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Outdoor calendar
Editor’s note: Because of COVID-19 restrictions, all events should be checked for changes or cancellations. Below are events that had been scheduled in October and November, with websites/phone numbers for you to check for updates.
OCTOBER 3 Northeast Zone waterfowl season opens 3 Deer season opens in most X Zones 3-4 Early quail season for hunters with junior hunting licenses in Mojave National Preserve 10 Deer season openers in Zones D-11, -13, -14, -15 and -17 10 Archery-only pheasant season opens 10 NorCal Trout Challenge, Pardee Lake; anglerspress.com 17 Quail seasons open in Zones 1 and 3 (all quail) 17 Statewide chukar season opens 17 Statewide snipe season opens 19 Deer season opens in Zone X-9-C 23 Colorado River Zone duck and goose seasons open 24 San Joaquin Valley and Southern California Zones duck and goose seasons open 24 Balance of State Zone duck season opens NOVEMBER 7 Southern San Joaquin Valley Zone scaup season opens 7 Southern California Zone scaup season opens 7-8 NorCal Trout Challenge Tournament of Champions, Collins Lake; anglerspress.com 11 Northeastern California antlerless elk (Rocky Mountain) season opens 14 General/statewide pheasant season opens 14 Fall wild turkey season opens 14 Late dove season opens 14 La Panza Period 2 antlerless elk (Tule) season opens 25 Fort Hunter Liggett Period 2 antlerless and bull elk (Tule) seasons open
Note: For more details on deer hunting seasons, go to wildlife .ca.gov/Hunting/Deer. Per the California Department of Fish and Wildlife: General bear season opens concurrently with general deer season in A, B, C, D, X8, X9A, X9B, X10 and X12 deer hunting zones. In the remaining deer hunting X zones, bear season begins October 10, 2020. General bear season closes on December 27 or if CDFW determines 1,700 bears have been reported taken. This includes bears harvested during archery season. For a list of upcoming bass tournaments, go to nrm.dfg.ca.gov/FishingContests/default.aspx.