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Miquel Lloberas & Ali Basbous


NGPS Miquel Lloberas & Ali Basbous

Iaac / MAA


‘The purpose of this research is to investigate materials deposition in a non gravity environment. The core of our ideas arises from the molecular gastronomy explorations of El Bulli Restaurant’s famous head Chef, Ferran Adria. Our system is based on explorations of the non gravitational space through its physical and chemical properties. The list of our applications which started as a kitchen set of experiments has rapidly emerged to reach the real world of construction. In this specific application, we have chosen to create an interaction between Alginate (catalyst of the N.G space) and Plaster (deposited material). The lucid effect of spherification, solidification and adhesivity is a result of natural reactions between the composing materials. The other part of the application has been carried through computation (self organization systems dealing with large number of parameters / gravity, weight, material behaviour) and conducted throughout a CODE to a machine (CNC depositing device) to translate it into a physical geometry. Our endeavor is to pull the application to greater scales and explore the possibilities of involving a multitude of materials to address environmental, social, economical and production issues’_

PREFACE Idea behind the Research -----------------------------------------------------INTRODUCTION Ferran AdriĂ & The Spherification processes ----------------------------------------------------EXPERIMENTATIONS Series of hand tests ------------------------------------------------------NON GRAVITY SPACE Properties Laplace Law --------------------------------------------------------


MATERIALITY vs MULTIMATERIALITY Traditional composites Function Graded Materials --------------------------------------------------------COMPUTATION Packing Spheres Rule of the Box Constraints Finding Geometry Learning from nature --------------------------------------------------------APPARATUS Depositing Machine --------------------------------------------------------MACHINE LOGICS V1.0 V2.0 V3.0 Machine Assembly CNC Printing Details Scale --------------------------------------------------------CREDITS --------------------------------------------------------


Idea behind the research


Idea behind the Research

The context in which this research was conducted / Iaac, masters, fab(ots)

This investigation was performed in the scope of a studio research at the Institut of Advanced Architecture of Catalunya under the tutorship of Marta Male Alemany and assistance of Cesar Cruz Cazares. The aim of this Research Studio entitled Fab(ots) is to investigate the workflow between computational design and material production methods, exploring the relationship between de-

sign inputs and computer programmable devices that can be used for the production of building structures and/or components. Students have examined scenarios in which parametric design and material production are developed simultaneously, exploring the potentials of linking design programming and machinic behaviour in real time.

Fablab and Fabrication facilities at the institut of Advanced Architecture of Catalunya (IAAC) in Barcelona.


The MultiCam Laser Cutting machine processing the Acrylic pieces for NGPS V3.0 at the Institut.

MAA. IAAC / Miquel Lloveras & Ali Basbous

Some of the work performed by CNC powered machines at the Institut.


Image showing NGPS Lateral profile piece in fabrication.

Connection joint detail of the longitudinal part during fabrication.

MAA. IAAC / Miquel Lloveras & Ali Basbous


Ferran AdriĂ & The Spherification processes


The Spherification processes

Ferran Adria and the molecular gastronomy

Ferran Adrià i Acosta Is a Catalan chef born on May 14, 1962 in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat. He is the famed head chef of the El Bulli restaurant in Roses on the Costa Brava. Today he is considered one of the best chefs in the world and tops the European Restaurant Ranking. El Bulli has 3 Michelin stars and is regarded as one of the best restaurants in the world. In 2005 it ranked second in the Restaurant Top 50. It was awarded the first place in 2006, displacing The Fat Duck in England. El Bulli has retained this title in 2007, 2008 and 2009.

Adrià is the author of several cookbooks including “A Day at El Bulli”, El Bulli 2003-2004 and Cocinar en Casa (Cooking at Home).


Molecular gastronomy

The Spherification processes

Is a scientific discipline that studies the physical and chemical processes that occur while cooking. Molecular gastronomy seeks to investigate and explain the chemical reasons behind the transformation of ingredients, as well as the social, artistic and technical components of culinary and gastronomic phenomena in general.

Basic spherification in a calcium bath immersion.

Food element spheres extracted outside of the Calcium bath.



The Spherification processes

Ferran Adria’s spherification kit sodium alginate pearls, goose liver whipped cream…these are the results of molecular cuisine, which also teaches how to produce 6.34 gallons of mayonnaise with only one egg yolk. Indeed, the term molecular cuisine is meaningless except to a small elite who are familiar with the chemistry, synthetic products and latest technology necessary to create this avantgarde cuisine. More generally speaking, it’s a cuisine free from the usual recipes, an approach without roots or references. However, this “way of cooking” claims an artistic dimension and a position among the conceptual arts.

A range of different sphere types result of diverse food element mixes.

Basic spherification of an Acid component added to Citras ( product of Texture Kit) to circumvent a dissolved membrane of the sphere inside the bath.

What is Alginate

Phenomenon Explanation When Alginate of Sodium is mixed with Chloride of Calcium, a double reaction of displacement occurs resulting by two types of formation: (Sodium Chloride) generating SALT and (Calcium Alginate). A double displacement reaction is a reaction where substances are subject to change.

Alginate, is an anionic polysaccharide distributed widely in the cell walls of brown algae, where it, through binding water, forms a viscous gum. In extracted form it absorbs water quickly; it is capable of absorbing 200-300 times its own weight in water. Its color ranges from white to yellowish-brown. It is sold in filamentous, granular or powdered forms.

Structure It is a linear copolymer with homopolymeric blocks of (1-4)-linked β-D-mannuronate (M) and its C-5 epimer α-L-guluronate (G) residues, respectively, covalently linked together in different sequences or blocks. The monomers can appear in homopolymeric blocks of consecutive G-residues (G-blocks), consecutive M-residues (M-blocks), alternating M and G-residues (MG-blocks), or randomly organized blocks. Forms Commercial varieties of alginate are extracted from seaweed, including the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera, Ascophyllum nodosum, and various types of Laminaria. It is also produced by two bacterial genera Pseudomonas and Azotobacter, which played a major role in the unravelling of its biosynthesis pathway. Bacterial alginates are useful for the production of micro- or nanostructures suitable for medical applications. History In 1883, Dr.E.C.C. Stanford, Scottish scientist, was the first to isolate and to name algínic acid. Since then, Alginic Acid and its derivatives have been used for various applications such as manufacture of food additives, pharmaceutical products, cosmetics and textiles.

Spherification technique Spherification is a spectacular cooking technique developed by el-Bulli in 2003, enabling you to realize new magical recipes. It consists of a controlled jellification of a liquid to create spheres. Basic spherification consists of plunging a liquid mixed with Alginate into a bath of Calcium. This technique allows you to obtain different sized spheres which sometimes can refer to caviar, egg, gnocchi, ravioli… Relatively supple. Spheres made with this technique can also be handled and formed to contain solid elements within them. Basic spherification sometimes requires the addition of Citras to regulate the acidity of certain ingredients. The process requires the use of specific tools from the Bulli kit like for example ‘the Eines’. The El-Bulli spherification kit Texturas contains Algin, Calcic, Citras and Eines components.

This set contains : Algin Texturas 1 x Algin Texturas - 500g box Calcic Texturas 1 x Calcic Texturas - 600g box Citras Texturas 1 x Citras Texturas - 600g box Eines Texturas 1 x Eines Texturas - box


Series of hand tests




In order to understand the spherification phenomena, we moved to a massive testing session where our purpose was to cross and join all existing materials at reach. Our experiments’ list varied from dairy and food products to construction material. We were testing the deposited mix as well as the NG composing environment. Our testing phase stretched over a period of two months during which we collected a noticeable amount of data leading us to find the appropriate mix for our development. We will be listing in this coming episode some of the undergone experiments as well as the unbiased mix and properties of our chosen medium.







We used a basic spherification technique.

In this case we went directly to a “reverse spherification technique�. We used milk as a deposited material in the water + alginate bath. Due to the low density of the milk, we couldn’t control the liquidity, therefore we added SANTANA to thicken the material. In contact with the bath, we noted that the material had a fast reaction noted through the formation of a thick membrane resulting from the high Calcium contact in both Material and Mix.

Due to the high calcium concentration in the Yogurt, we noticed a fast spherical reaction on contact with the bath. Along our experiments we could say that this is the first time we achieve a close to sphere geometry resulting of a high calcium mix. The control of position and connection was therefore still harder to achieve.

This experiment strengthens our idea of controlling the geometry. The well formed spheres placed in vis a vis but unable to connect inside and outside the bath. Mastic does not contain a great amount of calcium. Outside the gel, the spheres are demonstrating hardness but we noticed a reduction in size couple of days later.

As the protagonist of construction materials, Concrete had to be put in experience. We have chosen a sand free concrete mix (easier to be injected from the nozzle without blocking it) / Cement Dust. The high density of the material made it completely unstable in the bath. The geometry could not be controlled due to low calcium but the result showed that the process could be perfect for linear printing practices.

After series of rigorous experiments, our requirements became very oriented towards material with high calcium composition. The light weight of the material and its softness would play a major role in determining the proper medium which would evolve to an architecture application. Many types of plaster were put in experiment. The most appropriate result came with ALFAMOLDE 6 from Saint Gobain industries. The best spherical shape, the hardest mix and the most stable connection (within the material itself and summed by the membrane).

Inside: The bath space was composed of Alginate and water. The deposited material was calcium dissolved in water. The result is mainly tied to the amount of calcium in the mix. The experiment showed us that the thickness of the membrane is proportional to the time spent in the mixed bath. The more calcium we add, the faster the reaction is. Outside: The extracted material out of the liquid has high elastic properties. After few days, the membrane shrinks and dries.


This image of an early experiment shows the potential within the geometrical formations which could be achieved through our depositing process.


The membrane is a highly valuable factor of this experience. Its role is to join the different spheres together in an adhesive way. The thickness of the membrane is proportional to the time spent inside of the bath. The membrane would melt to the material some time after its extraction from the bath‌ This image shows a raw membrane embodying a certain type of liquid.


The Membrane

The MEDIUM; balanced MIX

COMPONENT PROPERTIES · Product Name and Use :

Alfamolde 6


· Manufacturer / Supplier : St-Gobain Placo Iberica, S.A ·Chemical Composition :

Calcium Sulfate Hemihydrate CaS04.1/2 H2O Natural Calcium Sulphates_

· Dangerous Substances :


·Appearance :

White Powder

· Odour :


· PH :

Near Neutral

· Solubility :

7-9 g/l (H2O)

· Non Combustible

· Gypsum Formation : Gypsum is a sedimentary rock which was formed over many millions of years by the evaporation of sea water. The evaporation phase, which lasted thousands of years, led to the formation of gypsum deposits, in thick layers. Gypsum seams were subsequently buried over a period of time through natural subsidence, and lay preserved deep in the earth for millions of years. Gypsum deposits were brought nearer to the earth’s surface during the last Ice Age by the erosive effect of glaciers and the deep incision of river valleys by the glacial melt water. Wide spherical variation related to different mixes of Plaster

Production Process Formula has decades of experience in producing quality plaster and gypsum products from high purity gypsum. By directly controlling and finely tuning the extraction and production process, Formula adapts the structure and properties of plaster formulations, to match the needs of a variety of highly technical industries. Extraction Gypsum is extracted from open air or underground mines, using specific drilling machinery and non-polluting explosives. Rock size may reach up to 50 cm in diameter. Crushing Primary crushing aimed at reducing rocks to a size of less than 10cm, subsequently easier to handle, is carried out in the quarry or at the entrance to the plaster manufacturing station. Storage Rock that has undergone primary crushing is stored to ensure production continuity, and optimal homogeneity between rock extraction batches. Sifting It is necessary to separate and control gypsum particle size in order to obtain the exact product properties required for the plaster being manufactured. Calcination Calcium sulphate hemihydrate (CaSO4.½H2O) or plaster is obtained through the partial or total dehydration of gypsum at a temperature ranging from 120° to 400° C The structure and properties of the final product are directly dependent on the chosen calcination conditions (temperature, pressure, rapidity). Several calcination processes exist: Beta Process During the calcination process, under regular environmental pressure, dehydration water evaporates and a micro-porous structure is formed. Beta plaster crystals have a high specific surface and high water demands. Beta plasters casts have high porosity, but low mechanical properties and are therefore used for example in lightweight building applications or moulds in ceramic applications for their absorbent properties.

Alpha Process Alpha type plaster is used mainly in industrial plaster formulations for its high mechanical strength. This plaster type is a compact crystal with a low specific surface and low water demands to produce hard, low porosity casts. Alpha plaster can be formed through 2 different production procedures Dry process: steam vapour is injected during calcination. The plaster is dried and treated.Wet process: calcination of a gypsum slurry under pressure. The plaster is then dried. Grinding Following the calcination process, the plaster is ground to obtain a powder. Particle size distribution is an important factor in the product properties Mixing & Blending Often different plasters will be blended to combine their properties and optimise product solutions to suit market requirements. With the plaster in finely ground form, the final mixing stage is possible. A choice of additives will finely tune the products properties to match the customer’s needs, in terms of setting time, viscosity, porosity, colour, mechanical strength… Testing Laboratory testing is carried out at several production phases, to ensure all products meet the strict product specifications before being bagged and shipped. Packaging Feasibility studies are carried out to ensure the packaging item chosen for each product gives optimal protection and guarantees the product quality all the way to the end-user.

Ceramics :

Environment :

Metal Casting :

Personal Care :

• Bath manufacturing

• Agriculture

• Aerospace

• Bandage plasters

• Bidet manufacturing

• Fertilisers

• Aluminium casting

• Beauty masks

• Block mould

• Fish Farming

• Artistic casting

• CAD CAM models

• Case mould

• Horticulture

• Automotive

• Cosmetic plasters

• Casting plasters

• Land reclamation

• Brass casting

• Crown & bridge manufacturing

• Ceramic giftware

• Mushroom composting

• Bronze Casting

• Dental plasters

• Ceramic bath ware

• Pesticides

• Bust casting

• Die stones

• Clay roof tiles

• Soil irrigation

• Calcined clays / chamottes

• Facial masks

• Figurines

• Waste water irrigation

• Crystal manufacturing

• Medical

• Jiggering

• Water treatment

• Foundry

• Model plasters

• Glass manufacturing

• Orthopaedics

• Investment casting

• Stone plasters

• Jewelry

• Thermal masks

• Medium pressure casting • Modelling

Interior Design & Artistic :

• Mould-making • Moulding plaster

• Architectural models

• Lost wax casting

• Pottery

• Artistic casting

• Magnesium casting

• RAM Process

• Bust casting

• Military casting

• Rooftiles

• Ceiling roses

• Mould-making

• Sanitaryware

• Chimney surrounds

• Pâte de verre

• Slip casting

• Cinema, TV and theatre sets and decors

• Precision casting

• Tableware

• Cornicing

• Refractories

• Toilets

• Coving

• Shell casting

• Vitreous china

• Column encasements

• Shoe soles

• Wash basins

• Decorative plaster ceilings

• Statuary

• Decorative plaster panels

• Steel casting

• Decorative wall lighting (up lighters)

• Turbines

• Fibrous Plasterwork

• Turbos

• Aerated concrete block manufacturing

• Figurines

• Tyres

• Coatings

• GRG elelents

• Construction Materials

• Hobby applications (plaster kits)

• Crack & joint fillers

• Imitation brick and stone blocks

• Finishing coatings

• Modelling

• Coal mining•Engineering

• Fire protection products

• Mould-making

• Food Additives

• Fixing compounds

• Moulding plaster

• Food Processing Aids

• Flooring compounds

• Plaster figurines

• Mining

• Jointing compounds

• Plaster giftware

• Oil drilling

• Mortars

• Rails & skirtings

• Paints

• Passive fire protection products

• Statuary

• Paper manufacturing

• Varnishes

• Sculpting

• Rubber

• Wall compounds

• Stuc

• Soil stabilisation

• Wall panels

• Suspended ceilings

Construction Materials :

Other Technical:

Testing the MEDIUM Level control Plaster composition: 45 Ml Water + 80 grs Plaster Liquid composition: 1 L. Water + 30 grs Alginate

Plaster composition: 45 Ml Water + 80 grs Plaster Different reaction time Liquid composition: 1 L. Water + 56 grs Alginate

Plaster composition: 45 Ml Water + 100 grs Plaster Liquid composition: 1 L. Water + 65 grs Alginate

Geometric accretion

Massive composition







Counter of the MIX 01







1 l. H2O


25 Alginato

5 gr. Alfamold 6 + 45 cl. H2O


12 min. to become hard

1 l. H2O


50 Alginato

10 gr. Alfamold 6 + 45 cl. H2O


10 min. to become hard

1 l. H2O


75 Alginato

15 gr. Alfamold 6 + 45 cl. H2O


8 min. to become hard

1 l. H2O


100 Alginato

20 gr. Alfamold 6 + 45 cl. H2O


5 min. to become hard

1 l. H2O


125 Alginato

30 gr. Alfamold 6 + 45 cl. H2O


4 min. to become hard

1 l. H2O


150 Alginato

35 gr. Alfamold 6 + 45 cl. H2O


2 min. to become hard

1 l. H2O


150 Alginato

40 gr. Alfamold 6 + 45 cl. H2O


12 min. to become hard


Properties Laplace Law

The Non gravity space < FIRST POINT

NON GRAVITY ---------------H2O+ALGIN


AVATAR movie frame: Imagining Non Gravity

“…mass rather than weight-based criteria should be the approach of Non Gravitational Space.” Gravity is a prerequisite that has always been an influence in architectural design. Architecture has evolved over thousands of years as a resistance to the force of gravity. Gravity determines what we are capable of. It determines form, and it determines the nature of architectural space, as we know it. If we take away this assumption, then it can be argued that we are able to study architecture in a more pure form, this being a series of spaces in a three-dimensional environment. An important organizing theme in architectural design theory is the notion of principal directions, which imbue space with an inherent structure. The identification of these directions is powerfully influenced by gravity.



In Gravity architecture, six directions on three axes are innately perceptible: up-down (height), left-right (breadth), and front-back (depth). The up-down axis is normally tied to the force of gravity. The other axes are free to rotate around it.

The up-down axis is called “vertical”, while all possible left-right and front-back axis are called “horizontal”. The anisotropic character of this space is judged by the effort required to move in any given direction: up and down are distinct irreversible poles. Left, right, front and back are inter-changeable simply by turning around. Thus, gravitationally, there are three principal directions - up, down, and horizontal - and three basic architectural elements - ceiling (or roof), floor, and wall. The walls, which bound the horizontal dimensions, are not inherently distinct. These common-sense ideas, rooted in the experience of gravity, permeate architectural theory. Our entire grammar is built around the three elements of floor, wall, and roof. Architectural design for a non gravitational environment requires a fundamental reexamination of design principles which until now have been taken for granted.

LAPLACE LAW In physics, the Laplace equation is a nonlinear partial differential equation that describes the capillary pressure difference sustained across the interface between two static fluids, such as water and air, due to the phenomenon of surface tension. It relates the pressure difference to the shape of the surface and it is fundamentally important in the study of static capillary surfaces. It is a statement of normal stress balance for static fluids meeting at an interface, where the interface is treated as a surface (zero thickness): Where Δp is the pressure difference across the fluid interface, γ is the surface tension, is a unit normal to the surface, H is the mean curvature, and R1 and R2 are the principal radius of curvature. (Some authors refer inappropriately to the factor 2H as the total curvature). Note that only normal stress is considered, this is because it can be shown that a static interface is possible only in the absence of tangential stress.

First stabilization of spheres realized experimentaly in the jelly environment


Properties Laplace Law



MULTI MATERIALITY material _01 material _02 material _03 material _04

Traditional composites; homogeneous mixtures

Function Graded Material

Material is synonymous with substance, and is anything made of matter – hydrogen, air and water are all examples of materials. Sometimes the term “material� is used more narrowly to refer to substances or components with certain physical properties that are used as inputs to production or manufacturing. In this sense, materials are the parts required to make something else, from buildings and art to stars and computers.

A functionally graded material (FGM) is a two-component composite characterized by a compositional gradient from one component to the other. In contrast, traditional composites are homogeneous mixtures, and they therefore involve a compromise between the desirable properties of the component materials.

In architectural design, material is a relative term and so may be used to designate materials which are considered to be virtual, (such as photographs, images or text) or other materials which are natural. Some materials may be considered as combinations of the two (What we refer as Multimaterial). Certain veneers which are composed of images printed on plastic are a good example of this. Observationally therefore, virtual materials can be said not to exist without a natural physical substrate. Therefore, what separate a virtual material from a natural one are some aspect of the mind and perception as well as a process of representation to produce them. in fact, materiality in architecture is not limited to theoretical positions on the perceived materiality of images, texts, or other objects of representation. It may refer to the materiality of specific projects, where one would need to consider the full range of materials used. Discussions on the materiality of architecture are usually synonymous with structural and aesthetic concerns in architectural design and are typically unique with each project.

Since significant proportions of an FGM contain the pure form of each component, the need for compromise is eliminated. The properties of both components can be fully utilized. For example, the toughness of a metal can be mated with the refractoriness of a ceramic, without any compromise in the toughness of the metal side or the refractoriness of the ceramic side.


Potential Applications of FGMs FGMs offer great promise in applications where the operating conditions are severe. For example, wear-resistant linings for handling large heavy abrasive ore particles, rocket heat shields, heat exchanger tubes, thermoelectric generators, heat-engine components, plasma facings for fusion reactors, and electrically insulating metal/ceramic joints. They are also ideal for minimising thermomechanical mismatch in metal-ceramic bonding. The Origin of FGMs The FGM concept originated in Japan in 1984 during the spaceplane project, in the form of a proposed thermal barrier material capable of withstanding a surface temperature of 2000 K and a temperature gradient of 1000 K across a cross section <10 mm. Since 1984, FGM thin films have been comprehensively researched, and are almost a commercial reality. Controlled Segregation A number of laboratory reports have been published on fabrication processes for bulk FGMs. These approaches have mostly involved some sort of controlled segregation approach, i.e., separating a mixture of metal and ceramic powders into a graded profile on the basis of density. In controlled segregation, the driving force for gradation is the action of gravity on the difference in true density of the component powders. Segregation is a slow process with poor gradient control because segregation rates depend strongly on the particle size and morphology of the specific raw materials used. To date, most published papers on bulk FGMs have involved a segregation approach, for example, sedimentation forming, slip casting, centrifugal casting, and thixotropic casting.

Controlled Blending In controlled blending, the two FGM components are blended during forming and the ratio is continuously varied from 100% component 1 through to 100% component 2 (or variation thereof). This approach potentially offers the unique advantage of being able to produce precisely controllable regular functional gradients independent of the system-inherent issues of powder density and gravitational settling mechanisms. Also, unlike segregation, controlled blending enables very rapid processing rates. Use of Controlled Blending To date, controlled-blending has mostly been used for making FGM thin films. For example, FGM thin films by thermal spraying (blended powder feed), vapour deposition (CVD/PVD blended gas feed), electrophoretic deposition (blended slurries), filter pressing (blended slurries), and blended spray drying. Extracted from Functionally Graded Materials (FGM) and Their Production Methods / Dr, Andrew Ruys and D. Sun

Source: Royal Dannish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen 2009


Packing Spheres Rule of the Box Constraints Finding geometry Learning from nature


The 3D Software, NURBS-based 3-D modeling tool / Rhino, Grasshopper and VB scripting / is the originator of our geometries and shapes. Our 3D experimental applications have started from a point and gradually investigated curves, surfaces and polysurfaces in the process of finding geometries. Parallel to CAD-CAM (computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing), our system will decode the generated geometry (interpreted into rows of spheres) and translate it through ARDUINO to NGPS V3.0 to physically build the designed geometry.



In order to control the balls positions, we will use one intersection point between the spheres

Linear surface packing system
















Learning math from nature The Fibonacci numbers are Nature’s numbering system. They appear everywhere in Nature, from the leaf arrangement in plants, to the pattern of the florets of a flower, the bracts of a pinecone, or the scales of a pineapple. The Fibonacci numbers are therefore applicable to the growth of every living thing, including a single cell, a grain of wheat, a hive of bees, and even all of mankind. Stan Grist

Fibonacci and Nature

Plants do not know about this sequence - they just grow in the most efficient ways. Many plants show the Fibonacci numbers in the arrangement of the leaves around the stem. Some pine cones and fir cones also show the numbers, as do daisies and sunflowers. Sunflowers can contain the number 89, or even 144. Many other plants, such as succulents, also show the numbers. Some coniferous trees show these numbers in the bumps on their trunks. And palm trees show the numbers in the rings on their trunks. Why do these arrangements occur? In the case of leaf arrangement, or phyllotaxis, some of the cases may be related to maximizing the space for each leaf, or the average amount of light falling on each one. Even a tiny advantage would come to dominate, over many generations. In the case of close-packed leaves in cabbages and succulents the correct arrangement may be crucial for availability of space. This is well described in several books. So nature isn’t trying to use the Fibonacci numbers: they are appearing as a by-product of a deeper physical process. That is why the spirals are imperfect. The plant is responding to physical constraints, not to a mathematical rule. The basic idea is that the position of each new growth is about 222.5 degrees away from the previous one, because it provides, on average, the maximum space for all the shoots. This angle is called the golden angle, and it divides the complete 360 degree circle in the golden section, 0.618033989 . . . .


Examples of the Fibonacci sequence in nature.

Petals on flowers* Probably most of us have never taken the time to examine very carefully the number or arrangement of petals on a flower. If we were to do so, we would find that the number of petals on a flower that still has all of its petals intact and has not lost any, for many flowers is a Fibonacci number: 3 petals: lily, iris 5 petals: buttercup, wild rose, larkspur, columbine (aquilegia) 8 petals: delphiniums 13 petals: ragwort, corn marigold, cineraria, 21 petals: aster, black-eyed susan, chicory 34 petals: plantain, pyrethrum 55, 89 petals: michaelmas daisies, the asteraceae family

Some species are very precise about the number of petals they have e.g. buttercups, but others have petals that are very near those above, with the average being a Fibonacci number.

This composition contains a natural Fibonacci growth without the constraints of intersecting in one point

This composition contains a natural Fibonacci growth without the constraints of intersecting in one point

Model 1

Model 2


Depositing Machine



The apparatus

NGPS system is a depositing apparatus characterizes by a calibrated mechanism which can deposit material accurately and with exactitude defined by size. The medium ‘sphere’ acts as a pixel in terms of resolution. The smaller it goes, the higher the definition of the prototype could go. The apparatus of V3.0 is designed to act within a 40x40x40 cubic measure defined by a container space holding the jelly mix: ‘NON GRAVITY SPACE’. Its light allure permits the machine to be easily moved and transported to operate from different locations. The XYZ axis and engine are built in a separate box easy to carry and to be plugged to different container sizes. The prototyping space is produced by mixing-calibrating Alginate and Water. We define it by the zero gravity space where material can be deposited and left stable at a very accurate position inside the container. The space is subject to internal forces of Physics defined by the LAPLACE law. The equation has been scripted and coded in our parametric modeling software which generates models in different sphere sizes. The communication between the modeling platform and the machine is organized and realized via Arduino (a single-board microcontroller and a software suite for programming it).



V1.0 V2.0 V3.0 Machine Assembly CNC Printing Details Scale

The Machine

DIY 3D Scanning 2009- Ongoing work democratizing realtime 3D scanning with structured light from Kyle Mc Donald.

Function and Process Inspired from this great image extracted from Kyle Mc Donald work DIY 3D Scanning 2009. Our system is based on CNC material deposition following a 3 dimensional coordinates system ex: point (X = 10, Y = 20, Z = 55). The resolution in each point depends on the pixel size (sphere diameter) generated by the Nozzle size. In our V3.0 machine, a 2mm diameter nozzle size would generate

spheres with radiuses varying between 1.5 mm and 0.75cm. The freedom of depositing in the zero gravity space and the stability of the environment would allow us to generate imaginary sets which in their originality defy the earth commandments and physical laws. Our system offers the space for the FGM (functionally graded material) to generate unlimited types of composites following certain rules of layer depositing. A series of applications would be auto-

matically generated covering many disciplines. If we take the example of molecular gastronomy, Ferran Adria would be able to develop series of combinations of tastes gathered in a phenomenal geometry formed by a relation of spheres to be presented as a ready food for his clientele‌ Here is an example where form and taste could be coordinate to generate a perfect combination.


7 1




Cable Connector


L293D Chip


Male pins




Arduino board









This machine is made of a single axis allowing the attainment of a linear movement via a stepper. Another part operates the movement of the syringe using a motor. The V1.0 would be simply achieving linear tasks.



Conductive plate for linear connected components / directed by the Arduino microcontroller. A Stepper Motor, a chip interacting with Arduino L239Dmotorcurrent and a currant regulator.

Parts extracted from a computer tower to create a DC motor

1.0 03 Spherification

Early results of an experiment consisting on injecting yogurt in an H2O+Alginate bath

04 Insertion

Syringe in action injecting liquid material in the Alginate bath. The material reservoir was manually fed after every operation.



One Axis Movement of Stepper Motor Material and syringe pull

Stepper Engine 400mm x 330mm Glass Tank Reservoir with Material and syringe head

Alginate + Water

#include <Stepper.h> // change the steps variable to the number of steps on your motor int steps = 100; int switchPin = 2; // switch input int motor1Pin1 = 8; // pin 2 on L293D int motor1Pin2 = 9; // pin 7 on L293D // create and attaches a stepper motor // with 100 steps to pins 0, 1, 2 and 3 // calibration int stepLength = 50; int liquidAmount = 25; Stepper stepper(steps, 3, 4, 5, 6); void setup() { // set the speed of the motor to 20 rpms stepper.setSpeed(200); pinMode(switchPin, INPUT); pinMode(motor1Pin1, OUTPUT); pinMode(motor1Pin2, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println(”hello world”); } void loop() { if (Serial.available() > 0) { int dataIn =; switch(dataIn) { case ‘]’: stepper.step(stepLength); break;

case ‘[’: stepper.step(-stepLength); break; case ‘,’: //up digitalWrite(motor1Pin1, LOW); // set pin 2 on L293D low digitalWrite(motor1Pin2, HIGH); // set pin 7 on L293D delay(liquidAmount); digitalWrite(motor1Pin2, LOW); // set pin 7 on L293D break; case ‘.’: //down digitalWrite(motor1Pin1, HIGH); // set pin 2 on L293D low digitalWrite(motor1Pin2, LOW); // set pin 7 on L293D delay(liquidAmount); digitalWrite(motor1Pin1, LOW); // set pin 2 on L293D low break; } } } D .C. Motor 400mm x 330mm Glass Tank Stepper Motor Movement of Stepper Motor in 1 axis Amount of syringe injection Syringe with Printing Material Alginate Water



Here we see our lead plate with two L293D chips, one for the Z axis Stepper, and another where one half is for a DC (X axis) and half DC (Y axis).


Second version machine adding to the V1.0 a Y and Z axis. A dissembling of a (non operational) scanning machine and a computer tower served to complete V2.0 as parts of the accesses used to belong to the dismantle d systems.


Lead plate with two L293D chips / one for the Z axis Stepper, another partially connecting a DC (X axis) and partially for DC (Y axis).

03 Side View of V 2.0

Machine components shown in this view. After realizing that one of the 12 V motors requires an L293D we had to incorporate another sole connection to the motherboard.

04 FRONT View of V 2.0

V2.0 operates on a three axis basis. Its defect was the uncontrolled vibrations resulting of malfunctioning of the motors activating the axes.

05 Stepper Motor

DC motor linking the Z axis have been calibrated with the perfect strength to execute the IN OUT operations


1 1


3 2

Machinic Printing Unlike traditional CNC 3D printing machines, the printed objects of this machine are more irrepressible in terms of form of printed objects due to the unstable materiality of printing liquid and water resilience. In V2.0, we have indentified the parameters of the printing mechanism so that we can pinpoint controls of the printed results. · Nozzle z-trajectory · Nozzle amount · Printed environment


nozzle amount Particle size Particle shape


z - axis of syringe nozzle Deposition

Particle shape


Printed and spherified objects Particle size Alginate surface



Horizontal line

During the first tests, we discovered 2 basic techniques of controlling the spheres’ contact: Horizontal line and Vertical load. The printing nozzle was rather rounded; it was replaced by a sharper needle to achieve more adjusted sphere forms.


Vertical line

THE MACHINE V3.0 01 Machine V3.0 FRAME


V3.0 is our latest machine version. Functional and Esthetic addons have been incorporated to this edition. The NG tank has been disconnected from the machine body to facilitate cleaning and changing. A material reservoir has been integrated to the NG tank for practical reasons in relation with the StandBy modes. All Engine parts have been grouped in a rectangular shaped box easy to transport and to relocate on different sized tanks. The nozzle has been upgraded with an automated mechanism and the Structural frame has been fit in an Acrylic clean shape adding a greater look to the apparatus. 02 Circuit Board

03 Nozzle

Solenoid and Syringe Mechanism. We can notice the ‘Bras de Levier’ strengthening support to enhance the engine power.

Components’ connections soldered to the circuit board / three elements to connect the L293D: the Stepper, for DC of 5 and for DC of12. Set of connectors for the 4 stoppers. A regulated 12V adapter for additional power generator. 12V on the outside.

04 Axis Mechanism

View of the Syringe support element and the solenoid. Also connected to the Bar and X axis.

05 Details

View showing the rear of the machine/ printed circuit board plates and Arduino create the links to all of the Engine parts. This specific location is to create the ease for replacement of defected parts without disassembling the whole machine.


Stepper Engine

Solenoid DC Motor DC Motor

Alginate + Water

Material feeding tube

Movement of (Stepper DC 1,2, Solenoid) Motor in 3 axis Material and syringe pull

#include <Stepper.h> #define STEPS 100 int axisXdelay = 10; int axisYdelay = 20; int nozzleDelay = 10; int axisYmotor1 = 6; int axisYmotor2 = 7; int axisXmotor1 = 11; int axisXmotor2 = 12; int nozzleMotor1 = 9; int nozzleMotor2 = 10; Stepper stepper(STEPS, 2, 3,4,5); void setup() { pinMode(axisYmotor1,OUTPUT); pinMode(axisYmotor2,OUTPUT); pinMode(axisXmotor1,OUTPUT); pinMode(axisXmotor2,OUTPUT); pinMode(nozzleMotor1,OUTPUT); pinMode(nozzleMotor2,OUTPUT); stepper.setSpeed(90); Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { if (Serial.available() > 0) { int dataIn =; switch (dataIn) { case (‘x’): digitalWrite(axisXmotor1,HIGH); digitalWrite(axisXmotor2,LOW); delay(axisXdelay); digitalWrite(axisXmotor1,LOW); digitalWrite(axisXmotor2,LOW); break; case (‘X’): digitalWrite(axisXmotor1,LOW); digitalWrite(axisXmotor2,HIGH); delay(axisXdelay); digitalWrite(axisXmotor1,LOW); digitalWrite(axisXmotor2,LOW); break; case (‘y’): digitalWrite(axisYmotor1,HIGH); digitalWrite(axisYmotor2,LOW);

delay(axisYdelay); digitalWrite(axisYmotor1,LOW); digitalWrite(axisYmotor2,LOW); break; case (‘Y’): digitalWrite(axisYmotor1,LOW); digitalWrite(axisYmotor2,HIGH); delay(axisYdelay); digitalWrite(axisYmotor1,LOW); digitalWrite(axisYmotor2,LOW); break; case (‘z’): stepper.step(10); break; case (‘Z’): stepper.step(-10); break; case (‘n’): digitalWrite(nozzleMotor1,HIGH); digitalWrite(nozzleMotor2,LOW); delay(nozzleDelay); digitalWrite(nozzleMotor1,LOW); digitalWrite(nozzleMotor2,LOW); break; case (‘N’): digitalWrite(nozzleMotor1,LOW); digitalWrite(nozzleMotor2,HIGH); delay(nozzleDelay); digitalWrite(nozzleMotor1,LOW); digitalWrite(nozzleMotor2,LOW); break; } } }


Stepper motor connected to the z axis to achieve the Nozzle movement in and out the liquid.

Printed circuit board / the welded elements and the various components are coupled together to act as an Arduino for the engine. All well stabilized and fixed to prevent any disconnection during the process.

Support base for the structure of the syringe and the solenoid Connected via a metal bar to the X axis.

12V DC motor engine activating the X-axis. Supplied with high power in order to displace the heavy syringe and motor.











CNC PRINTING The V3.0 machine is now operational. X, Y, and Z Axis are completely operable with a synchronized movement. The Nozzle is Active; its maneuver has been restricted to a certain height on the Z axis obeying to the physical constraints of the machinic space. This image shows the deposited spheres inside of the container. We applied three different intensities to pull out the liquid; therefore we achieved three different diameters of perfectly rounded spheres.

The NG space is entirely constant; the spheres remain in static positions. They are linked in a one point intersection to one another. The Laplace Formula is respected. We have extracted the two unknowns experimentally before starting the depositing process.


NGPS Parts



Acrylic body


Liquid tank


H2O + Alginate


Plaster spheres


Tube feeding material


Material source connector




Threaded shaft (wheels at the ends)




DC motor for (Y) axis


(X) axis


Nozzel PCB




Stepper Motor


Cable exit


Plastic chain


Fixing structure of the x-axis strip


12 11




17 09










The above drawing shows the ranges of sphere sizes which could be generated out of a single nozzle head size. The 2mm head size can produce spheres ranging from 3mm to 1.5 cm of Diameter. This nozzle size would allow the plaster material to easily go by without being blocked inside of the pipe. The type of tube is completely not adhesive and would allow for different material types to pass by.

THE real scale

A larger scale application of the same process is possible. The NG container could be extended to greater limits ex: swimming pool scale, lake or any steady aquatic environment‌ By defining the origin point and laying out the 3 axis’s, the same operation could be possible and be subject to greater masses of deposition. All the process is proportional.


A project by Miquel LLoberas & Ali Basbous

Iaac FAB:BOTS Faculty: Marta Malé-Alemany Co-Faculty: César Cruz Cázares Victor Viña / Luis Fraguada


NGPS Studio Photography: DIAZ WICHMANN · Art Direction & Design: LOSIENTO ·

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