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Sekiu and Washington’s Marine Area 5 are known for putting out a bigger grade of saltwater Chinook during the late winter/early spring fishery, with a few into the upper teens. Joey Pyburn shows off one he caught with The Outdoor Line radio show cohost Tom Nelson last March. (TOM NELSON)
True, the Straits’ winter salmon fishery is the prime draw this time of year, and here we detail how to fish it, but don’t overlook nearby bottomfish ops.
By Mark Yuasa
Once regarded as a major rest area along the salmon highway, Sekiu in the western Strait of Juan de Fuca has now turned into a much more diverse fishing area. While the focus this time of year is primarily on prized winter Chinook, also known as blackmouth, there are other abundant fish stocks like black rockfish, lingcod and halibut that’ll come into play during late winter and spring.
“I’m excited about what’s in store for winter Chinook. We had a good season last year and are hopeful to repeat it again this year,” says Brandon Mason, owner of Mason’s Olson Resort (olsons-resort.com) at Sekiu. “The nice thing about Sekiu is we’ve got enough fisheries happening to keep3 folks busy from when it opens on March 1 clear into summertime.”
In addition to salmon, bottomfish can help bulk up the haul in the western Strait of Juan de Fuca. There are year-round rockfish as well as lingcod to be had beginning March 12 this year in the inside waters of Area 4 to the west. Both species as well as halibut also become available in Sekiu starting

FIRST AND FOREMOST, let’s focus our
attention on expectations for winter Chinook around Sekiu, which is open from March 1-April 30. The daily limit is two hatchery-marked
Getting to Sekiu takes about four-plus hours, not including ferry boat ride, from the greater Seattle/Tacoma area.
For those planning to trailer a boat or drive to Sekiu, be aware that two major landslides this past winter on Highway 112 near Clallam Bay and Jim Creek severely damaged the roadway. Work on reopening the highway isn’t expected to be completed until sometime in late April.
“The bypass road will only take you an extra 10 to 15 minutes to get to Sekiu, but travelers should use caution and expect possible delays, especially when logging Chinook with a minimum size limit of 22 inches.
Sekiu remains a diamond in the rough since the majority of saltwater salmon fisheries are dictated by catch quotas and/or guidelines. In other words, Sekiu has a set season from start to finish without any worry of shutting down before you plan to go.
Another positive note is Sekiu has a reputation for producing larger-sized fish in late winter and early spring, ranging from 5 to 13 pounds with a few hitting 15 to 20plus pounds.
There is a good mix of different age-class Chinook, but it’s not uncommon to find bigger 3- and 4-year-old fish. In late winter/spring these fish are known to move from Puget Sound to the western Strait of Juan de Fuca. At around this time period they begin to sexually mature and eventually migrate back to natal waters later in summer and fall.
One reason for a Chinook’s fast weight gain is a tenacity to feed heavily on abundant schools of 4-inch-long sandlance (candlefish) and large, 4- to 7-inch herring residing in the Strait.
Better yet, you might even encounter a larger spring Chinook migrating back to their final spawning destination. During the 2021 winter fishery in Marine Area 5, which these
trucks are driving along the narrow road,” advises Brandon Mason, a local resort owner. “There are clearly marked signs and lights directing vehicles to the alternate route.”
When planning a bottomfishing trip to waters off Neah Bay and La Push, with the Makah Reservation still closed due to Covid issues, the closest facilities are located at Sekiu. This means booking your moorage and accommodations well in advance is vital to avoid any last-minute hang-ups.
Anglers can purchase a British Columbia fishing license to chase salmon and other fish across the border, which is a short boat ride away.
“We sell Canadian licenses and can help anglers with rules and places to catch fish in BC waters,” Mason says. “It is not difficult to get over and back (about 15 nautical miles to Sooke) and gives you another option to find fish.”
There are two fishing resorts at Sekiu offering amenities, moorage, fuel and accommodations with an awesome view of the Strait.
In addition to Olson’s, located on the very western edge of town, there is Van Riper’s Resort on the right-hand side of the main road heading into town. –MY
waters are officially known as by state fishery managers, some anglers claimed to have caught more of these larger-class fish.
ACCESS TO THE salmon fishing grounds – from Low Point at the mouth of the Lyre River on the eastern boundary heading west to the Sekiu River mouth – is relatively easy.
One of the more productive spots, referred to as the “Caves,” is located a couple hundred yards around the corner of the breakwater from the resort docks.
The Caves are best fished on an outgoing tide. Plan to start off the breakwater’s eastern edge in 90 to 180 feet of water (my favorite depth is the 100- to 125-foot contour line). The depth often depends on where the baitfish schools are residing, and once you’re dialed in, start making your way in a westerly direction toward Eagle Bay just off the Hoko River mouth near Kydaka Point. The fish tend to hang along the sandy bottom, so keep your presentation bouncing right off the deck.
The key to success is locating baitfish, so if you don’t find any feed lurking off the Caves, then head east to the green buoy off Slip Point, Mussolini Rock, the Coal Mine and Slide areas, or further east to Cod Fish Bay and Pillar Point.

The majority of anglers will troll with downriggers since you can stay near or bounce off the bottom and cover a lot of ground using a rotating flasher with a whole or cut-plug herring, plugs, spoons, Needlefish or a variety of plastic squids.
Others like to drift or motor mooch with herring or use jigs like a Point Wilson Dart, Crippled Herring, Dungeness Stinger or Buzz Bomb.
bottomfish are good fishing alternatives to fill the freezer, especially when the salmon fishing action slows down.
To the west of Sekiu, Neah Bay (Marine Area 4 west of the BonillaTatoosh Line) and La Push (Marine Area 3) are open March 12-October 15 for lings and bottomfish, while that part of Area 4 east of Bonilla-Tatoosh to the Sekiu River mouth is open yearround for rockfish and cabezon, and from March 12-October 15 for lingcod.
The western Strait also opens for halibut from May 5-21 on Thursdays and Saturdays; May 27, 28 and 29; and June 2-25 on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays; and June 30.
On Washington’s North Coast, Neah Bay and La Push (Areas 3 and 4) are scheduled to be open for halibut from May 5-21 and June 2-25 on Thursdays and Saturdays; plus May 27 and 29 and June 30. Note that each area could close sooner if the catch quota is achieved before any of the end dates.
Anglers should consult the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife regulation pamphlet or website (wdfw.wa.gov) for catch limits and restrictions for rockfish (including yelloweye) and other fish species.
Anglers should also carefully read up on personal-use fishing regulations including possession limits when fishing in waters south of the Washington border. NS
Editor’s note: This story was written by Mark Yuasa, who is a Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Communications Consultant, and is a longtime local fishing and outdoor writer.