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Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Impacts of disasters on challenges to meet needs. Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Collaged images highlighting victims affected by flood in Central Vietnam. Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Psychological recovery journey illustration. Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Phases of psychological reaction to disaster. Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Community-based needs category. Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Victims’ losses caused by disasters. Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Relevant personal environment Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Sense of community and social support. Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Program of Rehabilitation for Flood Victims. Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). View to nature illustration. Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Garden illustration. Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Indoor plants illustration. Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Natural light illustration. Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Colour illustration Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Water illustration Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Gravity illustration Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Fractals illustration Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Curves illustration Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Jackfruit houses on stilts. Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Nature-oriented siteplan. Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Building performance studies. Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Area division programme. Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Thatch and adobe bricks. Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Jackfruit village water recycling study. Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Resting Sax rehabilitation centre. Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). View to nature collages. Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). A windows system. Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Daylight performance. Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Sax spatial solution. Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Sax materiality. Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Sax sustainable strategy. Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Jungle Flower playground. Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Jungle Flower open-plan. Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Jungle Flower bird-eye view. Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Jungle Flower opened-up orientation. Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Jungle Flower material sourcing. Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Jungle Flower materiality study. Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Jungle Flower sectional planning. Le, Thao Nguyen. (2021). Cam Thanh entry.

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