11 minute read
Health & Wellness
with a gratitude superhighway
When you’re looking to be more successful, in the broadest sense of the definition of success, one key element is gratitude.
Now this isn’t you’re parent’s ‘you should be grateful for what you have’, because you probably rolled your eyes at that often enough. Or even resented this trite piece of advice because life is hard and there was so much messy stuff happening, how could you really be grateful for any of it!
So without minimizing where you’re at or what is going on in life, let’s uncover why gratitude can help fast track your success.
To start, let’s explore some basic facts of the inner working of your brain. You have 60,000+ thoughts every day, with over 80% of them being negative! Wow, that negativity bias is a real thing. Here is the kicker though, only 5% of your daily thoughts are new ones. So if you’ve ever felt like your life is on repeat and as if you’re stuck in a continuous loop, it is because you are. Your thoughts and the stories that run through your mind are the same 95% of the day.
How does this link to success though? Most of us look to the goals we have set out for ourselves and compared to an ideal of what you wanted. This almost always leads to disappointment because you notice that you fell short of your goal.
For example, when I started working with Joanne, she just promoted into a new executive role within a new company. She was stressed about delivering results, frustrated by a new team who didn’t appear to work together and lost within a new company culture.

She was so focused on everything that she was missing in her results, role and abilities that she was becoming ineffective and resorted to micromanaging and working 50+ hours just to keep up.
What Joanne forgot and what we’ve all been guilty of at one time or another is that we keep comparing to an ideal that we hold in our mind. For Joanne, she needed to first step back to celebrate the progress that she had made. If a year ago, you would have told Joanne, she would be in her first executive role, growing a new team within a fastmoving tech company, she would have been elated. This would have been a dream for her.

Taking a step back allowed her to express gratitude for the goals she had achieved, the journey she was still on and how far that she had come. It also gave her space, to clearly see how the actions she was taking were leading to worse results, by choosing gratitude she tapped into the confidence which had made her successful in previous roles – being a strategic thinker, a confident action taker and inspiring leader. When you lean into gratitude, you stimulate the pleasure center of your mind. And your mind will want to experience more of this. However, when you focus on the 80% of negative thoughts and everything that you miss – you stimulate the pain center of your mind. The pain center – which millions of years ago ensured our survival, now leads to you doing everything you can to avoid pain. So you work more, you micromanage more, your frustration and stress grows, leading you into a vicious spiral downwards.
Gratitude allows your brain to experience pleasure – which also leads to you reducing your stress and exponentially increases feel good feelings, allowing you to also make better, more focused decisions.
And best part is you can train your brain. Remember 5% of thoughts each day are new, so make sure that they are positive ones. Look for three things each day to be grateful for. In the beginning, this will be a conscious effort, and you may need to start simply with being grateful you’re breathing, you’re awake. Keep it is simple.
And as you train your brain to find 3 things each day to be grateful for, your brain will also be primed to keep looking for more things. Each time you do this practise,
you are making new connections in your brain, sort of like a road. At the moment, you may have a 6-lane superhighway that takes you down the negativity, stress spiral in your brain, because this is how you have always responded to any situation. Each day when you look for 3 things to be grateful for, you keep strengthening that connection path in your brain. So when you start this practise, it will be a dirt track, and you will need to make a conscious effort not to race down that 6-lane negative super highway. Over time, the gratitude dirt track because a superhighway of its own and you will

do it automatically. To super-charge this, write it out each day, so you can reflect back on the days when the negative superhighway has a stronger pull.
Being grateful allows you to take a different perspective and celebrate the progress that you have made, and this will keep you motivated because you ARE making progress.
So if you’re looking to fast-track your success, begin creating your own gratitude superhighway by being grateful for 3 new things each day.

5 Benefits of using Electric Bikes
the city, they slash your commute time. If you are out on a scenic tour, extend your adventure to see more nature.
3. IMPROVE FITNESS An E-Bike is just as good as your regular bike when it comes to improving fitness. Even though it is pedal assisted, it’s still exercise and good for your mental and physical health.

You may have seen one of these zipping down your street and asked yourself what is all the hype about? Also known as E-Bikes, they use rechargeable batteries that can travel up to 30km/hour, getting you to your destination much faster and less sweaty!
Why is this such a good idea? Here are 5 benefits that will remove your doubts and get you thinking about an E-Bike of your own.
1. ASSISTED BIKING Battery powered “pedal-assist” integrates with the bike to give your pedalling a boost. This can reduce stress on your knees. Say goodbye to sweaty rides and hello to longer tours on your bike. 4. WIDE VARIETY OF DESIGNS Pick one that fits your riding styles and goals. From fat bike tires to slim city tires, to mountain bike styles to easy riding styles, there is a fit to you to take you where you want to go.
5. CUT BACK ON EXPENSES An E-Bike will save in the long run, especially rising costs when it comes to filling up your vehicle. It costs only a few cents to charge your bike and the maintenance is much cheaper and simpler than a vehicle. This low cost, energy efficient transportation is not only good to save on rising gas prices, it offers tremendous health benefits. Book your free ride today with Big Al’s Ebikes.
2. FAST AND FLEXIBLE An E-Bike gives you the extra push to cover that extra distance with little effort. If you are commuting in Big Al’s Electric Bikes Call or Text 204-821-0444 www.bigalsebikes.ca

Finding the Courage
and Sharing her Story
It was recently National Hereditary Cancer week. As a BRCA Previvor I believe that knowledge is power.
A Previvor refers to an individual who carries a strong predisposition to cancer but has not developed cancer. These individuals proactively sought out knowledge to determine if they inherited gene mutation by having genetic testing performed. The results of this testing subsequently allow them to make informed medical decisions to reduce their cancer risk.
Knowing about an inherited mutation gives you power to take steps that may help reduce your risk for cancer, or detect cancer at an earlier and more treatable stage. Breast and ovarian cancer risk can be greatly reduced through increased monitoring, preventative drug treatment or preventative surgery.
My name is Sylvia and in October 2013 I found out that I carried the BRCA gene mutation which meant I had an 85% risk of developing breast cancer and a 67% chance of developing ovarian cancer in my lifetime.
I decided at that time that I would have a prophylactic oophorectomy to remove my fallopian tubes and ovaries. I thought it best at the time to continue getting mammograms and screenings for my breasts.
I aim to inspire others by sharing my journey and encouraging other to do the same. There wasn’t a lot of information out there when I was going through this procedure. It was very overwhelming and lonely at times.
As I dealt with the physical and emotional effects of surgery, I was introduced to a side effect known as surgical menopause. I realized that there were not a lot of women sharing their menopause stories and I saw a need to seek out other women and connect, share tips and stories and offer advice to one another on how to navigate this phase of our lives.
ABOUT SYLVIA Sylvia is motivational speaker and wellness influencer. A breast cancer survivor who inspires and educates midlife women to take control of their health through her Instagram account.
Due to an elective surgery 8 years ago she found herself in menopause. Once she found out that she was going through this transition of Menopause and Midlife, Sylvia started to do her own research and incorporated practices and products to help live a more vibrant and holistic life. Now shattering stereotypes associated with aging and sharing her journey along the way.
Follow Sylvia on Instagram - sassy_withstyle


Creating a work & life balance plan.

Work-life balance seems to be an elusive unicorn that may or may not exist. Technology and working from home make us accessible around the clock. How do we separate work hours from family hours when they so easily intermingle? Balance has a diff erent meaning to each person. One day the balance leans in more to work, and other days are more family focused. Not everyday can or will be a 50/50 even split or look the same as the day before.
Here are some tips to help you get started to defi ne the balance that is right for you.
Falling into a rut can make us feel like we are our habits, and there is no changing them. Focus on the activities and tasks you enjoy and fi nd passion in, and delegate the rest. Look into your family. Are your kids reaching an age where they can take on more household chores. When you let go of something, it gives them an opportunity to grow and learn. This win-win situation allows them to open their eyes to a new skill and frees up your time to spend time on a higher priority task. The same concept applies at work. Review your processes and see what can be delegated. We all have THAT thought that it takes longer to explain the process or that no one can do it the way we do. This limiting belief distracts us from what really needs our focus, rather than wasting time on tasks that don’t require our hands-on att ention. Changing the structure in how you typically go through your day can be the most freeing part of this plan.

When we are younger, and our list of responsibilities is a lot smaller, it’s easy to devote time to perfect our hobby or live up to the demand of our sports team or after-school job. As we grow up and life gets more complicated from work to family, our list of responsibilities gets longer and more complex.
Perfectionism in everything at this level becomes unrealistic and can be destructive. Practice makes perfect is the old saying. Move to adapt to practice makes permanent to keep in check with the balance to build healthy habits.