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Throw Away Your To-Do List & Schedule Pleasure
“Be consistent” “Be disciplined” “Be professional” “Be organized” “Be productive” “Be anyone but yourself…?!” When I first started my coaching career, I followed the typically structured, unforgiving, patriarchal model to run my business. Push, hustle and grind were the mantras du jour. “If I just follow my to-do list, never stop for breaks, and wake up at 5 am, I’ll beat my procrastination and flagging energy into submission, and create the business of my dreams.” White knuckling it did help me get stuff done - for a while. I learned to trust myself to do what I said I’d do, and to work through discomfort, fear of failure, and rejection. All great skills I use today. But the success I achieved felt joyless and empty - like I was living someone else’s ideal life. I ignored the stress, fatigue and the way my body wanted to jump out of its skin when I sat down to work. Procrastination returned as my whole self rebelled against rigid expectations. In desperation I signed up for Summer of Yes; a program run by Life Coach Susan Hyatt that promised adding in more pleasure and delight to my life would also pay off in my business. I learned to put myself on the top of my to-do list. Yoga classes set to live music - yes, please. Making time for
“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is
people who have come alive.” - Howard Thurman
a delicious lunch outside on my deck - um heck yeah. Allowing myself to wake up slowly and ease into the day with tea, a dog walk and gratitude journal - yes, yes, yes!!! Did saying yes to myself work? Did scheduling things that energized me, uplifted me and made me laugh on the regular work? Did scheduling pleasure actually work? Abso-freaking-lutely! The more pleasure I took, the more I could focus on the actual tasks that made my business work, and create a life I wanted to wake up and live. By celebrating what makes me come alive - polka dots, bright flowers in the garden, and unicorns - I gave permission to my clients to say yes to creating their unique blueprint for a rich and abundant life.
HOW TO SCHEDULE PLEASURE 1. KNOW YOURSELF Do you know what you like? We often get so caught up in our day to day lives and expectations from society, we forget what we actually like. Get out your journal and ask yourself: What did I love to do as a child? What makes me feel alive? What’s fun for me? What would I try if I didn’t have to do it perfectly? Remember: you’re creating a life you want to wake up and live. Adding in pleasure doesn’t have to make sense. It doesn’t have to be aligned with your business. Let yourself explore the whimsical, weird and wild side of yourself you’ve had to tame. 2. GET IT ON THE CALENDAR Once you know what you want to add more of in your life, schedule those babies in. I mean it. Get out your calendar and write MANICURE on the first Saturday of every month. Or Watercolours at 7:30 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Or Forest Bathing on Sunday mornings. We’re often good at making ourselves do the stuff we don’t want to do out of duty and discipline, and then wriggle out of the fun stuff: “I’ll do it next month” and “I don’t have time”. Schedule it in, and then do it!! Invite a friend if that’s motivating, or make a date with yourself. You’re great company when you do more of what makes you happy. 3. TAKE TIME OFF You deserve to rest. This concept is revolutionary for many of us. As a business owner, working parent and/or partner it can feel like nonstop 24/7 responsibilities. We’re never truly off. Try scheduling when you’re going to stop work for the day - and stick to it. At first it feels disorienting to stop work every day at 5, or to take the weekends off. Free time can feel daunting and provoke anxiety. Don’t give in to the urge to start scrolling on your phone to fill the time and numb out. Sit with the restless discomfort and boredom until you come up with ideas for fun that seem like you’re playing hooky from real life. Remember: rest is not something you have to earn. It’s you’re right as the beautiful human being you are. Bonus points for scheduling in your vacations. 4. SET BOUNDARIES Boundaries are your friend. Boundaries are not to control other people, and they’re not selfish. They’re a protective shield we create around ourselves to conserve our energy. They look like saying “no” to what you do by habit to make everyone else comfortable and happy, and saying “yes” to your own pleasure and delight. Boundaries feel awkward and scary at first to set, but with practice, they get easier, and set you free. You’re not put on this earth just to do the dishes, make everyone else happy, and save for retirement. You’re also put on this earth to live, to feel alive, and yes, to feel pleasure. Throw away your to-do list, and schedule pleasure.

Linda Drosdowech Coaching linda@lindadrosdowech.com www.lindadrosdowech.com

It’s time for some
The new year brings most people a sense of renewal and hope. In the world of wealth management, the last year was a roller-coaster but ultimately one that saw enormous market returns for most portfolios. Indeed, even poorly managed investments did well in 2021! That being said, good returns are really good at masking underlying problems, and complacency can cost you dearly – especially when the next market correction occurs.
There are key metrics you should still use to evaluate the performance and suitability of the advice and service you’re paying for – be it from a bank branch advisor, an independent broker, or a financial planner. The lack of clarity and transparency with investments statements continues to haunt the mutual fund industry, for example, so many investors struggle to understand what their portfolios are actually doing. This seems absurd in this day and age, but it remains a big problem despite socalled client-focused reforms in the mutual fund industry.

Why does clarity and transparency matter? Wealth management and financial advice is highly regulated in Canada, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to understand. There are fees being charged by those actually managing the money (portfolio management, MERs) fees for holding the money safely (a custodian), and fees for advice (advisory or planning fees). In Separately Managed Accounts (SMAs) for instance, these fees are well laid out and displayed for all to see – they are, by design and by regulation, extremely transparent. By contrast, mutual funds remain - in many instances - a black box. A “black box” isn’t always bad – the pooled investing that comes with mutual funds is attractive in many ways and has introduced millions of small investors to the public markets. Likewise, the Participating Account of a Participating Whole Life insurance policy is routinely viewed as the ultimate in “black boxes” – most regular folks have zero clue what goes on inside them – and yet they have an important role to play in building wealth tax free inside permanent, whole life insurance. That said, unless it’s to record flight data in an airplane, most people don’t like the idea of a “black box” – especially when it comes to their money. Indeed, product design and product choice has never been more advanced and diversified than it is today in The long-argued rebuttal of “you get what you pay for” is nonsense when it comes to managing money. The quality and efficacy of money management cannot be compared to the quality of high priced, high-end furniture, high-end audio equipment, or a luxury car brand.

Canada. The 1980s and 1990s saw the explosion of mutual fund sales in Canada. Today, Canadian investors have vastly more choice in wealth management than ever before. With this choice comes a diversity of product offering, strategy, sectoral and geographic exposure, tax efficiency, cost, and a diversity of performance. While self directed investing and online brokerages have become a very low cost option for those looking to manage their own money in their own way, professionally managed portfolios continue to be home for the bulk of Canadian wealth. How this money is managed and at what price point is not trivial. Why? The long-term ramifications of high fees can be enormous. For example, a 50 year old with a $500,000 investment portfolio generating an average annual return of 7% will turn into $1.5 million in 25 years at an investment fee of 2.5%, $1.7 million at a 2% fee, and $1.9 million in 25 years at a 1.5% investment fee. That 1% difference in fees amounts to $400,000 more for you, your retirement, or your estate. The long-argued rebuttal of “you get what you pay for” is nonsense when it comes to managing money. The quality and efficacy of money management cannot be compared to the quality of high priced, high-end furniture, highend audio equipment, or a luxury car brand. Some of the best ETFs (exchange trade funds) which are passively managed investments and are very cheap, routinely match or outperform the overall markets when highcost, actively managed funds struggle to do the same. Now, high-cost advice? That’s a different metric. Paying your financial planner well is critical to ensuring you’re getting the best advice, strategic direction, and financial coaching. The measure of advice, in some cases, can far exceed the returns of a portfolio. The key message is this: after an investment year like 2021, don’t let amazing returns mask underlying issues in the management of your wealth. Take the time to review your portfolio and ask the tough questions to your financial advisor – what am I paying and to whom? What are you getting paid to manage my money? If you’re not happy with the answer, it’s time to look around for a 2nd opinion – and don’t wait for the next market correction to take action.

- Wendy Hofford, President, WH Strategic Drive
WH Strategic Drive helps leaders and teams reach their full potential by leaning into strengths
Wendy Hofford is a business advisor and people management professional who partners with organizations to develop strategies and training for better leaders, engaged employees and synergetic workplaces. Hofford is a Gallup Certified CliftonStrengths coach, which means she uses an assessment tool rooted in positive psychology to help people identify and optimize their strengths and talents. “CliftonStrengths is an online assessment tool that measures an individual’s response against 34 general talent areas. By doing this assessment, a leader or employee can identify where their talents lie,” explains Wendy Hofford, President, WH Strategic Drive. “When individuals focus on their strengths rather than their weaknesses, they are less stressed, happier and have a higher chance of finding success in their careers.” WH Strategic Drive uses the CliftonStrengths method to facilitate workshops, training and personalized coaching to improve workplaces and leadership teams. From small business breakrooms to large corporate boardrooms, Hofford is passionate about helping people discover their potential. “Over the years, I have consulted businesses of every size across every type of industry you could think of,” Hofford says. “When I’m brought in to meet with an organization’s decision maker, we discuss the areas the company is looking to improve and create a customized approach to meet the needs of the business.” WH Strategic Drive can offer solutions and remedies to problems such as workplace conflict, miscommunication or lack of teamwork. “The best way to improve an organization is to invest in the people within it,” Hofford advises. “I’ve seen firsthand how CliftonStrengths can enhance workplace culture and encourage employees and leaders to bring their best selves to work each day.” As a leader who walks the talk, Hofford follows the strength-based philosophy when it comes to running her own business. “I learned long ago that the best place to start skill building is learning what we are already good at,” Hofford explains. “CliftonStrengths has given me a foundation to help me understand myself and those I work with. I’m proud to provide a service that helps people embrace what they have to offer and leverage their talents.” Beyond identifying strengths, workshops and programs offered by Hofford can also help working teams understand each other’s differences and why what is common sense to one person may not be common sense to another. “We’re all wired differently – CliftonStrengths can uncover the skillsets someone has by testing how they think, feel or react to different situations,” Hofford says. “Using the results from the assessment can help leaders and their employees approach their professional growth, improve how they work together and be the best version of themselves.” Hofford’s business is all about working with individuals and organizations to help them grow professionally, personally and as a team. “I love helping leaders become better at leading – and that is something I do that is connected to my own strengths,” Hofford says. “There’s nothing greater than helping others discover their talents and watching them grow to reach their highest potential.”

You Are Unique. You Are Powerful. Be Confident With Who You Are.
Understanding your strengths unlocks your potential and leads you to greater performance.
There are 34 talent themes in CliftonStrengths with distinct common traits. They can also look diff erent to individuals depending on their life experiences. This is why doing the CliftonStrengths assessment can help identify what you are naturally gifted at, helping you bett er understand how you are wired to process information and situations.
What are some specific strengths people could learn about themselves from the assessment?
Most people don’t realize that what they take for granted is actually a talent they bring to this world. That what they thought made them so diff erent was actually what makes them unique. This provides clarity to leverage talents to learn, grow, develop and succeed in both personally and professionally lives.
How do you grow your strengths?
It is one thing to know your strengths but what do you do with them takes a bit of intention. Learning how to use your strengths every single day and understanding how they show up for you, when they help you and when they get in your way are keys to discovering more about your talents. Take a look at your top 5 talents, refl ect over the last few days and write down what situations you faced where your talents helped you or maybe even hurt you. Sometimes when we use too much of our talent, it can be in the way of ourselves or others.
When you start your day with your talents and strengths in mind and apply them with positive intention you will begin to strengthen them.
Just like any language, if you don’t use it, you lose it. Learning your strengths and talents can change your life and can change the culture in your workplaces, and personal relationships. Learn what your talents are, embrace them and own them, discover how to apply them and practice them everyday.