10 minute read
Author Brian Watkins wanted one last opportunity to fill his freezer after a frustrating start to his 2019 hunting season. A moose hunt was essentially his last chance to make up for the disappointments. (BRIAN WATKINS)
Frustration was the name of the game with how my 2019 hunting season began. It started off with work schedules canceling an August sheep hunt. Then, a week-long caribou hunt turned into chasing bulls but not having an arrow connect. Later, an excursion for moose only turned up sublegal bulls.
I was running out of time to fill the freezer. I was down to a few weekend hunts and after-work wishes. I was vocal to everyone
around me about the mishaps and blunders that I had endured. I texted one of my clients that I figured my luck had finally run its course and this was the year I’d get skunked. He’s a decade-long friend who has as much passion for the outdoors as I do. His response back was, “You’ll get something. You’re one of the most dedicated outdoorsmen I know.”
His words of encouragement didn’t fall upon deaf ears. I had to put faith in them. I left after work that day to head to the mountains.
MY PLAN WAS A simple one. I went to an area that I knew held moose from summer hikes and past seasons. It was an archery-only zone and I hoped that the season’s pressure hadn’t pushed the moose too far out.
During this time of year – mid-September – the bulls are cruising. They can walk for miles while thrashing brush

Watkins decided to hunt an archery-only area, and although moose weren’t rutting at that point in mid-September, decided to bring his cow call, what would prove to be a fortuitous choice. (BRIAN WATKINS)

and picking up cows to mate later in October. It’s all about being in the right place at the right time.
I have called bulls in on this trail in previous years, so I was hopeful. As I got to an area where I could shoot, I walked slowly and thrashed brush trying to imitate another bull. I used my bull horn to project grunts and scrape every tree within arm’s length.

Within minutes of hunting, a bull stepped out at 200 yards. With a rifle, it would have been a short hunt, but I had to close the distance. I dropped my bull horn and threw both arms in the air trying to posture like a rival bull.
Using the whites of your hands as “paddles” will usually trigger a rutting bull into a fight. They’ll sway their heads back and forth trying to show you their paddles in an intimidation game. It was still a bit early for this tactic to pay off for me, as the bull wasn’t very interested in going toe to toe.
He slowly started to walk in the opposite direction of me. I waited for him to disappear down the trail and I high-tailed it toward him. I was hoping to close the distance without scaring him off. This was a cat-and-mouse game that I was losing. Every time I did this, he would get further away.
I decided to let out three long cow calls. I knew it was too early in the year to utilize cow calls to bring bulls in, but I hoped it would slow him down. It worked! The bull stopped in his tracks and allowed me to close the distance. I wish

Filling the freezer and taking home memories of a successful hunt made it doubly satisfying for Watkins, who looks forward to 2020’s seasons. (BRIAN WATKINS)

I could say I used some kind of amazing tactic to get closer, but I literally walked straight at him. I let an arrow fly at 61 yards and hit him hard in the lungs. He let out a loud roar – almost like a bear. I listened as the moose thrashed around
in the thick alders and then lay to rest.
The bull ended up being only 50 yards off of the trail, making the packout a lot easier. I was over a mile back, but the hike out was all trail. I used my inReach to get a hold of my buddies and

six of them came out to help pack.
When hunting moose on foot, you must have reliable friends to lend a helping hand. Thanks to all those guys for helping me pack a dream bull back to my truck. ASJ
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Waterford, CT defender.com O’Hara’s Landing Salisbury, CT oharaslanding.com MASSACHUSETTS Action Marine & Watersports Inc. Holyoke, MA actionmarineholyoke.com Bill’s Outboard Motor Service Hingham, MA billsoutboard.com Captain Bub’s Marine Inc. Lakeville, MA captainbubsmarine.com Doug Russell Marine Worcester, MA WorcesterBoating.com Essex Marina LLC. Essex, MA essexmarinallc.com McLellan Brothers Inc. Everett, MA mclellanbrosinc.com Merrimac Marine Supply Methuen, MA merrimacmarine.com Nauset Marine-Orleans Orleans, MA nausetmarine.com Obsession Boats East Falmouth, MA capecodboatcenter.com Portside Marine Danvers, MA portsidemarine.us Riverfront Marine Sports Inc. Salisbury, MA riverfrontmarine.com South Attleboro Marine North Attleboro, MA www.sammarine.com Wareham Boat Yard W. Wareham, MA wareham-boatyard-marina.com NEW HAMPSHIRE Dover Marine Dover, NH dovermarine.com Winnisquam Marine Belmont, NH winnisquammarine.com RHODE ISLAND Billington Cove Marina Inc. Wakefield, RI bcoveyc.com Jamestown Distributors Bristol, RI jamestowndistributors.com Learn more at mercurymarine.com or visit your local dealer, today. CONNECTICUT Connor’s and O’Brien Marina Pawcatuck, CT connorsandobrien.com Defender Industries Inc. Waterford, CT defender.com O’Hara’s Landing Salisbury, CT oharaslanding.com MASSACHUSETTS Action Marine & Watersports Inc. Holyoke, MA actionmarineholyoke.com Bill’s Outboard Motor Service Hingham, MA billsoutboard.com Captain Bub’s Marine Inc. Lakeville, MA captainbubsmarine.com Doug Russell Marine Worcester, MA WorcesterBoating.com Essex Marina LLC. Essex, MA essexmarinallc.com McLellan Brothers Inc. Everett, MA mclellanbrosinc.com Merrimac Marine Supply Methuen, MA merrimacmarine.com Nauset Marine-Orleans Orleans, MA nausetmarine.com Obsession Boats East Falmouth, MA capecodboatcenter.com Portside Marine Danvers, MA portsidemarine.us Riverfront Marine Sports Inc. Salisbury, MA riverfrontmarine.com South Attleboro Marine North Attleboro, MA www.sammarine.com Wareham Boat Yard W. Wareham, MA wareham-boatyard-marina.com NEW HAMPSHIRE Dover Marine Dover, NH dovermarine.com Winnisquam Marine Belmont, NH winnisquammarine.com RHODE ISLAND Billington Cove Marina Inc. Wakefield, RI bcoveyc.com Jamestown Distributors Bristol, RI jamestowndistributors.com It’s a glorious sunrise, viewed in fast forward thanks to the power of your 250 ProXS. Because you need to get there while the fish are still eating breakfast. Learn more at mercurymarine.com or visit your local dealer, today. CONNECTICUT Connor’s and O’Brien Marina Pawcatuck, CT connorsandobrien.com Defender Industries Inc. Waterford, CT defender.com O’Hara’s Landing Salisbury, CT oharaslanding.com MASSACHUSETTS Action Marine & Watersports Inc. Holyoke, MA actionmarineholyoke.com Bill’s Outboard Motor Service Hingham, MA billsoutboard.com Captain Bub’s Marine Inc. Lakeville, MA captainbubsmarine.com Doug Russell Marine Worcester, MA WorcesterBoating.com Essex Marina LLC. Essex, MA essexmarinallc.com McLellan Brothers Inc. Everett, MA mclellanbrosinc.com Merrimac Marine Supply Methuen, MA merrimacmarine.com Nauset Marine-Orleans Orleans, MA nausetmarine.com Obsession Boats East Falmouth, MA capecodboatcenter.com Portside Marine Danvers, MA portsidemarine.us Riverfront Marine Sports Inc. Salisbury, MA riverfrontmarine.com South Attleboro Marine North Attleboro, MA www.sammarine.com Wareham Boat Yard W. Wareham, MA wareham-boatyard-marina.com NEW HAMPSHIRE Dover Marine Dover, NH dovermarine.com Winnisquam Marine Belmont, NH winnisquammarine.com RHODE ISLAND Billington Cove Marina Inc. Wakefield, RI bcoveyc.com Jamestown Distributors Bristol, RI jamestowndistributors.com It’s a glorious sunrise, viewed in fast forward thanks to the power of your 250 ProXS. Because you need to get there while the fish are still eating breakfast. Learn more at mercurymarine.com or visit your local dealer, today. CONNECTICUT Connor’s and O’Brien Marina Pawcatuck, CT connorsandobrien.com Defender Industries Inc. Waterford, CT defender.com O’Hara’s Landing Salisbury, CT oharaslanding.com MASSACHUSETTS Action Marine & Watersports Inc. Holyoke, MA actionmarineholyoke.com Bill’s Outboard Motor Service Hingham, MA billsoutboard.com Captain Bub’s Marine Inc. Lakeville, MA captainbubsmarine.com Doug Russell Marine Worcester, MA WorcesterBoating.com Essex Marina LLC. Essex, MA essexmarinallc.com McLellan Brothers Inc. Everett, MA mclellanbrosinc.com Merrimac Marine Supply Methuen, MA merrimacmarine.com Nauset Marine-Orleans Orleans, MA nausetmarine.com Obsession Boats East Falmouth, MA capecodboatcenter.com Portside Marine Danvers, MA portsidemarine.us Riverfront Marine Sports Inc. Salisbury, MA riverfrontmarine.com South Attleboro Marine North Attleboro, MA www.sammarine.com Wareham Boat Yard W. 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