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Outdoor calendar
JUNE 1-6 Crowley Lake Perch Derby; Crowley Lake; (760) 935-4301 11-12 Finest Annual Trout Invitational Tournament, Crowley Lake; crowleylakefishcamp.com 12 Kokanee Power Team Derby, Don Pedro Reservoir; kokaneepower.org 26 Bridgeport Fish Enhancement Foundation Trout Tournament; bridgeportfish.com/tournament 26 Ocean salmon season opens in the San Francisco Management Area (Point Arena to Pigeon Point) 29 Ocean salmon seasons open in the Fort Bragg Management Area (from 40°10’00” N. latitude to Point Arena) and Klamath Management Zone (Oregon/California state line to 40°10’00” N. latitude near Cape Mendocino)
JULY 1 Rabbit and varying hare hunting season opens 1-31 How Big-Is-Big Fishing Derby, West Walker River; northernmonochamber.com 3 Free fishing day, no general license required in California waters; wildlife.ca.gov/Licensing/ Fishing/Free-Fishing-Days 10 Zone A archery deer hunting season opens 16 Sacramento and Feather River king salmon fishing season scheduled to open 17 Kokanee Power Team Derby, New Melones Lake; kokaneepower.org 24 Zone B-4 archery deer season opens 30 Bridgeport Fish Fest, Twin Lakes Resort; facebook.com/ twinlakesbridgeport
Note: COVID-19 restrictions were easing at press time, but always confirm events before attending.
For a complete list of bass tournaments statewide, go to dfg.ca.gov/FishingContests/default.aspx.