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7Zul Hijja 24,1441H August 14, 2020 LO C A L & i NT NEWS

Orientation week ensures a safe, ready and welcome return to school


to receive instructions about how the upThey will also need to ensure their plans adof in-person learning and remote learning dated guidelines, co-developed with the BC dress equity and inclusion of children who for dense urban secondary schools with Centre for Disease Control and provincial require additional support in school. large student populations;minimizing physhealth officer, will work in their school. This Health and safety of teachers, staff and stuical contact within learning groups; and will also allow time for educators and staff dents is leading the work being done by the ensuring before- and after-school child care to adjust to their new routines, finalize plans K-12 education restart steering committee on school grounds allows kids to stay within for learning groups, review health and safeand working groups with membership from their learning groups as much as possible. ty protocols, and confirm lesson plans that all education partners and health experts. “By working collaboratively with leaders in align with the new normal in schools. These groups are also working to create our education system, we are making sure Students will be welcomed back to class for detailed operational guidelines, which will students and staff are safe, ready and welorientation by Sept. 10 and will use their oribe available by Aug. 17 to support school come when they return to school in SeptemTo ensure schools are ready to welcome stuentation time to get familiar with classrooms districts with their restart plans, including ber,” Fleming said. dents into classrooms for the week of Sept. that will look different than they did before guidance on: To help guide the transition back to school 8-11, 2020, there will be a gradual restart to the pandemic. Students will be assigned to implementing the updated health and safety in the safest way possible, Fleming has also allow extra time to orient students and staff on their class, find out who is in their learnprotocols; ensuring kids who require extra been meeting regularly with the presidents the new health and safety measures in place. ing group, practise their new routines and support are prioritized and have the services of the BC Teachers’ Federation, CUPE, B.C. “Schools are going to look different in Sepfamiliarize themselves with how to safely they need; supporting the mental health and Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils, tember,” said Rob Fleming, Minister of Edmove from the class to outdoor and comwellness of students who may be experithe B.C. School Trustees Association, the ucation. “Staff, students and parents need mon areas of the school. encing additional challenges because of the First Nations Education Steering Committime to get familiar with all the new health On Aug. 10, School districts were provided pandemic;ensuring fewer contacts and a safe tee, Métis Nation BC, the B.C. Principals and safety procedures that are designed to with readiness checklists to ensure they are workplace for those who interact with more and Vice Principals Association, BC Askeep them safe and confident in their school updating their health and safety plans and than one learning group – such as specialsociation of School Business Officials, BC settings.” considering, communicating and consulting ists, teachers on call, educational assistants, School Superintendents Association and the Starting Sept. 8, all staff will meet with their with their unions, Indigenous rightsholders, cafeteria staff or bus drivers; Federation of Independent School Associaschool’s joint health and safety committee staff and families in their local communities. supporting hybrid instruction with a blend tions in British Columbia.

City of Surrey to host virtual Surrey Fusion Festival livestream and interactive cultural video series

Surrey, B.C. – In participation with CulMcCallum. “Surrey Fusion Fest will go virtuPerforming Arts Centres. ture Days, Surrey Fusion Festival will host al this year, so join us to discover traditional “We are thrilled to welcome back Coast a 90-minute livestream followed by a fourfood, art and music from cultures across the Capital Savings as the Presenting Sponsor of week interactive cultural video series on globe from the comfort of your home.” Surrey Fusion Festival’s virtual celebrations,” social media. Presented by Coast Capital This year’s family-friendly livestream will said Councillor Laurie Guerra, Chair of the Savings, the livestream will take place on feature a series of segments including culParks, Recreation and Culture Committee. September 26 from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. tural performances, musical entertainment, “We are thankful for their continuous supbroadcasted on Facebook and YouTube Live. art lessons, Surrey history, Indigenous eduport over the years; without their contribuThe interactive video series will be hosted cation, dance lessons, cooking segments and tions this event would not be possible.” on the City of Surrey’s event social media kids’ activities. The interactive video series Culture Days is an annual Canadian nationaccounts from September 25 to October 25, will feature up to 30 educational videos inal celebration of arts and culture. At the end 2020. cluding “how-to” cooking, dance, arts and of each September, millions of people attend tance of arts and culture in our communi “While we all do our part to limit the spread crafts activities from participating cultural thousands of participatory arts and culture ties. This year the celebrations run from Sepof COVID-19, the City will be celebrating pavilions from previous years. Additionally, events across the country. Culture Days protember 25 to October 25, 2020. Surrey’s diversity with a one-of-a-kind virthe video series will see participation from grams invite the public to get hands-on and information, visit surreyfusionfestival.ca. tual multicultural event,” said Mayor Doug the City of Surrey’s Museum, Heritage and behind-the-scenes to highlight the impor

Tales Of The Sahaba – Hazrat Usman Ghani Medina. This was a means of easing the first difficulty that the Muslims faced. On one occasion, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said that Usman had served Islam to such an extent that now he could have whatsoever he wished and that God would not question him. This shows that he possessed so many good qualities that it was impossible for his actions to be against the teachings of Islam. The status of Hazrat Usman (RA) The Holy Prophetsa had immense respect Continued from page 5 for Hazrat Usman. On one occasion, the Holy Prophetsa was lying down in a room when suddenly Hazrat Uthmanra entered. The Holy Prophetsa instantly sat up and began adjusting his clothes. Later when Hazrat Aishara asked the Holy Prophetsa about this, he replied, “Should I not show modesty to one whom even the Angels show modesty.” Khilafat Even before accepting Islam, Hazrat Usman was known among the people as trustworthy, kind and generous. He was a rich merchant and used his wealth in the service of Islam. He was chosen as the third Khalifa of the Prophet (PBUH). During the Khilafat of Hazrat Usman (RA), Islam had expanded a great deal with such efficiency that it spread all over the world into China. One of the major accomplishments was of the Holy Quran we see today which was compiled during his Khilafat and under his direct supervision. To date, the entire Muslim Umma benefits from this service. Shahadat The sad demise of Hazrat Usman (RA) was a sad day for the Muslim Umma. He was brutally murdered by the munafiqin. Even during that period where members of his household were under threat due to the invasion of his house, immediately prior to his martyrdom, he bore all those afflictions with great patience and loyalty to the cause of Islam. He was, indeed, a true servant of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Source: scaryammi.com Coronavirus infections around 21million worldwide

Coronavirus Cases: 20,826,517 Coronavirus Cases: 120,844 Coronavirus Cases: 4,196

Deaths: 747,568 Deaths: 9,006 Deaths: 196

Recovered: 13,722,940 Recovered: 107,148 Recovered: 3,469

Last updated: August 13, 2020, 08:32 GMT www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/? CANADA Last updated: August 13, 2020, 08:32 GMT BC;CANADA Last updated: August 13, 2020, 08:32 GMT

8Zul Hijja 24,1441H August 14, 2020 L o ca l & I nt news

Employers can soon apply for reworked, sliding-scale wage subsidy

OTTAWA -- The first application period for staffing decisions. The CRA is also holding the recently-broadened Canada Emergency information sessions with eligible employers Wage Subsidy program opens in a week, and and stakeholder groups, officials said during the Canada Revenue Agency is encouraging a technical briefing with reporters on Tuesemployers to use their reworked online calday. culator to determine how much financial aid The $82.3-billion wage subsidy program is they’ll be eligible for going forward. the heart of the Liberals’ promise to help The program started as a 75 per cent employCanadians get back to work, even if has to ee wage subsidy for businesses that could be at a slower pace, as the pandemic contindemonstrate a 30 per cent drop in revenues ues. In the weeks ahead, the amounts some due to the pandemic, though on July 17 Fibusinesses will be eligible will decrease, in nance Minister Bill Morneau announced that relation to their revenue levels. the eligibility criteria was being expanded to The objective of the program is to keep emcover portions of workers’ wages on a sliding ployees on the payroll and allow businesses scale that is proportional to the revenue hit at to rehire people as the economy continues the business they work for. to gradually reopen. The subsidy program For example, if an employer’s average revinitially had a slow uptake, but has increased enue drop is 35 per cent, they could claim in popularity as more Canadians have trana 75 per cent wage subsidy, whereas if the sitioned off of the soon-expiring Canada revenue drop is just 10 per cent, the subsidy Emergency Response Benefit. The program would be a 12 per cent wage top-up. The was first announced on March 27 and has hardest-hit businesses could be eligible for been extended twice since. It is now set to be up to 85 per cent, if they can demonstrate in place until December 19. that severe of an income loss over the last To date, 285,940 employers have accessed the few months. The federal government is opfederal aid program, seeing the government timistic these changes will result in more pay out $26.6 billion. businesses applying for the COVID-19 aid The majority of applicants have sought less program. than $100,000, though 1,870 employers have The legislation to change the eligibility paaccessed between $1 million and $5 million in rameters passed July 27, and the upcoming federal help, and another 210 companies have application period will be the first time the received more than $5 million. broadened qualifications will be applicable. The federal Liberal, Conservative, New After applications open on Aug. 17, emDemocratic and Green parties are also acployers can expect to receive their payment cessing the wage subsidy program to top-off within three to five business days, according their employees’ salaries as the pandemic has to the Canada Revenue Agency. prompted a drop in political donations and The online calculation tool allows business cut off the typical fundraising avenues, such owners to plug in their information and reas in-person events. ceive an estimate of the subsidy level they’ll Source: .i24news.tv/en/news be eligible for, and is meant to help inform Minnesota’s Ilhan Omar easily wins against well-funded challenger Somali-American legislator expected to return to Congress in November representing a heavily Democratic district. Ilhan Omar, the first Somali-American member of the US Congress, survived a stiff Democratic primary challenge from a well-funded opponent, who tried to make an issue of her national celebrity, the latest in a string of victories by a new generation of progressive legislators. Omar, seeking her second term in November, easily defeated Antone Melton-Meaux, a lawyer and mediator who raised millions Omar built on a national profile that started in anti-Omar money, and a third candidate. when the onetime refugee from Somalia She expanded her base by winning 57 perwas elected to the Minnesota Legislature in cent of the vote against her two challengers 2016. Her aggressive advocacy on liberal isduring the election cycle, compared with sues, and her eagerness to take on US Presiher 48 percent victory in the 2018 primary. dent Donald Trump, made her even more “In Minnesota, we know that organised peoprominent. Omar and her allies gained conple will always beat organised money,” she fidence in her re-election chances after priwrote on social media following her win. mary victories last week by fellow progres“Despite the attacks, our support has only sive members of Congress Rashida Tlaib in grown.”Omar’s district is predominantly Michigan and by Cori Bush, a Black Lives Democratic, and she is expected to win in Matter activist who removed a longtime St November. Louis-area congressman. One of the first two Muslim women to be They also claimed momentum from the reelected to Congress in 2018, Omar, 37, is newed focus on racial and economic justice well-known as a member of the “Squad” of after George Floyd’s death in the city of Minfour freshman liberal congresswomen. neapolis. Source: aljazeera.com/news

Assault charge expected for woman in Masham, Que., face covering dispute A Quebec police department says they’re expecting to lay an assault charge for a woman who allegedly shoved another woman over a face covering dispute. According to Andre Levesque, an inspector with the Police MRC des Collines-del’Outaouais, officers were called to a gas station in Masham, Que., a small village northwest of Gatineau, on Saturday around 7 p.m. to respond to an altercation between two women. Police say a woman was pushed by another woman after being accused of not wearing a it’s legally acceptable to use a hijab as a face face covering appropriately. covering. The alleged victim filed a complaint with MH then says a second woman involved police and Levesque says they are in the proherself in the argument, following her, becess of laying an assault charge. rating her and her friend, and then eventuOn Monday, a Twitter account simply ally shoving her into her car. MH also claims named “MH” recounted a similar story, but that local police treated her and her friend said she was accosted by both the gas staharshly, including shouting at them to get in tion’s staff and another woman because she their car and to get off their phones. chose to wear her hijab as a face covering. MH said their treatment by police was MH says she believes the incident was an act “traumatizing and completely out of hand.” of racism and discrimination, since she and Levesque said his officers acted appropriateher friend both visibly Muslim and Black ly, and that they were treating the incident women. The Twitter account goes into devery seriously. He did not comment any furtail about the gas station attendee calling ther on any allegations put forward by MH. police despite the alleged victim explaining Source: globalnews.ca/news Study Finds Support For Shared E-Scooters And Other Micromobility Options In Metro Vancouver August 12, 2020 SFU’s Cities, Health and Active Transportation Research (CHATR) Lab suggests education and supports will ensure smooth integration A study by SFU’s Cities, Health and Active Transportation The research brings important insights for Research (CHATR) Lab, in partnership with stakeholders in the region as the province inHUB Cycling, finds people are generally troduces shared micromobility pilot projects positive about shared micromobility options for B.C. municipalities this fall. for Metro Vancouver. The findings also reveal specific areas to foShared micromobility is a phrase used to decus on to support smooth implementation in scribe a variety of shared, publicly available, the region. human and electric powered vehicles includ“If we are going to welcome a shared miing bike share (dockless and station-based), cromobility pilot to this region, protecting electric bicycles and electric scooters. pedestrian safety is paramount,” said Gavin The study’s findings are laid out in “ReadiDavidson, HUB Cycling’s project lead. ness for Shared Micromobility: Public Per“Shared e-scooters may have a role to play in ceptions in Metro Vancouver”, a project serving short trips to and from rapid transit funded by TransLink’s New Mobility Restations, but to welcome them, we must cresearch Grant Program, and Mitacs. ate dedicated infrastructure and sustainable “There has been a lot of hype about shared funding from a wide range of sources.” micromobility, like e-scooters, as transport Says Winters, “While there is uncertainty options that can alleviate some pressure on about what shared micromobility means for our crowded transit systems,” says associate Metro Vancouver, e-scooters could benefit professor Meghan Winters, who leads the many people, especially with our present reCHATR lab in SFU’s Faculty of Health Sciality of COVID-19. Our research highlights ences. the need to carefully plan out pilot projects “We don’t have first-hand experience here to understand what works—and where.” with shared e-scooters, but we can learn a Despite the impact of COVID-19 on translot from what has happened in cities such as portation patterns, early evidence suggests Calgary, Seattle, Washington D.C. and Portthat public transit has not been a source of land. We are also asking Metro VancouveriCOVID-19 outbreaks or clusters. Still, the tes what they think about these devices, so as province continues to cite the public health to understand the context here.” benefits of being outdoors, and micromoDrawing on case studies in jurisdictions bility offers open-air, physically distanced across North America and on focus groups travel. with residents across Metro Vancouver, the CHATR Lab is interested in how community researchers sought to compile locally reldesign impacts the way people get around evant data on shared micromobility proand connect with each other. Learn more at grams. These programs have been booming chatrlab.ca. in cities around the world, but in Metro VanHUB Cycling is a not-for-profit charity that couver municipalities have been slower to promotes active transportation through edpick up on this trend. ucation, action, events and research. Learn Winters says this stems in part from legislamore at bikehub.ca. tion—the B.C. Motor Vehicle Act does not AVAILABLE SFU EXPERT allow devices like e-scooters to operate on MEGHAN WINTERS, associate professor, roads—as well as apprehension arising from Faculty of Health Sciences negative experiences elsewhere. meghan_winters@sfu.ca

9Zul Hijja 24,1441H August 14, 2020 time l ine of pakistan

Journey of Pakistan 1947-Aug 2020 (Importnant events) Edited bY: M.nASEER pIRZADA Feb 22: Islamic Summit Conference starts in 1947 J une 3: British Government decides to separate British India, into two sovereign Dominions of India and Pakistan. July 8: Constituent Assembly of Pakistan approves the design of Pakistan. 14 August Pakistan came into existence. Sept 30: Pakistan becomes a member of the UN by a unanimous vote of the Sec Counc. 1948: January 1: UNO cease-fire orders to operate in Kashmir. War stops accordingly. May 1: Indo-Pakistani War of 1947, Pakistan enters war on behalf of Kashmir against India. 1 July: Quaid-e-Azam inaugurated the State Bank of Pakistan. July 9: Pakistan’s first postage stamp is issued. September 11: Founding father of nation Quaid-e-Azam dies in Karachi due to stroke. September 14: Khwaja Nazimuddin becomes Governor-General of Pakistan. 1949: January 1: United Nations Cease-fire Line established between Pakistani Kashmir and Indian-held Kashmir. March 12: Objectives Resolution passed by Liaquat Ali khan 1950: January 4: Pakistan recognises the People’s Republic of China September 6: General Mohammad Ayub Khan, the first Pakistani, is appointed C-inC of Pakistan Army. 1951October 16: Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan is assassinated at Rawalpindi. October 17: Malik Ghulam Muhammad becomes Governor-General, Khwaja Nazimuddin assumes charge of Prime Minister. 1953: April 17: Muhammad Ali Bogra is sworn is as Prime Minister. 1954: April : Urdu made National language July 31: K2, the world’s second highest mountain, is conquered by an Italian expedition led by Professor session Aug 7: Govt. of Pakistan approves the National Anthem, written by Hafeez Jalandhari and composed by Ahmed G. Chagla. Aug 17: Pakistan defeats England by 24 runs at Oval during its maiden tour of England. October 24: Ghulam Muhammad dissolved first constitutional assembly. 1955: January 1: Pakistan International Airlines(PIA) comes into being. Aug 7: PM Mohammad Ali Bogra resigns after the election of Chaudhri Mohammad Ali. Oct 6: Govern-General Ghulam Mohammad’s resignation is succeeded by Iskander Mirza. 1956: February 21: Constituent Assembly decides the country shall be a Federal Republic known as Islamic Republic of Pakistan. May 14: PM Abiha Abdul Majeed presents the first five-year plan. March 23: 1956 Constitution is promulgates on Pakistan Day. Major-General Iskander Mirza sworn in as first President of Pakistan. Sep 12: Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy assumes office of appointed Prime Minister. 1957: Feb 2: President Iskandar Mirza laid down the foundation-stone of Guddu Barrage. March 8: President Iskandar Mirza lays the foundation-stone of the State Bank of Pakistan building in Karachi. July 11: Spiritual leader of Shia imami Ismaili Muslims and one of the founders of Muslim League and first president of All India Muslim League, Aga Khan, dies. Governor-Raj is lifted in W. Pakistan after 4 months. July 24: Maulana Bhashani forms NAP Dec 16: Malik Firoz Khan Noon is sworn in as seventh Prime Minister of Pakistan. 1958: Feb 14: Sardar Abdul Rab Nishtar, veteran leader of Pakistan Movement dies in Karachi. November 2: Iskander Mirza is exiled. 1959: Oct 26: Basic Democracies by Ayub Khan October 27: President General Ayub Khan becomes Field Marshal. 1960: Feb 24: Presidential Cabinet decides to name the new Capital as Islamabad. Mar 23: Foundation of Minar-e-Pakistan is laid. July 31: Foundation stone of Mazar-i-Quaid (Mausoleum of M.A. Jinnah) is laid. September 9: Pakistan achieved its first Gold Medal in 1960 Olympics, defeating India in hockey by 1–0 at Rome. 1961: Jan 1: Decimal coinage introduced in Pakistan. July 15: Jasmine is chosen as the national flower of Pakistan. 1962:June 8: 1962 Constitution is promulgated. June 8: National Assembly elected and begins its first session. Ayub Khan takes oath of first President of Pakistan under new constitution. 1964:July 31: Pakistan, Iran and Turkey agree to establish Regional Cooperation for Development. November 26: President Ayub Khan inaugurates Pakistan Television Lahore Station. 1965: March 21: National Assembly elections held. Out of 150, Pakistan Muslim League wins 120 seats. June 30: Pakistan and India sign accord on Rann of Kutch. September 6: Second war between India and Pakistan over Kashmir. September 23: A cease-fire between India and Pakistan comes into force. 1966: January 10: Tashkent Declaration signed between India and Pakistan. February 12: Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, chief of Awami League, announces his six points in Karachi. Sep 17: General Yahya Khan becomes C-inC of Pakistan Army. General Musa Khan appointed Governor General of West Pakistan. 1967: July 9: Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah dies in Karachi. November 26: Malik Amir Muhammad, Nawab of Kalabagh is shot dead. December 1: Pakistan Peoples Party comes into being. 1968: Oct 26: Pakistan becomes Olympic hockey champion, winning over Australia 2–1. 1969: Mar 25: East Pakistan uprising forces Ayub Khan to resign and hand over power to Army Chief General Yahya Khan. Martial law is proclaimed and assemblies are dissolved. Dec 1: 300 Class I gazetted officers, allegedly involved in corruption, are suspended. 1970:March 1: Air Marshal Asghar Khan forms new political party, Tehrik-i-Istaqlal. April 6: First ordinance factory is inaugurated at Ghazipur. July 1: One-unit of West Pakistan abolished, provinces restored. Dec 7: First General elections held. Awami League and Pakistan People Party emerge as leading parties in East and West Pakistan. December 19: Pakistan wins gold medal in 1971: January 30: An Indian Airlines aeroplane, hijacked by two Kashmiri separatists, lands at Lahore airport. October 24: Pakistan wins World Hockey Cup defeating Spain 1–0 at Barcelona. November 22:India launches full-scale attack on East Pakistan. December 16: Dhaka falls and Bangladesh comes into being. Dec 20: Gen. Yahya Khan hands over power to Z. A. Bhutto, who takes over as President and Chief Martial Law Administrator. East Pakistan become an independent country named Bangladesh 1972: Jan 30: Pakistan snaps ties with Commonwealth on recognizing Bangladesh. April 14: First session of National Assembly. Bhutto elected President. April 21: Martial Law lifted; constitutional rule is restored in the country. July 2: Simla Agreement is signed between President Bhutto and PM Indira Gandhi. October 28: President Bhutto inaugurates Karachi Nuclear Power Plant (KANUPP). 1973: April 10: 1973 Constitution of Pakistan enacted by the National Assembly. August 11: Chaudhry Fazal Ilahi is elected as President. August 14: Constitution of Pakistan 1973 promulgated August 28: Return of Pakistan POWs (prisoners of war) accord signed in New Delhi. 1974: Feb 21: Pakistan recognizes Bangladesh. Lahore; 22 heads of state participate. September 7: Resolution passed about that Ahmadis and all groups of Ahmadis are Non-Muslim. Resolution made by Allama Shah Ahmed Noorani Siddiqui Ahle Sunnat Barelvi and leader. 1975: July 27: Council of Islamic Ideology recommends to abolish Riba and introduce Zakat. 1976: March 1: General Muhammad Ziaul-Haq becomes Chief of Army Staff. July 24: Lahore-Amritsar train service, Samjhota Express starts. July 31: A.Q. Khan research laboratories established. 1977: January 10: Nine opposition parties form joint election forum, Pakistan National Alliance (PNA). March 7: General elections are held in the country. PPP wins 155, PNA 35 seats out of 200. July 1: Friday is announced weekly holiday, replacing Sunday. July 5: General Zia-ul-Haq enforces Martial Law. Constitution suspended; political activities banned. September 17: Z. A. Bhutto arrested under Martial Law orders. 1978: February 1: Allama Iqbal’s Lahore house is declared national monument. March 18: Lahore High Court awards death sentence to Bhutto along with four others. June 11: Altaf Hussain forms All Pakistan Muhajir Students Organization (APMSO). September 16: General Zia-ul-Haq is sworn in as President. 1979: April 4: Z. A. Bhutto hanged in Rawalpindi jail. Oct 15: Dr. Abdus Salam, eminent Pakistani scientist, is awarded Physics Nobel Prize. 1980: May 26: Establishment of Federal Shariat Court is announced. June21: Government starts collecting Zakat. 1981:Jan 1: Interest-free banking introduced. January 3: International Islamic University starts functioning. March 2: A PIA Boeing 720 with 148 passengers hijacked to Kabul. Aug 31: Pakistan Steel Mills starts functioning. 1982: January 3: Pakistan defeats Germany 3–1 in World Cup Hockey in Bombay. January 11: General Zia-ul-Haq inaugurates first session of Federal Council (Shoora) in Islamabad. December 21: Writer of Pakistan’s national anthem, Hafeez Jalandhari dies. 1983: Jan 15: First three F-16 jets reach Pakistan. March 11: Nuclear tests: Kirana-I is carried out. The tests are not announced until 2000. 1984:March 18: Altaf Hussain forms MQM. April 27: Ban imposed on use of Islamic nomenclature by Ahmadis. December 19: General Zia-ul-Haq holds presidential referendum. 1985:Feb 25: Partyless national elections held. March 23: Muhammad Khan Junejo sworn in as Prime Minister and General Zia as President. December 31: Martial Law is lifted, amended 1973 Constitution revived. 1986: April 10: Benazir Bhutto returns to homeland. 1987: February 21: President Zia makes a surprise to India, met Premier Rajiv Gandhi. October 15: Qazi Hussain Ahmed becomes Amir of Jamat-i-Islami. Dec 18: Benezir Bhutto marries Asif Ali Zardari. 1988: April 10: Army ammunition blown up in Ojheri camp, Rawalpindi; more than 100 people died. Dr. Arif Alvi May 29: President General October 7: Martial Law is declared throughZia dissolves National Asout the country. General Ayub Khan is chief Martial Law Administrator. sembly and Junejo cabinet. August 17: General Zia-ulOctober 27: Ayub forces Iskander Mirza to Haq is killed in a plane crash step down, General Ayub khan himself be comes President 2018--current To be ontinued at page 11 near Bahawalpur.

10 Zul Hijja 24,1441H August 14, 2020 P OL ITICS

Resignation calls revived over WE affair, as PM skips special House sitting

OTTAWA -- Questions around the ongoto support Canadians. We continue to be in ing to influence the decision, rather he sought ing WE Charity student grant controversy emergency time,” Morneau said, as the oppoextra scrutiny because the PMO was aware and concerns about the Liberals’ handling of sition sought new information about the WE early on of the perceived conflict Trudeau had other pandemic response efforts dominated Charity controversy and the ongoing conflict in granting the now-likely cancelled $912-mil

Wednesday’s special summer House of Comof interest investigations that the ethics comlion student volunteer grant program. mons sitting, as the Bloc Quebecois continued missioner is pursuing, as well as new concerns Further, as The Canadian Press has reported, to push for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and about the Liberals’ handling of the federal rent the government handed responsibility for the two of his top officials to resign, threatening relief program. program to the Canada Mortgage and Housattempts to force a snap election if they don’t. Both Morneau and Trudeau have appeared ing Corporation, but the Crown corporation

While Trudeau wasn’t in the House to take any before the House of Commons Finance Comdecided to contract it out to MCAP, a mortof the opposition questions, Finance Minister mittee to testify on the WE matter, which is gage lender that employs Trudeau’s chief of tough questions. He doesn’t want to explain

Bill Morneau and others in cabinet fielded a one of several committees now either studying staff Katie Telford’s husband. The Prime Miniswhy he paid off his friends at WE with taxpayvolley of inquiries about their ethical concerns or looking to study the controversial student ter’s Office has said that CMHC independently ers money. He won’t tell us about the contract with the Liberal’s approach to various COVgrant deal. The House Ethics Committee has chose to outsource the $84-million program that he gave to the company that employs his

ID-19 aid programs. asked to hear more from Trudeau on the affair and that Telford set up an ethics screen as to top staffer’s husband,” Scheer said. “So can the

Trudeau’s absence at the third of four of the and there’s also a pending trove of documents not be involved with agreements that MCAP person auditioning for the role of prime minispre-arranged special summer sitting days was set to be presented to MPs in the days ahead, stood to benefit from. ter today please tell us why the prime minister noted repeatedly during question period, with detailing more cabinet correspondence about In what will be his last day in the House of picked today, if he wasn’t going to show up?” some MPs noting they managed to make it the grant program. Commons as the Official Opposition Leader, NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh also questioned into the Commons or onto the virtual video Select other cabinet ministers have also testiAndrew Scheer called out Trudeau’s absence the government’s handling of these aid proconference to participate in the sitting. “Mr. fied, sometimes more than once, about this and referenced a series of past Liberal scandals grams.

Speaker, I’m happy to speak on behalf the summer’s main federal political controversy. over his three years as Conservative leader. “What we’re seeing is Liberals, helping themprime minister and say that he continues to Telford has also appeared, where she doubled “Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister has had selves instead of helping people,” he said. view his role, and our role as a government is down on Trudeau’s testimony that he did nothenough. He’s tired of accountability and facing Source: ctvnews.ca

New Tory leader must build a strong team in Commons and for the campaign: Scheer

hopes whomever is elected later this month Sloan, former cabinet minister Peter MacKay be a social conservative, and it’s only under will also find a way to heed: the need for a and Toronto lawyer Leslyn Lewis. the current Liberals that people who hold leader to communicate authentically and to Sloan and Lewis both come from the social those views have come to be demonized in break through into the cities and suburbs conservative wing of the party. Both have the public square. whose voters are essential if the Tories are to promised that if they do win, they would inScheer is only the second permanent leader win a majority government. clude legislation curtailing access to abortion the Conservative Party of Canada has had “That is the critical ingredient,” he said on their agenda. since it was formed in a merger of the CanaWednesday in a wide-ranging interview with Though Scheer promised he’d never allow a dian Alliance and Progressive Conservatives. The Canadian Press on what was his last Conservative government to bring forward Stephen Harper became the leader of the new day in the House of Commons as Opposilegislation on abortion, his own social conparty in 2004, and would go on to lead the tion leader. His failure to win that majority servative views on the subject were a flashTories through a succession of minority govsparked both an internal and external debate point during the campaign. ernments before winning a majority in 2011. OTTAWA -- Outgoing Conservative Leader in the aftermath of the 2019 federal election MacKay once infamously called them an “alIn the majority years, Scheer -- who had first Andrew Scheer says his replacement must that eventually led Scheer to resign, pending batross” hanging around the party’s neck. been elected an MP from Regina in 2004 -- quickly put together a strong team in the the result of the Conservative leadership race. Scheer dodged a question Wednesday on served as Speaker of the House of Commons, Commons and for the next campaign, and The vote is finally coming to an end Aug. 21, whether, if an avowed social conservative is but when the Tories lost power in 2015 and he’s happy to offer whatever advice needed after being delayed by the COVID-19 panelected as the next leader, the party would just Harper resigned, he decided to try for leadon that score. demic, and four candidates are in the runfind itself stuck dealing with the subject anew. ership.won in a squeaker of a vote in 2017. But there are two other pieces of advice he ning: current MPs Erin O’Toole and Derek He said he still believes a prime minister can ...more .... Source: ctvnews.ca

Blanchet will push for election if Trudeau, Morneau, Telford won’t resign

down, Blanchet said he’s prepared to table a stations and Elections Canada offices. continue its probe into the government’s motion of non-confidence in the government The capacity of the existing vote-by-mail system. decision to select WE Charity to manage a if they remain in their jobs. How to recruit, train and keep election work$900-million student volunteer grant proIf that motion passed with the support of other ers safe. gram. Trudeau and others have maintained parties, it would lead to an election campaign Identifying alternative options for polling the public service had deemed the organizain the midst of a pandemic. station locations that may become unavailtion the only one qualified to run the large“Which is more dangerous — the mismanable due to COVID-19. scale initiative. agement of a crisis, or taking the time to “The working group will consider potential Employment Minister Carla Qualtrough change the people who are managing the legal, administrative and operational changand Small Business Minister Mary Ng are crisis?” Blanchet said during a news conferes in order to deliver an accessible and safe both set to appear at the committee. Bloc Québécois Leader Yves-François Blanence in Ottawa on Wednesday. election,” according to Elections Canada’s Yesterday, Qualtrough testified at the House ethchet says he will try to trigger a fall election The BQ leader said he has not had any formal website. ics committee, which is also studying the WE if the prime minister, his chief of staff and his discussions with the NDP or the ConservaNormally, a fixed election date means an Charity issue, and conceded the government had finance minister don’t resign. tives on his plan. He said Elections Canada is election is held every four years, but with a “dropped the ball.” She said she offered “no exBlanchet said the government is not “worthy” preparing to hold a safe election in the event minority government, an election could occuse or justification” for Trudeau and Morneau’s of the public’s trust in the wake of the WE it is held during the pandemic. cur at any time the House loses confidence roles in the resulting controversy. Charity controversy, which was sparked by Elections Canada preparing in the government. Trudeau on Tuesday issued a statement sayPrime Minister Justin Trudeau and Finance Elections Canada has created an internal workBlanchet’s remarks come as the House of ing he has full confidence in Morneau, sayMinister Bill Morneau failing to recuse theming group to do “readiness planning” in the event Commons holds a rare summer sitting to ing any reports to the contrary are false. The selves from cabinet talks involving the organiof an election during the pandemic. The group is debate the government’s response to statement was released amid speculation that zation despite family ties to it. looking at issues such as COVID-19. the finance minister could depart the post. While his preference is to see the trio step Possible physical distancing measures for polling Later today, the finance committee will Source: msn.com

House adopts NDP-backed motion calling on feds to invest more in child care

OTTAWA -- The NDP found support from parliamentarians across the aisle on Wednesday to call on the government to allocate more funding to provinces and territories to help with child-care needs as society reopens. Edmonton MP Heather McPherson put forward the unanimous consent motion during a special House of Commons summer sitting, a time for opposition to question the Liberals on their pandemic response, asking that they increase the transfer by an additional $2 billion. She called on the House to recognize “that reopening businesses and the economy entails taking far more action to support parents, especially women who are worried about going back to work without knowing that their kids will be safely cared for in child care and school.” The additional funding, she said, would go to ensure a safe return to these facilities.In late July, amid mounting calls from parents and child-care activists for Ottawa to better support families transitioning back to work, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development Ahmed Hussen announced $625 million for child care in provinces and territories as part of the $19-billion Safe Restart Agreement. “This investment is in addition to the $1.2 billion over three years was distributed to the provinces and territories, starting in 2017- 18, to support early learning and child care and create up to 40,000 more affordable child care spaces,” the ministry’s press release read. Opposition parties at the time argued it wasn’t enough to cover the additional costs of personal protective equipment, staffing requirements, and spacing adjustments. Responding to Wednesday’s motion, Jessica Eritou, a spokesperson from Hussen’s office, underscored the government’s announcement.

11 Zul Hijja 24,1441H August 14, 2020 time l ine of pakistan

Journey of Pakistan 1947-Aug 2020 (Importnant events)

Continued from page 9 suspected militant hideouts in North WaNovember 16: General elections held. PPP wins 92, IJI secures 54. December 2: Benazir Bhutto is sworn in as first woman Prime Minister of Pakistan. 1989: May 26: ISI Chief Lt. Gen. Hameed Gul is replaced by Shamsur Rahman Kallu. Oct 1: Pakistan rejoins Commonwealth. 1990: Feb 5: Kashmir Solidarity Day observed for the first time August 6: President Ghulam Ishaq Khan dissolves National Assembly and dismisses Benazir Government. Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi becomes care-taker prime minister. October 24: General elections held. IJI gets 104 and PDA wins 45 seats. November 6: Nawaz Sharif elected Prime Minister, securing 153 votes. 1991: April 25: Jahangir Khan creates history by winning British Open Squash title for the record tenth consecutive time. May 16: National Assembly adopts Shariat Bill. August 14: Nawaz Sharif lays foundationstone of Bab-i-Pakistan at Walton Lahore. 1992: January 12: Lahore-Islamabad Motorway project launched. February 22: Nawaz Sharif introduces yellow-cab taxi scheme. March 25: Pakistan wins Cricket World Cup, defeating England by 22 runs in Melbourne, Australia. April 26: Pakistan’s Alam Channa enters Guinness Book of World Records as the tallest man in the world. 1993:April 18: President Ghulam Ishaq Khan dissolves National Assembly, dismisses Nawaz Sharif government. Balkh Sher Mazari becomes care-take prime minister. May 26: Supreme Court restores National Assembly and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. July 18: President Ghulam Ishaq Khan and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif quit their offices. October 6: General elections held. PPP wins 86; PML (N) secures 72 seats. October 19: Benazir Bhutto is elected Prime Minister by 121 votes. November 13: Farooq Laghari elected eighth President of Pakistan. 1996: April 25: Imran Khan launches new political party, Pakistan Tehrek-e-Insaf (PTI). November 5: Farooq Ahmed Leghari dissolves National Assembly sacking Premier Benazir Bhutto. Malik Mairaj Khalid becomes care-taker prime minister. 1997: Jan 29: Supreme Court upholds President’s proclamation dissolving the National Assembly and dismissing Benazir Government. February 3: Nation goes to the polls. PML secures 135 seats. February 17: Nawaz Sharif sworn in as 19th Prime Minister. Feb 23: Nawaz Sharif launches “Qarz utaro Mulk sanwaro”. He declared Sunday as a public holiday and convert Friday into half day. May 21: Saeed Anwar slams world record score of 194 runs against India. August 16: Noted Pakistani singer, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan died at the age of 49. 1998: January 1: Rafiq Tarrar is sworn in as President of Pakistan May 28: Pakistan conducts nuclear tests in Chagai hills in Balochistan. 1999: February 21: Lahore Declaration is signed by Nawaz Sharif and A. B. Vajpayee. April 15: Pakistan conducts test of a nuclear-capable short-range ballistic missile, Shaheen. 16 April: Pakistan won Coca-Cola Cup final at Sharjah crushing India by 8 wickets July 26: Kargil War ends between Pakistan and India. Oct 12: Nawaz Sharif is ousted from power and placed under house arrest after attempting to sack General Pervez Musharraf. 2000: April 6: Nawaz Sharif sentenced to life imprisonment on charges of hijacking and terrorism. ber 1999 coup and granted General Pervez Musharraf executive and legislative authority for three years. December 10: Nawaz Sharif along with family, sent into exile in Saudi Arabia. December 22: Famous singer, Noor Jahan dies in Karachi. 2001: June 21: General Pervez Musharraf assumes office of president while remaining Chief of Army Staff. July 15: Agra Summit starts. President Pervez Musharraf and Indian Prime Minister Vajpayee holds talks over long-standing issues. November 10: US President Bush meets President Musharraf in New York and assures additional aid of one billion dollar. 2002: April 30: Musharraf wins in a referendum. Oct 10: General election held in the country. November 23: Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali sworn in as Prime Minister. 2003: Feb 24: Senate elections: Ruling party wins most seats in voting to the upper house. June 24: President Pervez Musharraf meets G.W. Bush in Camp David. US announces $3-billion five-year economic assistance package for Pakistan. July 11: Lahore-Delhi bus service resumed after suspension of 18 months. 2004: January 1: General Musharraf won a vote of confidence in the Senate, National Assembly, and provincial assemblies. January 5: Musharraf meets Vajpayee in Islamabad, discusses Kashmir dispute. June 26: Prime Minister Zafarullah Khan Jamali steps down and nominates Ch. Shujaat Hussain as his interim successor. Aug 28: Shaukat Aziz becomes Prime Minister. 2005: July 13: 136 people killed and about 170 injured in a collision of three passenger trains near Ghotki. Oct 8: A devastating earthquake in Kashmir and NWFP kills over 80 thousands people. 2006: May 14: Charter of democracy (CoD) is signed by two former prime ministers of Pakistan, Nawaz Sharif and Benazir Bhutto in London. April 26: Pervez Musharraf lays foundationstone of Diamir-Bhasha dam. 2007: March 9: President Musharraf dismissed Chief Justice of Pakistan, Iftikhar. July 20: Iftikhar restored as Chief Justice October 18: Bhutto, Benazir returned to Pakistan, after exile of about 8 years. November 3: Pervez Musharraf imposed emergency, most of the senior judges of Supreme Court ousted. November 25: Nawaz Sharif returned Pakistan after 7 years of forced exile. December 27: Bhutto, Benazir assassinated in a blast/bullet attack in Rawalpindi. 2008: Feb 18: Elections are held amidst tight security. PPP, PML-N, PML-Q and ANP win 124, 91, 54 and 13 seats respectively. March 24: Yusuf Raza Gilani is elected as the new Prime Minister. August 18: Pervaiz Musharraf steps down as President of Pakistan. Mohammadmian Soomro takes over as President. September 6: Asif Zardari wins presidential election with 481 votes. 2009: 21 June: Pakistan vs Sri Lanka in Final. Pakistan won the ICC T20 Cricket World Cup in Lord’s London England. Pakistan won by 8 wickets. 2010: April 10: Pakistan adopts the 18th amendment to the Constitution, stripping President Asif Ali Zardari of key powers. July 28: Crash of Airblue Flight 202, killed all 152 people on board. October 1: Pervez Musharraf launches his new political party, the All Pakistan Muslim League, at a club in London. 2011: Jan 4: Salmaan Taseer, the governor of Punjab, is shot by one of his bodyguards near his home for opposing Blasphemy law in Pakistan. May 2: The US Navy Seals killed Osama bin Laden in the city of Abbotabad. 2012: 22 June: Raja Pervaiz Ashraf is elected as Prime Minister of Pakistan, following the disqualification of Yousaf Raza Gillani September 11: Over 314 people die in factory fires in Karachi and Lahore. 2013: January 10: A series of terrorist attacks killed more than 100 people in Quetta. March 25: Mir Hazar Khan Khoso is appointed as caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan, following the completion of the PPPled government’s term in office. May 11: General Elections 2013 held across Pakistan. June 5: Nawaz Sharif is elected Prime Minister of Pakistan, following the Pakistan Muslim League (N)’s victory in the 2013 general elections for the 3rd time. July 30: Mamnoon Hussain is elected as the 12th President of Pakistan September 24: A 7.7 magnitude earthquake hits BalOchistan, at least 825 people are killed and hundreds injured. November 29: Pakistan Chief of Army Staff, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani retires. General Raheel Sharif becomes the next COAS. March 31: A Pakistani court charges former President Pervez Musharraf with high treason in relation to the imposition of the emergency rule in 2007. May 21: Pakistan Air Force fighter jets bomb ziristan, killing approximately 60 militants and injuring another 30. October 10: Activist Malala Yousafzai becomes the first Pakistani to win the Nobel Peace Prize for her struggle to voice girls’ right to education. December 16: Taliban gunmen storm a military-run Army Public Schools massacre in Peshawar, killing at least 141, including 132 children and nine employees, with most of five hundred students evacuated. The shooting ends with all seven gunmen dead. 2016: Feb 4: First season Pakistan Super League June 22: Musician Amjad Sabri is killed in a targeted shooting. December 6: PIA plane PK-661 crashed during flight killing 47 people including acclaimed former singer and religious scholar Junaid Jumshed and his wife. 2017: February 9: The second season of the Pakistan Super League began. Feb 16: A suicide bombing at the Shrine of Lal Shahbaz Qalander in Sehwan, Pakistan resulted in the deaths of over 90 people. June 18: Pakistan wins 2017 ICC Champions Trophy defeating India in the finals. July 28: A unanimous verdict by the Supreme Court of Pakistan disqualifies PM Nawaz Sharif from office, over the controversy of him and some of his family members names being in the Panama Papers, thus leading to his disqualification for lifetime. August 1: Shahid Khaqan Abbasi is sworn in as Prime Minister, succeeding Nawaz Sharif. 2018: March 3: - The 2018 elections to the Senate of Pakistan were held. July 6:Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, his daughter Maryam Nawaz and son-in-law Safdar Awan were given prison sentences of 10, 7 and 1 years respectfully on controversial corruption charges. July 25: The 2018 Pakistani general elections were held. August 17 -PTI leader Imran Khan took oath as (22nd)(without ignoring care takers) Prime Minister of Islamic republic of Pakistan. September 4 - The 2018 Pakistani presidential election were held. December 24: Former Minister Nawaz Sherief is sentenced to seven years 2019: Feb 27, Pakistan ‘captures Indian pilot after shooting down two jets in dogfight over Kashmir’Pakistan has claimed to have shot down two Indian jets and captured a pilot after a dogfight over Kashmir, igniting fears of an all-out conflict between the nuclear-armed neighbours. May 7, Nawaz Sharif to go back to jail as bail expires Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will return to jail later on Tuesday following the expiry of his six-week bail in a corruption case. June 10:, Former Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari arrested in fake bank accounts case. Pakistan’s most powerful opposition leader arrested after bail rejection in bogus accounts July 2: MNA Rana Sanaullah sent to jail on 14-day judicial remand July 3: The IMF Takeover of Pakistan , the International Monetary Fund approved a $6 billion bailout package to help “return sustainable growth” to Pakistan’s economy. July 17: ICJ rejects India’s plea for Jadhav’s return, grants consular access “Delhi defeated. ICJ knocks out India’s major demands about Kulbhushan Jadhav on his release and annulment of sentence.” Jul 18: Former Pakistani PM Abbasi arrested on corruption charges July 25:Was Pakistan PM Imran Khan’s visit to the US a success? Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan returned from a three-day visit to the United States to the Pakistani May 12: Supreme Court validated the OctoContinued from page 9

12 Zul Hijja 24,1441H August 14, 2020 MIDD L E EAST & F IJI

Beirut port resumes partial operations a week after explosion

Port operating to unload vessels for merAccording to Lebanon’s caretaker economy day but will remain in chants a day after vigil held to remember minister, the port is now operating to unload a caretaker position victims of devastating explosion. vessels for merchants. until a new cabinet is

Beirut’s port has resumed partial operations “There are 12 cranes out of 16 operating at formed. to secure goods for local markets, just over a Beirut port,” Raoul Nehme said in a Twitter In his resignation week after a catastrophic explosion that has post on Wednesday. speech, Prime Minister fuelled popular anger and upended politics “The flour stocks of the mills in Lebanon are Hassan Diab blamed in crisis-hit Lebanon. 32,000 tonnes, in addition to 110,000 tonnes the explosion on en

The powerful explosion on August 4 shook that will arrive within two weeks,” Nehme demic corruption that the Lebanese capital and its environs after said, adding that the amount was sufficient is “bigger than the 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate stored in for four months. The explosion came at a state”. a warehouse at the port caught fire. time when Lebanon was dealing with a seProtesters have been

The shockwave flattened nearby buildings vere financial crisis, along with the coronacalling for the wholeOfficials have said the explosion could have and caused extensive material damage in virus pandemic. It has led to angry, violent sale removal of what they see as a corrupt caused losses of $15bn, a bill Lebanon can

Beirut, killing at least 171 people, wounding protests in which 728 people were wounded ruling class they brand as responsible for not pay, given the depths of the financial crisome 6,000 others leaving hundreds of thouand one police officer killed on Saturday the country’s woes, including an economic sis that has seen people frozen out of their sands of people homeless. Dozens of people amid a heavy crackdown by security forces. meltdown that has ravaged the currency, savings accounts since October amid dollar are still missing. The government stepped down on Monparalysed banks and sent prices soaring. scarcity. Source: aljazeera.com

US declares Fiji ‘low risk’ for travel

Fiji has been declared a low risk their healthcare providers before returning to the United States, as country for travel by the United travelling to Fiji,” the advisory stated. scheduled. You might consider getStates government. “COVID-19 risk in Fiji is low. Over ting tested before your trip.” The country’s global health COVthe last 28 days, new cases of COVMeanwhile, Ministry of Health meID-19 travel advisory urges citizens ID-19 in Fiji decreased or stabilised.” dia liaison officer Sunil Chandra said to avoid all international travel beThe CDC states policies in Fiji may the remaining six COVID-19 posicause of the pandemic but says counrequire “you to be tested for COVtive cases were still in isolation and tries such as Fiji, New Zealand and ID-19 before you are allowed to enter recovering at the Lautoka Hospital, Thailand had been categorised at low the country”. Fiji recorded its first COVID-19 risk level by the Centre for Disease “If you test positive on arrival, you death on July 31 when a 66-year-old Control (CDC). “CDC recommends may be required to isolate for a peman who recently returned from Inthat people at increased risk for seriod of time. dia died at the Lautoka Hospital. vere illness from COVID-19 talk to “You may even be prevented from Source: fijitimes.com

Syria: Assad interrupts speech after brief drop in blood pressure

President of war-torn Syria exits parliament sis when he told the room: “My blood preson Wednesday. It did not provide further hall to ‘sit down for a minute’ before returnsure has dropped and I need to drink water.” details.Al-Assad spoke from a podium to ing to continue speech.Syrian President Shortly afterwards, he said: “I need to sit for the mask-wearing members of parliament.

Bashar al-Assad has halted a speech in para minute if you don’t mind,” before exiting Syria has seen a rising number of coronaviliament, telling legislators he needed to “sit the huge hall. It was not clear how long he rus infections recently, although the overall down for a minute” after suffering a drop in was absent but when he returned, al-Assad, reported numbers remain low with 1,327 blood pressure. a trained eye doctor who is not known to confirmed cases and 53 deaths. Limited test

The 54-year-old was half an hour through have any specific health condition, joked ing facilities and Syrian government control his speech on Wednesday when he began that “doctors are the worst patients”. over pandemic statistics have led to conappearing tired, interrupting it twice to take “I haven’t eaten since yesterday afternoon. I cerns that the real number of cases is much a sip of water from a glass in front of him. have no sugar or salt and this happens,” he higher than that reported. held last month. The vote was the third to take

He was speaking about US sanctions on Syradded. The presidency’s Facebook page said Al-Assad gave the speech on the occasion of place in Syria since the country’s devastating ia and the war-torn country’s economic criin a post that the speech would be aired later the first parliament session after elections were war began in 2011. Source: aljazeera.com

‘I Saw People Flying’: Eyewitnesses Describes Horror Of Beirut Explosion

When a massive explosion shook Beirut on Nada Hamza, another resident of the city, The first explosion, which occurred at 6:05

Tuesday afternoon, shattering glass, topwas even closer to the blast when it reverp.m. local time, Yassine said, was at a firepling buildings and burying countless peoberated through the city. works warehouse at the port. Three minutes ple under rubble, Ahmed Yassine was in his “I was in the street just behind the port of later, the second explosion ripped through car, heading home from work. Beirut,” she told CTV News Channel over the area, potentially triggered by the first fire.

At the moment of the explosion, which folthe phone, estimating that she was within The chief of Lebanese General Security, Ablowed a smaller blast, Yassine, a senior proone kilometre of the explosion. bas Ibrahim, has said that the explosion may ducer at Alaraby TV, said he saw “a cloud of Like Yassine, she had been in her car when have been caused by highly explosive matesmoke” cover everything. she heard the first warning sounds of the rials that had been confiscated by a ship and

“My car jumped, I saw people flying,” he told devastation that was to come. had been stored at the port for some time.

CTV News Channel. “Stores, apartments, At first, she thought she heard “bombs,” she Local television channel LBC said the matehouses, everything fell down. People were said. She rolled down her window to ask othrial was sodium nitrate. screaming, running.” Video footage posted ers in the street what was happening, thinkYassine said that although the city has each other, but we’re still under the shock. to social media shows the shocking moment ing at first that it might be protesters having weathered many crises, this explosion feels We don’t know what’s going on.” that the second explosion hit, mere minutes a “fight or clash with the government.” different.“We faced wars … we survived As the city moves forward and attempts to after the first. Then the sound shifted. It sounded like airmany explosions. But this one is totally new. recover from this tragedy, Yassine said he

Towering plumes of smoke were already planes, she said -- making those around her It’s another kind of explosion.” wants accountability for how this could have climbing into the sky from the port when fear it could be an attack from Israel. There The official death toll has risen continuously occurred.“[The sodium nitrate] was stored a second, red cloud shot up — immediately have been rising tensions recently between in the hours since the explosion, and is exfor more than a year without taking any surrounded by a dome of white as the shockLebanon and Israel. pected to continue rising as more victims are precaution,” he said. “The authorities didn’t wave of the explosion thrust outwards into “And then we saw the smoke, we saw the fire, found and more of the wounded are treated. destroy these materials, in fact they kept it, the city, blowing out windows for kilometres. we heard the explosion,” she said. It’s a huge blow to a city and country ravthey kept it stored without even warning

The exact toll of the explosion is not yet Unsure if the city was under attack or not, aged by a financial crisis and the COVID-19 anyone. Today, it exploded in the port.” known, but officials say more than 70 peoHamza initially abandoned her vehicle. pandemic.“Our hospitals are not that ready He hopes there will be justice. ple were killed and more than 3,000 were “I left my car in the middle of the street. I ran to hold too much people,” Hamza pointed “Someone must pay for that,” he said. “Esinjured. Hours after the explosion, ambuaway to hide in a building,” she said. “I was out. “Because of COVID-19, our medical pecially the people who are responsible for lances were still carrying away the wounded. totally confused and scared. institutions in Lebanon and establishments storing such materials in a place where there

The blast could be heard and felt in Cyprus, “The street was almost destroyed.” are not well equipped.” Already, she’s seen is many people around. more than 200 kilometres away. The scene of chaos reminded Yassine, he numerous acts of kindness among survivors, “It’s a place where poor people live.”

Yassine said he was around 4 kilometres said, of watching Chernobyl, a television but acknowledged that the true toll of this Yassine pointed out that the explosion defrom the radius of the explosion when it ocshow that dramatized the infamous 1986 tragedy is something they aren’t able to wrap stroyed many resources stored at or near the curred, but luckily, escaped harm. disaster at a nuclear plant with the same their heads around yet. port that the city needed in this “economical

What he could not escape was the horror of name in then-Soviet republic of Ukraine. “Lebanese people now are trying to help crisis,” such as a large supply of wheat. the situation. The comparison isn’t far off, as early reports each other,” she said. “We’re trying to open Without the city’s port, “how are we able to

“Glass, stone, buildings cracking. It was reindicate that the second, larger explosion, doors for people who lost their places, our survive?” ally terrifying,” he said. was a chemical explosion. houses. We try as much as we can to help Source: /www.iheartradio.ca

13 Zul Hijja 24,1441H August 14, 2020 time l ine of pakistan

Journey of Pakistan 1947-Aug 2020 (Importnant events)

Continued from page 11 to communicate with his family. death for abcapital early on Thursday, October 28-Nov: The 2019 Azadi march is rogating and

August 8: Maryam Nawaz: Pakistan’s leader an ongoing protest march led by Maulana s u s p e n d i n g of the opposition arrested, Maryam Nawaz Fazl-ur-Rehman of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam the constituarrested while visiting her father, the jailed (F) in Islamabad, Pakistan from 28 October tion in Noformer Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. 2019. The march opposes Prime Minister vember 2007.

August 11: Worst shelling in over a decade, Imran Khan, demanding his resignation,and The threeclaim Locals at LoC. Locals claim that it was new elections.No women were part of the m e m b e r a war-like situation and they had not seen protests. The protest involved tens of thoupanel of the this kind of escalation and heavy artillery firing for over a decade. sands of protesters. October 31: Pakistan Railways’ Tezgam passpecial court which issued August 11: Kashmir tensions spill over to senger train caught fire while traveling from the order was

Britain’s Pakistani and Indian communities Ever since thousands of troops placed Indian-administered Kashmir in lockdown, Sohail Nasti has been sitting in the living room of his north London home frantically trying Karachi to Rawalpindi, resulting in at least 75 passenger deaths. The train accident was the deadliest in Pakistan since 2005, when the Ghotki rail crash killed more than 100 people December 11: Punjab Institute of Cardiology (PIC), located in Lahore, Pakistan, is a 347- bed tertiary care hospital providing nationwide comprehensive cardiac care services. Dec 17: Musharraf high treason case The Supreme Court of Pakistan , a special court declared him a traitor and sentenced him in absentia to spearheaded by Chief Justice of the Peshawar High Court Waqar Ahmed Seth 2020: February 1 Pakistan locust infestation - the government declared a national emergency to protect crops and help farmers February 26: The first two cases of COVID-19 are reported in Pakistan. March 8: The Aurat (Women) March is an annual political demonstration organized in various cities of Pakistan. May 22: Pakistan International Airlines Flight 8303 crashed in Karachi killing 97 of the 99 people on board as well as one on the ground. June 19:The Supreme Court of Pakistan has quashed a presidential reference filed against Justice Qazi Faiz Esa. June 30: Nigar Johar becomes Pakistan Army’s first female lieutenant general. July 06: PM Imran Khan inaugurates country’s first ever indigenously made ventilators at National Radio and Telecommunication Corporation (NRTC) in Haripur. July 15: ‘Will build biggest dam in Pakistan’s history’: PM Imran kicks off construction work at Diamer-Bhasha Dam. July 26: Pakistan Army downs this year’s 10th Indianspying quadcopter: ISPR Aug 7: NAB summons Buzdar over liquor licence ‘bribe’. Aug 7: In light of reducing Covid-19 cases, govt announces reopening of restaurants, gyms and cinemas Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/

Why midnight of 15 August 1947 for Indian Independence?

cided in the meeting (related to independence work around, the astrologers suggested the & partition) on June 3, 1947 which was aptly midnight hour between Aug 14 and 15 due titled “June 3 Mountbatten plan”. to the simple reason that the day according Why 15th August? to English starts at 12 AM, but according to It was Lord Mountbatten who had personally Hindu calendar, starts at sunrise. Detailed readecided the date of Aug 15 because he had sons can be found in this astrological analysis: considered that date to be “very lucky” for The astrologers had insisted that the speech of his career. During the World War II, it was on acknowledgement of transfer of power be done Aug 15, 1945 (Japan timezone) that the Japawithin the 48 minutes window (referred to as nese Army had surrendered before him (Lord “Abhijeet Muhurta”) which lasted between 24 Mountbatten was the commander of the allied minutes before and after 12:15am i.e between forces). 11:51pm & 12:39am. Nehru had to deliver a W hy was the midnight of 15th August 1947 chosen as the date & time for Indian Independence? We can divide the above question into 3 sub-questions: Why 1947? Why 15th Aug? Why Midnight? Let us pick each of the above and find out the answers ised to work on granting independence to English colonies including India. Lord Wavell initiated talks with Indian leaders for Indian Independence and inspite of several disagreements and disruptions, it was gaining momentum and in Feb 1947, Lord Mountbatten was appointed as the last viceroy of India to oversee the transfer of power. The plan initially was to transfer power from Why Midnight? When the date of independence was decided in “June 3 plan” and announced to public, there was an outrage among astrologers across the country because 15-Aug-1947 was an “unfortunate & unholy” date according to astrological calculations. Alternative dates were suggested but Lord Mountbatten was adamant on Aug 15 (since it was his lucky date). As a speech only within that timeframe and an additional constraint was that the speech had to end by 12 AM, so that the holy conch (Shanka) be blown to herald the birth of a new nation at the stroke of midnight hour, and the rest is history. http://guruprasad.net/posts/why-midnightof-15-August-1947-for-indian-independence.

Why 1947? Britain to India by June 1948. Immediately af

The awakening of masses by Gandhi and ter assuming power in Feb 1947, Lord Mountthe activities of Bose behind the scenes (of batten had begun a series of talks with Indian strengthening Indian National Army) which leaders for a consensus. But things were not had intensified during 1940s were already a so simple especially due to conflicts between cause of concern for the British. Jinnah & Nehru on the matter of partition.

By the time the World War II had come to an Jinnah’s demand for a separate nation had inend in 1945, the British were financially weak stigated large scale communal disturbances (sources indicate they were in the verge of across India and upon passing of each day, bankruptcy) and were struggling to rule their situation was going out of control. This was own country, let alone their colonies. The viccertainly not something expected by Mounttory of Labour party in the Britain elections batten and hence such circumstances forced of 1945 was received very well by our freedom him to prepone the date of independence by fighters because the Labour party had promalmost an year, from 1948 to 1947. It was de

Happy 74th Independence Day

With continuous support and encourMiracle, but for all. We are proudly continuBe part of upcoming Canadian Provincial & agement from both within and outing our twelve years old tradition of Azadi Federal Elections. I am very proud that I am side of Canada, editions. a Muslim and Pakistani Canadian, and it is

The Miracle team feels proud to launch anThis time we have shortage of pages, due to my duty to promote not only the Canadian other edition on the occasion of 74th IndeCoronavirus effected on all businesses, values but also our Pakistani businessmen pendence Day of Pakistan and India. I would so we are publishing only the Timeline community, that is serving Canadians day take the opportunity to thank the supporters (1947- update) after the independence day of and night. I have high respect for these peoand well wishers of Pakistan ple who contribute to the economic prosperucts and make your contribution in benefit

‘The Miracle’ for providing continuous supPakistan as a nation has been going through ity of Canada and are also equipping their ing both Canadian and Pakistani economies. port through advertisements of their busimany serious crises since past few years, future generations with high education and Feel free to comment on this issue as your nesses, sharing their thoughts in writing with after new Govt. elected in 2018, i.e Kashmir skills to serve this country and making it concerns and suggestions are highly our readers, especially Mr. Shams Jilani, Mr. issue, Coronavirus, Inflation, NAB Cases, stronger and more prosperous. Appreciated for improving our quality in fu

Aslam Hayat, Ms. Shamim Karim, Ms. AalCommodity Prices etc At the end, I once again request to all Pakiture. United we stand, divided we fall. am Ara, Ms. Ms. Asma Ayyaz, Mrs. Nafisa As Pakistani Canadians, we not only have to stani Canadians that be proud of your Long Live Pakistan and Long Live Canada.

Sidqui, and many others. I am also grateful to the responsibility of being faithful and loyal Pakistani origin, and live here with peace Jazakum Allah khair

Khadija, Misbah and and Sabeeh. to Canada but also represent our distinct culand dignity as Ambassadors. M. Naseer Pirzada

Keep up the good work not only for the tural identity in a positive manner. Promote Pakistani businesses and their prod(Editor in Chief Miracle Media)

14 Zul Hijja 24,1441H August 14, 2020 pakistan ’ s specia l

Tourism in Pakistan

Live Animals, Meat and Edible Meat Offal , Umbrellas, Walking-Sticks, Fish and Crustaceans Plastics / Rubbers Chemicals & Allied Industries Plastics & Articles ;Rubbers & Articles; Raw Tobacco & Manuf, Tobacco Substitutes, InHides, Skins, Leather, & Furs, Raw Hides, organic Chemicals, Precious Metals, OrganSkins & Leather, Articles of Leather, Fur ic Chemicals skins & Artificial Fur Foodstuffs Services Edible Prep. of Meat and Fish, Sugars, Sugar Engineering Services, Business Services, F rom the mighty stretches of the Karakorams in the North to the vast alluvial delta of the Indus River in the alpine meadows and permanent snow line, coniferous forests down the sub-mountain scrub, the vast Indus plain merging into the Confectionery, Cocoa & Cocoa Machinery / Electrical Machinery & Mechanical Appliances, Electrical Machinery Metals, Iron & Steel, ArStone / Glass, Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Ceramic Products, Glass & Glassware Textiles Silk, Yarns & Woven Fabrics, Wool, Yarns South, Pakistan remains a land of high adgreat desert, the coast line and wetlands, all ticles of Iron & Woven Fabrics, Cotton, Yarns & Woven venture and nature. Trekking, mountaineeroffer a remarkably rich variety of vegetation or Steel, Copper & Articles Fabrics ing, white water rafting, wild boar hunting, and associated wildlife including avifauna, Mineral Products Transportation mountain and desert jeep safaris, camel and both endemic and migratory. Ten of 18 Salt, Sulphur, Lime & Cement, etc, ores Slag Railway, Fixtures & Fittings, Vehicles yak safaris, trout fishing and bird watching, mammalian orders are represented in Paki& Ash, Mineral Fuels, Oils, Waxes Vegetable Products are a few activities, which entice the advenstan with species ranging from the world’s Miscellaneous Live Trees & Other Plants, Edible Vegetature and nature lovers to Pakistan. smallest surviving mammals, the MediterOptical, Surgical Instruments, Clocks & bles, Fruits & Nuts Pakistan is endowed with a rich and varied ranean Pigmy Shrew, to the largest mammal Watches & Parts Musical Instruments Wood and Wood Products flora and fauna. High Himalayas, Karakoever known; the blue whale. Preparations, Footwear / Headgear , FootWood and Articles of wood, cork and artiram and the Hindukush ranges with their Animal & Animal Products wear, Gaiters, etc, Headgear & Other Parts, cles, plating materials,basket ware

Pakistani’s Cuisines

tils are commonly fron, mace, nutmeg, poppy seeds, aniseed, tures in special ovens called TANDOORS, used. Families with almonds, pistachios, and yogurt. and murgh musallum’ in which the whole larger incomes eat Their use in a wide range of pickles, chutchickens are roasted with special spices and more meat eggs, and neys, preserves, and sauces, together with ingredients. SHAHI TUKRA, a dessert of fruits. And the more curries of all descriptions and special treatsliced bread, milk, cream, sugar and saffron, affluent cook with ment for meats, sea, food, vegetables and is another left-over from the days of the MoGHEE, which is clarlentils, gives Pakistani cooking much of its ghuls. Fruit drinks, squeezed from pomeified butter, instead distinctive character. granates, apples, melons, and mangoes, and A t its simplest, Pakistani cooking today consists of staple foods which are cheap and abundant. Wheat and of with vegetable oil. From the earliest times, the imaginative - and sometimes heavy - use of spices, herbs, seeds, and flaCultural influences, whether religious precepts, practices, and ceremonies or local traditions, or even esthetic preferences, have made their contribution toward the evolucalled SHARBAT, are an important part of the Moghlai cuisine and, indeed, the inspiration for American “sherberts.” Ceremonial occasions such as weddings other flour products is the mainstay of the vorings and seasonings have helped cooks tion of Pakistani cuisine. have inspired a number of fancy dishes. A diet, one familiar form being CHAPATI, transform rather ordinary staple foods into Food and The Moghul Emperors traditional dish at marriage feasts, for exunleavened bread akin to a Mexican tortilan exotic cuisine. A style of cookery called Moghlai’ evolved at ample, is chicken curry with either PILAU la. This is made with dough prepared from Consider some of the most common of these the Moghul court and even today it remains or Biryani. Firini, made from cream of rice whole wheat flour. in wide use in Pakistan today: chilli powder, centered in Lahore. Some latter-day and and milk, is an equally traditional wedding Another basic food is LASSI, milk from turmeric, garlic, paprika, black pepper, red widely known survivors of court cookery dessert. It is served in clay saucers topped by which curds and butterfat have been repepper, cumin seed, bay leaf, coriander, are, for example, chicken tandoori, a dish silver foil. moved. Vegetables, usually seasonal, lencardamom, cloves, ginger, cinnamon, safin which chicken is cooked at low tempera

Pakistan’s Top 10 Exports

Sharing land borders with economic America. Smaller percentages went to Africa Cotton: $1.8 billion powerhouses China and India, the Is(6.3%), Latin America excluding Mexico but (8.4%) lamic Republic of Pakistan shipped including the Caribbean (1.5%) then OceCereals: $1.2 billion an estimated US$20.8 billion worth of ania led by Australia (1.3%). (5.9%) goods around the globe in 2019. That dollar Given Pakistan’s population of 216.6 million Leather/animal gut amount reflects a -6.1% decrease since 2015 people, its total $20.8 billion in 2019 exports articles: $716.7 miland a -12.8% slowdown from 2018 to 2019. translates to an estimated $100 for every reslion (3.5%) The latest available country-specific data ident in the densely-populated South Asian Copper: $596.7 milcheted clothing or accessories via a 33.7% from 2018 shows that 68.3% of products nation. lion (2.9%) gain. Pakistan’s shipments of knitted or croexported from Pakistan were bought by The following export product groups catOptical, technical, medical apparatus: $421 cheted clothing and accessories posted the importers in: Canada (18% of the global toegorize the highest dollar value in Pakistani million (2%) third-fastest gain in value up by 15.9%. tal), Mexico (15.9%), China (7.2%), Japan global shipments during 2019. Also shown Mineral fuels including oil: $393.8 million The leading decliner among Pakistan’s top (4.5%), United Kingdom (4%), Germany is the percentage share each export category (1.9%) 10 export categories was cotton thanks to a (3.5%), South Korea (3.4%), Netherlands represents in terms of overall exports from Fish: $372.5 million (1.8%) -50.2% drop year over year. (2.9%), Brazil (2.4%), France (2.3%), Hong Pakistan. Pakistan’s top 10 exports accounted for Note that the results listed above are at the Kong (2.2%) and India (2%). Miscellaneous textiles, worn clothing: 79.3% of the overall value of its global shipcategorized two-digit Harmonized Tariff SysFrom a continental perspective, 38% of PaUS$4.2 billion (20% of total exports) ments. tem (HTS) code level. For a more granular kistan’s exports by value were delivered to Clothing, accessories (not knit or crochet): Copper was the fastest grower among the view of exported goods at the four-digit HTS fellow Asia countries while 35.2% were sold $3.5 billion (16.7%) top 10 export categories, up by 182.6% from code level, see the section Searchable List of to importers in Europe. Pakistan shipped Knit or crochet clothing, accessories: $3.3 2018 to 2019. In second place for improving Pakistan’s Most Valuable Export Products another 17.7% worth of goods to North billion (16.1%) export sales were unknitted and non-crofurther down near the bottom of this article. Source: worldstopexports.com

Pakistan’s top builders ready for projects of Rs1.3 trillion

ing greater activity in the construction sector. tion of Builders And Developers of Pakistan The Prime Minister appreciated Governor With enhanced satisfaction level, 13 lead(ABAD) during the meeting. State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) for his proacing builders of the country assure the prime The assurance was made during weekly meettive role in encouraging private banks to exminister of launching various projects during of National Coordination Committee on tend much-needed support to the construcing next 4-5 months that will generate an Housing, Construction and Development tion sector. economic activity up to Rs1.3 trillion and with Prime Minister Imran Khan in chair. The builders and developers present durP akistan’s National Coordination Committee on Housing, Construction and addition of 100,000 housing units. For the first time, not only the processes of seeking No Objection Certificates (NOCs) Besides all Chief Secretaries of the provinces in attendance, leading builders and developers from Karachi, Islamabad and Lahore ing the meeting assured the Prime Minister that the present system will help expeditious resolution of their issues and pending apDevelopment has turned out to be a morale are being streamlined and duration is rewere also present during the meeting repprovals enabling them to undertake projects booster for the builders and developers who duced but also the private banks are also enresenting Association of Builders and Deworth billions of rupees. In addition to the are completely satisfied with the support becouraging builders and developers to avail velopers of the country. ABAD is a national pledges made by the 13 builders who were ing provided by the present government tocredit portfolio reserved for construction, level representative organisation of builders present during the meeting, other commitwards resolving their issues and providing house building and development activiand developers to unify and streamline the ments by builders and developers of ABAD them a conducive environment for undertakties, stated the representatives of Associaconstruction activities of private sector. will also follow soon. Source: gulftoday.ae

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