2 minute read
Remember the color wheel?
When you combine colors opposite each other on the color wheel, they create a shade of brown; these pair of colors are called complementary colors. A common trick painters use for mixing the right shade of skin tone is using one of the three different complementary color pairings for different ethnicities.
Caucasian people are red and green, thus their common pink undertone.
East Asian people are yellow and purple.
African-descended people, Indian people, and Latin American people are orange and blue, thus their warmer complexion.
As an experiment, each of the model’s hands were painted with one of their respective “colors,” and through interacting with one another, they leave subsequent marks on each other. Their actions of tension, curiosity, and in the end, empathy, are recorded through the imprints they make on one another.
In the end, regardless of the makeup of our color/race, we should realize our differences make us unique, and this individuality should bring us together. After all, there is much more to gain when you love instead of hate.
by Jessica Yeung & Kelsey Wang
modeled by Nibha Akireddy, Abby Audet, Lenny DeFoe, Ethan Horoschak, Jesse Morris, Danielle Tang