MINT Manual Greenhouse Use Kenya 1 0

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step by step



wa hatua kihatua


This is supposed to be a support to guide you with greenhouse farming. We encourage you to use other sources of information as well. This manual is developed for the use in and around Nairobi, information provided can be different in other regions. This manual is independent and open source. Licensed Creative Commons, 2014.



Mwongozi huu umebuniwa kwa kuelekeza wakulima wa greenhouse. Tunakuhimiza kama mkulima kuongeza maarifa sio tu kwa mwongozo huu lakini pia kwa miongozo miingine pia. Mwongozo huu umebuniwa kwa mahitaji ya ukulima katika sehemu zinazo zungukia Nairobi. Mwongozo huu ni huru kwa kuchapishwa. Leseni Creative Commons, 2014.

table of contents


finance, design, crop selection, crop rotation


soil preparation, nursery, transplanting, flowering, fruiting&care, harvest


orodha ya yaliyomo

4 14


fedha, jinsia ya ujenzi, uteuzi wa mazao, mzunguko wa mazao


maandalizi ya udongo, kitalu, kupanda, maua, matunda & care, mavuno


symbols, tomato, leek, pepper, cucumber, onion, kale







Madawa ya kuulia wadudu



insects, diseases hygiene, marketing, contacts

alama, nyanya, leek, pilipili, tango, kitunguu, sukuma wiki

wadudu, magonjwa


usafi, marketing, kuwasilinia




Nairobi Kenya 4

introduction This is a step-by-step manual to guide you through the process of greenhouse farming. It is meant to help small-scale farmers to provide livelihood and to get a return on investment in an organic way. The benefits of greenhouse use: 1 Higher yield and better quality 2 Less prone to disease and water damage 3 Extending harvesting time 4 Reduced water use 5 Better use of fertilizers and pesticides 6 Provides balanced diet for the household It is possible to earn your greenhouse back in one year!

mwanzo Mwongozi huu umebuniwa kwa kuelekeza wakulima wa greenhouse. lengo lake ni kusaidia wakulima wadogo wadogo kuimarisha maisha yao kutokana na uwekezaji wa fedha zao katika biashara ya ukulima. Faida ya matumizi ya greenhouse : 1 Kuongezeka kwa mazao bora 2 Upungufu wa mimea kuvamiwa na magonjwa 3 Kuongezeka kwa muda wa kuvuna 4 Upungufu wa matumizi ya maji 5 Matumizi Bora ya mbolea na madawa ya mifugo 6 Lishe Bora kwa familia Inawezekana kwa mkulima kupata faida katika mwaka mmoja!




? ? ?




Use money from your bankaccount or set aside money for the future.


Get a loan or other microfinance option from the bank or other financial institution.


Try to set up a peer group, family project or community project



Matumizi ya fedha kutokana na akiba au uliyo wekesha kwa benki.


Kupata mkopo au kutoka benki au taasisi ya fedha.


Kupata fedha kupitia njia ya kushiriki na vikundi vidogo vidogo, kwa mradi wa kifamilia au mradi wa jamii la eneo lako.



jinsia ya ujenzi






jinsia ya ujenzi

When you decide to build a greenhouse, you have the choice of either a wooden or steel construction.

Kama mkulima una hiari ya kuchagua au kuamua kujenga greenhouse, kwa mbao au chuma.

Wood is cheaper, but will last for a shorter period of time, because of rotting and termites. A standard wooden greenhouse (8 by 15 meters) will cost between 80,000 – 120,000 Ksh in 2014.

Utumizi wa mbao una bei nafuu, lakini itadumu kwa kipindi cha muda mfupi , kwa sababu ya kuoza na mbao kuvamiwa na mchwa. Kipimo chake ukitumia mbao (8 kwa 15 mita) na gharama kati ya shilingi 80,000 - 120,000 mwaka 2014.

A steel greenhouse will last longer and will cost between 260,000 – 320,000 Ksh for 8 by 15 meters. For the best results for all crops find or build a greenhouse with high sides, so that there is enough space for the crops to grow.

Greenhouse ya chuma itadumu muda mrefu zaidi na gharama kati ya shilingi 260,000 - 320,000 kwa kipimo cha 8 kwa 15mita. Kwa matokeo bora ya mazao aina zote ni vizuri kujenga greenhouse ina pande zilizo juu kiasi, hivyo kwamba kuna nafasi ya kutosha kwa ajili ya mazao.


crop selection


uteuzi wa mazao

crop selection

The following crops are good examples of crops which grow very well in greenhouses. They also contain healthy nutrients and are proven profitable. The soil will be kept nutritious by rotating these crops in the right order.

uteuzi wa mazao

Mfano wa mazao bora ya kukuza ndani ya greenhouse ni kama. Pia yana virutubisho kiafya mwilini na ni mazao yalio thibitika kuwa ya faida kibiashara. Kupitia njia ya kupanda na kupokezana, udongo upata lishe kutokana na mazao haya.


crop rotation


mzunguko wa mazao

crop rotation

It is important to alternate crops of different families to keep the soil fertile and to prevent diseases. Crops of the same family could exhaust the soil because they use the same nutrients. After growing fruit bearing vegetables, you should grow leafy greens or root vegetables. Best for the soil would be to do all three of them after each other before repeating the same vegetable.

mzunguko wa mazao

Ni muhimu kupadailishi mazao kifamilia tofauti tofauti ili kuweka udongo katika ile hali ya ubora wa rutuba na kama njia ya kuzuia magonjwa. Ukipanada mazao ya familia moja bila kubadilisha yanaweza kuharibu udongo kwa sababu hutumika madini aina sawa.

Baada ya kuvuna mboga za familia ya matunda, unapaswa kubadilisha na mmea wa mboga za majani au mboga za mizizi. Ni vizuri kupanda familia zote tatu za mbonga kwa kipindi chake kabla kurudia ulicho panda mwanzo.






These are different stages in greenhouse farming. In every stage there are different focus points. These will be covered in every chapter. Soil preparation Nursery (Trans)planting Flowering Fruiting & Care Harvesting


Hizi ni hatua mbalimbali katika kilimo greenhouse. Katika kila hatua kuna pointi mbalimbali za mwelekeo. Hizi hatua zina mwongozo zaidi kwa sura zifuatazo. Maandalizi ya udongo Uoteshaji na utunzaji wa mbegu Upandaji wa mmea ndani ya greenhouse Mmea ukiwa unaota maua Mmea ukiwa unatoa matunda kuvuna


soil preparation

20 60 16


maandalizi ya udongo

soil preparation

maandalizi ya udongo

The following steps should be taken to prepare your soil properly: Dig out the top 20 cm of the soil 2 weeks before planting. All living plants have to be removed and between 6-10 kg manure should be added to every m2. This means that for a standard greenhouse of 8 by 15 meters, one pick-up load of manure should be used.

Hatua zifuatazo ni muhimu zifuatiliwe kwa kuandaa udongo wako vilivyofaa: chimba udongo wa juu kama 20sentimita(cm) wiki 2 kabla ya kupanda. Mimea(magugu) yote yaondolewa. Weka mbolea kwa kiwango cha kati ya 6-10 kilo kwa kila m2. Ina maana kuwa kwa kipimo cha greenhouse mita 8 kwa 15, tani 4 ya mbolea zitumike.

Contact an expert to do a soil test for the greenhouse.

Ni muhimu pia kuwasiliana na mtaalam ili kupima udongo kwa ajili ya rutuba iliyo hitajika kwa udongo.

Raise the beds to a height of 20 cm and a width of 60 cm. All plant material and weeds must be removed on a regular basis.

Kisha tengeneza vitanda vya udongo kwa urefu wa sentimita (cm) 20 na upana wa sentimita (cm)60. Magugu lazima kuondolewa mara kwa mara.






Some plants can be planted directly into the soil, others need to be transplanted. Cucumbers, onions and leeks can be planted directly into the soil. Tomatoes, peppers and kale should be transplanted from a nursery. There needs to be proper drainage in the nursery. The soil in the nursery can be composed of a mixture of sand and manure or you can use coconut fiber. The soil has to be moist when the seeds are planted. The seedlings should not catch much sunlight in the first 2 weeks and should be watered only once a day in the morning. Hybrid seeds have been proven profitable.


Baadhi ya mimea inaweza kupandwa moja kwa moja kwenye udongo, lakini mimea ingine inahitaji uoteshaji na mfuatilio tofauti. Matango, vitunguu na Liki zinaweza kupandwa moja kwa moja kwenye udongo. Nyanya, pilipili hoho na sukuma wiki lazima kupandwa kutoka kitalu. Kuna haja ya kubwa uwekezaji wa maji kwa udongo ni sahihi katika kitalu. Udongo unaotumika kwa kitalu ni vizuri kuuchanganya kwa visehemu 1 mchanga: 1 mbolea: 1 Udongo wa kawaida. Nyunyizia udongo maji ya kutosha kabla ya kupanda mbegu zako. Hakikisha wiki mbili za kwanza umeweka kuvuli juu ya kitalu chako na kumwagilia maji mara moja kwa siku. Ni muhima kutumia mbegu ilio fanyiwa utafiti na watalamu na kupitishwa kuwa mbegu inayofaa.






After 3 weeks the seedlings can be transplanted into the beds. Transplanting should be done in the evening. Both the seeds in the nursery and the bed have to be moist when you are transplanting. The plants should be lifted very gently by the leaves and not by the stem. It is important that the seeds are planted as deep as they were in the nursery. Weeds should be removed in this phase.


Baada ya wiki 3 miche inaweza kupandwa ndani ya greenhouse. Shughuli ya Kupanda ni bora zaidi ifanyike wakati wa jioni. Tayarisha udongo kwa kunyunyizia maji, upande unanuwia kupanda na katika kitalu. Unapohamisha mimea tumia utaratibu wa kupanda ukitumia indani wa shimo kama ilivyo agizwa. Magugu yanapaswa kuondolewa wakati wote.







The flowers need to be pollinated. This is done by shaking the trellis or line by hand. This is enough to release the pollen. It is best to do this in the afternoon, when the pollen is loose.

Mmea unapotesha maua vizuri kutingisha ili maumbile ya mmea yakatimilika na matunda kuzaa. Hivi inafanyika kwa kutikisa kimia au line kwa mkono. Ni bora kufanya hivyo wakati wa mchana.

Proper ventilation will help with the pollination and is good for regulating the temperature.

Uingizaji hewa ndani ya greenhouse vizuri husaidia kuimarisha hali ya joto.


fruiting & care


matunda & care

fruiting & care

Leaves need to see sunlight to produce energy for the plant through photosynthesis. As long as they don’t see light, they only waste nutrients and should be removed. Removing the lower leaves also provides space for the fruits. You can remove the whole leaf with scissors. Suckers are the little side-shoots that form between the central stem and a leaf node. These suckers need to be removed frequently, because they waste nutrients. You can remove them with your hands by shaking them loose. Suckers start growing after two weeks and should be removed in every stage until the fruit ripens.

matunda & care

Majani ya mmea inahitaji kupata mwangaza wa kutosha. Kwa muda mrefu kama mmea hupati mwanga, hupoteza virutubisho. Kuondoa majani ya chini pia hupa nafasi kwa matunda.

Suckers huanza kukua baada ya wiki mbili na inapaswa kuondolewa katika kila hatua. Unaweza kuondoa majani kwa kutumia mkasi au mikono.






It is important to harvest at the right time. Fruit bearing vegetables like tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers grow multiple fruits. Leafy greens will keep producing leaves, after the first leaves are harvested. Be sure that you do this frequently to maximize your harvest. The root vegetables like onion and leek produce only a single harvest.


Ni muhimu kuvuna kwa wakati unaotakiwa. Mboga za matunda kama nyanya, pilipili na matango huota matunda mengi kwa mmea moja. Mboga za majani huota majani mengi namna inavyo punguzwa kwa kuvuna. Vizuri kuwa na uhakika kwamba unafanya hivyo mara kwa mara ili kuongeza mavuno yako. Mboga za mizizi kama vitunguu na vitunguu kuzalisha tu mavuno moja.


symbols Times a day you water the crops

Minutes you water the crops each time





Projected revenue in Ksh per square meter a month

Ksh/m2 /month

Time to harvest in days


Temperature in Celsius during (range) day and (minimum) night



Distance in centimeters between crops in the same row


Reference to disease the crop is prone to


Suitable type of fertilizer or nutrient


alama kwa siku

Joto katika Celsius wakati wa siku ( mbalimbali) na usiku (chini )

Muda wa kidakika wa kunyunyizia maji


Umbali kati ya mumea hadi mumea mwingine


Makadirio ya mapato katika shilingi za Kenya kila mita ya mraba kwa mwezi

Ksh/m2 /month

Kumbukumbu ya magonjwa yanayovamia mazao


Muda wa mumea kabla ya mavuno


Mbolea au madini yanayo hitajika

Unyunyiziaji wa maji kwa siku





tomato 3x 10


nyanya Ksh


25-35 13

1,2, 5...20



N, P, K (Ca, Mg, S)


Tomatoes are ripe when they are changing color. They taste best when they are fully colored, so harvest them when they start changing color. They will ripen off the vine and will be tasteful when you sell them. The best way to pick a tomato is to take hold of it and twist it gently but firmly until it snaps off the vine. If you want to cut the tomato, clip the vine as close to the tomato as possible. Tomato plants grow very tall and therefore they need support. Start tying your tomato plants to the stakes as soon as blooms begin to appear. Tie the main stalks to the stakes first and connect the stakes with a construction high in the greenhouse. This way the plant can grow up and down with support.


Nyanya ni muafaka wakati wao ni kubadilisha rangi. Wao ladha bora wakati wao ni kikamilifu rangi, hivyo mavuno yao wakati wao kuanza kubadilika rangi. Wao kukomaa mbali mzabibu na itakuwa tasteful wakati wa kuuza yao. Njia bora ya kuchukua nyanya ni kuchukua umiliki wa hayo na twist ni upole lakini kwa uthabiti mpaka snaps mbali mzabibu. Kama unataka kukata nyanya, video mzabibu kama karibu na nyanya kama iwezekanavyo. Nyanya mimea kukua mrefu sana na kwa hivyo wanahitaji msaada. Kuanza anafunga nyanya mimea yako vigingi haraka kama blooms kuanza kuonekana. Kufunga mabua kuu vigingi kwanza na kuungana vigingi na ujenzi high katika chafu. Kwa njia hii mimea inaweza kukua juu na chini kwa msaada. 31


leek 2x 10




20-30 5






Leeks can be harvested any time after they are as big around as your thumb. Normally you harvest them when the stem has a diameter of 2.5 cm. If your soil is quite loose, leeks may be easily pulled by hand, grasping the leeks down near the base and tugging gently. If your soil exists of clay, loosening the soil with a garden fork or a pitchfork makes the harvesting easier. Leeks need a well-drained soil with high fertility.


Liki ni aina ya kitungu, huwa ina refuka kama futi moja na majani mapana zaidi ya kitungu cha kawaida. Unaweza vuna Liki wakati wowote baada kama imepata upana wa sentimita(cm) 2.5. Kama udongo wako ni mwepesi ni rahisi kuvuta kutumia mkono kama njia ya kuvuna. Shika semea iliyo karibu na udongo, kisha vuta kwa utaratibu. Ikiwa udongo ni mzito na wenye kushika, vizuri kutumia tumia jembe ndogo kurahisisha kazi ya kuvuna. Ni bora kupanda kwa mchanga usioweka maji ili kuzuia kuharibika kwa mmea.


pepper 3x 10


pilipili Ksh


20-30 15




N, P, K


Start harvesting when peppers reach a usable size. Most peppers change color when they are ripe. Ripening will continue after harvest if kept in a warm room. Ripening stops when peppers are refrigerated. Cut bell peppers from the plants with a sharp knife or your hands, leaving at least 1.3 cm of stem attached. Use scissors if you see that you have to twist and tug to get peppers picked. You don’t want to break or damage the delicate branches. Soak the seeds in water for 12 hours before planting in the nursery. Grows better in relative cold environment early in life shortly after germination. When growing taller, small stakes should be tied to the stalk.


Kuanza kuvuna wakati pilipili kufikia ukubwa inatumika. Pilipili zaidi mabadiliko ya rangi wakati wao ni muafaka. Uvunaji itaendelea baada ya mavuno kama agizo katika chumba joto. Vituo kukomaa wakati pilipili ni joto. Kata pilipili kengele kutoka kwa mimea na kisu au juu ya mikono yako, na kuacha angalau 1.3 cm ya shina masharti. Kutumia mkasi kama unaweza kuona kwamba una twist na tug kupata pilipili ilichukua. Wewe hawataki kuvunja au kuharibu matawi maridadi. Njisia ya kupanda mbegu ni kuloweka mbegu kwenye maji kwa masaa 12 kabla ya kupanda katika kitalu. Kukua bora katika jamaa mazingira baridi mapema katika maisha muda mfupi baada ya kuota. 35

cucumber 3x 10


tango Ksh


25-30 15




N, P, K (Ca, Mg)


Harvest fruits when they are young and the seeds inside have not begun to harden. They should be around 20 cm long. When you pick the cucumbers, hold the stem with one hand and pull the fruit with the other. Plant 5 or 6 seeds per bed. When the seedlings are up, remove 3-4 and leave only the best plants.


vuna matunda wakati yangali machanga kabla mbegu zilizo ndani hazijaanza kuwa gumu. Matunda yenyewe yafaa iwe na urefu wa sentimita (cm)20.

Unapo vuna matango, shikilia tunda na ukitumia kisu/makasi kata karibu kidogo na lile tunda. Plant 5 au 6 mbegu kwa kitanda. Wakati miche ni up , kuondoa 3-4 na kuondoka tu mimea bora.


onion 2x 10


kitunguu Ksh


16-24 13






You can harvest onions as soon as they are big enough to use as green onions. Carefully lift the bulbs out of the ground using a spading fork. After that you should gently brush off the soil, but don’t wash them. Soak onion seeds in water for 12 hours before planting. It is highly important for onions to keep the beds free of weeds.


Unaweza kuvuna vitunguu haraka kama wao ni kubwa ya kutosha kwa matumizi ya vitunguu ya kijani.

Kuinua makini balbu nje ya nchi kwa kutumia uma spading . Baada ya hapo unapaswa upole brush off udongo, lakini si safisha yao. Loweka mbegu vitunguu katika maji kwa masaa 12. Ni muhimu sana kwa ajili ya vitunguu kuweka vitanda bure magugu.



sukuma wiki 3x 10




15-25 -6



3,4,11,17,19 N, P


You can harvest kale when the plant is about 23 cm high. Make sure that you harvest kale leaves before they become too old and tough. Start harvesting by cutting individual leaves off the kale, starting with the outside leaves first. You can use extra compost during the growing process along the rows to improve the growing process.

sukuma wiki

Mmea wa sukuma wiki waweza kuanza kuvuna majani yake yanapo zidi sita, mmea ukiwa na urefu wa sentimita (cm)23 na kuchuna majani yake kabla ya kuwa magumu. Chuna majani yalio ya kwanza kuchanuka, maana anzia kutoka chini ya mmea lakini usichuna kuzidisha majani mawili kwa mmea. Unaweza kutumia mbolea kila mara ili kuboresha mmea na mazao yake.






It is possible to achieve a good yield with only organic fertilizers. It is important to realize that your soil already contains nutrients and that too many nutrients can be harmful to your plants. If you want to use chemical fertilizers, we suggest you contact an expert. Compost and manure are common organic fertilizers. Compost is created by letting organic materials like dead leaves or the peelings of fruits be broken down by bacteria. This process takes some time and needs oxygen. Manure comes from animals and contains a lot of important nutrients. It is important to leave the manure alone for at least 6 months before you use it. Chicken manure contains a lot of nitrogen and should be used for cucumbers, onions and leeks. For tomatoes, peppers and kale it is better to mix different kinds of manure like cow and chicken manure.


Ni jambo linalowezekana kupata mavuno mazuri kwa kutumia mbolea ya mifugo au mboga. Ni muhimu kutambua kwamba udongo wako tayari una virutubisho na kwamba rutuba nyingi pia inaweza kuwa na madhara kwa mimea yako. Kama unataka kutumia mbolea za kemikali, tunashauri wasiliana na mtaalam. Mbolea ya mboja huundwa kwa kuruhusu vifaa vya kikaboni kama majani au maganda ya matunda kuwa na bakteria. Njisia hii inachukua muda na mahitaji ya oksijeni. Mbolea ya mifugo inatokana na wanyama na ina aina mingi ya virutubisho muhimu kwa mimea. Ni muhimu kuicha mbolea kutulia kwa angalau miezi 6 kabla ya kuitumia . Mbolea ya kuku ina wingi wa nitrogen na inatumika kwa matango, Liki na vitunguu. Kwa nyanya, pilipili na sukuma wiki ni bora kwa kuchanganya aina mbalimbali za mbolea kama ng’ombe na mbolea ya kuku.




madawa ya kuulia wadudu


Neem oil is an important component of organic pesticides which are used to control all kinds of pests and diseases. If the pesticide is based on neem oil it will not be harmful against the plants, because it does not destroy the pests. It will prohibit the disease to spread or to multiply and you can use a small amount of non-organic pesticide if the disease is not completely gone yet. This way you will protect your crops and you will not harm them badly. Always contact an expert before using pesticides.

madawa ya kuulia wadudu Mafuta ya mwarobaini ni sehemu muhimu ya dawa za kienyeji ambayo hutumiwa na kwa kuzuia kila aina ya wadudu na magonjwa. Kama dawa ina msingi wa mafuta ya mwarobaini itakuwa isio na madhara dhidi ya mimea, kwa sababu haina kuharibu wadudu. Itazuia ugonjwa huo kuenea au kuzidisha na unaweza kutumia kiasi kidogo cha dawa za kisayansi kama ugonjwa unazidi. Kutumia njia hii utakinga mimea yako na haiuta pata mathara ya kimwili. Wakati wote fuatilia zaidi kupitia wataalamu katika matumizi ya madawa.








Armyworm / Utabiri naye (Tomato / Nyanya) – Neem oil product, Lambda cyhalothrin, Lufenuron


Diamond back moth / Diamond nyuma nondo (Kale / Sukuma Wiki)


– Neem oil product, Lufenuron


Cutworm / wakatao mimea michanga (Tomato / Nyanya) – Neem oil product, Lambda cyhalothrin, Lufenuron

Caterpillar / Caterpillar (Kale / Sukuma Wiki) – Neem oil product, Lambda cyhalothrin, Lufenuron





insects 5



American bollworm / Tumba Marekani (Tomato / Nyanya) - Neem oil product, Lambda cyhalothrin, Lufenuron


Leaf miner / Jani Miner (Tomato / Nyanya, Cucumber / Tango)


- Neem oil product, Abamectin, Thiamethoxam

Leaf hopper / Jani Hopper (Tomato / Nyanya) - Neem oil product, Lambda cyhalothrin, Lufenuron

Thrips / Thrips (Tomato / Nyanya, Onion / Vitunguu, Pepper / Pilipili, Leek / Leek) - Neem oil product, Thiamethoxam, Lambda cyhalothrin, Abamectin, Lufenuron






insects Whiteflies / Whiteflies (Onion / Vitunguu, Tomato / Nyanya, Pepper / Pilipili)


- Neem oil product, Thiamethoxam, Lambda cyhalothrin


Aphids / Aphids (Tomato / Nyanya, Kale / Sukuma Wiki) - Neem oil product, Thiamethoxam, Lambda cyhalothrin


Red spider mite / Nyekundu buibui (Tomato / Nyanya, Pepper / Pilipili)

- Neem oil product, Sulphur, Abamectin


Mealy bug / Mealy mdudu (Tomato / Nyanya) - Neem oil product, Thiamethoxam








Anthracnose / Anthracnose (Tomato / Nyanya) - Neem oil product, Diniconazole, Azoxystrobin


Soil Blight / Udongo na doa (Tomato / Nyanya) - Neem oil product, Azoxystrobin, Chlorothalonil



Blight / Doa (Tomato / Nyanya)

- Neem oil product, Mefenoxam, Chlorothalonil

Downey Mildey / Downey Mildey (Tomato / Nyanya) - Neem oil product, Mefenoxam, Azoxystrobin









Powdery Mildey / Powdery Mildey (Tomato / Nyanya, Kale / Sukuma Wiki) - Neem oil, Diniconazole, Azoxystrobin, Sulphur


Leaf rust / Jani kutu (Tomato / Nyanya) - Neem oil, Diniconazole, Azoxystrobin

Leaf spots / Matangazo ya jani (Tomato / Nyanya, Kale / Sukuma Wiki) - Neem oil product, Diniconazole, Azoxystrobin


Damping off / Damping off (Tomato / Nyanya, Cucumber / Tango) - Neem oil product, Mefenoxam (spray seedlings in nursery)





hygiene The plastic covers of the greenhouse should be cleaned once a month. The greenhouse should be kept clean and hygienic. Disinfect hands in between each plant when removing suckers. Use protective clothes when using pesticides. People that have no business in the greenhouse should not be allowed to enter. People who do enter the greenhouse need to disinfect their shoes to prevent insects and diseases to enter. Always close the door behind you when entering the greenhouse. Clear the ground one meter around the greenhouse.

usafi Inashughulikia plastiki chafu lazima kusafishwa mara moja kwa mwezi. Chafu kuhifadhiwa safi na usafi. Watu ambao hawana biashara katika chafu haipaswi kuruhusiwa kuingia. Watu ambao hawana kuingia chafu haja disinfect viatu vyao ili kuzuia wadudu na magonjwa kuingia. Daima karibu na mlango nyuma yenu wakati wa kuingia chafu.









Timing is really important to get a good price for your produce. Try to have produce ready when the market encounters relative shortages.

Majira kwa kweli ni muhimu kupata bei nzuri kwa mazao yako . Jaribu kuwa na kuzalisha tayari wakati soko atakutana na uhaba wa jamaa.

At local markets your produce can be sold easily, so try to set up a network with different local retailers. They may compete eachother for your produce.

Katika masoko ya ndani mazao yako inaweza kuuzwa kwa urahisi, hivyo kujaribu kuanzisha mtandao na wauzaji za mitaa. Wanaweza kushindana kila mmoja kwa mazao yako .

When you achieve a good and consistent quality product you can try to set up a contract with a supermarket and become one of their suppliers.

Wakati kufikia nzuri na thabiti ubora wa bidhaa unaweza kujaribu kufanya mkataba na maduka makubwa na kuwa mmoja wa wauzaji yao.

local market


soko la ndani supermarket


tips & tricks Clean the water filter of the irrigation system every day.

Always search for reliable information.

Buy a thermometer to keep your greenhouse at the right temperature.

Engage with others, share the knowledge you have on the use of your greenhouse.

Roll up the sides of the greenhouse during the day, roll the sides down during the night or when it’s raining.

Work together with other people in your neighborhood for the selling of your vegetables to get a better price Save money for when your greenhouse is not doing so well.


tips & tricks Maji safi filter wa mfumo wa umwagiliaji kila siku.

Kila wakati tafuta taarifa za kuaminika.

Nunua chombo cha kupimia baridi au joto ndani ya greenhouse.

Shiriki na wengine na badilishana maarifa unayo juu ya matumizi ya greenhouse yako.

Ni vyema kufungua pazia za pande zote ya greenhouse wakati wa mchana na kufunga ikifika usiku.

Shirikiana na majirani kwa shughuli ya kutafuta soko a mavuno yako. Weka akiba ili wakati greenhouse yako imepata shida mbali mbali, utakuwa na fedha za kurekebisha.


tips & tricks Do not overuse pesticides/fertilizers/manure, let your plants grow. If the leaves of your plants start to turn yellow, it means that they get too much water. Give it less water. Keep the doors to greenhouse closed all the time, avoid a lot of traffic in the greenhouse. Avoid working in the greenhouse during the hottest part of the day.


Before you water the plants, check if it is necessary by checking if the ground is still wet. Remove weeds from the greenhouse every week , throw them away outside the greenhouse. Keep your greenhouse clean. Collect organic waste (excrements from animals, fruit and vegetable leftovers) for compost. Dust can carry many diseases; shower the whole plant with water once a month.

tips & tricks Je, si overuse dawa / mbolea / mbolea, basi mimea yako kukua. Kama majani ya mimea yako kuanza kugeuka njano , ina maana kwamba wao kupata maji mengi. Kuwapa maji kidogo. Kila wakati hakikisha milango ya greenhouse imefungwa kuzuiya uenezaji wa magonjwa au wadudu. Epukana na kufanya kazi kwa greenhouse wakati wa joto jingi.

Kabla ya kunyunyizia mimea maji kuwa udongo kwakeli unahitaji maji. Ondoa magugu kwa greenhouse kila wiki na tupa magugu yote nje. Kukusanya mbole ya wanyama , matunda na mabaki ya mboga kwa kutengenezea mbolea. Mara kwa mara safisha vyombo vya kunyunyizia maji kwa shamba.




Suggestions E-mail to:





Pauline Njogu

Website: E-mail:

Daughters of Zion Food Security and Sustainability Project P. o. Box 409 – 00206 Kiserian Tel: +254 0735 182 859 +254 0720 206 225 +254 0772 094 589 Email:


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