1 minute read
It was a season of climatic contrasts for Kyle Klander. The unusually warm weather of Washington’s October rifle deer season saw him tag out with a four-point blacktail in Whatcom County, and then there was good tracking snow on the ground during his special permit hunt for a Nooksack Unit elk, also a four-pointer! (COAST PHOTO CONTEST)

2022 Big Game
There are basket racks and then there are basketball-hoop-sized racks – or at least fun camera angles.
long after Washington’s rifle season opened.
Temperatures in the low 80s and heavy pressure pushing bucks onto private land or keeping them well out of range made for tough hunting for Wade Ramsey, who wasn’t looking for just any Maupin Unit muley either. But as the controlled season in Northcentral Oregon ground towards its end, the appearance of a three-bytwo at first light across a big canyon had him take a 530-yard poke at it. “Having a range finder and compensating dial for bullet drop on his Leupold scope made the shot possible,” reports Wade’s dad, Buzz Ramsey. (BUZZ RAMSEY)