14 minute read
Last month, we broke down the myriad game species that Alaska offers sportsmen and -women. This issue we’ll answer typical questions you might have as you prepare for the adventure of a lifetime.
SO, WHAT HAPPENS NOW? Depending on the species you plan to pursue in Alaska, you will first have to decide where to go. Many tags can be bought over the counter, while others are won via a draw.
For example, caribou permits can be bought online or at the point of origin, but it depends greatly on where you plan to hunt. Also, in some units you can take more than one bull, while others only allow one.
On the other hand, getting a moose tag has become much harder compared to just a few years ago. For the most part they are draw-only for nonresidents, meaning you’ll have to apply during the application period, which begins in November.
Times have changed and so do the number of animals in a particular unit, so the particulars of where and when to go become very important. Moose numbers are drastically down across the state and if nothing else, have become a
Author Paul Atkins is back in the Lower 48 after living in Arctic Alaska for years. But as a veteran Last Frontier hunter, he knows how to prepare for the arduous but exciting adventures to be had here. (PAUL D. ATKINS)

For nonresidents and, in some instances, residents, applying for tags and hoping to draw a permit is a fact of life. Applications are available November 1 and need to be filled out and returned by the middle of December. Though Atkins is doing it the old-fashioned way here, these days it’s all done online and it’s much
easier. (PAUL D. ATKINS)
very valuable commodity.
However, caribou and moose hunts can be done without a guide and if you’re looking for a cheaper hunt, then a do-ityourself drop camp is the way to go. But if sheep and bear are your quarry, then you must not only draw a tag but also hire a guide. This can get quite expensive, but it’s well worth it if planning a dream hunt in the Last Frontier.
First and foremost, you should contact the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (adfg.alaska.gov) and ask about the area, animal populations and bag limits. Local biologists constantly survey the country and know exactly what the animals do – not only numbers but they also track migration patterns.
Secondly, check out record books to see where the big bulls are coming from or if you can contact people who have hunted in a particular area before. This kind of information is invaluable when it comes to the logistics of the hunt, as well as helps a first-timer know what to expect.
DO I HUNT ON PUBLIC OR PRIVATE LAND? Most areas in Alaska are open to public hunting, while some others belong to Native corporations. Be sure to know where you can hunt and also if there might be a trespass fee. Some native land managers charge a fee to hunt; others only require you to get a permit. There’s also federal land, but that is under the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which has its own restrictions. Many of those areas are strictly for local residents. There is also National Park Service land, but it too is usually for subsistence hunters. Be sure and check all the regulations.

WHAT KIND OF INTEL CAN I GET PRIOR TO A HUNT? Unlike the Lower 48, scouting will be out of the question, so ask a lot of questions and research the area long before you go. Once you’re dropped off in an area, you’ll be left with nothing but what you’ve learned through your questionand-answer sessions. By gaining as much knowledge as possible, you will be better prepared and probably a lot more successful too.
HOW DO I TRAVEL TO MY HUNTING GROUNDS? You will have to get here somehow. For most of Alaska it’s either by boat or by plane. You can’t drive to most of the really good places, even if we wish we could. If your plans include hunting by boat, then you will either need to know somebody locally or hire someone who specializes in that area.
Most boat hunters usually cater to locals or those who live in the state. Boat hunting is fun, as it allows you to move to a variety of areas along the many rivers and lakes that cover pretty much the entire state. However, for most hunters, transportation by boat isn’t in the cards

and you’ll have to hire a transporter and go by air.
Transporters are pilots who get you from point A to point B and are probably the most overlooked and expensive aspect of any Alaskan hunt. Once you’ve done the research and know the area you plan to hunt, then you will need to hire a transporter. You will need to do this long before your hunt starts, as most of the good pilots are booked years in advance.
You shouldn’t take this lightly if you’re serious about hunting up here, so check as many references as possible. Remember, your life is in their hands from the moment you leave town until you return.
WHAT ARE THE MUST-HAVES FOR GEAR? After you’ve chosen a species, picked your area or unit, decided your dates and hired a transporter, it’s time to select the proper gear to get it all done.
You need to make sure that whatever gear you decide to bring works properly and is capable of getting the job done. Once out on the tundra or in the mountains, it will just be you and maybe a partner or two for a weeklong or 10-day hunt.
If something breaks or doesn’t work, then it will be pointless to have brought it along. And worse, such a malfunction could prevent you from taking that bull, bear or ram you’ve dreamed of.
First, you need to think about the unpredictable weather and the proper attire to protect you from it. The conditions will vary depending where you are in the state, but the one thing you can count on is rain. It will rain, I promise!
The key to staying dry and comfortable is making sure you have a set of highquality rain gear. I’ve found that anything with the word “Gore-Tex” on it works perfectly for the month of September. Getting wet on that first day will make for a miserable hunt – unless you can get things to “dry out,” which most times you can’t. My advice: Buy the best rain gear you can afford!
You should also dress in layers. Fleece works best, as it dries out easily and quickly. Also pack four or five pairs of wool socks with cushioned soles. We all know how miserable wet socks can be. If you’re in waders all day, they will be soaked from sweating.
After a hard day of hunting, change into a dry pair and hang the used socks in the tent or somewhere out of the weather. Your hunting partner(s) may not like it, but you’ll be able to wear them again in a couple of days. There’s nothing better than putting on a dry pair of socks at the end of the day!
Surrounding those socks with proper footgear may be the most important tool you bring along on an Alaskan hunt. Choosing the right boot is a top priority and should be taken seriously. Leather hunting boots work great when hunting deer and elk, but when things get wet and sloppy, as they tend to do in Alaska, you’ll wish you had something else. I recommend bringing hip waders, and even though they’re cumbersome and not the most comfortable to wear, you’ll be glad you have them for crossing rivers. I also recommend knee-high rubber boots – the insulated kind.
Depending on the number of hunters in your camp you will need to think about your accommodations. Choosing wisely will help your comfort level. Most hunters who come to Alaska and do the unguided drop camp have to sleep in a tent.
Some hunters like to sleep under nylon, while others absolutely hate it. If a tent is in your future, I again suggest
No matter what species you decide to hunt in Alaska or where you decide to go, you need to be able to get there. This depends on either having a really good friend with a boat or hiring a pilot to fly you to camp. Transportation should be one of the first decisions you make. (PAUL D. ATKINS)

getting the best you can afford – one that can handle the weather and has plenty of room for your gear and people, but also doesn’t weigh a ton. There are a lot of great tents out there.
Knives and game bags are also needed – especially if things turn out like you want them to.
Good binoculars are also a big plus on any Alaskan hunt. Binos in the 10-power range work great. If you do have to buy a new pair, again, buy the best you can afford. The amount of glassing you do will make a good pair worth the purchase. Whether you’re trying to determine the antler configuration on a particular caribou bull or if the moose in the distance is legal or not, a good pair of binoculars is worth its weight in gold.
I’ve also found that a good GPS and a satellite phone are critical in Alaska, especially if you need to contact someone for whatever reason.
Beyond your rifle/bow and the aforementioned items, you’ll need to think about headlamps, matches and water filtration, plus many other necessities. Also, make sure you have a good sleeping bag and a comfortable sleeping pad. Carry dry bags to haul your gear in, a good Coleman stove with fuel, cooking utensils and a food list that works for everybody in camp. Whatever you choose for equipment, you need to be very familiar with it and make sure you know how each piece works.

WHAT ABOUT CAMP? If you’re planning to do a DIY hunt with a group of people, then you’ll definitely need to think about your camping accommodations. Costs will be considerably cheaper with added company. If you’re like me, it’s always much more enjoyable with other hunters.
There are many aspects to having a quality camp and all have to be considered. Shelter and food are two of the biggest concerns and must be addressed accordingly.
If you are doing one of these types of hunts, then a tent will probably be your home for a week or so. Size and the number of tents you will need will depend solely on the number in your party, but you also have to consider weight. With Alaska’s ever-changing weather, tents should be, first and foremost, waterproof, strong and as lightweight as possible. The only thing worse than waking up in a wet sleeping bag in 3 inches of water is having to sleep in it for the next week.
Wind is also a factor, especially on the open tundra, where a storm could roll in and pull your tent from its pegs. If this happens, you’ll find it and the rest of your gear strung out among the willows once you get back to camp. Believe me when I say it’s no fun at all!
There are a ton of great tents out there, but investing in a high-quality waterproof one is well worth it, even if it does cost a lot of money. Personally, I bring along a second small tent for storing gear like bows, packs and extra clothes. This way they are out of the way and stay dry.
Food is also an issue and has to be considered. Depending on group size, you’ll have to decide on what you plan to eat while in camp. The amount will be dictated by the number of hunters and their appetites for the week. Some guys and gals eat very little, while others want
Practice is the key before any hunt, even more so if you’re a bowhunter, but rifle hunters should do the same. Knowing how your weapon works, where it will hit and understanding your effective range is the key to
success. (PAUL D. ATKINS)
Having the right gear is crucial when you are miles from civilization, so plan accordingly rather than risk needing something you forgot or didn’t bother to pack. (PAUL D. ATKINS)

Finding a suitable place to camp is so important and often overlooked. While sometimes you have no choice, if you have options, take your time and choose wisely.

There’s nothing finer than having early morning coffee in moose country. Mid- to late September is the key time to hunt bulls, especially in the Arctic. You and your hunting partner have to be ready at a moment’s notice in case one of the big boys decides to step out. a full buffet every night.
Some groups do well with dried foods, MREs and frozen premade dinners. If this isn’t an option, then most food can be bought at one of the local stores in the community you plan to leave from. But like all rural places in Alaska where the hunting is good, food will be expensive. If this is the case, then there isn’t really another choice for the do-it-yourselfer, so just spend the money and support the local economy.
Coolers are a good choice for carrying food and also keeping it dry, cool and generally safe from bears.

IS THERE ANYTHING I SHOULD DO AT HOME BEFORE LEAVING FOR ALASKA? Yes – practice and exercise! For most of us serious hunters, practice is pretty much a constant, whether it be with our bow or rifle.
Long before you go trekking through the tundra, you need to make sure that you can effectively hit what you are shooting at. This comes with practice in a variety of situations. Knowing your “effective” range to be accurate is a must.
Most shots on caribou, moose and even sheep will seldom be from a standing upright position. It has been my experience that you’re usually on your knees or sitting flat on the ground, and with the wind and rain blowing up your backside. You should practice from these positions as much as possible – and do so while wearing the same gear you will be hunting in. This means a full pack, rain gear and waders. This will give you a better feeling of what to expect when the moment of truth arrives.
You also need to get fit ahead of time. Often as not, most of us are out of shape but still believe we can take on anything the great outdoors throws at us. The Alaskan wilderness, however – whether it’s the mountains or tundra – is unforgiving and not to be taken lightly.
You’ll definitely need to be in shape to succeed. Take sheep hunting, which is about as tough as it gets. Even if you are in shape, it can be one of the most demanding adventures you’ll ever experience. On the other hand, it’s a little easier if your hunt plans include only caribou, but you still have to be able to navigate long distances through some

WHY THE LAST FRONTIER? If an Alaskan hunt is in your future or even if you’re headed here as soon as this fall, now is the time to start planning. It’s an epic adventure, creating memories that you’ll cherish forever.
The feel of the tundra, the smell of camp smoke and the long, hard stalk that produces the big bull that fills up your freezer and graces your wall – it can all be made possible due to good planning. Make yours today and enjoy a great hunt tomorrow! ASJ

Whether it’s mountain goats, caribou or brown bears, many hunters dream of saving enough to take that big game hunt in Alaska. “It’s an epic adventure, creating memories that you’ll cherish forever,” the author
writes. (PAUL D. ATKINS) Editor’s note: Paul Atkins is an outdoor writer and author from Kotzebue, Alaska. He’s had hundreds of articles published on big game hunting in Alaska and throughout North America and Africa, plus surviving in the Arctic. His new book Atkins’ Alaska is available on Amazon and everywhere good books are sold. It can also be ordered through his website, paulatkinsoutdoors.com. If you want an autographed copy, contact Paul at atkinsoutdoors@gmail.com. He is a regular contributor to Alaska Sporting Journal.