1 minute read
Annual winter rendezvous in moist western Washington woods offers some 'good doins' for shooters.
Itold you about this rendezvous last year but every year is different, with different guns, different shooting and, of course, different weather. It is called Rain-De-Voo because it is held in February; we could call it a wintertime rendezvous, but in this neck of the woods it’s usually raining on us, so RainDe-Voo it is.
At Rain-De-Voo, the shooting aggregate is made up of the score from the rifle trail added to either the knife and ’hawk score or the archery score. Shooters get their choice of trying their best with the knife and ’hawk or the primitive bow and arrow. Of course, shooters can do both if they enjoy doing so, but the choice of which will be added to their aggregate score must be made before they begin.
Let me say just a few words about my bow before we get into the actual shooting at this Rain-De-Voo. I made my bow from a kit, or rather I finished it, in 2012. This is of the Modoc design, with the wide but rather short limbs,