2 minute read
1 ODFW Intro to Hunting ($, registration), Sportsman’s Warehouse, Portland –info: myodfw.com/workshops-and-events
4 Oregon Northwest Permit Zone late goose and Mid-Columbia Zone late white and white-fronted goose openers; Oregon and Washington statewide veterans and active military waterfowl hunting day; Washington statewide youth waterfowl hunting day
10 Deadline to apply for Oregon spring black bear permit
11 Washington Goose Management Areas 1, 4 late white goose opener; Washington Goose Management Area 2 Coast and Inland zones late goose opener (state wildlife areas, federal refuges closed; select dates)
11-12 ODFW Steelhead 101 Workshop ($, registration), Glen Otto Park, Troutdale –info: see above
15 Last day to apply for Idaho spring black bear hunt; Last day of steelhead fishing in select Puget Sound terminal areas
16 ODFW Intro to Hunting ($, registration), Sportsman’s Warehouse, Portland –info: see above
18 Oregon South Coast Zone late goose hunt opener
18-19 Free Fishing Weekend in Oregon; ODFW Ice Fishing Workshop (free), Lake of the Woods, Klamath Falls – info: see above
19 Last day of Oregon Zone 1 snipe hunt
28 Last day of bobcat and fox season in Oregon; Last day to fish for steelhead on numerous Washington Coast streams
1 Lake Billy Chinook’s Metolius Arm opens for fishing; ODFW Intro to Hunting ($, registration), Sportsman’s Warehouse, Portland – info: see above; Numerous Eastern Washington lakes open for fishing; Blackmouth opener on Washington Marine Area 5
10 Last day of Oregon Northwest Permit and South Coast late goose, and High Desert and Blue Mountains Zone white and white-fronted goose seasons
11 Bottomfish, lingcod, rockfish and cabezon seasons open on Washington Marine Areas 1-3 and Area 4 west of Bonilla-Tatoosh line
15 Last day of bobcat, fox, raccoon, and rabbit season in Washington
16 ODFW Intro to Hunting ($, registration), Sportsman’s Warehouse, Portland –info: see above
20 Washington sea duck, Southwest Canada goose, snow goose and brant harvest reports due
31 Last day 2022-23 Washington fishing and hunting licenses valid; Last day to fish for steelhead on remaining open Washington coastal systems
1 New Washington fishing and hunting licenses required; Opening day of controlled or general spring bear hunts in all Oregon and select Idaho units
1-7 Washington youth turkey hunting week
6 Tentative Marine Areas 5-10 halibut opener (Thursday-Monday fishing through May 22) – info: wdfw.wa.gov/fishing/regulations/halibut

8-14 Idaho youth turkey hunting week
8-9 Oregon youth turkey hunting weekend
15 General spring turkey season opener in Idaho, Oregon and Washington; Opening day of spring black bear hunts in more Idaho units
April May
1 2023 Northern Pikeminnow Sport-reward Program fishery begins on Columbia and Snake Rivers – info: pikeminnow.org; Areas 5-11, 13 lingcod opener
4 Tentative Columbia River Subarea/Area 1 halibut opener (Thursday, Sunday fishing through May 21); Tentative Area 2 halibut opener (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday fishing through May 23); Tentative Areas 3-4 halibut opener (Thursday, Saturday fishing through May 20) – info: see above
The “Wall of Kings” collection of trophy big game animals is a popular attraction at the O’Loughlin’s three Northwest sportsmen’s shows. Those and other shows also hold headand-horns competitions in which hunters can get their bucks and bulls officially scored. (ANDY