5 minute read

The Future of Health and Wellness

Body Measure is celebrating five years!

by Melina Elliot and Erica Henderson, Co-founders, Body Measure Inc.


Say goodbye to trial-and-error health and hello to Body Measure Inc. Located on St. Mary’s Road in Winnipeg. Body Measure uses the latest scientific techniques to assist in weight loss, bone and liver health, urinary incontinence, and challenges due to menopause.

Body Measure has cut through the noise by giving Manitobans access to a range of highly advanced services designed to optimize your health, identify risk factors, and take charge of your life.

As the first company in Manitoba to bring Dexa scan access to the public, and Canada’s first full-service body composition analysis and treatment company, Body Measure has made their name a trailblazer in the field of health and wellness. Offering a wide range of highly sought-after services such as the gold standard Dexa scan, metabolism testing, as well as the celebrity favourite Emface. It is their highly supportive, zerojudgment client experience and industry expertise that truly sets them apart from competitors. Body Measure prioritizes serving their clients with kindness, excellence, and ongoing support.

Erica Henderson and Melina Elliott (Body Measure’s cofounders) recognize that “ideal healthy” looks different on everybody and that one size almost never fits all. The founders identified a major gap in the health and wellness industry and knew just how to fill it – by replacing the guess work with science.

Melina Elliott holds an MSc in Community health and brings a career of focused work on wellness among the ageing. She and co-owner Erica Henderson are certified as Obesity Management Counsellors by the World Obesity Federation. Henderson is also a certified Radiation Technologist who has been working in the health care industry for the last 30 years.

Erica is registered with the CAMRT and the MAMRT and is certified in the essentials of densitometry. She has also worked in the fitness industry for over 25 years as an instructor and a trainer. Together they lead a team of professionals that work together to help guide clients toward life-changing health solutions.

“When you are a client at Body Measure, you can get continued support. Any questions or concerns you have during your journey; we will be here to help” Henderson states.

This summer Body Measure will celebrate its fifth anniversary! In the last five years the range of services has grown significantly.

The original Dexa scan supported by the metabolism test and Fit3D scan now work together with the new liver test, Emsculpt Neo, Emsella and Emface.

“The key to all our technologies is that they are noninvasive” notes co-founder Erica Henderson.

One example of this is undoubtedly their Emsella chair. Body Measure is the only certified Emsella provider in Winnipeg. Not only does the technology non-invasively improve incontinence in women and men, it also drastically improves sexual function. Even more impressive, 95% of clients treated reported a significant improvement in their overall quality of life. The majority of Emsella clients either no longer require hygienic pads or have been able to significantly reduce their use of these pads in their day-today life.

A single Emsella treatment takes just 28 minutes on a specialized chair. Six sessions over three weeks are all it takes to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. “Our clients no longer worry about sneezing, laughing, coughing, jumping, or running. And, many people, including men, find they no longer wake up multiple times a night to use the bathroom,” says Elliott.

Looking to improve your health but are not sure what to book? A great start is the General Wellness Silver package. This includes a Dexa scan to look at body composition, a Fibro scan to look at liver health and a Resting Metabolic Rate test to measure your metabolism. After the testing you will sit down with one of our experts for a consultation. The consultation will provide you with an actionable plan for diet and exercise.

“When you are a client at Body Measure, you can get continued support. Any questions or concerns you have during your journey; we will be here to help” Henderson states.

To find out what Body Measure can do for you, go to www.bodymeasure.ca

Body Measure Inc.

Unit E, 1086 St Mary’s Road, Winnipeg, MB www.bodymeasure.ca info@bodymeasure.ca



Generations ago, a woman's sole focus was on the home and family. I love that in 2023 we have more options as women. What I don't love is the fact that our gendered expectations didn't budge ..they accumulated. We must do all the things and do them well! It's no wonder that my female clientele are anxious beyond anxious. The moms are overloaded and the women who aren't moms tend to be struggling with their worth because they aren't there yet or simply don't want to be. It's a mess.

This is a multi layered issue, however, there is one common theme I see in my clientele; asking for help = weakness. This belief grows strong in our society. Think of the main, female caregivers in your childhood. Did they ask for help? Would they rather die than admit defeat!? ..start there. We spent our younger years watching these women, carefully downloading how a woman interacts with and responds to the world.

Really sink into the memories you have, small or large! What are the emotions being cast off by your caregiver? I watched my own mother use every limb of her body at once; taking calls for her job, making lunches, dinner and pie from scratch, while making extra pies to sell ..I never saw her sit and have no recollection of her asking for help. She was and still is a busy-body. Of course, if one finds joy in busy work, all the power to them but this wasn’t working for me.

When I became a mom, I struggled to balance housework and with being present with my brand new baby boy. It took me years to unlearn this way of being ..and a colicky baby was the catalyst. I really struggled with my feelings of worth, not having the clean house and home cooked meals. My mom would NEVER serve toast for supper!

I redefined what worth meant to me and released those narratives that didn’t serve me. As my family and my dreams of having my own ThetaHealing practice grew, I had to learn to ask for help because I was getting burnt out fast. My body was turning against me in my overwhelm, I was struck down with migraines that would keep me from caring for my children. I needed help and I was having a hard time asking for it. I had to admit that I could not do it all. So I started small.

Asking for help, the baby steps version. Ask a neighbour for a cup of milk, for example. Ask a trusted person to watch your kids for 30 min while you take a solo walk. Make a deal with a friend, ask each other for help and be ok if the answer is no. All these small steps make it easier to ask for help and accept it when your call is answered.

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