22 minute read
In early February 2019 I had committed to a hunt that would occur close to my 75th birthday.
I knew that if I didn’t go, I would most likely not have the opportunity again. That being said, I spent the next eight months trying to back out and sell my spot, but family and friends would not accept or cooperate with my efforts. They stayed on me and I’m grateful they did, but at the time I was thinking, “What in the hell am I doing, going on a moose hunt at age 75?”
My knees are not what they used to be and I knew I had a challenge ahead of me trying to survive a two-week moose hunt in Alaska!

I HAD ONLY BEEN moose hunting once before, back in 2004 with my son Rick Grover. We did a do-it-yourself float trip down the Koktuli River into the Mulchatna River, which is a 110-mile drift as the crow flies. We had a combination moose or caribou tag.
When being dropped off in the middle of nowhere and watching your lifeline fly away, you get a knot in your stomach and that’s when it all sinks in; it’s just you and the vast Alaskan wilderness!
That year the river was low. After dragging rafts for three days down a trickle of a river, we finally got into flow
When he was about to turn 75 years old, Dave Grover got a chance to harvest his first bull moose on a Yukon River hunting adventure with friends and family. (DAVE GROVER)

Three generations of Grovers – Rowdy, Dave and Rick – show o Three generations of Grovers – Rowdy, Dave and Rick – show o the rewards of a grueling two-week Alaska hunt. Rick founded the rewards of a grueling two-week Alaska hunt. Rick founded Raptorazor and invented the Big Game Skinner, and his unique Raptorazor and invented the Big Game Skinner, and his unique field-dressing knives came in handy on this hunt. field-dressing knives came in handy on this hunt. (DAVE GROVER)

ing water. I remembered how tough the hunt was and the dangers involved, but there is something primal in all of us that pulls us back again and again, no matter the dangers. I have never felt more alive than when in the Alaskan wilderness.
My son then called in a smoker bull on the sixth day. At less than 15 yards away Rick fired his .300 Short Mag. and hit the bull in the front shoulder. The moose turned and faced him in the thick brush while shaking its head and moaning. Rick thought he had a clean kill so he did not take a follow-up shot. Big mistake!
After 10 minutes of watching, the moose finally went down. His partner that morning kneeled down and pulled out his camera and knife. As the two of us highfived with excitement, to our amazement the moose rose to his feet and lit out like a scalded cat.
Rick was unable to get another shot off and knew he had screwed up. After spending two days of searching with no sign of the moose, we had no choice but to move on.
As heartbreaking as it was, we each learned just how tough a bull moose is to take down. The key lessons learned that day were: Don’t stop shooting until the moose is down; put them down and keep them down; even once down, never take your eyes away from that location until you know it’s dead; only then should you attempt to approach the animal.
Rick had to wait another 13 years – in 2017 – before getting the chance to redeem himself. He took a young bull in the same location as where our pending hunt would take place. It was the first year that Alaska allowed out-of-state hunters to take any bull moose. Normally the legal requirement for a bull is a minimum 50-inch rack or four brow tines.
The time had finally come for me and I was off to Alaska for the hunt.
I MET UP WITH Rick, now 52 and the founder of Raptorazor (raptorazor.com) and inventor of the Big Game Skinner, a revolutionary type of field-dressing knife. With us was my 18-year-old grandson Rowdy, longtime friend and coworker Allen Conrad, 55, and Rick’s good friend Porter Turnbull, a 65-year-old chiropractor. They would all be coming in from Hawaii.
I have to admit that my son had done most of the legwork in setting up the hunt and I was along for the ride. And what a ride it was!
From Anchorage we flew Ravn Air, including one change of planes. Our outfitter was waiting to pick us up and before long we were off to the races.
We arrived in the late afternoon and

All the guys managed to harvest a bull and fill their tags. (DAVE GROVER)

still had to load all the gear onto boats and travel 50 miles down the Yukon River and set up camp before dark. The weather was good, so at least we had that going for us. Our camp was 15 miles from our unit.
That first night was filled with the normal jetlag and preparing our gear for the hunt the following day. One variable about hunting in Alaska in September is you have plenty of time in the morning waiting for the sun to rise. After topping off the boats with fuel and loading gear before sunrise, we were on our way. Since there were five of us we were forced to split up in the two boats. Porter and Rowdy took the smaller boat, and Rick, Allen and I rode in the larger vessel.
Our first day of hunting proved more difficult than I had imagined, and upon exiting the boat in the thick mud I quickly ended up face-first in it. Porter had a close call also, ending up chest-deep in mud. It took Rowdy over 15 minutes to free Porter. We learned to be aware of the soft spots. They usually exist at new sandbars – the river is constantly shifting in its bed – and in the winter the Yukon can freeze over with 4 feet of ice.
During the spring thaw, tons of new sand is swept downstream to create new waterways and sand bars. After getting our boats stuck in the mud a few times, we soon learned to stay in deep flowing water.
Covering 10 to 15 miles a day in thick brush was out of the question for me on this hunt. I would have to rely on my patience – something I’m notoriously in short supply of – and a little luck. This time of year the big bulls come down out of the mountains and gather up as many cows as they can handle.
The cows usually come into heat the second or third week of September. But with warming climates, the rut can be pushed back by several weeks. We had seen the same pattern with elk for the past two decades.
The bulls come out onto the banks of the river in the early mornings and late afternoons to drink and look for other moose. Tracks in and out of the timber are a sure sign that moose are in the area. They are usually no more than a hundred yards back from the riverbank into the bush.
If you choose to hunt further back than that, you’re going to pay for it on the pack out, considering a typical bull moose can reach 1,500 pounds and stand 10 to 12 feet tall. They are magnificent creatures and we all wanted the chance to harvest one.
AL CONRAD WAS THE first to fill his tag, He took a nice 50-inch bull about 80 yards from the shore late in the afternoon on our third day. He and my son made quick work of the harvest with Rick’s Big Game Skinner and MANO knives. They had it packed out within the hour. I had been
glassing a meadow most of the afternoon and had only spotted a cow and calf from a distance.
After getting back to camp in the rain just before darkness set in, we still had to hang the meat. We had worked on a few meat poles days earlier, so with the help of everyone there, we were able to quickly hang and cover the meat before complete darkness fell on us. After dinner and a victory toast, we were quick to turn in from the long day.
Rowdy was next to get his bull. My grandson was determined to take his with a bow and by god he did! He was able to get within 25 yards of a bull bedded down and put an arrow right where it counted as it stood up. He pulled back on his Prime Centergy bow, released the arrow with a fixed broadhead from Tooth of the Arrow, and it proved to be a perfect shot. The bull ran less than 30 yards before collapsing to the ground. It was a huge bull, with four brow tines and a rack

measuring 60 inches wide.
We had stopped by Rowdy and Porter’s boat in the early afternoon and noticed that they had come back for the meat packs and dropped off the bow with one arrow missing. So we figured that they had been successful. We were unable to reach them on the radio or satellite phone and we continued on our hunt.
Late afternoon approached and we decided to head back and see if we could make contact with Rowdy and Porter. As the sun was setting, we made our way to the bank where they had docked; still no sign of anyone.
Rick and Al climbed the steep bank with guns in hand ready for the unknown. Bears are always on the back of your mind in Alaska and they have been conditioned over the years to listen for a shot or pick up the scent of a kill and immediately move in, knowing they have an easy meal. We hoped this wasn’t the case this time. With daylight dwindling they called out to Rowdy and Porter. Rowdy immediately answered. He was less than 15 yards away packing out a whole hindquarter.
“Where’s Porter?” I asked.
“He’s coming right behind me.”
“How far back?”
“I’m not sure,” Rowdy replied.
“Is he also packing meat?” I said.
We asked how far out he got his bull. His answer was about a mile and a half.
Now, Porter is a seasoned hunter and outdoorsman and knows better than to split up in thick timber packing meat out. But unable to keep up with the stamina of an 18-year-old, he had told Rowdy to keep going and not to worry.
We all became increasingly concerned as time went by with no sign of Porter. There was no return of our call, even after traveling several hundred yards into the thick timber.
Al was packing his rifle and we quickly fired off two rounds. Seconds later a shot
Raptorazor Knives’ Big Game Skinner Details: youtube.com/ watch?v=nAiKqRTek7I youtube.com/ watch?v=nAiKqRTek7I&t=3s and www.youtube.com/ watch?v=nAiKqRTek7I&t=3s”t=3s
Raptorazor Scrambler (a must-have for taking back European mounts. Removes brain matter in a matter of seconds with a cordless drill) Details: youtube.com/watch?v=kcga-aOlLaY
Badlands packs and rain gear (good rain gear is a must in Alaska) Two satellite phones Four hunters used rifles: a combination of .300 Win. Mags. and 7mms One hunter used a bow: Prime Centergy with Tooth of the Arrow broadheads Sidearms: .500 Smith & Wesson, .45 ACP Water purifier Bear spray Caribou game bags (the best bags on the market) 500 feet of paracord First aid kit Duct tape Tarps to cover the meat (it’s very important to keep the meat dry to avoid spoiling) ASJ
came back – maybe 500 yards away. We all breathed a sigh of relief.
By the time Porter finally made his way out it was pitch black and he did not have his pack with him. He had made the decision to turn back to a marked GPS location that they had been at earlier in the day and drop off the pack. That way he could make it out more easily.
The big problem was that Rowdy and Porter had switched packs so Rowdy could pack out the heavier load. Porter had Rowdy’s pack with all his gear in it and it was now three-quarters of a mile back in the woods with fresh meat in it – in pitch black darkness in Alaska. Not a good scenario. With the help of Rowdy’s onX map and lights we were able to retrieve the pack about 45 minutes later.
But now we faced another obstacle: We were still miles away from camp on the opposite side of the Yukon River in total blackness and the wind picking up.
The only land we could make out was a mountain ridge directly across from us. We motored straight across the mile-wide Yukon and hugged the shoreline until we came to our camp a little after midnight.
Rowdy and Porter had packed out only a portion of the meat. We figured the next day would be a long one and indeed it proved to be as long as they get. We were unable to traverse the thick brush and steep terrain. With my knees acting up I was left at camp. I spent the day looking after the meat and splitting firewood.
I figured the guys would be back sometime in the early afternoon. But as the day wore on there was still no sign of them. Finally, as the sun made its way behind the mountains, I heard the roar of a motorboat. One, then two boats came into view; the guys had done it!
It had taken them six trips to pack all the meat and antlers out. Just as Rowdy had said, he was a mile and a half in on the far side of a large meadow with some ponds. It turned out to be quite the workout. But their work wasn’t over yet. They still had to pack the quarters up the steep bank, then make more game poles and hang the meat. Again, we worked into the night as a storm front moved in and the wind started picking up.
Concerned with the weather condition on the river, we spaced the boats out and loosened the lines so they would not get swamped. You don’t want to make the mistake of tying the boat down too tightly to the bank; otherwise the waves will come over the back and swamp them. We took turns that night checking on the boats every hour. At times we had 6-foot rollers coming backwards up the river. The Yukon is no joke and has to be treated with great respect.
The guys were exhausted the next morning, but I was eager to get out and hunt. After only a few hours of sleep, we all headed back out. The winds had died down and it was looking like a clear day.
As we made our way down to our hunting unit we spotted a nice bull, which was standing on the bank at the border of the two zones. After confirming he was indeed in the right unit, we turned the boat off and drifted downstream a few hundred yards off shore.
I pulled up my rifle and spotted the bull in my scope, but I could not steady myself in the boat with three people. To my great frustration the bull turned and walked away. One thing was for sure: I needed to quickly figure out the best way to get off a reasonable shot from a moving boat. It is legal to take a shot from a boat in Alaska as long as the motor is off and the boat is drifting.
Still I asked myself, “Had this been my only chance?”
THE NEXT FEW DAYS brought more of the same. We covered 50 to 80 miles on the river and checked out the same location where we had seen moose previously. It wasn’t until the ninth day that my luck changed.
Rick had decided to hunt with Rowdy and Porter in the afternoon. Al and I started drifting down the south side of the Yukon. It wasn’t 45 minutes later that a large bull stepped out into the open. He was 800 yards away, but he was heading in our direction and the current was moving us in his direction.
I got set up as best I could on the bow of the boat, kneeling down and using a life vest as a rest. With Al calling out the yardage – “700, 600, 500” – I wondered if my luck would hold and I decided to take my shot at 400 yards. Al called out again, “475 yards, 425 yards.”
I knew I was close. I pulled up my rifle and put my crosshairs just above his front shoulder. The wind was light and we had little to no chop on the water. I couldn’t ask for better conditions.
At this point I knew he was big but I focused on keeping my crosshairs at the top of his front shoulder. Al confirmed, “400 yards.”
I took a breath, held it and squeezed off a round. It was a hit but a little further back than I wanted. I opened the action and loaded another round. My second shot was rushed and I missed completely with the motion of the boat throwing me off.
The next round I loaded very gently so as to not rock the boat. As I pulled up for the third shot, the bull was moving back to the cover of the timber. I could see he was hurt, but I was not sure where my first shot actually connected. I took my time and squeezed off another round into the bull, but he kept going.
He appeared to pick up steam. I knew I had only one more chance before he was back in the cover of the timber, so I had to make it count. Again, I discharged the spent round and loaded a new one while trying not to rock the boat. I set up for my final shot and probably my last chance of ever getting a bull moose. The adrenaline was racing through my veins and I could feel my heart beating. But I trained my entire focus on putting a bullet right in the sweet spot.
With one last crack from my rifle, the bullet flew straight to its intended destination and the bull fell to the ground. I had done it! I had shot my first bull moose at 75 years old.
PORTER WAS THE NEXT to get his bull on day 10. Porter’s bull was second in size only to Rowdy’s monster. Rick took his bull on day 11. Rowdy was telling him not to shoot – because they could find a bigger bull – but at 30 yards from the boat my son did not hesitate to pull the trigger. The only downfall was that it dropped in a beaver pond and took twice as long to break down.
Over 11 days we had five nice bulls. So now what? The work had really begun! We had close to 3,000 pounds of meat to break down. It’s a good thing we all had our Raptorazor knives!
We broke down all five bull moose much faster and easier than I had imagined. It really sunk in at that moment what an amazing field-dressing tool my son had invented. In the hands of those who know how to use them, Raptorazor knives are unbeatable.
NOW WE HAD TO get back home. Our meat was transported in 18-gallon rubber totes that cost us $5 to $10 each. I recommend getting a higher-quality tote, as they have to hold up to 100 pounds of meat and withstand handling six or more times. An average moose will give you 500 pounds of meat, so be prepared to get at least six totes per moose. Meat was deboned and put into heavy-duty trash bags. Lids were attached to totes with zip-ties. We left Alaska with 2,600 pounds of boned-out meat and a total of 46 check-in bags. The hunt cost us under $17 a pound for the meat we
Empty shotgun shells cover the tine tips of bull moose racks for the flights home. (DAVE GROVER)

Alaska Airlines prefers to take your heads unboxed and unwrapped. They only require that the tips on the horns be covered.
A great inexpensive solution is to use empty 12-gauge shotgun shells and a little duct tape. The skull must also be wrapped in a heavy trash bag and duct-taped.
The maximum size of horns they will accept are 72 inches wide. Always check with your airlines ahead of time since policies can change. DG
brought back. Not bad! (Note: You cannot debone meat in the field. Alaskan regulations state that you must bring out the four quarters bone-in. They can only be deboned once you’re out of the bush, so never debone in camp. It’s a big no-no and is likely to get you fined. It is also an Alaska regulation to keep proof-of-sex with hindquarters.)
With a 14-plus-day hunt in Alaska it is best not to book your return flight out of the bush – or back home for that matter. You will most likely end up eating your ticket or paying more money to change the dates. This time of year tourism has slowed down and booking a return flight is not difficult.
Weather always plays a big role in getting in and out of the bush. We chartered a cargo plane to get us back to Anchorage. This does not come cheap.
Back in Anchorage, our dilemma was, what do we do with 2,600 pounds of meat, five moose racks and 15 pieces of luggage for 24 hours or more? At this point we had handled the meat 10 times in and out of boats – to and from camp – on and off planes.
The last thing we wanted to do at this point was to have to move it any more than necessary. The other dilemma is that cold storage for one day was running $250 to $300 per moose.
So we improvised and took an Uber to the nearest U-Haul dealer and rented a box truck. On the way back, we picked up 150 pounds of dry ice (total cost was just $265 instead of $1,500). The best part is that we were able to drive straight to the hotel and back to the airport without having to handle the gear two more times. Have you ever tried loading up 500 pounds of moose meat in an Uber? We had arranged the gear so we could easily get to the bags that had the air tickets and other documents needed to travel.
It took two trips to get five guys, five moose heads, 2,600 pounds of meat and 15 bags of gear out of the backcountry and back to Anchorage. Although it may sound expensive, spread out between five hunters it was not as bad as one would think. Anyway, it beats the alternative of being stuck. You have to take advantage of any clear day to fly. We had AT 75 YEARS OLD, this was my second time hunting moose. I had never seen a bull up close. I have always been drawn to the outdoors and tried – from an early age – to escape to it as much as I could. All of my hunting experience has been with mule deer, elk and Hawaiian axis deer.
Nothing prepared me for the size and work involved in harvesting a bull moose. With hindquarters weighing over 200 pounds you need to have a plan. I am very thankful that I was surrounded by men younger and more experienced than I was.
In the end it doesn’t matter if you’re successful or not. It’s the time spent with family and friends that is priceless! We will see what adventure my son has in store for me next year. I hope you can use the tips I shared and lessons I learned to plan and execute your next successful outdoor adventure.
A special thanks to my hunting partners Rick, Rowdy, Allen and Porter. I could not have done it without you. ASJ
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