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Outdoor calendar
APRIL 2-3 Redding Sportsmans Expo, Redding Civic Auditorium; reddingsportsmansexpo.com 2-3 Lake McSwain Spring Trout Derby; (209) 354-2856; mercedid.com 9 Start of Isabella Lake Fishing Derby; kernrivervalley.com/fishingderby 9-10 Rancho Seco Trout Derby, Rancho Seco Park, Herald (Sacramento County); anglerspress.com/ events/smud-trout-derby.html 23 NorCal Trout Angler’s Challenge, Lake Amador; anglerspress.com/events/norcal-trout-anglerschallenge 30 Statewide trout opener 30 Fish of the Month Derby opens, Gull Lake; (760) 648-7539; gulllakemarina.com 30 Monster Trout Contest, June Lake; (760) 648-7756 30 Mono Village Fishing Opener Derby, Upper Twin Lake; (760) 932-7071 30-May 1 Bass Lake Trout Derby; basslakechamber.com/ fishing-derby 30-May 1 Shasta Lake Classic Team Kokanee Derby; kokaneepower.org/derbies MAY 1 Spring wild turkey season ends 1-June 12 Round-Up at the Lake Spring Fishing Derby, Convict Lake; (800) 992-2260 2-15 Archery-only spring wild turkey season 2-15 Additional junior wild turkey season 7 NorCal Trout Angler’s Challenge, Collins Lake; anglerspress.com/events/norcal-trout-anglerschallenge 21 Lassen Sportsmen’s Club Junior Fishing Derby, Susan River; susanvillestuff.com 27-30 Hangman’s Cash Bonus Weekend, Convict Lake; (800) 992-2260 27-June 27 Crowley Lake Perch Derby; (760) 935-4301
Note: Even with Covid-19 restrictions reduced, always confirm events before attending.
For a list of upcoming bass tournaments, go to nrm.dfg. ca.gov/FishingContests/default.aspx.

By Chris Cocoles
As the April 30 statewide trout opener nears in the Eastern Sierra, there should be no shortage of newly planted fish for anglers to reel in.
A collaboration among chambers of commerce, nonprofit organizations and private businesses around Mono County should result in roughly $300,000 worth of trout plants in various lakes, rivers and creeks leading into the opening weekend – known as Fishmas. The plants should continue well into the less-busy spring season before the summer crowds head up Highway 395 and descend on the popular region.
For example, Mono County put its $100,000 fish planting budget to good use. While California Department of Fish and Wildlife fish plants were stymied in the past year due to disease outbreaks at Hot Creek Hatchery, despite the Covid pandemic, Mono County was able to schedule and execute its plants throughout the spring and early summer with its hatchery partner, Desert Springs Trout Farm in Summer Lake, Oregon.
“That’s the message (we’re sending), that we’re putting fish in before (the) opener and we’ll have a heavy emphasis on spring,” says Jeff Simpson, Mono County’s economic development manager and a longtime Eastern Sierra trout angler.
“I know that I’m using my stocking budget of $100,000 that we commit to before the opener – a good portion (of plants) – and the rest will be heavily stocked later in the spring. We’re trying to get our first (plant) in there as soon as possible. If someone is coming up for the opener and expecting to catch a lot of fish, we’re really focusing on that for this year.”
Besides Mono County, community leaders in the Mammoth Lakes area also commit $100,000 to planting fish in lakes such as Mary, Mamie, George, and Upper and Lower Twin Lakes. And there are also plenty of stocking contributions from nonprofit groups such as the Bridgeport Fish Enhancement Foundation, other chambers of commerce and resort owners in and around the region’s numerous lakes.
Bridgeport Reservoir fans are counting down the days until Fishmas, the traditional last Saturday in April opener for the Eastern Sierra trout season. This year, it falls on April 30. (CHRISTIAN PONDELLA/MONO COUNTY TOURISM)

Crowley Lake will likely be the busiest fishery on the opener, as it usually is.

Several fishing derbies will greet anglers around the Eastern Sierra this year after many events were affected by Covid restrictions in 2020 and 2021.
The April 30 fishing tournaments include the Fishmas Day Derby at Tom’s Place Resort, the June Lake Monster Fish Contest and Mono Village’s Fishing Opener Derby at Upper Twin Lakes at Bridgeport. Convict Lake’s Roundup at the Lake also takes place from opening weekend through May 12.
Jeff Simpson, Mono County’s economic development manager, also pointed out some derbies that visitors should be looking out for this season.
“I think those events are geared to bring in people at less busy times during the spring, and fall when it’s not so busy. I tell people there are better rates for lodging and less crowds,” Simpson says. “It’s just a better experience when you come up in the early spring or the late fall.”
There are two tournaments sponsored by the Bridgeport Fish Enhancement Foundation, one on June 25 and the other Oct. 8 at Bridgeport Reservoir and the East Walker River.
“And all the money goes back to fish stocking in the Bridgeport area,” says Simpson, who also recommends the How Big is Big Fishing Derby that runs through the entire month of July on the West Walker River. Fish can be taken to the Walker General Store for weigh-ins and prizes.
And for a non-trout competition, the Crowley Lake Perch Derby runs from May 27 through June 27. Go to monocounty.org/things-to-do/fishing/fishing-events for contact and rules information. CC
“And that probably totals $75,000 to $100,000 as well. Adding (about) $300,000 in additional supplemental stocking is kind of our investment here just in Mono County,” Simpson says. “I think that’s pretty substantial. I don’t know if there’s anyone in the state that has that commitment for that amount of fish.”
Simpson adds that there’s been a push for everyone to come together for the common cause of stocking fish, which after two Covid-affected springs, summers and falls will hopefully bring even more business to the Eastern Sierra.
“I’ve seen a lot more businesses donate to nonprofits to stock fish,” Simpson says. “We’ve had multiple chambers working together. There’s just a huge effort to bring in as many fish as possible.”
From the usual suspects such as Crowley Lake and Convict Lake, to the Highway 395 corridor lakes to the north (Bridgeport Reservoir, Twin Lakes), plus rivers such as the East Walker, anglers should have lots of opportunities to take advantage of on opening weekend – weather permitting, of course.
“You never know. We’ve been really lucky with some nice weather over the last seven or eight years,” Simpson says.
The traditional destination spots should have plenty of fish, thanks to those liberal trout plantings from the various organizations listed above.
“We try to get the lower-elevation resort lakes – everything that’s kind of on 395 – and get those stocked before opener and in the early spring,” Simpson says of the fish plants. “And then sometimes, depending on the conditions of the season, we have to wait for Tioga Pass to open to get up to Saddlebag Lake or Virginia Lakes or Rock Creek Lake. And those years we have to push some of those (plantings) to mid-July. But this year I think we’ll be able to get up there for sure in June.”

Crowley especially should be buzzing the weekend of the 30th.
“The biggest opening-day tradition is at Crowley Lake. We see more boats and more people fishing there on opening weekend. Everyone is always busy and it’s a big day for everybody,” Simpson says. “There’s always something special at Crowley Lake for lots of people.”
But for Fishmas weekend and the ensuing weeks, when fishing pressure is minimal, there should be some outstanding fishing and plenty of trophy trout. Mono County’s Desert Springs rainbows will check in anywhere from 1½ to 5 pounds.
With the drought affecting reservoirs throughout Northern California, the water conditions around Mono County are generally good in the lakes. And in scouting trips to some of the high-elevation fisheries, Simpson says that those fisheries could be ready to go by perhaps April 30, or at least shortly thereafter.
“I’ve been to the June Lake Loop and most everything is already thawed at this point. If not, there are just chunks of ice remaining. Nothing is solid ice,” he says. “And in some years we kind of sweat that out in the last few weeks up until fishing season. But I think this year it’s going to be thawed out.”

A fly angler has the East Walker River to himself on this day. After opening weekend’s crowds, the rest of spring features better weather
and far less fishing pressure. (CHRISTIAN PONDELLA/MONO COUNTY TOURISM)
Doug Rodricks, who owns and operates Sierra Drifters Guide Service (760-935-4250; sierradrifters.com) in Mammoth Lakes, has high hopes for a productive trout season throughout the late spring and into summer.
“I think with the low snowpack this year, the runoff will be early, around the May/June time frame. There is still a bit of snow in the higher elevations, which will bring some spring rising water levels to rivers, creeks and lakes,” Rodricks says. “But by midsummer we will start to see lower levels again.”
As for the April 30 action, like Simpson, Rodricks knows that in the high country, you’re at the mercy of Mother Nature. For every sunny, warm, T-shirt and shorts opener, there can be a snowstorm that chases away the crowds.
“Fishing should be decent this opener, but there’s no telling what the weather will be like,” Rodricks says. “It could be sunny and warm or cold and blizzardy. All in all, I think
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Mammoth Lakes-area guide Doug Rodricks (left) is hopeful for nice weather and a lot of fish hauled in on opening weekend. “It could be sunny and warm or cold and blizzardy,” he admits. “All in all, I think most areas

should fish very well.” (SIERRA DRIFTERS GUIDE SERVICE)
most areas should fish very well.”
Simpson is looking forward to taking out his two sons, James, 6, and Parker, 2½, repeating his tradition of longtime fishing trips with his father. Bridgeport Reservoir has always been a Simpson tradition, but this year the family may head to the southwest and Twin Lakes if the weather cooperates. He calls it “a game day decision.”
Either way, there are high hopes for the Simpsons, other families who call the Eastern Sierra home and the businesses that have been hit hard by Covid-mandated restrictions – not to mention travelling anglers. Fingers are crossed for a Merry Fishmas weekend the whole way around.
“We’re anticipating a normal opener and a normal season,” Simpson says. “That’s something to look forward to.” CS
Editor’s note: For more info on Eastern Sierra fishing, check out monocounty.org/ things-to-do/fishing.