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Outdoor calendar
NOVEMBER 5 Imperial County Zone white geese season opens 5 Deer season opens in Zone D-12 5 Fort Hunter Liggett antlerless tule elk archery season opens 5 Nor-Cal Guide and Sportsmen’s Association Fundraising Dinner, Yuba City Fairgrounds; ncgasa.org 5-6 NorCal Trout Challenge Tournament of Champions, Collins Lake; anglerspress.com 7 Scaup hunting opens in most zones 9 Balance of State black brant season opens 9 North Coast Zone Canada geese season opens 9 Northern Zone black brant season opens 9 Northeastern CA antlerless Rocky Mountain elk season opens 12 General/statewide pheasant season opens 12 La Panza Period 2 antlerless and bull tule elk archery seasons open 12 Fall wild turkey season opens 12 Late dove season opens 16 Balance of State raccoon season opens 23 Fort Hunter Liggett Period 2 antlerless tule elk archery season opens DECEMBER 3 Most bighorn sheep hunting seasons open 3 Balance of State American crow season opens 11 Fall wild turkey season closes 15 Second Northeastern Zone scaup season opens 17-25 Southern Zone bandtail pigeon season dates 21 Fort Hunter Liggett Period 3 tule bull elk season opens 25 General bear hunting season closes 25 Statewide pheasant season closes 26 Second archery-only pheasant season opens
JANUARY 1 Mad River Steelhead Derby begins; madriversteelheadderby.com
For a complete list of bass tournaments statewide, go to dfg.ca.gov/FishingContests/default.aspx.
General bear season opens concurrently with general deer season in the A, B, C, D, X8, X9A, X9B, X10 and X12 deer hunting zones and extends through December 25, 2022.