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Sitka blacktail deer are a very popular game animal in Game Management Unit 6, particularly in and around Prince William Sound. Hunters can take five deer total this year using harvest tags, but those tags must be used in sequential order. (PAUL D. ATKINS)


Editor’s note: From the Alaska Panhandle to the “top of the world” in Barrow/Utqiagvik, Alaska contains 26 game management units that feature land for hunting and other outdoor activities. Our Arctic adventurer Paul Atkins is breaking down some of the units in this ongoing feature. This issue: GMU 6.
I’ve never hunted Prince William Sound, but have always wanted to try. Before the pandemic I had actually booked a hunt to chase black bears and also do some fishing out of Whittier, but sadly, I had to cancel. Hopefully I can get there next spring.
COASTAL TREASURES Game Management Unit 6 is referred to as the North Gulf Coast and Prince William Sound area. It lies north of the Gulf of Alaska and is home to legendary towns, including Cordova, Valdez and, as mentioned, Whittier to the west.
While mainly known for its fishing opportunities, Unit 6 is also a prime location for hunting big game, one that is coveted by residents and nonresidents alike. Access is relatively easy along the coast, but if you want to get a little more remote, then there are many transporters and guides who operate in the area.
KODIAK CLONE Hunting opportunities in this unit are some of the best in the state and remind me of GMU 8 (Alaska Sporting Journal, April 2020). It is kind of like Kodiak Island, except without the required long flight to get there.
However, those islands in PWS that do harbor game can only be accessed by a charter boat or seaplane. There are many to choose from, but as with all transports, you need to do your research and check availability.
Game tags are somewhat easy to get with many listed as “HT,” harvest tag-only. Others do require a draw. Compared to other units, some big game seasons in Unit 6 are longer, providing
Black bears are numerous in Unit 6 and can be hunted during relatively long seasons on a harvest tag. However, unlike some parts of the state where you can However, unlike some parts of the state where you can take three bears, only one is allowed per hunter in this take three bears, only one is allowed per hunter in this unit, plus they cannot be taken from a boat, which is unit, plus they cannot be taken from a boat, which is unlike other units in Alaska. (PAUL D. ATKINS) unlike other units in Alaska

Mountain goat hunting is also a big draw to Unit 6 and for many of the guides and transporters, it’s big business. Permits are available online and some have to be picked up in person. Note that you must take an online goat identification quiz for some areas, as it is preferred that hunters take billies instead of nannies. (PAUL D. ATKINS)

more time for you to be successful.
BEARS, BUCKS AND MORE BIG GAME Species available in Unit 6 include black bear, brown/grizzly bear, mountain goat, moose and deer, plus, like most units, wolf and wolverine. Black bear and deer are probably the two biggest draws for most hunters in the region.
Black bears are numerous, with some of the state’s biggest bruins coming from the area around PWS each year. Sitka blacktail populations around the sound are good, and this year a resident can harvest a total of five. However, like most places in Alaska where deer are located, numbers are dictated by the weather the previous winter, die-off, etc.
PREPARE FOR IT ALL Indeed, one of the biggest challenges in Unit 6, particularly in PWS, is the weather, especially during the fall hunting season. It gets hammered by storms coming in from the gulf and can turn a hunt from great to bad in a matter of minutes. High winds can play havoc and have been known to ruin entire hunts.
You should plan and prepare to stay longer than expected, especially if you’re going by plane or being dropped off by boat. Also make sure you have plenty

GMU 6 runs along the northernmost edge of the Gulf of Alaska and includes Montague Island and the vast Prince William Sound. (ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME)

COME FOR THE GAME, STAY FOR THE FISH GMU 6 can be a mecca for the outdoorsman and provides the best of both worlds, especially if you tag out early and want to do a little fishing. Halibut and salmon both can be taken about the same time – that is, if the season is open. If planned right and with the proper tags, you can also hunt multiple species like goat, deer and bear during the same timeframe.
If Unit 6 is in your sights, be sure to check out the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s website and plan accordingly. ASJ
Editor’s note: For a detailed map and more season dates on GMU 6, go to adfg.alaska.gov and look under the Hunting tab to a link to maps by game management unit. Follow Paul Atkins on Twitter @AKTrophyHunter.
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