17 minute read
A prayer Of Newlywed
5Rabi ul II 19,1442
Dec 04, 2020 FAIT h On the authority of Abu Harayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) from the Prophet (SAW), who said: Allah (mighty and sublime be He) said: Spend (on charity), O son of Adam, and I shall spend on you.
It was related by al-Bukhari (also by Muslim).. Hadith 11
American Muslims Won 2020 Election
BY: ASAD DANDIA, HAMZAH RAZA Few expected to hear this Arabic possible by Muslim political advocacy groups in New York City, such as Muslims for Progress. As these lawmakers made their way into tive has made nearly 22,000 phone calls and registered voters in over 50 mosques. It is safe to say that term for “God Congress, they drastically shifted the con- turning Georgia willing” uttered versation on crucial issues for the Ameri- blue would not have on the stage of a can Muslim community. Most recently, been possible withlive presidential American Muslims showed up strongly in out Muslim voters. debate, and even key swing states, namely Michigan, Min- Pennsylvania fewer expected nesota, Georgia, and Pennsylvania, where is another state it’d be used in the Biden’s victories would not have been pos- where Biden’s vicniche colloquial sible without their organising. tory would not manner known to to defend itself” as bombs fell on the Gaza Michigan is home to some of the most his- have been possible Arab and Muslim Strip resulting in the death of 550 Palestin- toric Muslim communities in the country without the Muscommunities. But ian children in 51 days. In her 2016 cam- with heavy Muslim populations in two lim community, candidate Biden paign for president, Clinton did not change major cities - Dearborn and Detroit - that especially Black did precisely that, demonstrating the extent the discourse by much when she stated that arguably drove the vote in Biden’s favour. Muslims. The city of Philadelphia alone is to which these communities have made in- the United States government must “work Dearborn is home to thousands of Leba- home to between 150,000 - 200,000 Musroads in national public discourse. with American Muslim communities who nese, Iraqi, and Yemeni communities who lims, most of whom are Black Americans. American Muslims came out in full force to are on the front lines to identify and pre- can trace their roots in America as far This has led many to hail it as the “Mecca vote for Biden in record numbers, but for vent attacks.” back as the 1870s, and Detroit is home to of the West.” many, this was less about Biden or Trump Once Trump came into office, American Mosque Number 1, the first mosque of the Beyond just the sheer numbers of Muslims, and more about an affirmation that with Muslims were no longer given to preten- Nation of Islam, founded in 1930. Detroit Islam in Philadelphia has left an indelcollective organised power, those at the sions of support from above and galvanized has remained the home of a historic and ible mark on the city’s culture, particularly margins can assert their voices to radically their grassroots on the ground in unprec- sizable Black Muslim community that mo- among Black Americans. Styles such as the transform the political landscape. The last edented ways. This time, Muslims were go- bilised to vote. “Philly beard” or the “Sunni beard” are even dozen or so years of political mobilisa- ing to punctuate their place in politics on Minnesota is another swing state in which popular among non-Muslims. It is likely that tion among American Muslims - whether their own terms. Trump promised a resounding victory. Trump’s anti-Black racism and anti-Muslim through organising, protesting, voting, The day after Trump’s 2017 inaugura- Home to the largest Somali diaspora in bigotry were deeply personal to Philadelor other forms of civic engagement - have tion came the Women’s March, the larg- the country, it is estimated that there are phia’s hundreds of thousands of Muslims, demonstrated that the community is now a est single-day protest in American history, nearly 100,000 Somali speakers in the state. their friends, and their families, leading to force to be reckoned with, though it was not organised by Linda Sarsour, a Palestinian It is also home to Congresswoman Ilhan an outpouring of votes that were so critical without difficulty. American Muslim woman and others. Six Omar, who Trump repeatedly attacked on to Biden’s victory in Pennsylvania. In 2008, during then-Senator Barack Oba- days later, Donald Trump passed Executive the campaign trail. He condemned her as As Trump hurls bombast in his inability to ma’s campaign trail for presidency, right- Order 13769, his first iteration of the ‘Mus- unpopular and an extremist who would cope with the fact that he lost, it is imporwing punditry pejoratively labeled him a lim Ban.’ help him get votes in Minnesota. As of now, tant to reflect on the American Muslim votMuslim in an effort to publicly malign him, In response, American Muslims and their it is estimated that Biden beat Trump by ers and organisers throughout the country with Rush Limbaugh even referring to him allies flooded the airports in protest, and 233,400 votes in Minnesota. Interestingly that made Biden’s victory possible. Trump’s as “Imam Hussein Obama,” leading Obama as the world watched, they offered prayers enough, Ilhan Omar received 255,811 votes election night was a defeat, but ultimately, to over emphasise his Christianity to dis- in public as a demonstration of resilience in her election. As opposed to being a hin- his entire four years were a set of defeats. tance himself from the Muslim label. against Trump’s bigotry. In a country where drance, it was actually her district, with a From the Women’s March to protests at airIn a June rally, Obama’s campaign even re- the president had once asserted that “Islam sizeable Somali Muslim population, that ports opposing the Muslim Ban to the 2018 moved two Muslim women from behind hates us,” American Muslims demonstrated put Biden over. midterms to election night, American Mushis podium because they were wearing hi- that Islam was not just a symbol of indefati- Georgia has long been a bastion of Black- lims won. jabs so that they would not be seen in any gable resistance, but a force of radical love. led movements for centuries, with Black Beyond that, they won the Trump presiphotos with him. Hillary Clinton’s 2008 Just a few weeks into the Trump presidency, Muslims playing a central and essential role dency. And as President-Elect Biden enters campaign capitalised on anti-Muslim senti- American Muslims were already winning. in that history. It also has a sizeable Arab office in January 2021, American Muslims ment as well, by releasing a picture of Oba- A year later came the 2018 midterms. An and South Asian Muslim population and is will be better situated to take on whatever ma wearing Somali cultural clothing while exciting set of Democrat lawmakers ush- home to a growing community of refugees challenges come their way and will join on a visit to Northeast Kenya. ered their way into the White House, in- from Syria and Somalia. arms with other communities in building After Obama became president, his engage- cluding Ilhan Omar, the first Black Muslim In 2015, the Muslims of Georgia founded the world we all wish to see. ment with the American Muslim commu- and hijab-wearing congresswoman, and the Georgia Muslim Voter Project, a grass- Inshallah. nity often only served to reinforce the no- Rashida Tlaib, the first Palestinian Ameri- roots initiative aimed at activating Muslim Asad Dandia (@DandiaAsad) is a Brooklyntion of Muslims as a problem. During the can congresswoman. Alexandria Ocasio- political participation in response to in- born writer, organizer, and graduate student annual White House iftar in 2014, Obama Cortez’s upset of Joe Crowley, a pillar of the creased anti-Muslim bigotry and low rates of Islamic Studies at Columbia University. took the opportunity to assert Israel’s “right Democratic establishment, was also made of civic engagement. Since then, the initia- ( Source: The New Arab ) .islamicity.org
A Prayer for Newlyweds Prayer Schedule in Greater Vancouver Prayer Schedule in Greater Vancouver and make us leaders for the pious people. Dec 4 -18 2020 Rabi ul- II 19 Jamadi ul I, 3,1442 H O’ Allaah, You are the One who created for us wives from among ourselves; that we Isl. Dt. Day Date Fajar Sunr Zawal Dhuhr Asar Dhur Asar Shafi / Hanfi Maghrib Isha may find repose in them; place between us 19 Fri affection and mercy. O’ Allaah, bless these newlyweds, and shower Your blessings upon them and join them together in goodness. 20 21 22 Sat Sun Mon O’ Allaah, bond this couple together as you 23 Tue have bonded the soul with the body, and 24 Wed Chosen by Mohamed Baianonie, Imam at the Islamic Center of Raleigh, NC All praises and thanks to Allaah, the Lord of all that exists, and peace and blessings upon His Messenger bless them with righteous children. O’ Allaah, make these newlyweds and all of us from among those who obey You and obey Your Messenger; and make us from among those who strive to attain 25 26 27 28 Thus Fri Sat Sun Muhammad. Your pleasure and keep us away from Your 29 Mon O’ our Lord! Give us in this world, that which is good and in the Hereafter, that which is good and save us from the torment of the Fire. wrath. Surely we are from You and for You. O’ Allaah, bless our dear leader the prophet Muhammad, his family, his companions, his wives, his descendants and salute them 30 *1 2 Tue Wed Thus O’ our Lord! Bestow on us spouses and all with a worthy salutation. “Aameen” 3 Fri offspring who will be the comfort of our eyes, Source: raleighmasjid.org For such Prayers are enjoined on believers at stated times: Quran ,n 4:103 Source: BCMA
6Rabi ul II 19,1442 Dec 04, 2020 N AT & I NT NEWS Trump expected to flex pardon Hundreds of Ethiopian immigrants powers on way out door get warm welcome in Israel WASHINGTON -- Advocates and lawyers an- BEN-GURION INTERNATIONAL AIRticipate a flurry of clemency action from U.S. PORT, ISRAEL -- Hundreds of Ethiopian President Donald Trump in the coming weeks immigrants arrived on Thursday to a festive that could test the limits of presidential pardon ceremony at Israel’s international airport, as power. Trump is said to be considering a slew the government took a step toward carrying of pardons and commutations before he leaves out its pledge to reunite hundreds of families office, including potentially members of his split between the two countries. family, former aides and even himself. While it Some 300 people landed on the Ethiopian is not unusual for presidents to sign controver- Airlines flight, with many waving flags or sial pardons on their way out the door, Trump stopping to kiss the ground as they streamed has made clear that he has no qualms about off the aircraft onto a red carpet. Many were intervening in the cases of friends and allies won’t be part of any such decisions. dressed in traditional Ethiopian robes, and ernment of dragging its feet in implementing whom he believes have been treated unfairly, Nonetheless, Trump has had informal conver- many women held babies in their arms. Fes- a 2015 decision to bring all remaining Ethioincluding his former national security adviser sations with allies about how he might be able tive Hebrew songs were blasted over loud- pians of Jewish lineage to Israel within five Michael Flynn. to protect his family, though he has not taken speakers.Although the families are of Jewish years. Netanyahu’s Likud party repeated that The list of potential candidates is long and any steps to do so. His adult children haven’t re- descent and many are practicing Jews, Israel pledge before national elections early this colorful: Trump’s former campaign chairman, quested pardons nor do they feel they need them, does not consider them Jewish under reli- year.Activists for Ethiopian Aliyah, a group Paul Manafort, imprisoned for financial crimes according to people familiar with the discussions gious law. Instead, they were permitted to promoting family unification, estimates that as part of the Russia investigation; George Pa- who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss enter the country under a family-unification some 7,000 Ethiopian Jews remain behind padopoulos, who pleaded guilty to lying to private matters. program that requires special government in Ethiopia, some of whom have been waitthe FBI, just like Flynn; Joseph Maldonado- Trump has also discussed potentially shielding approval. A large delegation of Israeli offi- ing for years to join their families.“Once Passage, aka “Joe Exotic,” who starred in the himself, The New York Times first reported. In cials welcomed the group, and Pnina Tama- again, the government led by Prime Ministhe Netflix series “Tiger King”; and former a video posted on Facebook on Wednesday, he no-Shata, the country’s first Ethiopian-born ter Netanyahu has decided to place quotas contractors convicted in a Baghdad firefight made a glancing reference to his potential vul- Cabinet minister, travelled to Ethiopia to join on the immigration of Jews from Ethiopia,” that killed more than a dozen civilians, including women and children. Trump, long worried about potential legal exposure after he leaves office, has expressed worry to confidants in recent weeks that he, his family or his business might be targeted by President-elect Joe Biden’s Justice Department, although Biden has made clear he nerabilities. ”Now I hear that these same people that failed to get me in Washington have sent every piece of information to New York so that they can try to get me there,” he said. The speculation prompted a slew of preemptive pushback from critics. Source: aljazeera.com them on the flight. “My wife Sara and myself were standing there with tears in our eyes,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said at a welcoming ceremony. “This is the essence of our Jewish story, the essence of the Zionist story.” Community activists have accused the govsaid Muket Fenta, an activist who has been fighting for over a decade to bring his aunt to Israel.“The government is celebrating a few hundred immigrants from Ethiopia, while thousands were supposed to be here and are still left behind while their fate is in question,” he said. Source: dawn.com Israel sends the Palestinians more than China successfully lands spacecraft on moon to retrieve lunar rocks a billion dollars in withheld funds Deal lays out way forward for negotiators to move on to more substantive issues, including talks on a ceasefire. Afghan government and Taliban representatives said they have reached a preliminary deal to press on with peace talks, their first written agreement in 19 years of war. The agreement on Wednesday lays out the way forward for further discussion but is considered a breakthrough because it will allow negotiators to move on to more substantive issues, including talks on a ceasefire.“The procedure including its preamble of the negotiation has been finalised and from now on, the negotiation will begin on the agenda,” Nader Nadery, a member of the Afghan government’s negotiating team, told Reuters.The Taliban spokesman confirmed the same on Twitter. “A joint working committee was tasked to The Israeli government has transferred over a billion dollars to the Palestinian National Authority (PNA), as confirmed by the Minister of Civil Affairs, Hussein al-Sheikh, on his Twitter account. The minister guaranteed that “the Israeli government has transferred all financial quotas of the settlement to the account of the Palestinian Authority, amounting to three billion and 768 million shekels”. This amount comes from the taxes collected in the name of Palestine by the China successfully landed a spacecraft on face was one of several spacecraft deployed This transfer means the resumption of the prisoners in Israeli jails, some of whom have the moon’s surface on Tuesday in a historic by the Chang’e-5 probe. coordination between the two after being committed blood crimes and are considered mission to retrieve lunar surface samples, Upon landing, the lander vehicle is sup- interrupted for half a year. In May, the Pales- “terrorists”. Chinese state media reported. posed to drill into the ground with a robotic tinians stopped coordinating with Israel in Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammed China launched its Chang’e-5 probe on No- arm, then transfer its soil and rock samples response to the Israeli plans to annex parts Shtayyeh said on Monday that the Palesvember 24. The uncrewed mission, named to an ascender vehicle that would lift off and of the West Bank. However, Israel’s plans tinians were “entitled” to the funds, which after the mythical Chinese goddess of the dock with an orbiting module. for annexation were postponed in Septem- are expected to ease the pressure on the moon, aims to collect lunar material to help State broadcaster CCTV said it would start ber following the normalisation of relations Palestinian economy in the midst of a seriscientists learn more about the moon’s ori- collecting samples on the lunar surface in with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain ous budget crisis. The Palestinian economic gins. The mission will attempt to collect two the next two days. The samples would be through the Abraham Agreements. situation is delicate, with the PNA having to kilogrammes of samples in a previously un- transferred to a return capsule for the trip This is not the first time Palestine has cut off cut the salaries of its officials, at a time when visited area in a massive lava plain known as back to Earth, landing in China’s Inner cooperation with its neighbour. Last year the country’s economy had begun to deal Oceanus Procellarum, or “Ocean of Storms”. Mongolia region.China made its first lunar the Palestinian leadership had already re- with the impact of the new coronavirus panIf the mission is completed as planned, it landing in 2013. In January last year, the jected the funds raised by Israel in protest demic. The total amount transferred correwould make China the third nation to have Chang’e-4 probe touched down on the far against the implementation of an Israeli law sponds to the customs and border funds that retrieved lunar samples after the United side of the moon, the first space probe from that withholds a proportional part of the Israel has collected over the past 7 months for States and the Soviet Union. The lander ve- any nation to do so. amount, as it considers that the Palestin- the PNA. hicle that touched down on the moon’s sur- Source: dawn.com ians allocate part of this money to pay their Source: dawn.com
Afghan gov’t, Taliban announce breakthrough deal in peace talks
state of Israel. prepare the draft topics for the agenda (of peace talks),” a joint statement from both sides said. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani’s spokesman, Sediq Sediqqi, said on Twitter, quoting the Afghan leader: “(The agreement) is a step forward towards beginning the negotiations on the main issues, including a comprehensive ceasefire as the key demand of the Afghan people.” US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo congratulated the two sides on “perseverance and willingness to find common ground”, and added that the United States would “work hard with all sides in pursuit of a serious reduction of violence and ceasefire”. US Special Representative for Afghan Reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad said that the two sides had agreed on a “three-page agreement codifing rules and procedures for their negotiations on a political road map and a comprehensive ceasefire”.
‘Springboard to peace’
The agreement comes after months of discussions in Doha, the capital of Qatar, in negotiations encouraged by the United States. In Afghanistan, the two sides are still at war, with Taliban attacks on government forces continuing unabated. The Taliban has refused to agree to a ceasefire during the preliminary stages of talks, despite calls from Western capitals and global bodies, saying that would be taken up only when the way forward for talks was agreed upon. Source: aljazeera.com