16 minute read
Health & Wellness
Take complete control of the most important thing in life… YOU.
Mental wellness and true mental toughness is the ability to adapt and excel beyond what is perceived possible.
It doesn’t matter who you are as a person. It matters who you are trying to be! Imagine where you would be, if you spent the same amount of time taking care of yourself mentally as a person takes care of themselves physically. Immediately take yourself to another level that you may never thought was possible, by investing in yourself mentally. When dealing with any aspect of life, whether it be dealing with difficult people, bullies, your marriage, finances, health issues, career goals or any adversity you may face, Plante’s Mental Wellness Workshop holds the key to the process that is essential for all to succeed. Taking care of your mind is the same as taking care of your body. When your body is sick, you rest. If you have a sore throat or a cough, you take medicine. If you hurt your body or pull a muscle, you rest and take care of your body. I have learned how to exercise and eat healthy to take care of my body. I have also learned to ice my injuries or use a roller to help my back, but I go to the professionals when I need help with areas beyond my daily knowledge of how to take care of myself physically. The same thing applies when someone is feeling mental unrest, mental fatigue, or mental anxiety. You need to use the same process to help your body heal itself and rehabilitate yourself, in order for you to be strong again. Just like physically you may see a chiropractor, mentally you may see a therapist or a life coach to help you deal with whatever is bothering you at that time. Dealing with mental issues should be the same as dealing with physical issues. Both are perfectly normal and occur frequently throughout our lifetime. I provide people with the tools and skills necessary to take care of themselves mentally. Plante’s Mental Wellness is the place to start cultivating the mindset needed not only to help you when you are in need but also preventative strategies to help you avoid having serious mental issues to deal with. During my 32 year career as a teacher and Assistant Coach for the Brandon University Women’s Basketball team for the past 9 years, I have facilitated successful workshops for many schools, including sessions for LIFT-SAGE and the Oxford University International Round Table Invitation (London, England). I have also successfully worked with many elite athletic teams as well as countless one-on-one sessions with elite athletes. Most people will affectionally refer to and remember my sessions as “Be the Frog!”. While the core fundamentals of each workshop remain the same the lessons and processes of achieving true mental toughness can be applied to any situation life will throw at you. Having an awareness and understanding of true mental toughness will allow you to reach beyond what you thought was possible, exceed your expectations and overcome any form of adversity that comes your way. Regardless of where you are at or how you feel about your current situation, my workshops will provide you with the means and confidence to take control of any situation and get yourself on the right path to a place of true happiness and fulfillment. Let me be clear: my workshops deal with real issues in life and will bring about immediate changes at an amazingly fast rate. Everyone has only one life to live. It’s your life. The people you love and people who love you, deserve to get the most out of that one life. Get firsthand knowledge, skills and applications of what Marc’s Wellness Sessions have to offer you as well as, every important person in your life. Unlock a whole new world of life experiences awaiting you.
Contact Marc now and take your first steps to immediately changing your life and others with you. You deserve to experience everything this amazing world has to offer in a way you’ve never imagined.
Marc Plante – Plante’s Mental Wellness 204-724-5123 plantesmentalwellness@gmail.com www.marcplante.com
Yes, you can have a holiday every day!
Summer holidays are just behind us and we’re into what a beautiful fall before the long dark evenings of winter begin. Even though this transition happens every year, are you finding yourself already longing back to your summer holiday or planning the next summer holiday and wishing it was here already?
Summer holidays are great times for family, friends, relaxation and reflection. In our often busy lives, your holiday may be the only time that life actually slows down enough that you are present to each day and soaking up the enjoyment. Possibly bottling it up so that you can survive until your next summer holiday comes around again. What if instead of constantly looking to the next summer holidays, you could simply extend it? Practically speaking, yes you need to work and you can’t be on holidays every day AND yet within your mind it is possible. One of the major benefits of any type of holidays, is that when you are out of your daily must do’s and get it done lists, your mind has the space to free think, see possibilities and gain clarity. I know that when I have been on holidays, I come back feeling alive, rejuvenated, brimming with ideas and insights on how I want life to be. Why then does the sense of being alive then end within a few days of getting back to work? Because you’ve stepped back into your old environment and the comfortable habits that made it easy to get everything done. Easy though does not equal happy, fulfilled or feeling alive. So how can you make it possible in your mind to continue being on holiday? How can you extend that feeling of being present, rejuvenated? Take time each day to recreate and visualize your holidays.
Whether it is in a quiet corner in your home, over a cup of coffee in the morning or just before you go to sleep, allow yourself time to experience a day of your holiday. Picture it in your mind, feel the wind and sun, hear the birds chirping and the water splashing. Make it as colorful and as alive as possible.
Doing this each day, actually primes your brain and your body to experience a daily holiday. Here’s a little secret: your brain can’t tell the difference between a real experience and one you made up. That means you can have a holiday each and every day of your life – if only for 10 – 20 minutes. This also gives you mind the space it needs to be able to be more innovative and creative. Plus it is a great mood booster, any time of the day.
You’ll find yourself better able to make decisions, be more present in your daily life, and really get enjoyment out of what you’re doing. Take this on for 30 days and I guarantee you’ll see a massive shift in how you feel and experience life, plus how you’re showing up at home and at work! So are you ready to take a holiday?
Nourishment is a Form of Self Care
Nourishing our bodies with adequate food and fl uids are some of the most essential components of self-care. Diet culture has encouraged us to view certain foods as “good” and “bad” foods and be hyper-focused with what we’re eating. In society, we tend to focus on being at a perfect weight, but we do not consider the adverse physical and psychological eff ects of this. Diet culture is heavily immersed in society, and it takes a conscious eff ort to move away from it. • Discover the Satisfaction Factor • Cope with your Emotions Without Using Food • Respect Your Body • Exercise – Feel the Diff erence • Honour Your Health With Gentle Nutrition
Diets have been shown to decrease metabolism, sense of willpower and negatively impact mental health. Studies show there is an increase in binge eating, preoccupation with food, and feelings of deprivation. Dieting raises your risk for weight cycling and is an increased predictor for developing eating disorders or disordered eating.
Intuitive Eating is a selfcare eating framework that helps us get back to listening to our internal cues, such as our hunger and fullness cues. All bodies deserve to be treated with respect and dignity with this framework. There are ten principles developed by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch, the creators of Intuitive Eating:
• Reject the Diet Mentality • Honour Your Hunger • Make Peace with Food • Challenge the Food Police • Feel Your Fullness Intuitive Eating breaks you free from dieting and gives you more freedom to live your life. Some of the benefi ts include improved blood cholesterol, blood pressure, body image and psychological health. It is important to remember that your body is amazing, and no matt er what, all bodies deserve to be properly nourished.
Creating an Inspiring Autumn Routine to Fall in Love With
Morning walks with my dog are always my favourite time of day. It’s the one routine that stays relatively consistent throughout the year as my dog holds me accountable for staying in that joyful commitment. Fall time is the time of year I look forward to the most to walk my dog. The air is crisp in the morning forcing me to wear my long sleeve shirts and sweaters to keep me warm. The colours of red, orange and yellow create an ambience of autumn warmth for the soul that is creatively inspiring. Each day when I return back home from my morning walk, I’m eager to make my warm morning coffee or tea to enjoy while I sit, journal and respond to emails. The warmth of my hot morning beverage warms me from the inside out.
I find myself gravitating towards the comfort of routine and self-reflection.
You can see it coming, September is just a turn of the page in your calendar as you start preparing for back to school, extracurricular activities, and new and renewed habit creating. Just as the trees let go of their leaves in the fall, we have the opportunity to see fall as a time of self-reflection, letting go and transition. It’s a great time to renew our set of goals and priorities and let go of what no longer serves us.
It’s very common to want to resist transition and change. Human beings like what is consistent and predictable. Transition into a new job role, a new stage in life, or even a new season can feel somewhat stressful. Here are some things to draw into your consciousness as you transition into the autumn season; letting go of what doesn’t serve you and creating space for what does serve you.
1. Engage in activities that push you towards your goals.
When you fill your time up with activities that push you towards accomplishing your bigger goals, life starts to feel more productive. Waking up in the morning with a spring in your step and motivation in your heart knowing that you are working towards something meaningful draws in a more purposeful life.
2. Create a schedule that you can fall in love with.
There is nothing worse than waking up, seeing your ‘To Do’ list for the day and wishing you could just go back to bed. When you set up your calendar and your schedule with activities, events, commitments and meetings you look forward to doing it makes it exciting and inspiring. Waking up each morning to look forward to the day ahead is more fun and enjoyable for yourself and the people around you.
3. A balanced schedule is essential to maintain balance within yourself.
Balance is a continuous practice as you move through your weeks. It’s easy to add one more thing to the calendar as things pop up in life but make sure not to overload your calendar to the point where you are drained of energy. Its key to create a healthy balance and to consciously maintain that balance as you move through your week to avoid burn out. When you maintain a balanced schedule, you maintain a balance within yourself mentally and emotionally. Don’t be shy, schedule in that block of time weekly or daily just for you to do some self-care.
4. Create a lifestyle change not just a habit.
Going with the mindset of creating a lifestyle change will set you up for success. Taking on a growth mindset towards bettering yourself and creating the life you want for the long term is more effective than setting short seasonal habits for change. Write down those words “Lifestyle Change” on your goals list because vocabulary and the words you choose to use is important. Its perspective changing at its core and it’s what will help create a more effective execution of growth.
5. Prioritize what lights up your soul.
Change starts with you and emulates outwards. When you prioritize the things that light you up inside and bring a sparkle to your eye when you talk about it, that’s when you know you are living your best life. When you prioritize the things that make you feel good, you are
prioritizing happiness. Energy is contagious and that energy will inspire others around you on their journey.
To be living a life of full alignment with yourself is to live a life that is purposeful, meaningful and awe-inspiring. Find comfort in the discomfort of transition, as you do some self-reflection and gravitate towards a more meaningful routine. The transition of seasons allows for space and opportunity to renew your sense of self, your goals and your life to live your best life. Let this season be the season you allow for the leaves of the things that don’t serve you fall and the things that do serve you become more colourful.
and fun.”- Aime Hutton
What is Love?
As I sit here on a warm fall day in September writing this article, I can see the blue sky and feel the warmth of the sun on my face through the window. These are two things that I love. I remind myself daily of the things that I love or make me happy. It was only till very recently that I thought I would never be falling in love with a person who I would want to be intimate with.
Up until July 2021 I had been single for 14 years. And I had only dated men. Even as young woman I dated boys, one who was actually abusive, controlling, and stalked me.
Yet everything changed when I accepted and embraced my sexuality as being female who is attracted to women, and women only.
I started putting myself out there on dating sites. Posting on Plenty of Fish for example that I am a woman seeking a relationship with a woman. Lots of talking happened until I finally met someone who seemed like a real person to start with. Not some catfishing scammer. I suggested first to meet in person, at a new restaurant that does breakfast sandwiches etc. Unfortunately, she had vehicle problems, so we were not able to meet. She then suggested meeting at an arcade game place in the city. I almost cancelled. I was so nervous meeting her
THE ROCK THAT TARA WROTE ON JULY 2021 in person. Remember I had not dated a woman ever and had not dated in general in the past 14 years.
Even though I was nervous I had fun. The weather held and we met at the arcade. It was fun playing the video games and getting to know her. In the arcade there is a resturant. We each like pizza so that was easy to order. As we were eating, she looked at me and said, ‘you are cute’. I felt my cheeks and ears get really red. I didn’t know what to say. I stammered out a ‘thanks. She asked me if we could see each other again.
The mind games started in my head. Could I see her again? I wanted too, and I was nervous too all at the same time. Could I date her? Might this be a potential girl friend? What if it doesn’t work out? What if things happen and I get hurt? I had to calm all those feelings and questions fast. I smiled back at her and said “yes, I would like that.’
We went on another date, and then a third. On the third date we went out to the mountains to take pictures of the rivers and scenery etc. It was a fun day. At one point I had to use the washroom. Luckily, we found an outhouse that was open, and I hopped in to use it.
When I came out of outhouse and into her truck, she handed me a small rock. On it were the words: “Will you be my girlfriend?”. I again got all flustered, felt my face, and ears go red. I paused, calmed all the chatter and mind games going on in my head again, took a breath looked back at her smiling and said yes!
She was happy that I said yes. She was a little worried she told me after as I paused for a few seconds.
It has been a great adventure being in this beautiful relationship. We have fun together, we laugh a lot too. She knows my history of being in an abusive relationship. She also knows this is the first time I’ve dated a woman. My girlfriend has said that I make her happy, she also said she hopes that feel safe with her. And I do. I feel so safe.
What is love? Love is feeling supported by my girlfriend. Sharing fun adventures together. Love is cheering madly for each other. Love is kind, respectful and fun.
Ever hing’s Vegan!
Acorn Café is an a all vegan café located inside Generation Green in Winnipeg’s historic Exchange District. Our menu contains no animal by products and is focused around living a healthy lifestyle.
Home to Vegan Fromagerie