At Minnie and Moon you will find high quality home & garden products that are beautiful, unique, and the sustainability of the each product and its packaging carefully considered. We are dedicated to providing these products with great service, low minimums, and quick shipping from our Pennsylvania warehouse. Our items are just recently available in the US market, and provide a great opportunity to offer your customers a range of great gifts and tools that they are unlikely to find at your competitor down the street, or at a big box garden center. The information following shows our line sheet, price list, Frequently Asked Questions, and wholesale application. If I can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Emma Kelly, Owner Minnie & Moon 610-674-6800
Where do you ship from? Our products are shipped from Havertown, PA , which is located just outside Philadelphia. What is your lead time? We typically ship in 1-2 business days. Sometimes a little longer if we are away at a show. What is your minimum order? At this time there is none. We do require our accounts to be resellers, whether in store or on-line. Where are your products made? The majority of our products are made in England or the United States. There are some exceptions, like our burlap sacks which are made in Bangladesh or India. Are your products packaged? Almost all are boxed or tagged. There are some exceptions, like our balls of twine. Please get in touch if you would like to confirm packaging for any item. Are your products barcoded? Most are, but not all. Please contact us for details if required. How do I apply for an account? You can fill in the application in this packet. You may also create an account for your company online by following the instructions below. 1) Create an account by clicking on My Account in the upper left corner of 2) Once account has been created and you are logged in, click on Apply for Wholesale Account on the very bottom of any page on the Minnie and Moon site. Here you will be asked to enter your resale number and web site. From there we will receive an email regarding your request and will review your application and set your account up with wholesale pricing and privileges as soon as possible. What methods of Payment do you accept? All major credit cards, check, PayPal. Do you offer terms? Terms will be considered, but first orders are always shipped pre-paid. Please contact us for an account application.
Minnie and Moon 610-674-6800
Minnie & Moon, !
Company!Name!_________________________________________________________!Year!Established!_________! ! Address_______________________________________________________________________________________! ! City________________________________________________State___________Zip_________________________!! ! Phone______________________!! ! Fax__________________________!! ! Web!Site___________________________________!Email!________________________________! ! ! Our!legal!entity!is:! (!!)!Corporation!(!!)!Partnership!(!)!Proprietorship!(!)!Limited!Liability!Corporation! ! List!names!of!owners/partners,!or!officers!and!titles.!! ! __________________________________________________________________________________________! ! __________________________________________________________________________________________! ! ! Please!describe!your!business:!_________________________________________________________________! ! How!do!you!intend!to!sell!and!market!Minnie!and!Moon!products!(in!store,!onMline,!etc)?!! __________________________________________________________________________________________! ! ! Ship!To:!(If#different#than#above)!! ! Address__________________________________________________________________________________!! ! City!____________________________________________State!_________________Zip_________________!! ! ! Purchasing!Contact:! ! ! ! ! ! ! Payables!Contact:! ! ___________________________________! ! !!!!!!!!!! ! _____________________________________!! ! Phone________________________________! ! ! Phone________________________________! ! Email_________________________________! ! ! Email_________________________________! ! ! ! Resale!Number:!_____________________________!(Please!send!copy!of!resale!license!with!application)! ! ! ! ____________________________________________! _______________________! ______________! Signature! ! ! ! ! Title! ! ! ! Date!