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Outdoor calendar
MARCH 4-8 Fred Hall Shows, Long Beach Convention Center; fredhall.com 8-12 Late-season whitefront and white goose hunt in Balance of State Zone 13-15 Fred Hall Central Valley Sports Show, Kern County Fairgrounds, Bakersfield; fredhall.com 14 Blake Jones Trout Derby, Pleasant Valley Reservoir and the Owens River; bishopvisitor.com/blake-jones-trout-derby 21-22 First spring junior turkey hunt 26-29 Fred Hall Shows, Del Mar Fairgrounds; fredhall.com 28 Spring turkey hunting opener
APRIL 4-5 Sacramento Municipal Utility District Trout Derby, Rancho Seco Recreation Area; anglerspress.com/events/ smud-trout-derby California’s wild turkey season opens on March 28, with a special junior turkey hunt scheduled for March 21-22. (CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE)
4-5 Redding Sportsmans Expo, Redding Civic Center; reddingsportsmansexpo.com 18-19 Nor-Cal Guides and Sportsmen’s Association Striped Bass Derby, Colusa; (530) 923-9440 25 Statewide trout opening day 25 NorCal Trout Angler’s Challenge, Collins Lake; anglerspress.com 25 Fishmas Day Celebration, Tom’s Place Resort; tomsplaceresort.com 25 Monster Fish Contest, June Lake Loop; junelakeloop.org/index 25-26 Annett’s Mono Village Fishing Opener Derby, Upper Twin Lakes, Bridgeport; monovillage.com 25-NOV. 15 Gull Lake Marina Fish of the Month Club Derby, June Lake Loop; gulllakemarina.com 25-NOV. 15 Bridgeport Locals Only Fishing Tournament, Bridgeport Reservoir; (760) 932-7707 26-JUNE 16 Round-up at the Lake Spring Fishing Derby, Convict Lake; convictlake.com/resort-home
CALIFORNIA CHAPTER WILD SHEEP FOUNDATION ONLY 500 TICKETS AVAILABLE $100 PER TICKET DO NOT NEED TO BE PRESENT TO WIN. 2021 STONE SHEEP HUNT Special Drawing California 2020 Cady Mountains Bighorn Sheep Permit(Zone 9) Rare opportunity for CA desert sheep! Special State Permits in Live Auction Live Auction includes many hunts, artwork, family trips and more! Register to be a remote bidder at our website.
Alaska 2020 Chitina Bison Permit(SI450)
The premiere bison permit in North America.
Mail order to: CA WSF 1314 B Center Drive #267 Medford, OR 97501 FAX order to: 650-472-3889 ONLINE ORDERS: www.cawsf.org/store Get Tickets by Mail, Fax, or ON LINE
Hunt Information 15 day 1x1 hunt with Yukon Stone Outfitters Dates: August 12 - August 26, 2021 Location: Pelly Mountains of Yukon Territory, Canada