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House & Home
Work hard, be kind
Mandy Brown, Realtor has never turned down an opportunity that brought her closer to her dreams

- Shonda Rhimes
“It’s been awesome to see more and more women pursue careers in Real Estate and rise to the top of the sales achievements,” Brown says. “I’ve been very lucky in the sense that I’ve had incredible female mentors who have supported and encouraged my career, as well as many supportive male colleagues. My husband is fully supportive of my career – and I of his. I have many male colleagues who are wonderful to work with as well.”
Along with her incredible drive and willingness to go above and beyond for her clients, kindness and giving back are also at the heart of Brown’s principles.
“I want to set the example that part of being successful is being kind and giving back,” says Brown. “With every home I sell, I donate to The Shelter Foundation. This is a non-profi t that gives to women shelters in our community to support the families who need them.”
As Brown continues to conquer her goals and build her business, she embraces a new challenge: dreaming bigger.
Being a Realtor is the same as owning your own business. It takes resiliency, hard work and long hours to build a reputation and create connections based on trust, empathy and expertise.
Mandy Brown, Realtor, has certainly put in the time. Her business has a 98% repeat and referral rate.
“I decided to start working in Real Estate because it was a good combination of my skills,” explains Brown. “I understand how houses come together and can recognize when a space has potential. I love that I help people with the biggest purchase they’re ever going to make. It’s a unique relationship.”
Brown started in Real Estate 10 years ago after working in customer service and the construction industry. She also att ended the University of Manitoba and studied with the Faculty of Architecture. Brown is fi ercely committ ed to her clients and goes above and beyond to deliver an exceptional real estate experience. “I’m so glad I got involved in Real Estate – it is very exciting to be a woman in this fi eld right now,” Brown says. “My career is defi nitely in a sweet spot, and it’s great to see Realtors being chosen because of their reputations and qualities.”
Mandy Brown, Realtor 204-989-5000 mandybrown@royallepage.ca

“To work in this industry, you really have to believe in yourself. My strengths are in market knowledge and negotiating – but I also just really love people and helping them fi nd their dream home,” Brown says. “Four years after I started in Real Estate, I was in the top 10% of Manitoba Realtors – a ranking I still maintain today.”
The Real Estate industry has evolved signifi cantly over the past decade. Today, we’re seeing more women in the business of selling homes than ever before.
Owning her space
Amber Bauman, Grey Pearl Interior Design believes women can have it all - if they want to.
Amber Bauman loves the challenge of transforming a room. From residential homes in need of a refresh to clinics and offices looking to enhance their functionality and improve their workplaces, Grey Pearl Interior Design has built a solid reputation from a diverse portfolio of satisfied clients. Bauman has certainly paid her dues and invested in her career. She studied interior design at the Art Institute of Vancouver and graduated with honours in 2008. She is also certified by the National Council for Interior Design Qualification (NCIDQ), which demonstrates a practising interior designer has the experience, skill and ability to satisfy a client’s needs and resources.
“I’ve always wanted to be in charge of the work I do and who I build relationships with,” explains Bauman. “But I also understood that work experience was extremely important. I was with a small design firm for 10 years before I started my own business in 2018. After starting my family, sole proprietorship felt like the natural next step.”
Interior designers typically work with architects, engineers and construction laborers to determine how an interior space functions and flows. Bauman acknowledges that her profession can be a bit of a boy’s club.
“There are a lot of women in the design industry – but having worked in an architecture firm and being on site a lot, a woman’s expertise is often dismissed,” Bauman says. “I make it a priority to be as educated as I can with my contract documents and when speaking to other consultants. I deserve respect and to be taken seriously - I know I am very good at my job.” Bauman finds inspiration to grow and build on her success from her family. The support of her family strengthens her determination to provide and be better every day. Eventually, she hopes to retire her husband.
“I love what I do. I hope to still be designing when I’m 80 – I can’t see myself ever quitting,” Bauman says. “I truly believe that when a woman sets her mind to something, you can’t stop her. Can we have it all? Well, if you don’t want it all, what’s the point?” Confidence comes with time and experience. For career-minded women with ambitions to start their own business, Bauman encourages you to find what your passion is, go after it and don’t stop.
“Sometimes we need to stop and ask ourselves ‘what would a man do?’ because women tend to care so much about the needs of others. We’re often putting ourselves and our wants and dreams last,” Bauman says. “Care less about what people think. Set boundaries and give yourself the space and grace to make mistakes. The world is slowly changing to make room for women in leadership, but no one is going to hand it to us. After all, behind every successful woman, is herself.”
Grey Pearl Interior Design www.greypearldesign.ca 204-509-4020
“Power’s not given to you. You have to take it.”
- Beyonce Knowles