Quinn Lotime.r: 30
Antonin Anaud. "Van Gogh: lhe Man Suicided by Society." In Anmnin Arr,s11d: Sel«ted Writilltl, ed. Susan Sontag (Berkeley: University of California Press,1976), p. 483. 31 Cited In a line from Adrienne Rich's poem "The Burning of Paper In.stead of Children." Online: www.sccs.swarthmore.edu/users/9 9/ jricffel/poctry/rich/childrcn.html (accessed November 20,2016). 32 Moyra Davey, Capperheads (Toronto: Bywater Bros. Editions,2010). Svenbro, Phrasiklda,p. 89. 33 34 Ovid, Meta,nqrphgses, cited in C/assl&.il A(yth,Jl,,gp, ed. Mark P. 0. Morford and Robert J. Lenardon (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999), p. 273. 35 Sappho, excerpt from frag. 92, trans. Anne Carson, in (/ Nol, W/11ter: Frapnellts "f Sappha (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2002), p.181. 36 Pliny the Elder, Nillllral H/sli1,y (79 AD), cited in Svenbro,Plmuiltlda. p. 96. 3, Davey, Capperhea,Js. 38 Artaud. "VanGogh,"p.495. Svenbro, Phrasi1tleia, p. 4-6 (my emphasis). 39 From Virginia Woolf's suicide note to 40 her sister, Vanessa Bell, which was published in LeoDal'dWoolfs 1heJollT1te)'NotlheAntlllliMlllten: All �phyoflhe Ye= 1939li11969. Clted on the Virginia Woolf Blog, May 31, 2012. Online: http://vlrginiawoolfblog.com/virginla-woolfs· sulcide-n ote-to•vancssa·hell (accessed Novem· hcr20,20l6). 41 Jacques Derrida, Paper Machiu, trans. Rachel Bowlby(Stanford. CA: Stanford University Press, 2005). p.176. 42 Zadie Smith, "Dance Lessons for Writers, or What Beyonct Taught Me." 'Ilu Guardilln, October 29,2016. Glorgio Agamhen. "The Just Do Not Feed 43 on Light." in 1he End of/he Pt>em: Swdw ill Puetia, p.126. 44 Ibid., p.128. 45 Brenda Hillman. "To Spirita of Fire After Harvest," In Seasonal Wg,ts with Le1ten of Fire (Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2013),p.3. 46 Svenbro, Phrasiltltia, p. 62. 4, Ibid., p. 30. 48 lbid.,p.42. Martin Heidegger, "The Way of Language" 49 (1959), cited in Nowell-Smith, Sa1111dfn&/S�e: Marrin Heidqgeral the Umin ofPoedcs. 50 VillllJtla Woolf, "On Not Kllowinl! Greek." in 1he Cam,ni,11 Reader. Fim Series (London: Hogarth Press, 1925). Svenbro,Phrasi/t/efa,p.146. 51 S2 Rich, "The Burning of Paper Instead of Children."
What Is It to Read? Ross Bi..r:..r:ell