e Moose hunting seasons opening this month include Game Management Units 5B (Yakutat) and 14C (Anchorage-Eagle River). (KENT PARKER/NATIONAL PARK SERVICE)
Oct. 1 Oct. 1
Oct. 1
Goat season opens in Game Management Unit 1C (Southeast Mainland) Archery deer season opens in GMU 3 (Petersburg Management Area)
Deer season opens in GMU 3 (remainder of Mitkof, Woewodski and Butterworth Islands) Any deer season opens in GMU 8 (Kodiak-Shelikof) Oct. 1 Oct. 1 Brown bear season opens in GMU 10 (Unimak Island) Black bear season opens in GMU 14C (McHugh Creek) Oct. 1 Resident sheep season opens in GMU 19C Oct. 1 (McGrath) Goat season opens in GMU 14A (south and east of Oct. 1 the Matanuska River) Bison season opens in GMU 20 (Fairbanks-Central Oct. 1 Tanana) Oct. 1-23 Elk season dates in GMU 8 (Raspberry Island) Oct. 15 Moose season opens in GMU 5B (west of Dangerous River and Harlequin Lake, and southwest of Russell and Nunatak fjords and the East Nunatak Glacier) Oct. 15 Youth deer season opens in GMU 5 (Yakutat) Oct. 15 Brown/grizzly bear season opens in GMU 6D (Montague Island) Oct. 20 Antlerless moose season opens in GMU 15 (Kenai) Oct. 21 Resident caribou season opens in GMU 13 (Nelchina-Upper Susitna) Oct. 23 Second elk season opens in GMU 8 (Kodiak-Shelikof) Oct. 25 Fall brown bear season opens in GMU 8 (KodiakShelikof) Oct. 25 Moose season opens in GMU 14C (Ship Creek drainage above Joint Base Elmendorf/Richardson Management Area) Note: As COVID-19 restrictions change, check with event websites for any potential changes or cancellations. For more detailed Alaska hunting information, go to adfg.alaska .gov/index.cfm?adfg=wildliferegulations.hunting. aksportingjournal.com | OCTOBER 2021