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Outdoor calendar
Several fall brown bear seasons open this month, including in Game Management Units 1 and 3 in Southeast Alaska, and GMU 6 (North Gulf Coast and Prince William Sound). (LISA HUPP/USFWS)
Sept. 1 Black bear season opens in Game Management Units 1 (Southeast Mainland) and 2 (Prince of Wales Island) Sept. 1 Archery bull elk season opens in GMU 3 (Etolin Island) Sept. 1 Moose season opens in GMU 5B (Yakutat) Sept. 1 Black and brown bear seasons open in GMU 6 (North Gulf Coast and Prince William Sound) Sept. 1 Moose season opens in GMU 7 (Seward) Sept. 1 Wolverine season opens in GMU 10 (Aleutians) Sept. 1 Bison season opens in GMU 6 (east of the Copper River, south of the Klawasi River and west of a line from Mount Sanford to Mount Wrangell to Long Glacier, west of the Kotsina River) Sept. 1 Mountain goat season opens in GMU 14A (south and east of the Matanuska River) Sept. 5 Valdez Silver Salmon Derby and Halibut Derby both end; valdezfishderbies.com Sept. 6 Bison season opens in GMU 11 (drainages of the Chitina River east of Chakina River and south and east of the Nizina River) Sept. 14-19 Kenai Silver Salmon Derby; kenaisilversalmonderby.com Sept. 15 Brown bear season opens in GMUs 1 and 3 Sept. 15 Moose season opens in GMU 3 (Petersburg/Wrangell) Sept. 15 Deer season opens in GMU 4 (Chichagof Island east of Port Frederick and north of Tenakee Inlet and remainder of unit) Sept. 15 Mountain goat season begins in GMU 6D (North Gulf Coast and Prince William Sound) Sept. 25 Elk season opens in GMU 8 (Southwest Afognak Island)
Note: As COVID-19 restrictions change, check with event websites for any potential changes or cancellations. For more detailed Alaska hunting information, go to adfg.alaska .gov/index.cfm?adfg=wildliferegulations.hunting