Re-Generation report

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rege ne ra tion


This report was produced during the project re-generation, coordinated by Associazione Culturale Link and granted by Erasmus+ program – Key Action 2 / Strategic Partnership, in cooperation with the organizations La Vibria (Spain), Intercultura (France) and Fundacja Navis (Poland). The main aim of the project is to create new connections between cultural spaces for youth active in re-generated buildings of the cities, and international youth work. For further informations about all the places visited during re-generation project, have a look to the map through this QR code. If you want to add other places send an email to

–––––––– © Associazione Culturale Link 2018 ISBN: 978-88-98610-07-5 Graphic layout: Pierfrancesco Ditaranto


Cofinanziato dal programma Erasmus+ dell’Unione europea

Responsibility for the information and views set out in this publication lies entirely with the authors. The information and views set out in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Neither the European Union institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein. Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

table of contents p. 5

the project

p. 7

kick off meeting

p. 9

TRAINING meeting ALTAMURA Short term joint staff training events

p. p. p. p.

13 85 121 149


p. 192

blended mobilities

p. 195

blended mobility meeeting


the project re-generation project comes from the need to profes¬sionalize the work of those youth workers active in youth structures born from the recovery of public spaces abandoned by intro¬ducing the European dimension in their daily work and by sharing good practices. The project aims to create a network of organi¬zations working in public spaces stimulating them to participate in international mobility projects. “Re-Generation” also aims to give opportunities to youth groups already active at the local level, to experience practice, other than those activated in their own country, through participation in training courses at lo¬cal level and in international activities, comparing their needs with peers and starting common projects. The project includes two pro¬ject meetings between partners (kick-off and evaluation, hosted respectively in Italy and in Poland); a training course for youth leaders with 12 youth workers and 4 nation¬al coordinators; a series of four educational mobility of youth workers at youth facilities in the 4 partner countries; local ac¬tivities with young people to ensure the multiplying effect and a blended mobility which involved 24 young participants in local actions (2 per country), 3 youth workers and a coordinator for each country. The project involved youth and students of the four participating countries (Italy, France, Spain and Poland) in order to better know the realities of the partner countries and to initi¬ate a process of integration between youth policies in the framework of Erasmus + and the galaxy youth groups active in public abandoned spaces returned to the community for creative use. Through the mobility of youth workers and blended mobility, thanks to the meeting between the various stakeholders, the project created opportunities to increase the volume of mobility, the level of active participation of young people, the revitalization of the community. The project had the duration of 18 months and used non-formal education methods. The project will produce a blog - www.regenerationeurope.wordpress. com - and this manual of good practices.

6 1. Kick-off meeting, December 2016, Italy First meeting between partners who met in Irsina to share aims of the projects and practical information. 2. Training course, March 2017, Italy The project coordinator Link hosted in Altamura the first trai¬ning course. Main elements: introduction to the topic, team building, crea¬tion of working groups, sharing information, contexts and methodologies, planning short term joint staff trainings and planning the manual of good practices. The meeting has been also the occasion to get to know the local reality and visit several spaces for youth in the frame of urban regeneration context. 3. Short term joint staff training events, April ---- July 2017 Each organization selected 3 youth workers who went each of them to one of the 3 foreign partner organization for short term joint staff training event. After the first week of centralized training (by the national coordination partner), the youth workers carried out activities at 3 different structures in direct con¬tact with the youth workers and local youth groups with the aim of exchan¬ging good practices and acquire new technical and intercultural skills. 4. Blended mobilities (June ---- November 2017) Implementation of activities at local level in the structures involved in connection with young people and creation of new projects: informative meetings, simulation activities, games and educational exercises, dissemination of results from the previous phases. The activities were the result of the personal expe¬rience of the youth workers, enriched by the experience gained during the mobility abroad. Blended mobility were based on local activities and first contacts betwe¬en youth groups based on virtual mobility (skype conferences, exchange of e-mails, chats, etc.). 5. Blended mobilities final meeting (December 2017, Italy) After the contacts made at a distance during the blended mobility phase, young participants and youth workers met in Lecce to wrap up the results and start new projects. Blended mobility provided a real opportunity for young pe¬ople to confront with the peers from other countries and start new coope¬ration. The meeting has been an occasion to share results of local activities and plan new projects. 6. Evaluation meeting (February 2018, Poland). The project coordinators met in Łódź for the final evaluation of the project: collection and evaluation of results achieved; evaluation of the impact and visibility, follow-up.


kick off meeting Irsina -Italy2-5 December 2016. The partners met in Irsina, hosted by Mediateca Fedro, to discuss details of the project, define the dates and the contents of the Training Course, profile of participants and to plan the mobility of youth workers which will follow.




10 From the 3rd until the 10th March 2017, the training week of Re-generation program took place in Antica Masseria dell’Alta Murgia in Altamura. During this week, the 12 participant from 4 countries (Poland, Spain. Italy, France) got to know each other and worked together to define the next steps of the program.

11 We also got to know local organisations and initiatives related to Re-generation and youth work. Some of them were Manifatture Knos in Lecce, Officine Culturali in Gravina and Esperimenti Architectonici in Altamura.



Short term joint staff training events

catalunya 19.06.2017. 09.07.2017.


La Vibria Intercultural La Vibria was founded in 2003 by a group of youngsters who wanted to learn new cultures and to work for tolerance and social integrration throughout the world. Since then we have been growing, each time adding some new activities and project types, both on local and international level. Our main goal is facilitating youth mobility and, through this, promoting solidarity, tolerance, non formal and intercultural education in our society. We consult youth and organizations that desire to learn more about international mobility, about the opportunities to travel, work, volunteer in other countries, and get to know about existing means of financial support. We offer our services as a youth information point in Terrassa, where our headquarters is located in the Department of Youth of the City Council, but also, on a weekly basis, in other towns in the province of Barcelona. Apart from that, we organize workshops in the schools and other institutions. We are active in various actions of Erasmus Plus, hosting and sending European volunteers, participating and organizing training courses, youth exchanges and awareness rising campaigns on different topics that affect our youth. vibria.intercultural @LaVibria vibria.intercultural


REGENERATED SPACES soulvespa scooter club ateneu candela can fugarolas damunt un cel de fil el corralito hangar ateneu l'harmonia magneti studio espai jove la fontana tub d'assaig casa baumann

experiences revetlla de sant joan festa major de terrassa participants experiences

promotional events pij a la fresca regeneration street art event regeneration a la fresca


soulvespa scooter club terrassa


18 SoulVespa Scooter Club is a collective of almost 100 people who have two things in common: the passion for classic scooter and black music. Everything started when they were very young because a friend of them, Diego, started to listen with them black music: soul, rhythm’n’blues and ska. Diego disappeared after some year and they started to organize a festival dedicated to him, the DiegoEstival, but he didn’t know anything about the festival. A few years later he appeared again and discovered the festival. After that, they have continued to organize and set up parties, dance session or dance hall, in different spaces of the city of Terrassa, trying to spread the power and the unique style of black music. The other passion is for classic scooter, especially for old scooter, like Vespa and Lambretta, following 60’ british fashion of classique scooters. They meet every Wednesday in a beautiful space, in an old textile factory: talking, drinking beer, discussing and organizing the next events they’ve scheduled.



ateneu candela terrassa


22 Ateneu Candela is a social center in Terrassa, a meeting point for all citizens’ activities, producing culture from the citizens and for the citizens. It’s formed by a wide net of different associations and organization, with a strong connection with the city for forming a new type of urban political community. Nowadays in Ateneu Candela live around 15 projects: PSR (Internet Radio), (open and free wireless communication project), Som Energia (to get energy from sustainable sources), Cooperativa (Collective Buying Power), Plantem-nos (Urban Occupied Orchard), Language lessons (Catalan, Spanish and English) to promote the social empowerment, Plataforma d’afectats per la Hipoteca (Housing rights and stop eviction). Every cultural or social project is autonomous, but it has to be


related and coherent with the main topics of the whole center. They produce culture but can even host events such as movies projections, poetry sessions, conferences etc. It’s very interesting how they are organized and how they manage all the realities and the correlated events. They meet every Monday in a training space where they imagine and discuss their collective strategy. They manage the whole space helped by working groups and the center host a very beautiful cafeteria where they can share their time, ideas and much more. Ateneu Candela is a big open space on two levels. In the ground floor there’s a little stage for concerts,

24 theatre, poetry sessions and conference, a bar with tables where you can have a coffee, beer and some food, and other rooms with the kitchen for the bar, activities like the cooperative for sustainable and responsible consumption. At the second floor they host a book shop, Llibreria Synusia, a space who’s trying to explore new form of dialogue in the net of social economy of the city. They advance critical contents through the books they sell, and through the self-training course they organize. They focus their attention on all the critical movements, like political movements, LGBT, feminist, urban studies, history, philosophy, feminism, cultural studies, bio politic, ecology, postcolonial studies, and of course fiction, non fiction, children books and illustrated books, but also with a great


attention to all the independent publishing houses. They also organize meeting with writers and novelist, debates and discussions, movie projections, activities and workshop for children. The strenght of this project comes from all the entities located in Ateneu Candela, because all of them form a “collective production”, and with a monthly contribution they “occupy” the space with a lot of activities, and each of them help to get know the other realities who share the same place. They also built a collective space for discussions, debates, trying to shape a new kind of social economy for managing common resources as with people involved as with their “living” projects.




28 Can Fugarolas is a collective of initiatives installed in a former garage of 4.000 square meters. The collective is recent and presents itself as the “sum of social, cultural and artistic initiatives”. Its aim is to build within this regenerated space an experience of self-management. As a project incubator, the members of the collective wish to integrate their project with the neighbourhood in order to forge links between the inhabitants of Havana, which are rather popular, and the “users” of Can Fugarolas. The project of this place is among the most interesting that We have visited during this program Re-regeneration Europe from the environment which hosts a residence for circus, by the ambition of self-management and the diversity of the disciplines present in this place.


On the ground floor there is a repair workshop open to all (wood, metal, ceramics), 4 or 5 shared electric cars, a rehearsal room for groups of musicians, a huge storage space for equipments, the premises of a responsible purchasing cooperative and a collective kitchen. This one is used every Friday to host a meal to share with the members of the collective and the inhabitants of the district. The floors are occupied by a huge open space dedicated to circus arts, an audio-visual creation studio, a coworking space and creative workshops for artists. They work hand to hand with computer engineers and a shoemaker. It is about 50 people who work in Can Fugarolas. Our guide, Joan, was also honest and realistic about the complexity of sharing self-managed

30 spaces, without help, and in community, where everyone has to learn how to find a place. The collective rent the garage from a private owner in change of reparation works. The building can be seized at any time due to the debts of the owner and the collective can be expelled by the bank. This is the main concern of the collective. Cohabitation with the municipality is sometimes difficult but without major problems. Can Fugarolas has never asked for public subsidies. It is a choice that guarantees them autonomy and freedom in the management of their project. Receiving a public grant, or responding to a call for proposals, in some way complies with a public policy. It is also to enter into totality legally with the law, norms, etc. It’s a risk that loses the essence of the project. It is also


about adjusting totality with laws and norms that may cause the loss of the essence of the project. The budget of Can Fugarolas is ensured by the perception of the rents of the spaces of work and by a campaign of crowdfunding. The renovation of the site is estimated at 2 million euros. The collective must find a way to renovate the place, with a more restricted budget, and without the guarantee to remain in the place. Part of the building has already been renovated with recovery materials like windows for the double partition of the coworking space. Joan explains that apart from the risk of expulsion, the most important thing is the community that has been created more than the space itself, so they could reproduce the project in any place with the strenght of the community.


Damunt un cel de fil terrassa


34 Damunt un cel de fil is a vegetarian restaurant run by a couple. They had a couple of night business but they decided to open a restaurant because they wanted to work during the day. It’s located in an old textile fabric. They renewed the place by themselves and the interiors of this new fabric has now a great atmosphere. At first there was a sewing workshop and a clothing store but after few months they decided to change place. Thanks to that the restaurant could be enlarged. Despite this, sometimes is difficult to find a place to sit there because the place started to be very popular due to the great quality of dishes and competitive prices.



el corralito terrassa


38 El Corralito is a collective of young artists based in Terrassa. The average age is around 20-22 years old. Most of them have not yet graduated. Many disciplines are present in this dynamic collective such as design, painting, graphics, graffiti, sculpture. The collective decided to rent, a year and a half ago, a vacant space on the outskirts of downtown, and they finally found an old gym and boxing school. The building has a narrow ground floor. Access to the upper plateau is through a narrow and steep metal staircase. The state of the building is today very degraded. The owner is not at all willing to carry out the necessary rehabilitation work. Part of the roof has crumbled and the rest threatens to do the same. Electricity is not up to standard. It is difficult for El Corralito to organize exhibitions and receive visitors in these conditions. Nowadays the collective is looking for a new space for their activities.



hangar barcelona


42 History of Hangar starts in 1993 when there was a need to create a space for artists in Barcelona. There were many places to display artwork but none of them were giving space and support for the process of creation. Association of Visual Artists of Catalonia was the one who recognized the problem and started to look for spaces to rent. They rented the old textile factory of MarquÊs de Santa Isabel in neighbourhood Poblenou. The idea of workspace developed in a resource centre for artistic production. Artists can rent space from three months or two years, there’s an open call for it. During that time they have a full support from Hangars professionals. They have free access to workshops and equipment. Hangar has also residency for artists. They host maximum 4 artists who can stay in the organization up to three months.



ateneu l'harmonia barcelona


46 Ateneu harmonia is a social centre located in a Sant Andreu district in Barcelona in a old textile fabric. The place has been renewed and now is a meeting place for people from the neighbourhood and different kind of associations. At first the building was occupied by a private company but their activities weren’t related to the neighbourhood and the local community. The organizations from Sant Andreu district got together and convinced the municipality that the building should be common good for organizations and people from Sant Andreu. L’Harmonia is open for everybody. The associations can use the space and equipment for free. There are many associations engaged in


the project and they have wide range of workshops related to kitchen, feminism, art, culture and ecology. Last year they made an open call for opening a bar and a anti-fascist association won it. People from L’Harmonia like to call it a meeting space, everybody can come here and eat their food or buy something in the bar. That brought new life to the centre, because sometimes people come here to drink a coffee and stay during all the cultural and social events because hosted in Ateneu l’Harmonia.


magneti studio terrassa


50 Magneti Studio is a collective of 5 artists who works on different disciplines: sculpture, visual arts, recording studio, scenography. Magneti Studio was founded in 2016 and it’s placed in a former mechanical workshop with the aim to promote artistic practices, collaboration between artistic disciplines and awareness of young audiences to art. Magneti Studio was created by experienced artists who now live from their arts. They all have number of costumers, a strong and solid network, and they’re recognized around all Spain and even in Europe.





54 Espai Jove La Fontana is a public youth facility situated in Gracia and it’s managed by the Youth Council of Barcelona. They have a wide range of different kind of activities for young people connected with their concerns and interests. They are proposed and carried out by associations and mostly they’re for free. Young people can participate in concerts, exhibitions, film festivals, workshops, talks. The building has three floors and a basement. In the underground there is a big concert hall for 250 people. Bands who want to perform have to do it for free but they can use the space only by paying the sound check. On the ground floor there is a main entrance to La Fontana and youth information point where young people can get information about any concern. There is also a space to read, learn or just to relax.

55 On the first floor you can find offices of people who work in La Fontana and spaces to rent by associations. Mostly they are rented for free but if association want to take money for events that they created they have to pay for rent. On the third floor there is a conference room which is rented by associations and companies. Next to the second entrance there is a square which is a public space and it’s located between La Fontana and a kindergarten. Lots of young people from the Gracia neighbourhood come there to have a drink and hang out with friends. La Fontana tries to catch their attention by organizing events on the square but it’s hard to get them involved. There is an unwritten rule that people works there for about four years. Working with young people requires fresh look at theirs problems and interests. Not only the staff is changing once in four years but also the director of La Fontana. Consell de la Joventut de Barcelona - cjb (Youth Council of Barcelona) is a platform of associations and collectives who represent the youth organizations of the city of Barcelona. They always work as a net to promote life in association, contributing with proposals and building alternatives. The CJB is made up of more than 73 youth federations and associations that, in turn, encompass more than 450 base entities. Government bodies are the general assembly, the meeting of entities, the secretariat and the working groups. The Resource Centre for Youth Associations of Barcelona - CRAJ - was created in 1994 as a result of the claim of the Barcelona

56 Youth Council (CJB). As the years go by, the service is adapted to the needs of youth associations. Where it develops a series of very different areas in order to accomplish his objectives. These levels are: information, services, advice and promotion. Over the years, the CRAJ has been expanding and improving its offer of services and most of them are free, aimed at supporting both associations and groups of young people. However, with the change of location, the CRAJ has become a municipal service within the Espai Jove La Fontana. CRAJ is the reference service for youth organizations and groups in the city, specialized in associations and youth participation in the city of Barcelona. They also inform, advise, train, speak up and facilitate the associative management of


projects and groups, and the reality of activities of the youth associations of the city. In agreement with the District of GrĂ cia, Gracia Youth Information Point - pij - is a service that provides information and specialized guidance on different topics: training, employment, housing, associations, culture and leisure, the environment, health, sexuality, mobility and international cooperation, tourism, etc. to the young population of the District of Gracia. The most demanded services they offer are: international mobility and searching and advice for sharing a flat. Further, in a confidential manner, they answer to questions about job search, payroll questions, salaries, agreements, trade union rights, contracts and layoffs.


tub d'assaig terrassa


60 The place: an old laundry of 120 square meter in industrial factory built in the middle of the 20th century in the heart of Terrassa. The space looks like a small town, it feels like walking down a side street. Tub d'Assaig, “Test tube” in English, is a collective of circus artists. The collective was created for a specific event in 2007. Initially the place was used to store the circus material. To pay the rent and expenses, Tub Assaig organizes a small cabaret, with artistic performances. In parallel with this work, a partnership with the schools of the city began to promote the circus with the children, which allowed to create links with the municipality. The artists also began to create and sell their shows. Surfing on a growing reputation, Tub d’Assaig re-

61 gularly works with the municipality which has set up a circus festival. Over the years, Tub d’Assaig’s activities have expanded: performance, show production, intervention in schools, school for children and a school for adult. The place now became too small and not up to standards to host all the activities of the collective. After long negotiations with the municipality, Tub d’Assaig found a second place to install the circus school there. The old laundry will be devoted to the creative activities of the artists. An artistic activity like the circus demands space, and this is therefore expensive. Discussions with the municipality are complicated. It does not have a grant policy for artistic collectives. Tub d’Assaig does not necessarily ask for a grant but a place to set up the circus school. The municipality has such places, or it could be a support when negotiating with private landlords. The circus has threatened to move to another city. This was the only way of arousing the interest of the municipality. According to the coordinator of the collective, there must be a problem so that public policies are interested in activities like these. This is a pity, because this kind of activity is essential for the dynamics of the city. The activities proposed by Tub d’Assaig are appreciated by the population. By encouraging creative collectives to organize themselves, the municipality does not offer the environment to the simple development of such activities.




64 Our visit week began with Casa Baumann, where you will find the offices of La Vibria Intercultural which welcomes us during our stay. The missions of this place are multiple. It is the equivalent in France of a youth centre, a place that brings lot of information at young people about work, studies, international mobility, health and so on. The venue is hosting different projects as Bau House, Baumann Lab, Oficina Jove and BUCS. This building is a beautiful example of Modernism, the “Art Nouveau� architecture movement in Spain. It was built in 1916 by Josep M. Coll i Bacardi (21878-1917), an architect of the modernist movement. Casa Baumann have a bar at the ground floor garden level: Bau House. Associations can orga-

65 nize exhibitions, concerts and theatres. This place of conviviality is key in the opening process of Casa Baumann. The place is open to the park and to the street. There is also an outside terrace that hosts a stage. Baumann Lab, in a same level, is a place for young people to make creative projects. It is equipped with a photography laboratory, a room with computers with all necessary software to edit videos, cameras and a 3D printer. The public has free access to this equipment. It is only necessary to book the spaces in Oficina JOVE. Casa Baumann is also equipped with 4 or 5 music studios. Young people can spot and even record Music. Most of the place is dedicated to hosting the Oficina Jove Young people find essential information on citizenship, housing, work, health, international mobility, studies and human rights education. For example, “Vibria Intercultural” assists young people who wants to realize an international mobility for study, work, internship or volunteering. Carles and Ares help young people to define their motivations and to find the information they need and even send and host volunteers of European Voluntary Service. They also organize training courses and exchanges in the Erasmus Plus program. In France, Casa Baumann is the equivalent of the “Mission Locale”, the “Intercultura Dinan” Association. An association panel that accompanies the youth in various themes with the aim of developing citizenship and intercultural awareness.





69 Welcome to the vibrant city of Terrassa, a dream place for regenerated spaces lovers in Barcelona province.As an old industrial city, mostly in textile, many buildings in Terrassa dedicated to industry have been adapted and transformed to new realities. Starting by La VĂ­bria office, located in a modernist building (Casa Baumann). Before a house of a bourgeoisie family of industrials and now holder of services like the municipal youth information office, studios for young artists, rehearsal spaces for youth musicians, and some other youth initiatives. During our stay in Terrassa we had the opportunuty to partecipate to two of biggest cultural and folklore events: Sant Joan and Festa Major de Terrassa. During Sant Joan we spent all the night on a beach with bonfire, fireworks, food and drinking; while, during the Festa Major we were immersed in the atmosphere of the party. All the hisotrical centre of the city was full of stages, concerts, performances, artists. We were also lucky to see the castellers, the typical human castle of Catalunya.


re-generation street art event 06.07.2017



73 The 7th of July Re-generation took the streets of Terrassa with an Streetart itinerant exhibition,as asaaresult bition result of the cooperation between El Corralito, Magneti Studio and the international participants of the training event,specially ChloĂŠ who was working closely with them during one week. The itinerant artpiece whas the result of a process of debate and reflection on the need of cultural and artistic spaces for youth in the city. Bringing the work done to the street, gave us the opportunity to involve the local population, bring the debate to the street and give visibility to the project and to Erasmusplus program and its opportunities.



participants' experiences


Oh no, I have chocolate on my dress -agata niewola

I spend three weeks in Catalunya, first week I was living in Terrasa, second in Barcelona and third again in Terrasa. The first week was very intense because we visited a lot of regenerated places in Terrasa, Barcelona and Mataro. It was a good opportunity to ask questions about the finances, municipal support on their problems in managing these places. We’ve seen different kind of associations: self-sufficient, supported by municipal grants or those who are informal groups of friends working together. It gave me a complete picture of what the situation of non-governmental organizations looks like. They share the same idea to create an open space for neighboors and associations. Even if they don’t have the financial support from the municipality they managed to offer many interesting activities. And I saw soo many similarities with my city-Łódź. The post-industrial archicteture made me feel like at home. I hope that some of the abandoned buildings in my city will be used like L’harmonia or Can Fugarolas. Associations who occupy these places turned them from decaying and abandoned to full of people, ideas, places. This is very inspiring.

77 We started our visit to Barcelona on Friday and had some free time to explore the city. It was great to just be a part of normal life in the city, get to know the places which are not only for tourists. During these week I realized how hard is to live in a such a touristic place. On Monday we started to work in La Fontana with Pierfrancesco. We could see how the organization works from the inside, meet the people who work there. Thanks to that I feel a part of the organization. We started our project which was a photo project of regenerated places in Gracia District. Gracia is an example of regeneration not in a sense of renewed buildings but the new people who started to rent flats and live there. The neighborhood have a new life now and it’s very popular. We made photos of Casa la Montanya, Espai Social, La Sedeta, La Bruguera, Cive el Bosque and La Violeta which I liked the most. La Violeta have a beautiful interior and a bar witch a great atmosphere. They all work with youth and have a diverse offer of activities. When we were talking witch CRAJ staff they told us there are many associations in the city who offer activities for free and when we visited these places we could see that they have a very big offer with free events for young people. But the time I spent in La Fontana made me realize me that it’s not so easy to catch attention of young people. They have to work a lot to gain their trust and interest. When we got back to Terrasa we could take part in Festa Major events. It was the first time I saw human towers and it was great. There were a

78 lot of groups from Terrasa and other cities. Some of the towers were nine levels long… and even 10 one of them. These three weeks in Catalunya were full of different experiences. At first I thought it will be too long to stay here for three weeks. But at the end of the trip I feel I could stay longer. For me it was very important that I had a chance to live in a normal flat, cook, and use the public transport because I could feel like a temporary inhabitant. I’ve learned so much about regenerated places and management model of different associations. It was also very important trip from a personal reasons. I had so much fun with Chloe and Pierfrancesco. I’m very happy that I could meet them. I had some time only for me and it was nice to explore city by myself.


La meva revolucio comenca amb un viatge -chloe jaguin

Ce fut ma première participation à un programme d’échange Erasmus Plus. C’est même ma première expérience de mobilité interculturelle. J’ai 27 ans et cette expérience fut pour moi une grande aventure. Certains sont habitués à voyager. Ils ne se souviennent sûrement plus de se que procure comme émotions les premiers voyages. J’ai intégré ce programme un peu par hasard, en levant la main à une réunion à l’Hôtel Pasteur, à Rennes. Ils cherchaient quelqu’un pour partir à Barcelone. J’étais au chômage en tout et pour tout depuis 12 heures et mon programme de l’été était assez flou. Je prépare depuis un an un voyage au Canada. Je suis comme ça. J’organise les choses bien à l’avance pour pouvoir les réaliser. Mais ce jour là, je ne sais pas pourquoi, je me suis dis que je pouvais le faire, que j’en étais capable. Je pense que dans mon esprit j’étais enfin prête à partir au Canada, alors pourquoi ne pas commencer par la Catalogne? J’ai attendu le départ pendant un mois, une éternité. Ma valise était prête 4 jours avant le vol de départ. Et pour ma part je pense que j’aurais pu aller camper à l’aéroport deux jours avant tellement j’étais impatiente que ce programme commence.


80 Ma valise était fermée, ainsi que ma trousse de toilette. J’avais choisis ma tenue depuis des jours. Mon séjour en Catalogne fut très riche en visites, en rencontres et en enseignements. Je pense aussi que je remarquerais des changements après mon retour en France, selon les différentes choses que j’ai apprise. Je ne dis pas que j’ai radicalement changé, que je suis une « nouvelle personne ». Ce serait trop prétentieux et ce serait faire reposer trop d’espoir sur un voyage tel que celui-ci. Mais je peux déjà dire que maintenant je suis capable de le faire. Je n’aurais pas dis cela il y a encore 6 mois. Il y aura forcément une différence entre l’avant et l’après ce voyage. J’ai aussi commencé à renouer avec l’anglais. L’anglais est la langue utilisée durant le séjour. C’est dans cette langue que sont réalisées nos visites, c’est dans cette langue que nous discutons. J’ai un mauvais niveau en anglais. Les raisons de cette méconnaissance sont nombreuses mais c’est principalement un manque de pratique de ma part. Je comprend aujourd’hui l’importance d’apprendre l’anglais, ou une autre langue européenne, et de le pratiquer le plus souvent possible. Je suis timide en général, donc en anglais c’est encore plus prégnant. J’ai tenté dès les premiers jours de dépasser cette crainte. Alors c’est vraiment je parle anglais comme une vache espagnole mais je pense avoir dépasser mes premiers niveaux d’appréhension. Après faut pas se mentir, j’ai pas compris certains traits d’humour, ni les détails des menus au restaurant, ni même des détails d’organisation sur certaines journées. Mais ce n’est rien. Il faut relativiser et savoir que cela mets un peu

81 de temps pour parler facilement en anglais. Peut être 4-5 semaines. Moi j’ai discuté 3 semaines en anglais, et je constate des progrès. Passer 3 semaines en Youth Echange, c’est aussi vivre à l’heure espagnole. Ou en tout cas tenter de vivre à l’heure espagnole. Ce n’est pas des vacances, nous avons des visites, des réunions, etc. Le rythme de la première semaine est très soutenu mais je découvre des lieux et des initiatives qui m’inspire et me donne à voir des modes d’organisations alternatifs. Et donc nous sommes au même rythme que ces même personnes. Pour comprendre, il faut savoir que la journée espagnole est découpée ainsi: 9h/14h première partie des activités, 14h/16h pause, 16h/20h reprise des activités. Par exemple, les boutiques, les marchés ferment à 20h. Le diner est pris vers 21h environ, les soirées commencent vers 22h. La journée est plus découpée qu’en France et se prolonge plus tard. Cela est du à la chaleur, qui peut être écrasante comme lors de notre première semaine. Pour moi, le rythme est dur à prendre. En déjeunant à 8h, impossible de me réveiller plus tard, à 14h je meurs littéralement de faim. A 15h j’ai rarement envie de dormir, je suis impatiente que la vie reprenne. Mais malheureusement à 19h, je suis épuisé par la chaleur. Cette pause, ou sieste est en faite essentielle. Elle évite à ton corps d’être cassé par la chaleur et elle te permet de profiter de la douceur tardive du soir. Il m’aura fallut une bonne semaine pour m’y faire. Mais maintenant j’apprécié ce moment de break, pas forcément pour dormir mais pour lire par exemple. L’Espagne, ou en tout cas la Catalogne est une société accueillante. Nous avons plusieurs fois re-

82 marqué avec Agata comment les catalans sont amicaux, ils aiment être ensemble, entre amis ou en famille, à la terrasse d’un café. Ils utilisent beaucoup l’espace public, il y a du monde tôt et tard dans les rues. Ils mangent souvent hors de leurs domiciles. C’est convivial. Je suis curieuse de voir quel est le rythme en hiver. Le but des programmes européens d’échange est de favoriser l’interculturalité. Je n’avais jamais vécu l’interculturalité européen. Durant mes études, j’avais côtoyé des étudiantes espagnoles qui habitaient dans la même résidence que moi mais mon expérience de l’Europe s’était cantonnée à cette courte cohabitation et à des cours de droit européen à l’Université, il y a mieux pour avoir le sentiment d’être européenne. L’Union Européenne a été fondé pour maintenir la paix – et aussi pour favoriser les intérêts économiques de la France et de l’Allemagne. Aujourd’hui on lit partout, et on peut le ressentir aussi, que le sentiment européen est en perte de vitesse, que la bureaucratie et les lobbys écrasent l’UE. C’est vrai, mais l’Union Européenne ce n’est pas que ça – et c’est un autre combat. Au-delà d’une histoire commune, vivre un échange européen est riche de discussions et d’enseignements. J’ai discuté Droits des Femmes avec Agata, originaire de Łódź au cœur de la Pologne, avec Ares jeune femme Catalane. Les Droits des Femmes sont loin d’être les mêmes partout. Malgré nos origines différentes, nous partageons les mêmes craintes et les mêmes combats. J’ai beaucoup discuté à propos du mouvement indépendantiste Catalan. Ce sentiment d’appartenance est

83 si fort chez certains, et l’histoire de ce mouvement est très liée à la construction de l’Espagne. J’ai aussi discuté avec Agata de l’esprit d’entreprendre des jeunes polonais. Ils sont nombreux, comme Agata, qui à force de travail acharné créés leurs entreprises. Mon travail m’a offert l’opportunité de rencontrer beaucoup d’entrepreneur, et je toujours impressionné par ces personnes qui sont des forces de la nature. Moins sérieusement, j’ai aussi mangé du pain frotté à la tomate, badigeonné d’huile d’olive avec une pointe de sel. Un régal. Ares nous a appris à faire un Gazpacho. Cette recette me faisait peur en France, je me demande aujourd’hui pourquoi. C’est super simple et tellement bon. Je veux en manger tous les jours, des litres ! La diversité culturelle de l’Europe est précieuse et c’est en la vivant que l’on sera prêt à en parler et à la valoriser. Alors en résumé, mon échange fut une expérience extra-ordinaire pour moi. Justement car elle m’a sortie de mon quotidien, de ma zone de confort. J’ai appris à échanger avec des personnes d’une autre culture que la mienne, dans une langue qui n’est pas la mienne. J’ai vécu pendant 3 semaines à un autre rythme. Cela m’a parfois énervé mais cela m’a surtout appris à faire autrement que comme je le fais d’habitude. Et c’est très important de parfois mettre un pied hors de sa zone de confort. Je sais maintenant que je suis capable de partir, au prix certains soirs de petites crises de paniques, mais rien de grave. Je pars en septembre en voyage au Canada. Je sais que cette première expérience Erasmus Plus a été une chance pour moi de mieux me connaître et de partir de l’autre coté de l’Atlantique plus confiante.



Short term joint staff training events

BRETAGNE 26.04.2017. 27.05.2017.


INTERCULTURA Created in 2000, Intercultura is a non-profit organization. Intercultura creates and organizes youth project with Erasmus plus program. Since april 2015, Intercultura is coordinating, hosting and sending organization of EVS. The aims of the organizations are: to promote intercultural dialogue and human rights education but also to promote the understanding between young people from different countries. We use the tools of the non-formal education, we are engaged in the approach of popular education and international solidarity. Intercultura is involved in various field such as: active participation of youth, learning and intercultural education, citizenship and human right education. Intercultura organizes: trainings, meetings, seminars, support of local actors projets (associations, youth, municipality‌) using methods of intervention based on cooperation‌ Intercultura develops and publishes educational material, games about human rights and intercultural dialogue. interculutra dinan


REGENERATED SPACES Les maisons eclusieres Entrez La Cafe Associatif Epicerie L ' elaboratoire Hotel Pasteur Jardin Moderne Les ateliers du vent

participants' experiences




90 The lock houses are part of the Breton heritage, mainly in Central Brittany where they mark the course of the Nantes-Brest canal and other waterways. In total, there are 156 in Brittany but half of them are unoccupied. In 2014, the Region launched a first program to revitalize these places. To attract occupants, the Region offers a very affordable rental rate against the creation of an activity related to tourism or navigation. The initiative is a success, many requests have been submitted: fishing, hiking lodgings, art exhibition, etc. In this case, it is the public community that has initiated the process of regeneration of the place and not a collective. The occupation has been formalized upstream and has been the subject of a public call for projects.



Entrez La Cafe Associatif trelat


94 Why an associative café? Because, there’s nothing in the little village. Shops are closed, one place to speak, meet, exchange and friends would like to create a solidarity family intergenerational open space !! After discution with population and politicians, intentions: – to promote exchange; – to promote new experiences with respect of “life”, humans, animals, vegetals. Inside the café, people are volunteers and everybody is an actor and participate to the action in a ssupportive way. The last café in Trélat closed 5 years ago. It was owned by Madame Jan «Shop Bar». Before, long time ago, school’s childrens were going to Madame Jan to have their meal.


Trélat’s opened on september 2016. Since the firts summer, with no subvention, we have got a paid worker «Poun Poun», from 15 June at 31 August. Café Trélat participates to the economic development helping people to develop their job. We have got biologic local food job with different local manufacturers and farmers: bread, home made beer, marmelades, infusion tea, herbs, cheese, eggs, apple juice and apple “cidre”.


' L elaboratoire rennes


98 Everybody call it Elabo, it looks like an artistic squad near the center of Rennes. People live there in trucks or caravans. There are two two different buildings, the first is more using to doing mecanic, for art or for the bycicle’s repair shop. The second is more using for artistic workshop, show, conference, party. They participe in the organisation of differents festivals: «La semaine de l’environnement» , Aurillac festival, «Les oiseaux de passages». This is a good spot for militant activities.



Hotel Pasteur rennes


102 The Pasteur Hotel, a “concrete Utopia” In November 2012, the Rennes Foraine University was launched in Rennes by a group of actors close to Patrick Bouchain and proposes to intervene in Rennes on unoccupied sites, without a predefined program, by working on the appropriation of places. The Pasteur Hotel, owned by the city, was one the sites. The beginning of the occupation starts in January 2014. It is then a question of opening the building, the unoccupied floors to ephemeral projects in fields as diverse as culture, health and social integration. The goal was to create an open space, without a pre-established program but to meet the demand of the various collectives of the territory and that the “building test” would reveal the right transformation needs. The Foraine University had


to prove to the City of Rennes the usefulness of the appropriation and the hospitality of the approach: As a first step, the Hotel Pasteur offered an answer to the needs of experimental spaces for the collectives of the city. The application for residence was important and the attendance of the place was at the rendezvous That the programming of a place is not a prerequisite to its occupation. The Hotel Pasteur has done a work of appropriation of the space that out of the usual patterns: in the long term, without program, without specialization, etc. The Pasteur Hotel is now recognized for its usefulness. A new phase was launched in the summer of 2017, the renovated building will accommodate a school, the dental center and the Hotel Pasteur.


Jardin Moderne rennes


106 The association was born in 1997, and was called Le Collectif because it was composed by several music associations from Rennes. Le collectif had lots of different projects (concert organisation, label). It was composed by a huge association called l’Antipode, and also by a lot of small associations. In that phase, the city organised cultural events, in which Le collectif has done a lot of request to get the space, opening discussions about ways of working and also places for diffusion of music. After that, the city answers to Le Collectif accepting their request and giving them them a place, which used to be an ancient Kodak film factory. Now this place is called Le Jardin modern, meaning The Modern Garden. This place began with some rehearsal rooms, a resources centre,


and some time later, the cultural cafĂŠ was created, with a restaurant. And finally with a concert hall in the same building. Le Jardin modern is an association composed of musicians that promotes cultural and artistic projects, which could be individual or collective ones. It also has a hall for concerts, several rehearsal studios with a capacity of 17 groups at the same time. This diversity of activities and actions is built on a project based on listening values, solidarity, sharing, freedom of expression, in respect of the dignity of everybody, and with a a strong focus on the principle of cultural rights. It is in this dynamic that

108 our identities are confronted and mixed, our points of view, that projects are born and that other forms and other ways of doing things are experienced. Le Jardin modern is also a place, where projects are born and that other forms and other ways of doing things are experienced. It is wanted welcoming and friendly by the team and the members who are responsible for it. It is open to all, 6 days out of 7. It’s a great place for meetings, debates and parties.



Les ateliers du vent rennes


112 The history of Ateliers du Vent begins in 1996, year of their creation resulting from the meeting of its founding members. Indeed, at this time during various studies, the founders of the association meet during the social movements and student strikes of 1995. Driven by the desire to propose something else, they decided to form a multidisciplinary artistic collective in the form of an association of law 1901, Les Ateliers du Vent. The ideal claimed by the collective is the collegial functioning and the crossing of practices to invent new ways of producing and presenting the artistic work .The association occupies successively four places in Rennes, places not planned for artistic uses, places specific to the association which allow an independence of action


while proposing a different approach of the territory, the public and the creation. “Out of frame� and non-institutionalized places. Various research laboratories, ADV practice artistic experimentation and cross it with a real neighborhood policy that tends to the conviviality and mixing of the public. Indeed, the public is invited to participate in the artistic process, being invited to intervene directly or being able to access current research presentations. The principle sought is to put the public at ease by desecrating the status of the artist. In this perspective is also sought the cohabitation of two aspects of artistic work in the same space: the workplace, creative and the place of presentation of this work.

114 Today the team evolves in an unusual and huge place, a former mustard factory located to the west of the city. Arrived in this 4th place in 2006, the association had to move away two years to allow time for the City of Rennes to bring the building up to standard. It is back in working order and open to everyone since September 2016.



participants' experiences


three weeks in britain -roger

La meva primera experiència en el món dels Erasmus, en aquest cas, Erasmus plus, va començar per una proposta que em van oferir des de l’associació intercultural, la Víbria establerta a Terrassa, a través del col•lectiu, el Corralito, que ja estan acostumats a fer projectes d’intercanvi cultural. El nostre Taller dedicat a l’art i establert a Terrassa, ja havia col•laborat amb ells, pintant murals i diverses performances, etc... La proposta d’Erasmus venia de part d’una associació cultural d’Itàlia que es diu Link, que treballa amb altres d’Itàlia, França, Espanya i Polònia. L’objectiu de Regeneration és conèixer espais abandonats que han estat rehabilitats en centres culturals, artístics, etc... Doncs la meva feina a Rennes era conèixer aquests espais i fer un treball de recerca durant tres setmanes. El primer pas just arribar a Rennes (Bretanya) va ser conèixer al François, que seria el nostre guia, durant la nostra estada i que a la vegada ens va acollir a casa seva, amb els altres Erasmus, Danka de Polonia; i Paolo d’Itàlia, també cuinant per nosaltres i fent de l’estada, un acolliment agradable i divertit, compartint amb nosaltres la seva cultura i

118 a la vegada compartint-la amb la nostra. Després d’haver conegut tots els espais regenerats, jo vaig connectar molt amb el col•lectiu, Cosmic Garden , on els components del col•lectiu, Ronan i Roman, per poder fer el meu treball de recerca, ells estaven situats a l’hotel Pasteur un antic hotel de 4 plantes regenerat, a poc a poc vaig conèixer de la cultura Bretona, la seva gent, el seu art i el seu menjar, molt diferent de la cultura mediterrània, però que a la vegada semblant a la cultura catalana, preservant la seva pròpia cultura, rica en molts sentits. També vam tenir l’oportunitat de conèixer el nord de Bretanya, la ciutat de Nantes, rica en, arquitectura i menjar, plena de mercats, d’aliments i objectes de segona mà, Allà ens van acollir, en una casa en mig del camp pler de menirs i dòlmens. Al final de l’estada vam presentar el nostre treball a l’hotel Pasteur amb tot el material recol•lectat durant l’estada, finalment em queda a la ment una experiència positiva, i enriquidora, havent gaudit de compartir amb altres cultures.




Short term joint staff training events

' '

Report lodz 01.06.2017. 21.06.2017.


Fundacja Navis Navis was registered in 2010 with the objective to work on and develop activities in the field of non-formal education concentrating in the topics of anti-discrimination, intercultural education, human rights and cultural projects in the local and international level. During the years NAVIS has developped several international projects working on valorization of youth talent, participation and active citizenship. NAVIS fundacja


REGENERATED SPACES Niebostan Off Piotrkowska Center with Klub Dom Muzeum Ksiazki Artystycznej and Book Art Museum Lodz Art Center with Art Incubator Urban Forms Foundation and Urban Forms Gallery in the whole city





126 Niebostan is a combination of a cafÊ, an antique shop and a music club. They are the first winner of a tender for creative premises. From 12 they invite you for coffee. A little later - on Czarny Kot (beer from Radom) or something stronger at unusually unpopular prices. You can buy or read books all day. They only keep good literature on the tree-shaped shelf. In Niebostan, they organize alternative music concerts, workshops, lectures and meetings with writers. And they’re having a great time!



Off Piotrkowska Center with club Dom


130 OFF Piotrkowska is a unique project that brings together representatives of creative industries on a national scale. The studios of fashion designers, designers, architects, music clubs, restaurants, exhibition spaces, rehearsal rooms, showrooms, concept store and club cafés opened their doors in one place. At Piotrkowska 138/140, the most-fashionable point in Łódź on the cultural map of the city was created. On the site of the former cotton factory of Franciszek Ramisch, a project is being carried out, the aim of which is to create an alternative to the main consumer trend, shaping this area as a bohemian pattern lively only at the right pace. For many, the second registered address. “DOM Fathers Founders” of the DOM club are


Jakub Szczeciński - Rebus, one of the first DJs in Łódź, Kuba Wandachowicz - known from the bands Cool Kids of Death, Tryp and NOT, Wiktor Skok - Jude group leader and DJ playing industrial and electro, Robert Tuta - frontman NOT and musician of Agressiva 69 and Tryp and Witold Munnich. Music that you can hear at home is not mainstream. Clubbing sounds of electro, techno, minimal, but also concerts of live bands prevail. The artistic program of the club is a resultant of the passion and interests of the Founding Fathers.


Muzeum Ksiazki Artystycznej an Book Art Museum

nd m


134 The Ksiazki artystycznej museum is housed in the Grohman Villa - a century-old building located in the post-industrial textile complex Scheibler-Grohman at Księży Młyn in Łódź. During the life of its owner, the villa was a place of art. Henryk Grohman collected graphics, musical instruments, notes and other art objects in it. Concerts of famous pianists and meetings with great figures of culture took place here. The devices collected in the Museum are to serve the creation and promotion of the book’s art. In this respect, however, the matrix team from the Warsaw Font Odlewnia is particularly important, taken over with the devices used for production. The team is unique on a global scale. The mu-


seum also has two paper cutters, a semi-format press and a wire sewing machine, as well as for manual sewing and binding books. The museum also created a device for dulling glass and 5 workstations for copyists according to medieval designs.


Lodz Art Center with Art Incubator


138 lodz ART CENTER is the center of art and culture located in a historic post-industrial complex. It has been operating since 2005. Unique surroundings of old factory halls encourage all kinds of artistic projects, especially festivals: Łódź Design, Łódź Biennale and Fotofestiwal. Apart from periodical events, lodz ART CENTER stages individual exhibitions, and organises conferences and educational workshops. Moreover, the centre develops artistic and promotional projects in cooperation with other cultural institutions from Łódź and other Polish cities. In 2007, lodz ART CENTER initiated efforts to win the title of the European Capital of Culture 2016 for Łódź. lodz ART CENTER has been created by a group of young and dynamic culture animators, promo-


tion experts and curators, who join their forces to establish the image of Łódź as a modern and culture-friendly place. Since 2005, lodz ART CENTER has been a special spot on the cultural map of Łódź. The institution developed various important artistic projects: Łódź Biennale, Art Bus, Łódź Getto, Photo Project, Wystawa Kolekcji Muzeum Konstrukcji w Procesie, 13 grudnia, Ikony Zwycięstwa, Grünewald 2, PhotoPoland. Moreover, the center regularly organises or helps to organise such events as: Photo Fair Gallery, Łódź Festiwalowa, Fabryka Sztuki, Łódź Alternatywa, Photo Festiwal Union. These are just some examples of the lodz ART CENTER projects. The centre addresses its offer to young people, interested in various forms of art.


Urban Forms Foundation the whole city


142 The Urban Forms Foundation was established in 2009. We focus our activities around the broadly defined urban culture, focusing on the organization, promotion and support of artistic, educational, social and scientific initiatives. During the implementation of projects, we try to activate local communities and engage them in activities that contribute to improving the quality of life in the city.



participants' experiences



my experience in lodz -gerard

Our buddy Gerard, spent three weeks in Lôdz and he had a great time. He was able to discover the cultural and artistic movement of the city first hand, discovering the spaces where culture was built, places such as the cooperative bar and social character Niebostan, the Art Incubator full of workshops to do what do you want for new artists, Manufaktura and the big cultural events, the multidisciplinary and multifunctional OFF Piotrkovska, a Museum of Traditional Art and Printing between nature on the outskirts of the city, among others. He didn’t go just to visit those spaces but he could have had specific appointments with several people who manage these spaces to find out how they started, their history, their goals, problems, their functions. In particulra, we were able to meet people such as Michael from Art Inkubator; Agata from Niebostan, Teresa and her giant project “Urban Forms Gallery” or also people from OFF Piotrkovska between beers. He enjoyed flexible schedules and great decision-making skills. At any moment, he could choose the one that came with more pleasure to visit or do, and also spend time visiting the great murales that

147 can be found on the city’s largest walls that have been painted since 2009 in the Urban Gallery project Forms He could devote time to resting, digesting and reflecting on everything that lived in the beautiful green parks and giant spaces in the middle of the city, making beers at the OFF Piotrkovska, eating in restaurants of different cultures, walking along the long street Piotrkovska , listening to music in the cozy apartment (where he felt at home from the beginning). Gerard lived a good experience in Poland from which he was able to extract a very important learning for our association and to know the reflection of other associations like ours in other parts of Europe.



Short term joint staff training events

puglia 15.05.2017. 04.06.2017.


ASSOCIAZIONE LINK LINK association was founded in 2003 thanks to the initiative of some youth workers active in the framework of European programs and youth policies and a group of young people, with the aim of promoting intercultural learning, non-formal education, social inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities and mobility in Europe. Through local and international projects, Link promotes the active participation of young people, European citizenship and social solidarity, encouraging respect for cultural diversity and promoting exchange of cultures. Link works in cooperation with European partners and local authorities, making use of the support of various programs of the European Union (Youth in Action, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig and, since 2014, Erasmus +). Link is a member of several informal European networks and one the founders of RIVE, a national network that promotes good practices in sending volunteers in the framework of the European Voluntary Service. associazionelink


REGENERATED SPACES Impact Hub Officine Culturali Spazio Murat Officine degli Esordi Comincenter Co-Working Ulmo LaStation Portalba Casa Cava Mediateca Fedro



Impact Hub BARI


154 Impact Hub Bari is an innovative coworking space for social innovators. Where you can find inspiration and get in touch with other entrepreneurs, freelancers, creative people, computer experts, people united by the desire to have a positive impact on the city and the world. Impact Hub Bari offers about 1600 square meters inside the Fiera del Levante. Impact Hub is a community, a coworking, a learning space and an incubator for people, projects and organizations committed to improving the world.



Officine Culturali GRAVINA in puglia


158 The officine culturali Peppino Impastato are a cultural urban laboratory, located in the historic center of the city of Gravina in Puglia, born from the redevelopment of an old fruit and vegetable market and are managed by Il Grillo Editore. The Officine Culturali, from the origins have involved the youth from the city in a “cultural laboratory� always in activities where to meet, get to know and chat with well-known and less known writers and men of culture as well as exchange , compare and share proposals, opinions, projects. The Officine Culturali also offer an open internet point morning and afternoon, a library where you can borrow classics and new titles, always updated, a study and reading room, an exhibition space and a small theater hall with 100 seats complete with stage.



Spazio Murat BARI


162 Spazio Murat is a cultural container dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of the contemporary art, with particular attention to the visual arts and design. It is located in Bari in Piazza Ferrarese, a point of contact between the old city and the modern village. Born in 1818 as a food market, the space was demolished in the mid-twentieth century and subsequently rebuilt. Spazio Murat hosts today exhibitions, meetings, workshops and the Puglia Design Store concept store.



Officina degli Esordi BARI


166 The Officina degli Esordi is the Urban Laboratory of the Municipality of Bari located in the Piazza di San Francesco, on the border between the Murat and LibertĂ districts. The Officina is a 2,690 square meter building, originally intended for the market, located on the first floor of an autosilo. It is a public space in the service of youth creativity in the sign of artistic production and training: music, dance, theater, visual arts, cinema, literature.



Ulmo Co-Working TARANTO


170 It is a shared work environment: professionals, creative people, artists and cultural operators find their own desk Coworking Ulmo is an amazing space on the lower floors of a townhouse built in 1655 in the heart of the old city. Coworking Ulmo started up in June 2014, an incubator project aiming to inject new ideas into the old town, to motivate local youngsters to express their artistic talents, to set an example in a culturally desertified district. It is a place where creative minds can flex their talents and start up a business, sharing facilities and a penchant for art, quality craftwork and environmental sustainability.



LaStation gagliano del capo


174 The last train station on the south-east side of Italy, Lastation is the hub for the artistic and cultural promotion of Capo di Leuca. It is a landmark for the local community and international public: it is a house of innovative ideas and a gravitational center for people who would like to pass their free time in a place culturally and artistically active. It is an exhibition space, a cultural center, a place for meeting and working, a center for mobility and hosting activities. La station is the heartbeat of the Extreme Land.



Casa Cava MATERA


178 Inaugurated on 21st September 2011, the Casa-Cava is an area of 900 ​​ square meters divided into 10 rooms dug into the tuff of a former quarry in the heart of the ancient city, near the Church of San Pietro Barisano. Conceived as a space for creative and multimedia events, it has an Auditorium that can accommodate about 140 people, equipped with all the necessary instruments for various types of events and concerts. Among the other spaces there are rooms for coffe-breck and lunch buffets, exhibitions and set-ups, organizing secretary and set-ups. This is a mainly hypogeum complex consisting of an ancient well cave of post-medieval origin


rediscovered and restored by the Sassi Office of the Municipality of Matera. A real gem set in the excavated complex of San Pietro Barisano, currently used as a concert hall and cultural events, due to its acoustic and phonic peculiarities. 900 square meters in 9 rooms with an auditorium of 140 seats; 1 exhibition gallery; training rooms and laboratories; exhibition halls; 1 cafeteria; 3 shorts outdoors.


Mediateca Fedro IRSINA


182 The Mediateca Fedro is a seventeenth century complex located in the historic center of Irsina, in Largo San Martino. By the will of the notary Fedele Romano, owner of the property, the death of his wife Paolina Sylos Labini, who lived there the last years of her life, the donation of the entire structure was arranged to the community of Iris, provided that all the environments were used for cultural activities at the service of the city and its citizens. The renovations started in 2006 and completed in 2007, have given life to its current appearance: an antique container with modern contents, characterized by different environments on several levels.



participants' experiences



My days in Gravina in Puglia -DOMINIKA

Dominika, from Poland, spent one week in Gravina in Puglia, hosted by Officine Culturali, within the Italian joint staff training event. This is her report. The week when we splited I spent amazing time in place called Officine Culturali that is the urban cultural labolatory born in retraining old fruits and vegetables market. It is the organisation composed by really passionate people who are trying to activate locals in various cultural events and initiatives. During the week I spent there, we organised two events for the young community of Gravina. The first one was Infoday; the meeting about possibilities to go abroad by using Erasmus + programme, we showed where and how to find the informations about EVS , Youth Exchange and so on. The second one was the party closing the DisPlay Music Contest. This project designed by Mondo Beat and Utòpia associations. The party turned out to be very successful, a lot of young people came to listen the music, stay with friends

187 talk and having great time. Then with Pierfrancesco (the member of Officine’s team) we went to see an example of the brand new regenerated space in Bari. The Spazio Murat is a cultural center dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of the contemporary art with particular attention to visual arts and design from Puglia region. It is located in Piazza Ferrarese a point of contact between the old town and the modern village. Born in 1818 as grocery market the space was demolished and subsequently rebuild. In the meantime when I was in Officine I met a lot of people from other organizations like Undergra, Terrarossa, Mondo Beat, Utòpia and more. This week helped me to gain a lot of new experience, broaden the connection between local ogranisations and widen my understanding of regeneration in a broad context.


An experience in Salento -FANNY GOUPIL

Fanny Goupil, from France, spent one week in Gagliano del Capo and Salento, hosted by Lastation, within the Italian joint staff training event. This is her report. So… let’s talk about the second week of the program. We have split in 3 different places, and on my side I can share with you my experience in Lastation, which is in Gagliano del Capo, which is in Salento, which is in Puglia… in Italia. How about my experiences and learning about regenerated processes within the week? Lastation used to be the chief’s house. Paolo Mele and Luca Coclite created in 2011 an association “Ramdom” in order to “promote new creative practices and innovative languages of communication, interacting with citizens and public, private, national and international organisations”. They won a project in 2013 and they could got in the abandoned house in 2015, at the first floor of the “last” train station. They have arranged and renovated the place so that it is today the place for culture and contemporary art. “It is a house of innovative ideas and a gravitational center for people who would like to pass their free time in a place culturally and artistically active”.

189 For one week, I could experience what does it look like to work in one of the regenerated places of Puglia. It is original: you can still “feel” the history of the place, maybe even imagine the chief of the train station living there in the past, while at the same time, you can feel today’s reality and atmosphere: through the people co-working there, and the contemporary art creations which are being exposed and shown. In order to get more understandings of the impacts, I have been working on the creation of a satisfaction survey. Who are the beneficiaries of this project? How do they like it? What are their ideas on new activities? The results shows that most of the people are under 30 years old, coming from local areas. I have also shared with Paolo my experiences on the creation of a café in Trélat-Taden (Entrez là Café), and we could talk about the common and differences taking place in our locations. There is a “dream” for Paolo to set up a permanent bar on the terrace of Lastation. I used the launch of the satisfaction survey to get more ideas and overviews for this opportunity. The results shows there are some expectations and interests, a nice opportunity to add a new activity in the terrace of the former’s chief house… the only need is a person to launch it. How about finding one of the youth from the local community to enterprise this idea? Or an European Volunteer Service Or a European Entrepreneur? Grazie mille Lastation for having hosted me for a week.


Second week in Italy: news from Lecce! -mireia

This is Mireia, the participant from Barcelona, writing from Lecce! During the second week of our Short-term joint staff training event in Italy, I had the chance to visit the wonderful Salento area and get to know quite a good number of places there: from Gagliano dal Capo to Polignano a mare, Alberobello, Nardò, Otranto and, of course, the very lively and beautiful Lecce! Lecce is a historic city of less than 100.000 inhabitants in southern Italy, and is the capital of the province of Lecce, as well as one of the most important cities of Puglia. It is the main city of the Salentine Peninsula, at the heel of Italy, right between Adriatic and Jonic seas, and it is over 2,000 years old. Lecce is commonly called “The Florence of the South” because of the baroque remains. In their own words, Manifatture Knos is a constantly developing cultural and social experiment born from the restoration of an old engineering workers’ training school that was abandoned for years. The independent cultural centre was established thanks to the spontaneous involvement of all citizens, artists and professional figures who were

191 committed to return the place to the community. The centre’s cultural activities include research, training and production in total artistic freedom and organizational autonomy. The Provincial Council of Lecce owns the space where Manifatture Knos is located and the Sud Est cultural association was left in charge of the place in December 2006 on the basis of a shared cultural project. The Sud Est association guided the restoration works and unveiled the centre, activating an urban project that involved many citizens. During my week in the center, I focused my attention on filming a short collaborative documentary film with the people at Knos that has allowed me to deeply explore and understand the Re-generation process of the space and at the same time grasp the richness of the social relationships that take place in such an environment. This has been such a nice experience! I’m already willing to come back to visit!



blended mobilities

From June to November 2017, the partner organized blended mobilities involving local organizations and youth. The aim of this phase was to disseminate the results of the short-term joint staff training events and to start contacts between youth groups in order to plan new projects. Participants to blended mobilities met for the final meeting in Lecce (Italy) from the 10th to the 16th of December 2017.



blended mobility meeting

lecce 10.12.2017 17.12.2017





MANIFATTURE KNOS Manifatture Knos is a place for participation and sharing ideas and projects in the fields of creativity and social innovation. Spaces, laboratories and equipment are available to the community for training, research and experimentation activities. Manifatture Knos is a space in the city for the city. The reconnection between inhabitants and the common good is one of our first objectives, and with it the diffusion of a new model of society based on sharing and active citizenship. Every day the people and organizations that live in these spaces, study or work in the study hall, organize meetings, meetings, workshops and workshops in the large central open space or in the theater hall, where the companies can design and test their shows. rehearsal room, someone strums his guitar and composes new tracks. There are those who participate in the courses of the School of Balance: it twists the fabric and the trapeze, you dance the tango, you put yourself to the test with stilts, climbing, capoeira or karate. Those who like to relax practice yoga or zen stretching. Those who are braver climb the climbing school wall. Not infrequently here you can meet exhibitions, events, markets, art or music festivals, film festivals. Or an orchestra testing its next performance. Here we often think of critical consumption and green lifestyle. This is why the Ciclofficina Popolare, a place for the promotion of sustainable mobility, was born at Knos, where everyone can self-repair or assemble their bikes with new or, much better, recycled pieces. To stay on the subject of self-production and creativity, among the machines of the old school for metalworkers who was the Cnos, someone prints in 3D or uses the laser cutting of FabLab, someone else cuts and sews in Sartoria, or learns silk-screen printing techniques . But how can we forget the children?! For them sports activities, theatrical and circus. Because Knos has a particular fortune: that of having many spaces with many different functions. That’s why Knos is done in many, every day.


PIANO B Piano B is a private cultural club, reserved for members. It is a cultural hub where live music, exhibitions and exhibitions, tastings, artistic and food and wine training courses, give life to a late sixteenth century building immersed in the heart of the historic center of Lecce.

regenerated spaces lecce



the project


-- reconnection

-- the green lantern

-- re-sound polution



-- open your vibes

-- feed your attention



GRaCIES! Grazie! merci! dziekuje!


rege ne ra tion


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