is not only committed to

erty. The company is committed to raising awareness of

delivering the finest audio products, but also to leading the

the importance of audio in the security industry. Product

forefront when it comes to security and especially audio

durability, customer satisfaction, and 35 years of audio ex-

security. Richard Brent, CEO of Louroe Electronics, is an

pertise comprise Louroe’s core strengths. All of Louroe’s

active member of the Security Industry Association (SIA)

products are “made in the USA” and have been manufac-

and recently chaired the 2014 SIA Government Summit in


Weatherized for outdoor use, 30W power rating for talkback, all purpose mounting bracket. Name and organization of nominating contact for this entry, including name, title, organization: Kevin Friedman, President, Maize Marketing, Inc. Nominating contact’s office telephone and cell phone: Tel: 818.849.5114 Nominating contact’s email address: kevin@maizemarketing.com Address of nominating contact’s organization: 17003 Ventura Blvd., Suite 202, Encino, CA 91316

June. He has also participated in multiple trade missions with the Department of Commerce, collaborating with the leaders in Latin America to foster new trade and business opportunities. Louroe now has multiple pilot projects in places like Mexico City and Monterrey where their products are being used to increase public safety. Link to Web Page of Nominated Organization: www.louroe.com Link to additional information on product, service or program, with brief description: http://www.louroe.Com/Products-Systems/Intercoms/Le084 Model TLO is a two-way speaker/microphone with a Reentrant speaker horn and electret condenser microphone.


GSN 2014 Airport I Seaport I Border Security Awards Recipients BEST AIRPORT/SEAPORT FENCING, Barriers, Guard Service And Perimeter Protection

B.I.G. Enterprises 2014 WINNER Category: Best Airport/Seaport/Border Security Guard Booths Name of Nominated Organization: B.I.G. Enterprises Reason this Entry deserves to win: The Parallelogram guard shelter deserves to win this ASB security nomination because of its truly impressive life expectancy of 30-40 years and unusual design. That something so tough can have one of the most unusual appearances makes it a candidate for this top-notch security awards program. Thirdly, The Parallelogram,is deserving of this award because it preserves this technologically relevant design without breaking the bank. The wall panels and roof are constructed from Type 304 16-gauge stainless steel, and the roof is finished with a three-part, Energy Star-compliant membrane boasting a solar reflective index of 95-plus. The booth’s stainless steel floor sports hardwearing commercial rubber tile. The doors are top-hung


sliding, with stainless steel frame, utilizing eight 2 1\4” diameter rugged steel ball bearing rollers. A stainless steel lower guide, and welded stainless steel pull handles complete the door system. Windows are high-performance, insulated Viracon® 3\4” dual-pane, set within a tough, stainless steel frame. Link to Web Page of Nominated Organization: http://www.bigbooth.com Link to additional information on product, service or program, with brief description: http://www.bigbooth.com/articles/march2014.html Name and organization of nominating contact for this entry, including name, title, organization: Sharon Bailey Beckett Nominating contact’s office telephone and cell phone: Tel: 626.791.7954 Cell: 818.406.7564 Nominating contact’s email address: sharonb@brandorbit.com Address of nominating contact’s organization: 1051 E. Altadena Drive. Altadena, CA 91001


GSN 2014 Airport I Seaport I Border Security Awards Recipients Best Airport/Seaport Fencing, Barriers, Guard Service And Perimeter Protection

Meridian Rapid Defense Group 2014 WINNER Category: Best Crash Barriers, Bollards, Gates Name of Nominated Organization: Meridian Rapid Defense Group Name of Nominated Product, Service or Solution:

ery barrier is made of ballistic grade steel, and you’ve got yourself a complete barrier security system. With security

Archer Barriers and Archer Beam Gates

being such a high priority in airports and seaports around the world, it is essential that the deployment of a system

Reason this Entry deserves to win:

can be done rapidly. For this reason MRDG barriers can be deployed within minutes. It also means that delivery can

Meridian Rapid Defense Group’s line of products offers a

be done anywhere in the world as efficiently as possible

unique solution to the world of barriers. Unlike other bar-

with barriers arriving completely assembled and ready to

rier systems, every product in its lineup is totally portable

go. Kandahar Airfield in Afghanistan felt they needed a se-

and reusable. MRDG’s line of Archer barriers have the ver-

curity system that could be trusted and deployed in a mo-

satility to be bolted together, connected by steel cable or

ments notice. For that reason, they chose to order multiple

spread out in order to maximize the distance that needs to

sets of the Archer 1200 barrier system. Similarly, the Port

be covered. Add in an Archer Beam Gate for a more con-

of Long Beach inquired about a barrier system that could

trolled access point, with the fact that the front plate on ev-

deliver safety with the efficiency and reliability to help se-


cure the many access points at it’s location. With a great

Link to Web Page of Nominated Organization:

amount of barriers and trailers delivered to the POLB, they


were able to more safely secure the access points that had once left the location more vulnerable. What makes MRDG

Link to additional information on product, service or

barriers an ideal solution is that they require no heavy ma-

program, with brief description:

chinery to install them, no electricity, no hydraulics and


no maintenance, just drop and go. They are perfect as the main system or as a back up when the first line of the

Name and organization of nominating contact for this

perimeter is breached. Major dams in the United States

entry, including name, title, organization:

have chosen MRDG products due to their remote locations

Sam Levin, Business Development Manager, Meridian Rapid

that do not have traditional infrastructure and the flexibil-

Defense Group

ity when deploying from site to site. The world is changing, and unfortunately there are so many entities that can

Nominating contact’s office telephone and cell phone:

threaten the existence of an airport or seaport. Fortunate-

Tel: 818.231.0602

ly though, there are solutions that can help preserve such

Cell: 323.282.7836

important locations and rid access points of these threats, and MRDG is one of those solutions. MRDG takes pride in

Nominating contact’s email address:

being able to save lives and protect trade routes. Wheth-


er it is southern California or the Middle East, if there is a need for a reliable barrier system, Meridian Rapid Defense

Address of nominating contact’s organization:

Group will find a way to ensure protection.

975 East Green Street Pasadena, CA 91106 USA


GSN 2014 Airport I Seaport I Border Security Awards Recipients BEST AIRPORT/SEAPORT FENCING, Barriers, Guard Service And Perimeter Protection

SecureUSA 2014 FINALIST Category: Best Crash Barriers, Bollards, Gates Name of Nominated Organization: SecureUSA

operates at speeds that match hydraulic systems and has

Reason this Entry deserves to win:

integrated lights and a traffic arm for improved safety and effective traffic operation. I have found the staff at Secu-

SecureUSA’s all electric technology that eliminates the

reUSA not only to be highly proficient and technically com-

need for hydraulics in their products, while meeting or ex-

petent, but also wonderful, fine people to deal with. That

ceeding all ASTM performance standards, is truly an en-

is sometimes not the case in competitive industries. Their

vironmentally friendly, industry shifting innovation. Their

commitment to customer service is unparallelled in the in-

products are integrated with touch screen control systems

dustry. It is a delight to do business with them.

that feature sophisticated state of the art software and a wide range of integration options. It is the first of its kind

Link to Web Page of Nominated Organization:

to operate by both a programmable logic controller (PLC)


and a variable frequency drive (VFD). This feature provides greater flexibility in barrier control. With FutureWEDGE

Link to additional information on product, service or

products, a traffic flow system can be designed to meet

program, with brief description:

any unique customer requirements, as well as allowing for


sophisticated networking capabilities. The FutureWEDGE


Name and organization of nominating contact for this entry, including name, title, organization: Stephen Crosby, Manager, Entrusted Creative Nominating contact’s office telephone and cell phone: Tel: 760.333.7414 Nominating contact’s email address: steve@entrusted.com Address of nominating contact’s organization: Entrusted Creative 1748 Sharon Ave, Highway 49 York, SC 29745


GSN 2014 Airport I Seaport I Border Security Awards Recipients Best Airport/Seaport Fencing, Barriers, Guard Service And Perimeter Protection

Portland Intl. Jetport 2014 WINNER Category: Best Integrated Perimeter Protection System Name of Nominated Organization: Portland Intl. Jetport Reason this Entry deserves to win:

Portland Jetport officials decided to proactively evaluate

This past September, Tyco Integrated Security worked

task and minimize the need for staffing. By deploying the

and invest in technology solutions that would handle the Exit Lane Breach Control Containment System, airport of-

closely with Portland International Jetport’s Airport Direc-

ficials experience a more automated approach to security

tor, Paul Bradbury, and Assistant Director, Cuyler Feegles

with this new technology, and accrue cost savings due to

to implement a new Exit Lane Breach Control Containment

the systems’ efficiencies. For example, in recent interviews,

System in Portland, Maine. This was a significant project

Bradbury explained that the new equipment cost approxi-

because exit lanes, while not typically located near secu-

mately $415,000 and has a four-year investment payback

rity checkpoints, require just as much careful monitoring.

period. The Exit Lane Breach Control Containment System

In addition, through this implementation, the Jetport be-

is designed to alert airport officials – via the use of mo-

came one of the first in the U.S. to have implemented this

tion detection, video analytics and door control integra-

type of technology. Historically, TSA guards had monitored

tion – when an object or passenger tries to penetrate or

these sensitive gateways, but in recent years, there were

exit through a restricted area. In the event that a passen-

indications from the TSA that the airports would need to

ger tries to exit through one of these restricted areas, an

begin funding and staffing these checkpoints themselves.


Nominating contact’s email address: tycoIS@matternow.com Address of nominating contact’s organization: Tyco Integrated Security Boca Corporate Center 4700 Exchange Ct, Ste 300 Boca Raton, FL 33431

alarm will sound with a warning light and security message while the technology digitally records the incident for instant playback. Overall, the Exit Lane Breach Containment System maximizes exit lane security and enables security personnel to more efficiently and effectively handle other essential responsibilities during peak traffic time, generating a positive return on investment in a short time. Link to Web Page of Nominated Organization: http://www.portlandjetport.org/ Link to additional information on product, service or program, with brief description: https://www.checkvideo.com/video-surveillance-products/ airport-security-solutions/exitsentry/ Name and organization of nominating contact for this entry, including name, title, organization: Matt Frowert, Director of Marketing, Tyco Integrated Security Nominating contact’s office telephone and cell phone: Tel: 978.518.4529


GSN 2014 Airport, Seaport, Border Security Awards

Winners & Finalists

Best Airport/Seaport Integrated Security Programs

Best Airport/Seaport/Border Security Human Resource Development

Best Cybersecurity Insider Threat Monitoring and Information Security

Best Airport/Seaport/Border Security Training & Certification Program

No entries

Winner -- MacDonnell Group Maritime Security Training, Certified Port Executive Program, Portstar Seaport Security TrainingWinner -- ATI Systems

Best Physical Security Information Management System (PSIM) (Declared a two-way tie by judges)

Winner -- Baltimore-Washington Airport/Intergraph Corporation Winner -- Verint Systems Best Integrated Harbor Security Program

Winner -- New Orleans Fire Department/Port of New Orleans


Most Notable Airport/Seaport/ Border Security Program, Project, Initiative

Panel of Distinguished Judges

Most Notable Airport Security Program, Large Airports

Chuck Brooks

Winner -- Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall (BWI Airport)/Intergraph Corporation

Xerox VP of Homeland Security, Founder and Head of the two largest Discussion Groups on Homeland Security on LinkedIn

Finalist -- Tampa International Airport (TPA)/G4s Technology

Janice Kephart Most Notable Airport Security Program, Small Airports

Founder of the Security ID & Biometrics Association and frequent advisor to Congress on access control, biometrics, and immigration

Winner -- Okaloosa County Airport Police Department Most Notable Seaport Security Program (Port Initiative)

Ralston MacDonnell CEO of MacDonnell Group, Canada, providing engineering services, consulting and Port Security training and accreditation

Winner -- Port of Baltimore Most Notable Seaport Security (Port Solutions)

Winner -- The Mariner Group


GSN 2014 Airport I Seaport I Border Security Awards Recipients

Best Airport/Seaport Integrated Security Programs

Baltimore/Washington Intl. Thurgood Marshall (BWI) Airport 2014 WINNER Category:

patching for all airport police, security, fire and emergency medical services. Built on Intergraph’s public safety and se-

Best Physical Security Information Management (PSIM)

curity solution, our PSIM+ improves the airport’s emergency management and response capabilities by combining a PSIM with CAD for a comprehensive and cohesive com-

Name of Nominated Organization: Baltimore/Washington (BWI) Airport


mon operating picture. Intergraph’s consolidated solution Thurgood

allows the CDC to obtain full situational awareness from


the time a sensor is triggered (detection) all the way to response through dispatching and resolution of an incident.

Name of Nominated Product, Service or Solution:

BWI has a fully integrated command and control system, including all necessary software, hardware and integration

Consolidated Dispatch Center (CDC) PSIM with CAD

services for multi-system and multi-agency coordination. Utilizing the integrated platform, the Consolidated Dis-

Reason this Entry deserves to win:

patch Center monitors and responds to several thousand alarms generated from campus-wide safety and security

The Maryland Aviation Administration’s Baltimore/Wash-

systems, providing service processing and dispatching for

ington International Thurgood Marshall (BWI) Airport, lo-

all airport law enforcement, fire, and emergency medical

cated in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, is a leader in air-

services. The solution includes a multitude of public safety

port safety and security. With an annual passenger count

and security interfaces including: • Automatic vehicle loca-

of more than 21 million, BWI handles more than 70,000

tor (AVL) and mobile computing technologies • Enhanced

annual calls for service through its Consolidated Dispatch

911 call processing with instant recall/recorder function-

Center (CDC). The CDC’s primary mission is to receive and

ality • 911 database management • National Emergency

manage alerts and emergency calls for service and dis-

Number Association standard master clock • Computer


Telephony Integration • Access Control Systems • Video

Cell: 256.542.7326

Management Systems • FLEX and AED alarms • Fire alarms • Fire station alerting • Notification systems Through the

Nominating contact’s email address:

CDC project, BWI deployed its first Command and Con-


trol system, creating the foundation for improved safety and security moving forward. With Intergraph’s products

Address of nominating contact’s organization:

and experience, the Maryland Aviation Administration can

19 Interpro Road

achieve not only its near-term goal of enhancing emer-

Madison, AL 35758

gency response processes at BWI, but also its long-term goal of statewide public safety communications interoperability. The global leader in computer-aided dispatch, Intergraph provides integrated solutions for public safety, security and emergency planning and response. Our solutions help protect critical infrastructure, provide unified transportation safety and security and protect prominent airport and transit customers including Chicago O’Hare International Airport, Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, Washington Dulles International Airport and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority system in New York. Link to Web Page of Nominated Organization: http://www.bwiairport.com/en Link to additional information on product, service or program, with brief description: http://www.intergraph.com/transportation/airport-transitsecurity.aspx Name and organization of nominating contact for this entry, including name, title, organization: Stephanie Deemer, Senior Manager Public Relations, Intergraph Nominating contact’s office telephone and cell phone: Tel: 256.730.1075


GSN 2014 Airport I Seaport I Border Security Awards Recipients

Best Airport/Seaport Integrated Security Programs

New Orleans Fire Department 2014 WINNER Category:

transportation for over 45% of all energy resources and more than 60% of all U.S. commerce. Chemical releases

Best Integrated Harbor Security Program

from either accidents or intentional acts of terrorism at the Port of New Orleans affect the public health of both

Name of Nominated Organization:

area residents and passengers on cruise ships that dock

New Orleans Fire Department

commerce, not only in New Orleans, but also throughout

at the port, and interrupt the transportation of maritime the Mississippi River and overseas. The New Orleans Fire Department (NOFD) integrated harbor security program

Reason this Entry deserves to win:

for the Port of New Orleans was selected by the DHS Office of Health Affairs Chemical Defense Program on March

Each day the Mississippi River is closed to the transporta-

19 as one of four programs to participate in DHS-funded

tion of maritime commerce costs the U.S. economy over

Chemical Defense Demonstration security projects. Partic-

$275 million per day, and international commerce over

ipation in the DHS project will optimize NOFD emergency

$500 million per day; www.con.com/2008/US/07/25/mis-

response and CONOPS for the Port of New Orleans, pro-

sissippi.spill/ The 11-day interruption of the transportation

viding an integrated harbor security program for the port,

of maritime commerce in 2008 on the Mississippi River

using a “Tool Box” containing advanced chemical sensors

caused by a diesel leak caused a loss of over $3 billion to

and GIS-based consequence management software, incor-

the U.S. economy and $6 billion to international commerce

porated into current New Orleans emergency response

when a barge and a tanker collided on the Mississippi River

protocol and equipment. The Federal Signal Corporation

at the Port of New Orleans, releasing 419,000 gallons of

(FSC) provided chemical sensor integration for the Mary-

diesel and shutting down the river. According to the Ameri-

land Transit Authority’s subway terminal in the DHS 2013

can Association of Port Authorities, the Lower Mississippi

Chemical Demonstration Program. In 2014 FSC is integrat-

River, where the Port of New Orleans is located, provides


ing chemical sensors with video surveillance cameras and

Link to Web Page of Nominated Organization:

radiation sensors currently used by the port and other


chemical sensors now used in New Orleans to provide situational awareness of HazMat emergencies at the Port

Link to additional information on product, service or

of New Orleans. NOFD is using chemical sensors that use

program, with brief description:

Differential Mobility Spectrometry (DMS) technology, de-

Federal Signal Corporation, chemical sensor system

veloped by In-Q-Tel, the venture capital branch of CIA, and

integrator https://db.tt/KKdqdNYr

Draper Laboratories, the former instrument laboratory for

Safer Systems, consequence management software; www.

MIT. DMS is currently used in the portable JUNO® chemical


detector developed by Chemring Detection Systems (CDS),

CDS; www.chemringds.com/Products/ChemicalDetection/

part of Chemring Sensors and Electronic Systems (CSES).


DMS in JUNO acts as a tunable ion sensor to simultaneously separate, detect, and measure individual chemicals

Name and organization of nominating contact for this

in complex mixtures in the field that can contain CWAs,

entry, including name, title, organization:

TICs, and interferents. JUNO will provide chemical security

George Lane; Chemical security analyst; NOFD

for the Port of New Orleans in the NOFD integrated harbor security program NOFD is also using advanced GIS-

Nominating contact’s office telephone and cell phone:

based consequence management software developed by

Tel: 225.281.3141

Safer Systems to provide real-time graphical information at the port, and includes both plume dispersion model-

Nominating contact’s email address:

ing and the location of chemical releases. Therefore inte-


grated chemical security that protects the transportation of maritime commerce on the Mississippi River at the Port

Address of nominating contact’s organization:

of New Orleans by NOFD is not only protect local public

New Orleans Fire Department Headquarters

health, but also mitigates the interruption of domestic and

317 Decatur Street

international commerce, which has had devastating con-

New Orleans, LA 70130

sequences to both domestic and international economies.


GSN 2014 Airport I Seaport I Border Security Awards Recipients Most Notable Airport, Seaport, Border Security Programs And Initiatives

Baltimore/Washington Intl. Thurgood Marshall (BWI) Airport 2014 WINNER Category:

patching for all airport police, security, fire and emergency medical services. Built on Intergraph’s public safety and se-

Most Notable Airport Security Program, Project or Initiative

curity solution, our PSIM+ improves the airport’s emergency management and response capabilities by combining a PSIM with CAD for a comprehensive and cohesive com-

Name of Nominated Organization: Baltimore/Washington (BWI) Airport


mon operating picture. Intergraph’s consolidated solution Thurgood

allows the CDC to obtain full situational awareness from


the time a sensor is triggered (detection) all the way to response through dispatching and resolution of an incident.

Name of Nominated Product, Service or Solution:

BWI has a fully integrated command and control system, including all necessary software, hardware and integration

Intergraph Public Safety and Security PSIM

services for multi-system and multi-agency coordination. Utilizing the integrated platform, the Consolidated Dis-

Reason this Entry deserves to win:

patch Center monitors and responds to several thousand alarms generated from campus-wide safety and security

The Maryland Aviation Administration’s Baltimore/Wash-

systems, providing service processing and dispatching for

ington International Thurgood Marshall (BWI) Airport, lo-

all airport law enforcement, fire, and emergency medical

cated in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, is a leader in air-

services. The solution includes a multitude of public safety

port safety and security. With an annual passenger count

and security interfaces including: • Automatic vehicle loca-

of more than 21 million, BWI handles more than 70,000

tor (AVL) and mobile computing technologies • Enhanced

annual calls for service through its Consolidated Dispatch

911 call processing with instant recall/recorder function-

Center (CDC). The CDC’s primary mission is to receive and

ality • 911 database management • National Emergency

manage alerts and emergency calls for service and dis-

Number Association standard master clock • Computer


Telephony Integration • Access Control Systems • Video

Cell: 256.542.7326

Management Systems • FLEX and AED alarms • Fire alarms • Fire station alerting • Notification systems Through the

Nominating contact’s email address:

CDC project, BWI deployed its first Command and Con-


trol system, creating the foundation for improved safety and security moving forward. With Intergraph’s products

Address of nominating contact’s organization:

and experience, the Maryland Aviation Administration can

19 Interpro Road

achieve not only its near-term goal of enhancing emer-

Madison, AL 35758

gency response processes at BWI, but also its long-term goal of statewide public safety communications interoperability. The global leader in computer-aided dispatch, Intergraph provides integrated solutions for public safety, security and emergency planning and response. Our solutions help protect critical infrastructure, provide unified transportation safety and security and protect prominent airport and transit customers including Chicago O’Hare International Airport, Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, Washington Dulles International Airport and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority system in New York. Link to Web Page of Nominated Organization: http://www.bwiairport.com/en Link to additional information on product, service or program, with brief description: http://www.intergraph.com/transportation/airport-transitsecurity.aspx Name and organization of nominating contact for this entry, including name, title, organization: Stephanie Deemer, Senior Manager Public Relations, Intergraph Nominating contact’s office telephone and cell phone: Tel: 256.730.1075


GSN 2014 Airport I Seaport I Border Security Awards Recipients Most Notable Airport, Seaport, Border Security Programs And Initiatives

Okaloosa County Airports Police Department

2014 WINNER Category: Most Notable Airport Security Program, Project or Initiative Name of Nominated Organization: Okaloosa County Airports Police Department Reason this Entry deserves to win: It is my honor to nominate the Okaloosa County Airports Police Department for the 2014 GSN Airport/Seaport/Border Security Awards “Most Notable Airport Security Program, Project or Initiative.� The OCAPD is a full-service law enforcement agency located in the Florida Panhandle. The

officers in the State of Florida. The OCAPD prides itself on

OCAPD is responsible for the law enforcement and pub-

its efforts to protect life and property, while continuing

lic safety efforts at the Northwest Florida Regional Airport

to provide the highest level of customer service and sup-

(VPS), the Bob Sikes Airport (CEW) in Crestview and Cole-

port. Mission: The mission of the Okaloosa County Airports

man Kelly Field (DTS) in Destin. The Okaloosa County Air-

Police is to provide a safe and secure environment for its

ports Police Department was created in 2012 and currently

citizens and visitors by providing premier law enforcement

has Ten (10) full-time officers and eight (8) part-time offi-

services. Vision: Be the best we can be, in all that we do by

cers that provide law enforcement and security services 24

doing the right thing, at the right time, for the right rea-

hours a day. All OCAPD officers are sworn law enforcement


sons. Core Values: Our core values are non-negotiable.

As Chief of Police for the Okaloosa County Airports Police Department I am honored to work with such dedicated

• Treat people with dignity and respect

men and women. We believe that our efforts do make

• Service before self

a difference. Again, it is my pleasure to nominate these

• Reverence for the law

hardworking law enforcement professionals for the 2014

• Commitment to professionalism

GSN Airport/Seaport/Border Security Awards.

The Okaloosa County Airports Police Department is a

Link to Web Page of Nominated Organization:

unique law enforcement agency for a number of reasons.


In light of the tragic 9/11 attacks the security and law enforcement operations associated with air travel has in-

Link to additional information on product, service or

creases substantially. The OCAPD is continually attempt-

program, with brief description:

ing to update and advance with the latest trends revolving


around Homeland Security and the public safety. Officers are provided with advances equipment and training to bet-

Name and organization of nominating contact for this

ter prepare them for future. The OCAPD is continuously

entry, including name, title, organization:

alert to potential threats to the public, primarily in the area

Chief Andrew Johnson, Okaloosa County Airports Police

of potential terrorist attacks. Located between Eglin Air


Force Base and Hurlburt Field Air Force Base we realize the threat potential is very high, therefore the OCAPD strives

Nominating contact’s office telephone and cell phone:

to provide the highest level of protection possible. The pri-

Tel: 850.651.7160 ext.1340

mary purpose of the OCAPD is the security of the airport

Cell: 850.200.5076

facilities and the protection of the airlines passengers and visitors to our locations. The Northwest Florida Regional

Nominating contact’s email address:

Airport provides commercial air passenger service for a


vast area of Northwest Florida. Thousands of commuters fly in and out of the Northwest Florida Regional Airport

Address of nominating contact’s organization:

each year. In fact, in 2013 there were over 900,000 people

Northwest Florida Regional Airport

who traveled through the Northwest Florida Regional Air-

Attn. Okaloosa County Airports Police Department

port. For those who visit the area, the airport may be their

1701 State Road 85

first impression of Okaloosa County and we want to en-

North Eglin AFB, FL 32542

sure it is a positive one. With a pleasant climate and beautiful surroundings, it is easy to see why both business and recreational travelers visit Okaloosa County. The Airport Police want to make sure locals and visitors alike feel safe in our county from the moment they step off an airplane.


GSN 2014 Airport I Seaport I Border Security Awards Recipients Most Notable Airport, Seaport, Border Security Programs And Initiatives

Port of Baltimore 2014 WINNER Category: Most Notable Seaport Security Program (Port Initiative) Name of Nominated Organization: Port of Baltimore Reason this Entry deserves to win: Baltimore is one of only two Eastern U.S. ports where the main shipping channel reaches a depth of 50 feet (15.2 meters). This fact paves the way for the port to receive post panamax ships at a time where post panamax ships are on the rise. 2013 was a particularly productive year

fect evaluation; overall, the MPA has received six straight

for Port of Baltimore. Port of Baltimore public terminals

“Excellent” evaluations by the U.S. Coast Guard. Port of

have increased their cargo exports by 22.6 percent in

Baltimore lead a number of significant port security initia-

the past four years and overall export tonnage from the

tives focusing on both landside and waterside security.

public terminals is 52.2% higher than it was since 2007.

Selected security improvements in 2013 include:

The POB was tenth in the nation and fifth on the U.S. East

• A Remote Control Submersible Vehicle introduced as

Coast for the number of cruise passengers or embarks in

a means to further secure the berths of MP A termi-

2012. The U.S. Coast Guard’s 2013 annual security inspec-

nals. This technology also has the capability to detect

tion of the Maryland Port Authority (MPA) earned a per-

Improvised Explosive Devices (lED) on vessels


Link to Web Page of Nominated Organization:

• An Underwater Intrusion Detection System installed in an effort to detect underwater/sub-surface at-


tempts to attack vessels, negatively impact the flow of Link to additional information on product, service or

commerce and/or injure or kill human life,

program, with brief description:

• Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) systems of all MPA terminals were significantly enhanced.


• Annual credentials issued for all MPA Terminal emName and organization of nominating contact for this


entry, including name, title, organization:

• The MPA visitor access system, known as mVisitor, continues to be refined and improved.

Marianne Molchan, CEO Molchan Marine Services

• The use of eModal Trucker Check for all cargo is incorporated at both Dundalk and Seagirt Marine Termi-

Nominating contact’s office telephone and cell phone:

nals. This system requires all companies and drivers

Tel: 860.680.6460

transporting cargo to pre-register in the system prior Nominating contact’s email address:

to coming to the terminals. • Active Shooter Response Training The resources and


attention dedicated to maritime security within the Port of Baltimore is worthy of the GSN Seaport Secu-

Address of nominating contact’s organization:

rity Award for 2014.

411 Walnut Ave #6460, Green Cove Springs, FL 32043


The News Leader in Physical IT and Homeland Security Sales Support Manager Managing Partner/CEO Adrian Courtenay Anne Tyler 631-275-0264 917-696-5782 anne@gsnmagazine.com acourtenay@gsnmagazine.com Media Kit Publisher Michael Madsen Click Here 732-233-8119 mmadsen@gsnmagazine.com

Subscribe www.gsnmagazine.com/subscibe Mailing Address: Executive Editor John Wagley Government Security News P.O. Box 7608 202-425-0196 Greenwich, CT 06836 wagley.jr@gmail.com Art Director Marco Taddei marco@webmdt.com


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