3 minute read
American Shooting Journal // February 2022
Our intrepid black powder shooter Mike Nesbitt didn’t take to his home state’s fields and woods during last fall’s hunting seasons, but he was there in spirit with fellow muzzleloaders who did. He shares some of their success stories.
17 Gun Show Calendar 19 Competition Calendar 21 Precision Rifle Series Calendar, Recent Match Results

May is the best month of the season for Halibut, and Winter Chinook (Kings), and you can’t beat Zeballos. 2022 SPECIALS NOW BOOKING FOR MAY
Dates Available for May: 1st-4th, 4th-7th, 7th-10th, 10th-13th, 13th-17th, 17th-20th, 20th-23rd, 23rd-26th, 26th-29th, 29th-31st.
The most successful Salmon Hatchery on the Pacific Coast is just 30 miles from Zeballos. For the past several years, over 50,000 Chinook Salmon have returned each fall to the Conuma Creek spawning grounds where the hatchery is located. Most of these migrating Salmon start to come through our waters starting in May. We have non-spawning Chinook Salmon in our waters year-round—Winter Chinook (Kings, or Springs). In May you'll be catching on average 12 to 18 pound Salmon—absolutely the best table fare. HALIBUT
We are located very close to an amazing halibut fishery that seems never ending. We can't remember a trip where we didn't hook into many of these amazing eating fish. Come with us, and we'll show you how to bring up white gold. Be prepared with coolers!
Limited trips left, book now before we are sold out!

LEARN MORE zeballostopguides.com/halibut-special
Call 250-337-2158 Email: doug.zeballostopguides2022@gmail.com DAY TRIPPER
Up to 4 people per boat, expect full limits Three Great Locations: Zeballos, Tahsis & Tofino
- 28' offshore boat up to 12 hours of fully guided fishing - Full private enclosed head on board - Breakfast, coffee, sodas, water, lunch, and lots of snacks included - All fishing gear provided - Rain gear provided - Cleaning of your catch - Bring a large cooler packed with ice to transport your catch home
$455.00 USD + 5% tax /per person
Book Your Day Trippers Trip at zeballostopguides.com/day-trips. Complete and submit the form.
TRIP LIMITS for Day Tripper Package: 4 Salmon of which 2 can be Kings and two can be Silvers, 1 Halibut up to 70 pounds, 3 Lingcod and 4 Rockcod. We have purchased Halibut Quota from the Commercial Halibut Fleet and if you wish to take extra Halibut, the cost will be about $5 per pound.
Drive-In 3 Nights / 4 Days Package
Join us for our 11th annual Halibut Express starting May 1st, 2022!
- 20 hours of guided fishing - 3 nights accommodation at the Cedars Inn - All meals including wine with the dinner meals - Cleaning and filleting of your catch - All fishing tackle provided (You are welcome to bring your favorite rod and reel)
Party of 2 fishing 2 per boat: $1725 + tax USD Per Person Party of 3 fishing 3 per boat: $1395 + tax USD Per Person Party of 4 fishing 4 per boat: $1100 + tax USD Per Person
TRIP LIMITS for 3N/4D Halibut Express Package: 8 Salmon of which 4 can be Chinook (Kings), 2 Halibut, 6 Lingcod, and 8 Rockcod. We have have purchased Halibut Quota from the Commercial Halibut Fleet and if you wish to take extra Halibut, the cost will be about $5 per pound.
NOTES: Fishing Licenses required and can be purchased April 1, 2022 Guide and Staff gratuities not included Bring your own coolers ... you’ll need them!