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Outdoor Calendar
AUGUST 7-15 Most archery pronghorn hunting season dates 14 Pardee Lake Team Kokanee Derby (moved from Bullards Bar Reservoir); kokaneepower.org 14-20 Owens Valley Multiple Zone Archery-only bull tule elk hunt dates 17-20 Grizzly Island Period 1 apprentice antlerless archery tule elk hunt dates 19-22 Grizzly Island Period 2 apprentice archery spike bull tule elk hunt dates 21 Zones B-1, -2, -3, -5 and -6 archery deer seasons open 21 Archery-only and falconry quail, grouse, pheasant and chukar hunting seasons open 21 Most D Zone archery deer seasons open 21-29 Most general and apprentice pronghorn hunting season dates 27 Start of Ambush at the Lake fall fishing derby, Convict Lake; convictlake.com, (800) 992-2260
SEPTEMBER 1-15 First dove hunting season dates 4 Statewide Free Fishing Day (no general fishing license required); wildlife.ca.gov/ licensing/fishing/free-fishing-days 11 Shaver Lake Team Kokanee Derby; kokaneepower.org 11 Zone Q1 mountain quail hunting season opens 11 Sooty (blue) and ruffed grouse season opens 11-19 White-tailed ptarmigan hunting season dates 18 Most Zones B and C, plus D-6 and -7 deer hunting seasons open 18 Zone X-9A deer season opens 19-26 Northern Zone band-tailed pigeon season dates 25 Zones D-3, -4, -5, -8, -9 and -10 deer seasons open 25 Zone X-8 deer season opens 25 Zone Q2 all-quail season opens 26 Rush Creek Cleanup and BBQ, Silver Lake Resort; (760) 648-7525
Note: COVID-19 restrictions were easing at press time, but always confirm events before attending.
For a complete list of bass tournaments statewide, go to dfg.ca.gov/FishingContests/default.aspx.